Parker Luck

Chapter 19: Slingshot

On the whole Spider-Man was enjoying his stay at The Lighthouse. Not only was he learning new skills to make him a better superhero, he was also learning new skills to make him a better lover. Since arriving at The Lighthouse he'd gotten very well antiquated with Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons but what he didn't know was that they were just for starters.

Peter was currently having combat lessons from Elena. These lessons were particularly tough but Spidey relished the challenge. Elena was helping him test his reflexes as even with his Peter Tingle (he had got to come up with a better name for that.) he could barely react in time to even register her super speed dashes. At the same time the Latina Inhuman was helping him improve his Spanish. Concentrating Peter sounded out his words "No te preocupes, Arana Hombre esta aqui para ayudar." Blinking back into place Yo-Yo gave a smile and a nod "Good. But remember it's Hombre Arana not the other way around." Peter nodded in understanding but then felt a jolt go through him as Yo-Yo's outline blurred. For the Inhuman time seemed to slow down and she could see the young hero moving to counter as if he was going through treacle. What seemed like ages for Elena was only milliseconds for Parker and he found himself flat on his back.

With a half smile Elena helped him to his feet. Peter felt a small jolt at the cold touch of the mechanical arms, he was curious about them but Elena had given the impression that they were a sensitive subject so he didn't ask. Once he was back up Elena raised a challenging eyebrow "You ready to go again?". Peter nodded and raised his fists in preparation, unfortunately he wasn't prepared enough and once again was knocked down and helped back up "C'mon Peter atencion, you can do this." Rodriguez told him. 'She's right I can do this.' he told himself. Thinking back to London he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting his instincts take over. Once again Elena's outline blurred as she dashed forward. This time Peter was ready, a familiar tingle running through his body he instinctively knew when to move and grabbed Rodriguez's fist, deflecting the blow and throwing her off balance.

"I did it." said the webslinger looking at his hands in surprise. Elena, back where she was originally standing, gave the teen a smile "Bien henco Peter. Now let's see if you can do it again."

"Ready?" she asked and got a nod in return. Smiling, the Inhuman tensed again and rushed at Peter who once again prepared to counter the blow. It didn't work a second time and again he wound up sprawled on the floor. "What happened?" Rodriguez asked once Peter had gotten back up. "Guess I just got lucky?" he replied "But I really think I can do it again." The tingle alerted Peter to when to move and, in a single deft movement, grabbed Elena's arm, caught her leg with his and sent her to the mat. When they repeated the move Spidey was once more able to counter it. Over and over Spider-Man and Yo-Yo collided, sometimes the teen hero succeeded in blocking and other times he didn't.

Eventually the pair were too tired to continue. "Alright then Peter." Said Elena between breaths "How about we call it a day? I'm going for a shower. We'll continue tomorrow." The teen, who likewise wanted a shower, agreed.

Once he'd finished washing, Peter's mind began to wander, mostly lingering on his times with Daisy and Jemma which caused him to grow hard. Lost in thought Parker wasn't paying attention to where he was going and when he approached what he thought was the door to his bunk he was in for a shock.

Elena stood in her room, dripping wet and wearing only what nature gave her. The teen was frozen in surprise and just stared at her shapely form. The Colombian woman was oblivious to her watcher and hummed to herself as she dried off. Turning round her eyes fell on Spidey and she likewise froze and stared back "Oh dios mio Peter!" she cried, feeling a mix of shock and embarrassment, "Get out! Get out!" In a blur of movement she shot towards the accidental voyeur and pushed him out the door before shooting back, followed by another dash to slam the door. The world around Elena moved in slow motion, normally she enjoyed the sensation but now it only prolonged her feeling of exposure. Although Elena knew Parker couldn't see her when she ran she could still feel his eyes on her. Whilst she didn't exactly mind and secretly liked the fact that he admired her body she would've preferred it if he hadn't burst in and caught her by surprise like this. Before shutting the door on him Yo-Yo's eyes fell on a distinct tent in the young man's towel. A blush bloomed on the woman's cheeks as she stared at the covered boner.

