Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 63: Divergence (4)

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A/N: While I managed to make the group separate temporarily, I now needed to seal the deal until at least the northern water tribe arc since it will be quite important. For that, I either needed to slow down Nik's group and make them disappear from the grid but the problem in this scenario was that when they do return, they would be compelled to take Aang's trail and it would be left by already worked out problems. Since this fanfic is for Nik, I couldn't take this option. So, instead of slowing down Nik's group, I realized that one method that might work is slowing down Aang and Sokka, or changing their direction of travel from the general direction of rendezvous with Nik and the girls.

This chapter is an effort to do just that, at least, the first half of it. Though I know what I must do, as I write this note, I still don't know how I will go about accomplishing it so, let's hope that it all works out. And if these author's notes that allow me to share my point of view happen to be annoying, do tell me so that when I write the next one, I relish the thought that I will definitely annoy someone ?.


"What do we do?" Aang was quick to panic. He had seen the small army camping outside Omashu from high in the air. Sokka, meanwhile, ate ruby clams with great delight. His hands stretched out to pick a jug of granite essence and simultaneously picked up a piece of pork chicken leg and devoured through the evening dinner. The signs of injuries on his body and his scrapped face were a telltale sign that he was in need of food.

"Calm down *Nm* *Nm," Sokka exclaimed while chewing, "It's not like they know that we're here. All they know is that Zhao is captured... it is only after Zhao escapes that we need to worry about our situation."

"Even then," Aang glanced at Sokka, "Shouldn't we make preparations? They have strange weapons... Bumi, do you know what they are? Like slabs of metal with canons on top..."

Aang mumbled.

"Ahhh, that's their tanks. Great weapons. Love them!" Bumi grinned as Aang only grew more worried, not only about their circumstance but also his old friend's mental well-being.

"Hehe," Bumi added with a chuckle, "I don't have to hand the prisoners immediately. They have an army. So do I. And I also have information that can be passed on easily. Negotiations! Yes, negotiations. It is time for negotiations and we will have to reach a temporary accord...

Let's see," Bumi was once again without limbs but there was a piece of circular gaming piece, a circular tile, in fact, with the print of a white lotus, "The Phoenix King didn't send his personal army and the Fire Nation took little to four days to arrive at Omashu... they must have some other island port nearby. Hmm, hmm... this means that the Fire Lord himself isn't here, but he must have heard the movement and would be returning soon.

Say, Aang," Bumi suddenly looked at the duo on the other side of the table, "Want to learn a few pranks I managed to think over the years? I need an Airbender for this one."

His grin caused Aang's expression to brighten momentarily before he hesitated, "Shouldn't... we already leave? To meet up with Nik."

"It's a three-week's journey for them, don't worry," Bumi's wheel— rolling chair slid back as he commented, "Once I meet with an old friend, you two can also leave... I think he knows something of value regarding a waterbending master so it will be worth the patience."


The trio had been on the road for a couple of hours now. Nik was used to this, too. Not the long walk through various thickets but his enhanced... well, everything. He was still a little out of breath, however. Leaning against the tree, Nik gazed at Suki and Katara who rested with a relieved expression.

"Should we just stop here for the day? We can rest right now... and train once again," Nik added, "Makapu Village is quite far and we might need to keep ourselves in the best condition now that there is the possibility of those Freedom Fighters around the region."

Nik didn't mention the fact that he wanted to just train and try out waterbending again. Or airbending. It was new and scary and Nik loved the feeling when he sent out that wave of water... although how he ended up boiling it was still a mystery to him. His thoughts were easy to read by the two women who were feeling quite well about themselves previously.

Their blue pupils regarded Nik silently as he looked at them curiously in return.


"I've been thinking... you experienced something else. Possibly something different from what we experienced in that fog. Maybe that is why you can suddenly bend... so, how about we exchange information?" Suki proposed with a complicated expression, "I don't want to speak about what happened... but I think if it could help you... then keeping it away is not something I want to regret later down the line."

Recalling her experience, Katara lowered her head and grew silent.

"Sure, if you want to. We can pass the time, too," Nik nodded but Suki shook her head.

"Not now... give me some time."

Nik nodded, "Take all the time you need."

He didn't press the same thing for Katara, too. It would be her choice, after all. Even Nik had his own past experiences kept dark and unshed for the most part.

"Till then, how about we find something to busy ourselves with?"

The two girls thought for a moment and shrugged. They did not have anything in their mind. Katara usually would be busy with some chore in her village and Suki would be patrolling, or supervising the training of the young initiates so the two were clueless on the matter. Nik sighed seeing this. This world wasn't the same as his homeworld. He recalled how Kurumi or others could sit in one location and busy themselves with their television and mobile phones but their group didn't have the option to do so.

"How about magic tricks? Can you make anything cool appear right now?" Suki inquired.

"I can make your stress disappear, if that's what you're asking."

"Hmmm..." Katara thought for a moment before her eyes narrowed, "Could you... tell us... a bit about Michi? I mean..." she blushed, "Why... and how? Like the details..."

Suki blinked while Nik tilted his head in confusion, "I thought you didn't like Michi."

"I didn't say that," Katara crossed her arms, "She tried helping me once I burnt Kai... so I don't unlike her... it just felt weird. And her room was so messy..."

"So messy," Suki added as Nik scratched the back of his head, "Thanks."

"That's not a compliment!" Katara glared and huffed.

"Sounded like one," Nik retorted and hummed thoughtfully, "But there's nothing to tell really. Well, aside from the fact that I shouldn't even be talking about it in the first place, I don't think this was anything out of the world. She liked me and found a bit of help, that's all."

