Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 47: Two Beings of Struggle (R18)

There was something 'wrong' about having an affair in the daytime. Light reflected on their bodies, letting them see each other better than last night. For the most part, Michi still felt slightly apprehensive.

She had her left-hand clutch her right wrist, her posture slightly defensive as Nik had locked the doors. It was merely insurance since Michi knew that Ukano wouldn't come. Now she had a good idea as to why he wouldn't, not to mention the theft and Admiral Zhao's arrival. But she could forget those things, right? It didn't concern her. Not after she was asked to leave. Not after...

'Why would he do that?' Michi felt perplexed. Just what had she done? She couldn't even remember it, but now she knew that something happened in the past. Something that Ukano didn't like and she was forced to accept the consequences of his displeasure.

"-chi... Michi?" She snapped out of her thoughts with an incredulous look as she gazed at Nik.

"Huh? Oh, my. I... it's nothing," Michi smiled.

Nik wondered for a moment. It was a clear lie but he didn't want to forcefully make her open up. Just last night's outburst was enough to make Nik realize a few things. Like others, Michi had gone through the same period of mental suggestion and until now, all the fingers pointed at Ukano. After all, he is the mayor. If not him, then someone stronger than him with a greater reach— a political leader, perhaps.

"Hmm, then," Nik stated softly as he sat down. Unexpectedly, Michi jumped up with a stern expression.

"Not on the mattress, no! You left me high and dry in the morning and I couldn't even clean up properly! Do you know how embarrassing it was to have your wife and cousin find out the messed-up sheets?" Michi sat down on the chair in front of Nik and berated the youth with a sense of renewed flare that she imagined herself to have lost.

Nik did hear this from Katara so he could nod silently.

"Well, then where?" Nik inquired while looking around.

Aside from the mattress, other spots weren't really that comfortable. They even tried out the desk last night but it was a bust.

"You... ehm, said something during lunch... I have trouble recalling it," Michi looked towards the tray of cookies and picked a piece for herself before quietly eating it.

"Oh," realization flickered in Nik's eyes. That was just harmless flirting... well, a little above that. Flirting never did involve talks of pushing someone against a wall but seeing that Michi was actually receptive to the idea, Nik recalled the exact words he said.

'Let's see... first step kisses. The second step, pushing her against the wall and filling her up good... the third step, strip off her dignity. Hmm,' Nik stood up. To what extent Michi wanted it, there was only one way to find out seeing that she wouldn't want to describe her desires clearly.

"I see," Nik caught Michi's wrist and took the cookie from her hand and her expression faltered for a moment. It was clear to see that Michi wasn't used to having things 'taken' from her yet Nik planned to claim more than just a half-eaten cookie.

"Stand up," Nik's gaze bore into Michi, making her flinch.


"Stand," Nik's hold of her wrist tightened.

'What is this change him... he suddenly feels... intense,' Michi slowly stood up, her gaze caught within Nik's eyes. His usually cheerful expression strangely commanding. It was his eyes, Michi realized, the expression of his eyes had changed. Until this moment, Nik regarded her warmly and kindly, and yet, those intentions were clouded by the authority that should be unfounded by a waiter.

"Why must you feel embarrassed by some ruined sheets?" Nik's question was unexpected and it stumped Michi.

"Answer me. Why must you, a woman of higher order feel embarrassed to have your feelings and body validated? And that, too, against your own maids?" Nik's gaze was somewhat chilling.

"I..." Michi felt her lips drying as Nik took a step forward and pulled the chair behind Michi away by dragging its leg using his foot. This only gave Michi space to step back in accordance with the firmly advancing Nik. In a matter of moments, Michi found herself cornered against the wall.

Nik raised his hand and Michi flinched, expecting the worse. Yet, feeling the gentle graze of the back of his palm against her cheek made her open her eyes with a hesitant expression taking over her face.

"This is what you wanted right?" Nik whispered as he leaned forward. Leaning against the wall with his forearm supporting his body, Nik's body seemed to have left Michi no space to escape. Both of them could now each other's warm breath against their chins and lips.

"This is what you lacked, right?" Nik continued, "If I had you, never will I let you leave this hand."

The back of his hand reached her chin before his thumb grazed soft lower lip.

