Parker Luck

Chapter 12: Bug’s Life

An all-consuming urge filled Mantis' body. She had recently become aware that it was breeding season again and the instinctual desire to find a mate was at the forefront of her mind. On Ego's planet her urges had been repressed by the Celestial's power (No that's not an innuendo) but since his destruction Mantis was forced to find other ways of satisfying herself.

The empath had been unable to work out precisely when spawning time came, but had only gone through one since joining the Guardians. The period of unfiltered lust had been very difficult for Mantis and she had considered turning to her teammates to scratch the itch. Before she jumped another Guardian her heat had period ended. Going through spawning season without mating was hard for the Insectoid, leaving her feeling unfulfilled and cranky.

In an effort the suppress her desire Mantis had focused on developing her empathetic abilities in the hope that feeling other's emotions would help her ignore her own. Mantis was now able to sense particularly strong emotions and feelings without making physical contact.

Ever since the Guardians had come to Avengers Facility the black haired woman felt a strong undercurrent of desire and affection. At first Mantis believed it was simply her own wants but realised that the feelings were coming from others, specifically from the other women there. Curious and starting to feel aroused herself, the Insectoid had decided to try and investigate. A brush of a hand here and an 'accidental' bumping into there confirmed Mantis' suspicions and also revealed that her female teammates had similar feelings to the blonde, brunette and redhead. The alien also found out that the women's lust was centred on an individual.

Said individual was the human called Spider-Man. Mantis supposed he had a certain physical attractiveness, but what fascinated her was his scent. Even having not seen another Insectoid since she was a larva Mantis knew that her kind communicated mostly via pheromones.

Whilst the pheromones Spidey produced weren't the same, they communicated a very clear message to Mantis. The human may as well have been wearing a neon sign saying 'fuck me!'

Just being near to Peter made Mantis tingle. Over the next few days following arrival Mantis surreptitiously observed the hero. Seeing the effect he had on the heroines including her teammates, Gamora and Nebula, Mantis wondered if it was human breeding season as well. 

The Insectoid became something of a voyeur as she watched the webslinger pounding Gamora in the training room, getting a handjob from Danvers when she thought no one was watching and later on listened in as he took Nebula's virginity.

With her ear pressed to the door of the blue woman's room Mantis could practically feel the waves of lust washing over her. Fingers slipping in and out her pussy and the others twisting her sensitive antenna the black haired woman had never felt so aroused. Carefully pushing the door open the alien peered round, drinking in the sight of Nebula being mounted and thoroughly fucked by Peter. Mantis then knew that if she didn't receive any satisfaction, preferably from Spider-Man, before spawning season was over she would loose her mind.

At first Peter didn't notice the Insectoid's advances (mainly as he was preoccupied with Gamora and later Nebula). Soon though the webslinger did start to pay attention.

Peters Parker and Quill were eating lunch together and bonding over a shared love of old movies. "Hey, Quill", Spidey suddenly piped up, "Do you know what's been going on with Mantis? She's been acting kinda weird." In response Quill just shrugged and said "Dunno. She gets like that sometimes, I wouldn't worry about it."

Parker did start to get concerned when Mantis began whistling strange 'tunes' when he was nearby, waving her antenna seemingly randomly and, at one point, even striking a series of poses. The entire effect left Spidey feeling very confused. It took the Insectoid an embarrassingly long time to realise that her kind's mating rituals would be completely different from a human's, and so did research into how the humans did it. The Insectoid quickly discovered a wealth of information which she eagerly took in, desperate for relief.

Over the next few days Mantis used a change in tactics to try and get the webslinger's attention; when he looked at her she would coyly bite her lip and wave, Mantis took any opportunity to bend down in front of him to give a clear view of her ass and, at one point, the alien even managed to flash the brunette.

Soon Peter couldn't take it anymore. Taking her into a secluded backroom Parker confronted the black haired woman about her behaviour. "Okay Mantis spill, what's been going on with you? You've been weird around me for days."

"It is my kind's spawning season." The reply wasn't what Peter was expecting, "Did you just say spawning season?" he asked. Mantis nodded "Yes."

Spidey was more confused than before "So what does that have to do with me" he asked, baffled. Mantis' answer was simple; "I want you to mate with me." Peter was taken aback by the alien's bluntness "Whoa, what?" Mantis repeated herself. "Your pheromones have been making me excited." She continued.