A blur of motion and Yo-Yo was back where she'd started. Taking deep breaths she tried to clear the image from her mind and set about preparing for bed. Through the night Elena shifted and shuffled fighting her feelings of arousal and the lingering mental image and dreams featuring the teen. Eventually she decided to talk to Daisy and Jemma about it in the morning, hopefully her girlfriends could help her.

Peter was dealing with arousal too and once again his dreams were of the erotic variety (he'd been having a lot of those recently). Said dreams kept waking him up, causing him to oversleep for his morning laboratory session with Fitz and Simmons. When the duo got tired of waiting Jemma went to go and fetch the young hero and as she approached his door she could he muffled groans emerging. The Englishwoman slipped into his room and saw him tossing and turning. his covers askew. At first Jemma thought the teen was suffering from a nightmare until she heard him moan out a woman's name when she realised his dreams were more sensual in nature.

Peter's eyes snapped open as the dream suddenly ended and he gave a start when he saw Simmons. "Ah Jemma!" he cried and then instinctively tried to hide the bulge that had formed in his pants "W-what're you doing here?" he asked, turning red. A smile crossed the scientist's face. "Well good morning to you too Peter, you certainly know how to make a girl feel welcome." she laughed "I came to check on you and I'm glad I did." Peter uncovered his crotch and blushed even more "I uh don't suppose you could help me out?" he asked tentatively. Simmons grinned and pretended to think about it "Hmm maybe if you ask me nicely enough." Peter moved to the edge of his bed and asked "Jemma would you please help me with this?" Simmons mock considered before grinning and closing the distance between them, kneeling as she did so. The Brit gently pulled down the teen's pants and she examined his now exposed stiff member. Delicate fingers curled around and stroked the hard shaft. Jemma's pace gradually got faster and faster, leaving Parker groaning in pleasure. The soft hand jerked rapidly up and down, making the teen even harder and he could feel a knot of pleasure forming inside. All of a sudden Simmons released Peter's cock and put her mouth to it, her tongue gently flicking over his head. The warm tongue lapped and swirled, tingling Peter's member and inching him closer to his release. The quick flicks started to slow and Jemma's tongue began to travel down followed by a trail of saliva. "Uggh yes." the teen moaned at the feeling.

As much as Jemma wanted to keep going she knew that Fitz would be getting impatient so decided to wrap things up. Jemma's lips wrapped around Peter's member and immediately slid down. Spidey's moans grew louder as the scientist swallowed his shaft like a champ, her head bobbing and sucking with gusto. Slurping sounds increased in volume as Jemma continued to speed up. Eager for more Peter pressed down on the woman's head, pushing the rest of his cock into her mouth. She swiftly adjusted and barely lost any speed switching to deepthroating the teen. Jemma got faster and faster, swallowing the hardness with ease each time. The warmth forming at the base of Peter's cock rapidly grew and soon it became too much to hold "J-Jemma... Close." he moaned out. Simmons' suction slowed down and she dragged her mouth back up. With a buck of his hips and a grunt Spidey shot his load onto Jemma's face.

Jemma took a minute to savour the warm spunk on her face before wiping it off and saying "Well now that that's been sorted Fitz and I will be waiting in the lab." With this she got up and walked off. Simmons hadn't gotten that far when she ran into Elena who looked at her in confusion "Jemma? What're you doing here? I thought you were going to be in the laboratory today." "Well yes.", the scientist replied, "But Peter was late so I went to go remind him." Elena nodded in understanding and then frowned when she saw something on the corner of her friend's mouth "Uh Simmons you've got something on your face there." she tapped her face to illustrate. Jemma felt a rush of panic but managed to stay calm "Oh it's probably just some yogurt I had for breakfast." she lied. Yo-Yo wasn't fully convinced but accepted her friend's answer. As the Englishwoman was about to walk away the Inhuman spoke again "Hey Simmons? Can I talk to you about something later?" Jemma said she would and then set off to the lab.

Before too long the webslinger arrived for his lesson and tried to pay attention, as best he could. Whilst he was interested in learning more about biochemistry and robotics he really wanted to get back to trying to master his 'Tingle' as he felt close to a breakthrough. The teen's mind began to wander back to his sparring with Elena. Teenage hormones hijacked Parker's train of thought once again and directed his mind to the Inhuman, mainly his accidental encounter with her the day before. A voice then cut into Peter's thoughts "I do hope we're not boring you Parker." Fitz had his arms folded and, in Peter's opinion, looked far too much like a grumpy teacher. A rebuked and somewhat embarrassed Peter mumbled an apology which satisfied the duo who continued the lesson. Peter tried to concentrate but still found his mind wandering, fortunately the scientists didn't notice.

