Parker Luck

Chapter 21: Hello Nurse

"And in local news it seems New York's own Spider-Man has returned after his weeks of absence." The news report was turned up by May who gave a proud smile in the direction of her nephew's room. "Spidey's wasted no time in saving people as seen in this amateur footage taken earlier." The newsreader continued. The screen cut to shaky camera phone footage. Two armed and masked men were pointing their guns at a scared shop clerk and demanding that she empty the register faster. Suddenly one of the guns was yanked away by a strand of webbing and another shot quickly followed, pinning the man to the wall.

The camera panned around to reveal Spider-Man standing in the doorway with his arms outstretched. A gasp was heard as the second man swung around but before he could get a shot off the hero had cleared the room, grabbing and twisting the man's wrist which forced him to release the gun. A split second later the webslinger landed a sideswipe on the crook's jaw, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. The criminal was then webbed up alongside his companion. Applause was heard whilst the hero checked that everyone was unharmed. The clip ended with Spider-Man swinging away. The newsreader then reappeared "It's good to have you back Spidey."

There really was no place like home, Peter couldn't agree with the saying more. Since returning he realised how much he'd missed the little things like sleeping in his own bed and seeing his friends and family. In fact he was even missing school.

His welcome home party had been just what he needed to relax after the tense situation in the corner shop. He'd done his best to act surprised at his friends (Namely; Ned, MJ, Harry and Betty) being there and the teens had spent hours talking, laughing and generally catching up (Those not in the loop about Spider-Man had been told Peter had been on a scientific training course). Peter wasn't too surprised at Betty being there since she and Ned were practically joined at the hip but Harry Osborn's appearance was unexpected, although the two had kept in regular contact after Wakanda. Luckily the heir got along well with Peter's other friends although his attempts at hitting on MJ were shot down in flames, especially after she gave Peter a 'welcome back' kiss. Eventually the guests said their goodbyes and an exhausted Peter had crawled into bed.

When he awoke and checked his phone Peter saw that he had a message. Sam: Hey kid glad you're back. We could do with some extra help so when you get chance come to the Facility. Peter: This sounds important what's going on?

The teen had to wait for his answer and to his annoyance the Avenger's response was lacking. Sam: I'm holding a team briefing later it's better that I explain then.

Since taking over as leader of the Avengers, Wilson had developed a habit of being frustratingly vague at times.

Arriving at the Avengers Facility, Spidey saw Sam waiting for him as well as several crates marked with a red symbol. "Good you're here. Come on there's someone I want you to meet." Sam told him whilst walking off. "Some welcome." Peter muttered but followed anyway. Cap lead Peter to a backroom which Peter recognised as the medicine room which brought back memories of his first time with Natasha. Opening the door the duo were greeted by the sight of someone bent over whilst rummaging through a box in front of them, accidentally giving the heroes a close look at their ass. Wilson cleared his throat and the person hastily stood up, revealing themselves as an attractive dark skinned woman. "Oh Sam sorry I didn't hear you come in." Sam smiled and said "Don't worry about it." before turning to Spidey "You can take your mask off she's gonna be seeing a lot more than just your face sooner or later." Parker briefly wondered if, somehow, he knew about the pheromones. "What?"

Sam explained himself "This is Claire Temple, she's our new medic." The woman smiled "More of a night nurse really." She said. "Claire; Peter Parker, Peter Parker; Claire." Cap introduced the two to each other. Somewhat reluctantly (and wondering why he even bothered with a secret identity if his teammates were just going to announce his real name) the teen uncovered his face and shook hands with the nurse. "Nice to meet you Spider-Man."

Her name seemed familiar to Spidey and he tried to think where he'd heard it. The he remembered, Jessica had written it down and told him to go to her if he got hurt again. "You're Jessica's friend right?" he asked Claire looked surprised "You know Jessica?" She asked before a look of comprehension crossed her face, "Oh yes I remember her telling me she saved Spider-Man from that Scorpion guy when he kicked his ass."

Embarrassed, Parker flushed and mumbled "I was winning that fight, I had him right where I wanted him." This drew a smirk from the medic "Oh really? it didn't look that way on TV."

"Ahem. As interesting as this discussion is the others are waiting for us." Captain America said to Spider-Man gesturing for him to follow.

In the conference room were several heroes; War Machine, White Wolf, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Professor Hulk, Ant-Man and Wasp (Captain Marvel was off-world and Hawkeye was with his family). "Alright now that everyone's here I'll get started" announced Sam as he moved to the head of the table. Clicking a remote the screens behind him lit up and he continued talking "As you know a few months ago A.I.M came out of hiding and, unlike when Tony encountered them, they were experimenting with technology rather than biology." The screens showed footage of the heroes' previous battle against the group.

"We believe this is to do with their new leader, M.O.D.O.K." The cyborg's image appeared on the screens. "After the fight they went into hiding and it seemed like they may have disbanded but recently advanced weapons, similar to the ones A.I.M used, have been making their way onto the streets and into the hands of any petty thugs who can get a hold of them. Scott and Hope were the ones who learned about this and know more about it."

Sam sat down whilst the insect heroes rose. Hope's eyes widened when she saw Peter's face 'Spider-Man is a teenager?' She thought to herself. 'Still I should've figured, only a teen could be that horny but it would've been nice if he'd said so'. Scott giving her a nudge snapped her back to reality once they'd got to the front.

"Well as Sam said, Scott and I found out about A.I.M's new business and we've been doing our best to locate the distributors but we haven't been able to do much more than stop a few deals and slow them down." Lang then took over, the two smoothly transitioning from one to the other. "So we thought, if we were gonna be able to make an impact, we'd ask you guys for backup." Cap nodded "Of course. I'm guessing you two have a plan?" "Eh kinda." Scott said "So far we've got try and find a shipment, some of us shake them up and Sam and Hope following them from the air to wherever they're getting the weapons from."