"That explains a lot." Murmured Peter, "So if I do mate with you, you'll stop acting weird?" Another nod was the woman's response.

"Alright then." Said Parker and pressed his lips to Mantis'. 'So this is what kissing is like', thought the Insectoid, 'I cannot wait for more'. Clothes were quickly removed and thrown to the floor. "Touch my antenna." Asked Mantis in an eager voice, "They are sensitive to touch." The brunette obligingly took the glowing tips between his fingers and carefully twisted and rubbed them, much to the woman's obvious pleasure.

Wanting to return the favour, Mantis gilded a delicate hand up and down Peter's stiffening cock. "Ah yeah. Your hands are so soft." Moaned the hero who was soon rock hard and ready. Letting go of her antenna, Peter knelt down in front of Mantis and rapidly lapped away at her tunnel, drawing moans of ecstasy.

Parker reached around Mantis' soft ass and slowly pushed a finger into the tight hole. The alien gave a cry at the sudden intrusion but forgot about it from the attention her other hole was receiving. "Keep doing that." Moaned the Insectoid, savouring having both her entrances teased at once.

A second finger was slid past the tight ring and the two gradually began to scissor apart. "Oohh yeess!" Wailed the alien. Much to Mantis' displeasure Spider-Man removed his mouth from her now dripping pussy. "Why did you stop?" She complained. Licking the juices from his face, Peter answered "Turn around, face the wall and I'll show you."

Somewhat reluctantly the woman did as she was told. A sudden wetness at her anus surprised Mantis "Ah! What are you doing?" she cried. 

"Getting you ready." Came the muffled reply from between licks. Spidey then started alternating between his tongue and fingers and before long Mantis' back door was wet and slippery. With both hands the webslinger gently spread the soft cheeks apart. "Here I come." Warned the teen as he prodded his lower head at the woman's rear.

The feeling of a rigid cock easing into her anus was like nothing the Insectoid had ever experienced before. "Eeee!" She squeaked. "You okay?" Asked Peter.

"Need a minute." Said Mantis through gritted teeth. To take her mind off the pain Peter put his hands to work, one rubbing her antenna and the other dipping into her pussy. Euphoria overwhelmed the black haired woman at the stimulation "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She moaned. With another cry Mantis came over the teen's dexterous fingers.

Whilst fingering her other sensitive spots Parker gradually pushed more of his length into the tight hole. "Ready?" He asked. An enthusiastic moan was the alien's answer. Peter slowly drew his hips back and just as slowly eased forward.

"Ah, keep going Peter."

The speed of the young hero's thrusting began to get faster and faster. "Harder." The Insectoid passionately wailed. To increase her pleasure the webslinger scooped up one of Mantis' legs and draped it over his arm. The alien gave another cry of pleasure as Spidey drove his member deeper into her anus. Mantis managed to twist her head around and lock lips with her lover.

The kissing only stopped when they needed air. Peter returned his free hand to Mantis' wet tunnel and slipped his fingers back in. Euphoric groans and the sound of slapping flesh filled the air. "Uh. M-Mantis I'm about to come." Grunted Spidey as he continued his fingering and thrusting.

"W-wait, cum over my face." Mantis forced out.

With a soft *pop*, the hero grudgingly pulled his cock out of Mantis' tight asshole. Peter's feeling of loss was short lived as the alien woman wrapped her gentle lips around his organ. Quickly bobbing her head Mantis brought Peter back to the edge of release.

"Close." Grunted the webslinger. Mantis dragged her mouth off of Peter's wet shaft and replaced it with a hand. "Yeeeaah!" Peter cried out as he shot his load over the alien's waiting face, sinking to the floor as he did so.

Mantis rubbed some of the seed of her face and sampled it, before slurping up the rest of it, relishing the taste.

Once he'd got his breath back Parker had a question for Mantis, "So how long does your spawning season last?" He inquired.

The alien thought for a minute "About a week or so I think. The last one I was in space." She said. "I still want more satisfaction." The Insectoid added, rolling over and parting her pussy lips.

Peter was in for a busy week.


End of Chapter 12

Next Chapter: Space Sisters.

I feel this chapter was a bit weak, I was having a hard time coming up with stuff for it. I'll try make the next one better.

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