Later on Elena knocked on FitzsSimmons' bunk and was greeted by the Scot. "Hola Fitz. Can I talk to Jemma alone por favor?" she asked and was let in whilst Leo left them to it, muttering something about tinkering in the lab as he went. "Alright what did you want to talk about?" Simmons asked as Elena sat down next to her. To her surprise a guilty expression appeared on the Inhuman's face. "Well..." Elena started hesitantly "It's about Peter." Jemma raised a quizzical eyebrow, she had an inkling where this might be going but asked what she meant anyway. "So the other day he accidentally came into my room when I was naked. I pushed him out but I saw he had gotten emocionado and since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. I know he's only a teenager but I can't get the idea of being with him out of my head." Jemma forced herself to keep a straight face "Well you are unattached at the minute and no one's saying you have to do anything. If you want my opinion if he's old enough to be an Avenger he's old enough to have sex." she told Elena. Rodriguez considered what her friend had said and strengthened her resolve. A thought popped into Elena's head which she voiced, "Do you think he's been with anyone before? Because I think it'd be kinda awkward if I took his virginity." Simmons fought back a laugh and manged to pass it off as a cough "A young man his age I expect he's been with maybe one or two girls." Elena looked relived and nodded "Gracias Jemma." As she left the Inhuman began to think of the best way to go about her plan.

The next morning was a rush of action as several of the agents had been called out on a mission, leaving a skeleton staff behind which included Peter and Elena. "What's happening?" The teen had asked Rodriguez who explained the situation to him. "You're not going?" Elena shook her head "No not this time so it's just you and me today and I have something special planned. Follow me." This piked Parker's curiosity and he followed Elena. To his disappointment they didn't go to the sparring area but to what looked like a conference room "I thought we'd be training." he said. "Not today, like I said I've got something special in mind." Yo-Yo went to a computer and typed at the keyboard, bringing up a list of Spanish sentences. "Translate all of these right and I'll give you a reward." she told him. When he asked what she simply grinned and said "Es una sopressa." "Soupressa... A surprise right?" Peter thought that was right. "Si."

The first few phrases weren't too difficult but as he went on they got harder. Elena gave him encouragement each time he got one right and, with the prospect of a reward, Parker was determined to get them. Eventually he was at the last one and, concentrating, he slowly sounded it out. A clang of metal on metal made him whip his head around to see Rodriguez applauding, the noise coming from her mechanical arms. "You did it. Now for your reward. Close your eyes."

Spidey did as he was told and a few seconds later felt soft lips press to his 'Now this is a reward.' he thought. In a series of dashes Yo-You stripped Peter and then did the same for herself. She then sat down and, with her fingers, spread her pussy lips invitingly. The teen buried his face between her legs and set his tongue to work. Spidey's tongue rapidly lapped at the sensitive opening "Uhh keep doing that." the Latina moaned. Parker pressed his tongue further in, twirling and dragging it as he did so and drawing even louder moans. "Dios that feels good." Elena hadn't had any action for a while and masturbating too much caused cum to gum up her finger mechanics. A pleasurable sensation built up in Yo-Yo's loins, groaning loudly she burst. Panting she then said "My turn."