"A firm hand..." Nik's voice, his stern face melting into a somewhat intoxicated expression and his touch made Michi narrow her eyes as her worries similarly melted away with only a sense of accomplishment left in her.

"So? What do you want now?" Nik smiled as he took his hand off of Michi's chin, "Do you want to spend your time snacking? Wallowing in self-pity? Or..."

His face lowered, the tips of their noses brushing against each other.

"What I want?" Michi mumbled to herself, apprehensive. Her thoughts jumbled up. She wanted many things but amongst them, the need for her husband's attention decreased steadily. She wanted to find out the truth. What had occurred a few months back? But she also wanted...

"What I want is--" Michi's lips were sealed at that moment, the moment of sly itself pleased Nik. He was acting out of bounds. These were new territories and he was enjoying every moment of exploration. This wasn't like 'those plays.' He was sincere. He wanted... too. Her, and more. To not let people or things escape his firm hold once they're caught in.

Michi's heartbeat sped up and her conservative posture couldn't help but shift at this moment. Her fingers traced Nik's robes before settling around his belt as they loosely held him.

"Mmmgh~ You didn't let me finish," Michi whimpered as they finally leaned back.

"And?" Nik smiled, "Try and stop if that's what you want."

His thumb pushed her chin up and Michi couldn't help but pout, "Is that how you treat your mistress?"

"No, of course not. I have yet to make an honest woman out of you," Nik leaned back and stood straight once again, "Turn around."

Michi's heart thumped.

But this time she was quick on her feet. Although fear and expectations reached their peak, Michi turned around and her shoulders cowered in. Nodding his head, Nik held Michi's shoulder as his fingers hooked onto the collars of her robe.

"B- but it's bright... what if someone accidentally peeks in?" Michi voiced her concerns.

These were real concerns and even Nik, with his newfound sense of breaking bounds, couldn't brush them off. But that's why he never planned to completely strip her down.

Instead of comforting Michi with words, Nik pulled down the top of her robes. Her smooth back with a single thread was instantly exposed while her front covered by a red dudou revealed her motherly treasures.

"Ah!" Michi gasped, her hands scrambling to cover her front even when covered by undergarments already. Nik's words quickly made Michi's heart flutter with a sense of debauchery.

"Don't raise your voice too much," Nik warned, "The Mayor brought an important guest, after all."

"Hmm..." Michi nodded, accepting the situation, and bit her lower lip as a heavy blush covered her cheeks when she felt Nik frivolously tracing the thread on her back keeping her undergarment in place. But seeing her clothes still intact, she sighed softly, a sense of disappointment rising within her.

"I can't completely strip you even if I want to," Nik smiled, "it's dangerous... but tonight, surely, I'll keep you company again."

Michi's head buzzed as she felt her lower hems shuffle up and the warmth of the air in the room finally grazed her bare behind. Her pale legs and thighs were exposed to Nik's impressed gaze while he glanced at the damp and exposed pussy lips. With her back subconsciously arching up, Nik saw the hint of her pubes now reaching up towards the flat of her crotch.

It didn't take long for Michi to hear the sound of clothes shuffling again and her mind wandered to the 'main' event of last night. It was clear from her reactions that she didn't need more technical maintenance and given the constraint of time even Nik felt that they could skip to the direct demonstrations.

"Here, this will help you," Nik whispered as he leaned forward to hold Michi's hands and then place them against the wall. Of course, Nik took the chance to grind his crotch against Michi's welcoming lips. Her soft mounds pressed down and pushed apart slightly, revealing her dark pink insides.

"Mh, Nik," Michi suddenly whispered, "Wait... can I look at it?"

"Of course," Nik smiled as Michi turned around. Now her back against the wall and her eyes widened at the size of the erection.

"T-this..." She exhaled hotly.

"You took every single inch," Nik snorted a chuckle, "Why don't you see for yourself?"

Nik held his cock when Michi hurriedly held his hand, "Please, l-let me... you were so kind to me last night... just let me do it now." Her voice was already hushed and her mind was filled with disbelief. What was she saying?!

Yet, her warm and slender hands touched the dangerous weapon that she sheathed yesterday. It felt right, the sensation that she felt, now that she saw it clearly. It twitched in her hand as she could feel Nik's excitement. Nothing was better proof than this that she still had 'it'. Charm, attraction. She had it and there was such an impressive member eager to take her again. In broad daylight at that. The risks involved were unimaginable, for both of them.