"Sounds like someone's shy," Suki smiled as Nik glanced at her. Recalling her grumble about having her favor of massaging him returned, he smiled, "Maybe I just am feeling shy. I also feel bad about you two helping me during the time I fainted and then sometime after that, too. How about it? The two of you are tired, would you like my special massage? It will relieve you more than you could imagine."

"Fat chance," Suki scoffed but Nik didn't mind her resistance as he instantly put his hands on the back of her neck.

"Ohhh... God... I see," She exclaimed. The change was so swift that Katara had her brows raised in surprise.

"Well... if it's like that... I guess I can benefit from your expertise in the area," Suki finally coughed as she lied down on her back. Given that the ground was uneven, Nik didn't go overboard and pressure the back too much but the relief on Suki's face only grew more profound.


"Whew! Talk about a tough cookie to crack," Nik grumbled, wiping away the sweat collected over his brows by the back of his arm as he glanced at Suki sleeping peacefully. By now, Katara was terror-stricken as she gazed at Nik as if viewing a monster.

Her gaze trailed over to Suki. The blissful smile on her face and her clothes slightly sticking to her due to sweat but she would constantly recall Suki's long and dragging exhalations that bordered moans. Was she still 'that' Suki? A determined Kyoshi Warrior that tried to help as many as possible, or at least, hoped to do so? A mentor with great skills in combat and weapons?

"Say, Katara, are you relaxed?" Nik questioned and Katara didn't dare deny the statement. She didn't want to know any longer what happened between Nik and Michi behind the closed door because she feared that she wouldn't be able to handle the actual regions where Nik boasted his expertise at.

She wasn't an idiot. Raised in a village with a striking need for men, Katara learned early on how desperate the women of her tribe, her aunts that raised her, really were. They longed for their husbands and they were good mothers to their children but traditions forbade them to seek relief with other men. Not unless they believe their husband to be dead and every woman of the tribe believed that to be true. Their men were alive and would return any moment.

How could they even imagine betraying the men who fought the war for their survival and future?

But this didn't stop the women of the tribe to sneak into each other's privacy...

Katara had stumbled into a few such instances but it wasn't that big of an issue.

What Nik did...

With just his hands and over an area as plain as a woman's back... Katara could only imagine the threat of those hands if Nik was serious and this alongside his affair with Michi and his past conversations allowed her to have a bit of understanding on Nik. His background to be specific. Even if it was an assumption, Katara felt that Nik had been nurtured under the more adult side of the society and his openness to the matter also supported the fact.

Now seeing Nik eye her, Katara gulped.

"Then should we train?" Nik questioned seeing Katara agreeing to the fact she's relaxed.

This instantly caused Katara to fall into a dilemma. Suki had gone out of her focus from relief and pleasure too easily but Katara was on edge the entire time. She wasn't the least bit relaxed.

So basically, she was being bullied into choosing whether to start training Nik or let him stroke her back until she shivers and groans in satisfaction...

Of course, she could deny, right? She had the right to do so. She had her own will.

But with Suki sleeping, who happened to be a pillar of support that eased the decisions within the group... and matched with Nik's sincere smile, Katara questioned.

Could she really deny him?

"Let's... train..." She grunted reluctantly. She was eager to help him learn waterbending. At least, that way, she would have someone to talk to regarding the skill and share experiences... but she didn't want to do that now.

"It will be better if we practice near a larger body of water," Katara spoke. She had read studied the map and knew that the nearest stream, pond, or other sources of water were almost dozens of minutes away and they couldn't leave without Suki but her plans were thwarted as Nik stretched his left hand, the palm faced down towards the ground as a barrel of water appeared out of thin air just a centimeter above the ground and created a soft thud.

Katara only scowled as Nik continued this three more times, pulling out four barrels of water.

The space inside the mark of his left hand was similar in area to a village. Why wouldn't he start making good use of it now that he could count on the kindness of those they unwittingly helped?

"Is this enough?" Nik inquired innocently.

"Enough," Katara rolled her eyes.

She adjusted her state of mind and explained the matter, too, "Before bending, I think that this is something you already know, but it still needs to be said. I am honestly excited to teach you waterbending."

"Your expression says something else," Nik muttered.

"Because I'm exhausted!" Katara snapped.

"Then let me give you a massage," Nik shrugged, gesturing in Suki's direction, "She seems satisfied enough with my skills and I'm sure the rest will increase her efficiency in many things and make her feel more productive."

That's the actual trap. Satisfy them until they are addicted. Of course, Nik knew that the major reason for the addiction of his past clients was also the essential oils that were more aphrodisiac-type drugs that hooked them on like narcotics. No reason to be so deceitful now, right?

Katara pouted hearing Nik's words, "Stop playing dumb. You know why I don't want you to do that very well..."

"Because it's still daytime?" Nik inquired and Katara blushed. What Nik implied was even more dangerous but she found it more reasonable to divert the conversation with a cough.

"We are not talking about that..."

"I thought my wife would be the one to actually agree with me, alas--"

"Nik!" Katara gasped, glaring at the youth slowly turning more and more 'dangerous.' Seeing him grin at her reaction, Katara suddenly raised her stretched her hands. She realized that she wouldn't be able to defeat the youth verbally for she did not have her brother's sharp tongue or wits— that simply seem to rest during critical events most of the time, but she had other gifts to make up for it.

Seeing a sphere of water floating in front of Katara, Nik took a more confident stance instead. It was clear that after learning the basics of moving one's body from Suki, Nik was eager to face others in the spar for they would prepare him for the real thing.

"Then let me straighten up my misguided husband. Be sure to try and observe my moves... but don't mimic them right now. You can take the chance to use what you've learned from Suki against a bender." Following the threat was a warning and then finally a suggestion that marked the beginning of a long evening for the duo.

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