The two switched places so Elena was kneeling in front of Peter. A jolt went through him as she ran her fingers up his rock hard member. The Inhuman quickly lathered him up with a series of wet licks and then eased her head down, inching his hardness into her mouth. Suddenly she stopped and, letting the teen savour the feeling of her warm mouth, eased it back up until just the tip remained. Again she paused, enjoying the taste of Spider-Man's precum and the look on his face. Her mouth then casually eased down taking more of Peter in. Elena quickly adjusted and slid her mouth further down so that his whole length was in her mouth. Gagging slightly Rodriguez took a minute to get used to the cock down her throat. "You okay?" Peter asked and got a thumbs up in response. Gradually at first the Inhuman brought her head up before bringing it back down. Elena's braids bounced as she sucked Peter off and the teen thought they looked like perfect handholds so grabbed onto them, causing Elena to speed up. "That's so gooood!" groaned the teen. Hearing this Elena kept going, taking the teen's cock to the balls each time. Rodriguez remembered a trick Mack liked when they were together and tightly pursed her lips as her head bobbed. It worked as Spidey's moans grew lower and longer. More precum flowed into the Latina's throat and she could tell Peter was close so continued her shaft swallowing. Elena's prediction came true shortly when Spidey tightened his grip on her hair and tensed up. Elena stopped her suction, wanting to swallow his load. A jet of hot spunk burst out from Peter's dick which she drank greedily, not wasting a drop.

With a popping sound the Inhuman took her lips off the hero's still hard member. Elena was impressed with Spider-Man's stamina but was eager for more. Feeling adventurous she sucked on a couple of fingers and eased them into her anus. "Ah." she cried out at the cold intrusion but began to scissor her fingers to stretch the tight hole. "Peter get over here." she called and he quickly did so "On your back." she told him. Once he had she stood over him and lowered herself onto his cock, A mixed cocktail of pain and pleasure going through her backdoor and the rest of her body. "Are you alright?" Spidey was concerned. "Si, Si." Elena said breathlessly. Planting her hands on the teen's chest she rose her hips then dropped them back down "Uhh oh!" she wailed. Parker took that as a go ahead and thrust his hips up. Rodriguez was in heaven, the feeling was indescribable "Vamanos Peter, Vamanos!" she demanded riding his cock like there was no tomorrow. Ever willing to please Peter sped up, driving his whole shaft into the Latina's asshole. "Oooohhh! Yeeess!" Elena burst bouncing up and down on the hero's cock like, well, a yo-yo and loving the feeling of a thorough fucking. Subconsciously using her powers Yo-Yo became a blur on the end of the cock. The friction and heat drove Spidey crazy. In the haze of euphoria an idea came to Rodriguez, tensing her walls she clamped down harder on the man meat. A cry of "Oh fuck!" told her that Spidey liked it. Grinning she did it again, each decent moulding her anus to Peter's cock.

Not to be outdone Peter took hold of Elena's hips, driving her harder and thrusting his hips upwards. Elena threw her head back in pleasure, a glazed rapturous look on her face. "Keep going por favor!" she begged. Spidey was more than happy to and continued his pounding hard and fast. "Ah, Ah, Aaaaahh!" burst from Yo-Yo's lips, she could feel an explosion building in her core. Activating her Inhuman abilities, Yo-Yo again became a blur. Soon a loud wordless sound emerged from Elena, hot spurts of cum splattering onto Peter's chest. The teen could feel the heat forming in his crotch for the second time and pulled the Latina as far down onto his dick as he could. "Ah Elena, Yesss!" he groaned. The molten heat raced from the base of his shaft to the tip and burst out as thick ropes of seed which coated the Inhuman's anal walls.

The two lay puffing and panting for a few minutes, Spider-Man's member still sheathed inside Yo-Yo. "That was asombrosa Hombre Arana" Elena eventually said. "Gracias Elena.", said the teen "You were great too. That sure beat a sparring session." Rodriguez gave a small laugh and pulled herself up to plant a smacking, tongue filled, kiss on Peter. "We'd better get dressed before someone catches us." She said whilst reluctantly lifting herself off her lover. "Could you imagine what would happen if someone like May walked in on us right now?" she laughed again. Peter laughed along with her "Yeah imagine..." he trailed off as an image of the attractive Asian woman appeared in his head. Perhaps he should check in on her, see how she was doing.


End of Chapter 19.

Next Chapter: I'll Make a Man Out of You.

Sorry for the late upload I've been in a creative slump recently and kinda sidetracked with other stuff.

Translations: No te preocupes, Arana Hombre esta aqui para ayudar: Don't worry Spider-Man is here to help, Atencion: Focus, Bien henco: Well done, Oh dios mio: Oh my god, Por favor: Please, Emocionado: Excited, Es una sopressa: It's a surprise, Vamanos: Faster, Ambrosa: Amazing.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.