But as she led Nik towards her entrance, her back now pushing against the wall and her legs parting slightly. Her breathing turned a bit ragged and her gaze met with Nik's.

"I want this," she smiled, "And I want to know what happened to me last night. I said it."

Nik fell into a daze before smiling widely. He couldn't keep up with the act after all. Seeing a fellow individual struggling to change, Nik couldn't help but feel a bit giddy.

"Nngh," Michi's breasts heaved as Nik entered her rather smoothly. She was, after all, pushed to her limits last night already.

"Then have it," Nik grunted softly as he pushed his hips forward.

"Ohhh~!" Michi squirmed as her hands reached out and held Nik's shoulders. Nik's hands, on the other hand, tested Michi's flexibility as he leaned forward and closed their distance to hold Michi's right thigh and pull it apart further while thrusting fully. The two instantly felt her dungeon deepen as she gasped sweetly.

"Nik!" Michi moaned, her expression lit with pleasure now fully visible to Nik and despite the difference in the world, Nik felt Mitsuko's face coincide with Michi's. Narrowing his eyes, her tight walls clasping him down already, Nik forcefully pulled back and then gave another thrust. Seeing his playful expression, Michi couldn't help but feel that she had fallen from one indifferent set of hands to exploitive ones yet she preferred being worked up completely.

"Say, what would you do if your husband comes back tonight, seeking more than words from you?" Nik whispered yet he didn't stop. He fucked and fucked. His words screwed with Michi's thoughts with the kind intention of making her move past her struggles and he also screwed her body.

"What?" Her moans mingled with her question as her voice rose a notch.

This was an extraordinary question for Nik. Not minding with their personal lives, Nik had asked this question for the first time. This is an inquiry that would have netted him the usual punishment of a ride in the abyss but now... he was growing increasingly aware that 'she' held no power over him.

"Do you think Ukano can do this?" Nik plunged deeper, leaving Mich breathless. Her body was lit up with desire yet the thought of her husband now raged within her. What would she do?

"Ohh! I can't answer if you keep— hnngh!" Michi groaned as Nik smiled. A hint of deviousness touched his lips.

"Go on, answer," Nik cooed with a resounding thrust. Michi's juices leaked, slightly trailing down her left thigh while Nik held her by her right thigh and had her against the wall. Her slightly shorter body now seemed even frailer as she gave an indignant glare as if Nik was a big bad bully. He might even be that at this moment.

"I can't answer--" Michi closed her eyes yet Nik persisted with an insincere smile.

"Want me to make it easier?" Nik offered. An offer that tugged on Michi's soul.

"Wait," she grunted as Nik began to thrust at an increasing pace. With every strike, Michi quivered. Her left breast was cupped by Nik's right hand. Michi's body was reaching her peak. With every passing second, Michi found herself reliving the nights of her past, even beyond the time when she was left stranded by her husband. Nights of a drunken man having his fill only. There were times of satisfaction, no doubt about that. But it was when both of them were young. Yet, now, feeling sensations even better than their peak period in the past, Michi couldn't help feel a bit sad.

This tiny portion of emotion was instantly suppressed by the primal urge. Her innards were being dug. Her pussy spread, her juices flowing like never before by the thought of many nights further. She didn't have high expectations. Even Michi felt that she would be entirely 'useless' come a few years more. But couldn't she spend the rest of the time drowning in pleasure?

"Ukano will have your head..." Michi panted, "And mine, should he know!"

"If I had fear, I wouldn't be here," Nik had Michi's lips. Their rough breathing suppressed as Michi's thighs shivered. She was almost there and Nik could sense it. Her body simply clenched him down as if she possessed him and Nik pinched Michi's erect nippled through her undergarments. The rough treatment was the final push as Michi groaned against his lips, her thighs shuddering furiously as a gush impacted his crotch.

"Haaah~ Haaa~" Michi looked at Nik with her glazed eyes as she felt Nik still solid and ready to go. It had already been a few minutes yet she ended up savoring Nik's taste before he could have his fill of satisfaction...

"What... about Katara?" Michi still looked a little hesitant, her answer already looking positive.

"What about her?" Nik narrowed his eyes. He felt that it was yesterday, he would have just given an excuse yet the 'high' was great at this moment.

"She is your... wife..." Michi mumbled but with the natural act of roping in and snatching away the better man, Michi shook her hips gently as she already had Nik engulfed to his roots. Her voice suddenly seemed sweeter and enticing.

"I will have her," Nik smiled, "And still have you."

Michi couldn't help but roll her eyes at the moment. Nik seemed more like an imperial official than a waiter. The thought of Nik maybe replacing Kai amused Michi internally.

'But then... that would mean...' Michi hurriedly removed these thoughts and her hands coiled around his neck.

"As long as... ehm... well, as long as you don't... ignore me..." Her confidence slowly retreated and her voice turned softer.

'Wow, it really worked... if it was Suki or Katara... I would either have boiled skin or shattered bones...' Nik shrugged internally.

"Well, how can I ignore you?" Nik grumbled as he suddenly pulled back and gave a quick thrust. Michi's grace instantly crumbled and she once again glared at the youth half her age!

"I still haven't gotten close, Michi," Nik smiled, "I won't let you walk out easily."

He chuckled as he pulled himself out. Glancing down, Michi couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Nik's cock was completely wet yet seeing his glistening tip still so fired up, Michi could only heed Nik's demands.

"Turn around," he licked his lips. She had her time now it was his turn, right?

Michi turned around with an eager expression, her hands pushed against the wall as she bent slightly and stuck her hips out. Seeing this, Nik couldn't help but gingerly rub his tip against Michi's soaked entrance.

"Mh, come on, you promised not to ignore me," Michi mewled softly, her expression coy. It was definitely strange how she felt attracted to Nik right from the beginning but now, she felt this relationship worth pursuing just because of these moments that she had felt lost until now.

"This isn't me ignoring you," Nik refuted yet he plunged his dick inside her juicy hole. His hands firmly held her hips and instead of forcefully pushing and roughly ravishing her, Nik felt dragging his thrusts to have his entire length clenched and clamped down worth it. Even Michi would be feeling more sensitive after an orgasm so Nik's thoughts once again reached how to please his partner.

Some things never change and Nik wouldn't have it any other way.

The steady rhythm soon got to Michi. Her folds once again enjoyed being pressed against their will and her inner entrance being gently pushed and prodded. Each tap brought out soft, relieved moans. Her head lowered and a look of unconcealed lust and desire overtook her graceful bearings.

"More~!" Luscious whisper rolled off her tongue as their pants mixed up. It was soft and as their voices began to rise, Nik pulled her back. Her back and his chest pushed against each other. One hand caught back as slight movements itself jolted Michi to higher levels of pleasure. His other hand traced her neck and Michi covered his hand with hers. Her head tilted to the side, greedily kissing each other as Michi had lost all her bearings.

Even Nik felt reaching the peak at the sight of Michi's used, sweaty, and completely satisfied face.

He did keep his word.

Mayor's wife?

Michi looked far from it.

"Ahh!" Michi suddenly exhaled in disappointment as Nik pulled out, his already throbbing tool letting out jets of thick ejaculation on her soft and comely bottom.

"Nik," Michi whispered between her ragged pants, "You promised a filling dish!"

Her expression spoke of some great blunder yet Nik could only snicker. Even Mitsuko was helpless against his pull-out game and she was an 'expert' in the field.

"Really? What about Miss Mai and Tom-Tom?" Nik stroked Michi's soft hair. He wanted to grip them in a bundle and pound Michi again but hair is one of the harder things to get right so Nik tried not to affect it that much.

Hearing her children's names, much of Michi's high was already drowned away and she instantly felt a little disheartened. Her thoughts were simple. even amongst the nobility, having a child meant things being close to permanent. Despite reluctantly agreeing to these depraved arrangements, Michi held an innate desire to have Nik for herself. If only she could actually her 'fill,' then the dream of having more wild nights wouldn't just be a distant dream but a close possibility.

"Don't bring my children up now... how cruel," Michi fell into Nik's embrace as his lips twitched. Michi was surely noble and enticing but it was clear that she had mastered the art of feigning coquettishness and helplessness. In fact, it would be hard to imagine a woman of Michi's level not having any tricks up their sleeves.

"Here, please eat some cookie, Ma'am," Nik smiled gently before pulling his pants up and seeing this kind of shameless behavior, even Michi couldn't help but roll her eyes.


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