This drew mutters from the group. Rhodey spoke up "So let me get this straight. Your plan hinges on somehow managing to find a vehicle carrying weapons and relying on them to be stupid enough to go back to their HQ after being attacked by Avengers." The duo looked embarrassed but were saved from further questioning when Wilson stood back up "It may not be the best plan but it's all we've got so far." "Spidey", He addressed Peter directly, "You spend more time on the streets than the rest of us do, so I want you to keep an eye out for anyone with these weapons and tell us if you see anything." After Peter promised he would the meeting was adjourned.

Before he could leave Parker felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back to see Sam. "Hang on kid, Claire wants to see you for your physical." the older man said. "My physical?" Spidey echoed confused. Sam then explained "New protocol since Claire joined, every Avenger gets a physical before being allowed out and Claire will want to record your details."

"Come in and take off the costume." the nurse told Peter after letting him in. Seeing his reluctance Claire said "I am a nurse I've seen bodies before. But if it makes you that uncomfortable you can tie it around your waist." Doing so Peter sat on the examination table whilst a blood pressure cuff was attached to his arm. Temple then instructed him to hold out an arm whilst she took a blood sample. "Is this really necessary?" he asked and got a look in response "How about you stick to doing superhero shit and I stick to doing medical shit?" She said. Peter apologised and an awkward silence followed for a while after that.

Eventually he decided to break the silence when the pretty medic came to check his heart rate "So um how'd you get to be the Avengers' medic?" He was curious as they'd never expressed the need for one. "Oh there was an ad in the paper." She told him "It said; superhero doctor needed, must be willing to work crazy hours and deal with life threatening injuries on a regular basis and must promise to refer to patients by their made-up names." She gave a small laugh at Spidey's incredulous face "No. Apparently they used to have a medic who lost her job when they disbanded. Then there was The Decimation and The Blip and now things have died down they realised they needed one. I heard they were looking for someone, told them I had experience treating superheroes and got the job."

"What happened to the old one?" Spidey asked and Claire shrugged "I don't know I heard they offered her the job back but she'd been recruited by some big corporation or something. Now open your mouth so I can get your temperature." When the thermometer was removed Spidey had a question "You've helped other heroes?" "It started when Daredevil was beaten to a pulp and thrown in my dumpster. One time I saved Luke Cage's life after Jessica shot him in the face." Peter's eyes widened "She didn't tell you that story?" "Uh no we didn't do much talking." Claire gave a snort "That sounds like Jessica." she then went on to tell about how she'd had to drain fluid out from through his eye socket. "Alright Peter you're in good health and are cleared for active duty." The physician told him once she'd finished his exam.

As soon as he'd returned to the city Spidey set about looking out for any A.I.M activity but weeks passed with nothing to show for it. Although Peter's time was limited with him having to attend school he started patrolling the instant it was over, even deploying his Spider-Drone to help him search a wider area. Spidey was starting to lose hope he'd find anything when eventually he got a lucky break. One day he heard what sounded like a regular mugging but when he got there he saw the crook wielding an unusual looking weapon. Peter hadn't seen anything like it since Toomes was in business and (as far as he knew) he was still behind bars. Before the crook even knew what was happening he'd been pulled into the air and stuck to a wall. Enhanced interrogation mode worked this time and the man sang like a bird about how he'd bought the weapon from a couple of dealers going around. The thug had even managed to memorise what the sellers looked like.

Armed with this new knowledge Spidey programmed his drone to search for their faces and a few days later he got a hit. Swinging to the location Peter saw the men as described with a van full of weapons. Remembering the plan he sent the drone to perch on the van.

Once the van had stopped moving Peter activated the camera on the Spider-Drone and began recon of the building, inside were dozens of people dressed in yellow outfits which made them look like beekeepers. Further investigation gave the surprising revelation that M.O.D.O.K was there, and if the group's leader was there this must be the main facility. Calling Sam, he informed the Avenger about his discovery who called the team in.

Cap wrapped up the briefing once everyone was clear on the plan "And remember we're bringing them in alive so that means rubber bullets and Rhodey? No bombs."

The Quinjet arrived over the warehouse in minutes. Bruce was first up, creating an entry point by smashing a hole in the roof. Nat and Bucky rappelled down laying cover fire for the rest of the team. Hope and Scott's arrival was signalled by troopers randomly falling over. Wanda began immobilising troops with energy blasts. War Machine was living up to his name by taking on several soldiers at once. He was no Steve Rodgers but Sam could still bounce the shield from mook to mook and back to his hand and follow it up with a shield bash. Spider-Man put his agility to good use, dodging and flipping over the grunts. "You know it's ironic for guys called A.I.M that you're terrible shots, I mean seriously I've seen Stormtroopers more accurate then you guys are." he quipped snaring the grunts in webbing.

"This isn't too hard, it'll be over quickly." Bucky said over comms much to the others' dismay "Dude!" groaned Peter "You never say that. Just watch, a load more of them are gonna show up." As if on cue doors at the back opened up, revealing dozens of heavily armed A.I.M grunts led by M.O.D.O.K. "Attack, you imbeciles!" commanded the cyborg and the goons opened fire, soon pinning the heroes down. Wanda threw up an energy force field "That will stop them for now but it won't hold long." "Boy, sure would be nice if we had some bombs don't you think Sam?" snarked Rhodey. "What's the plan?" Natasha asked. The team leader thought for a moment then said "Alright, Bruce, Rhodey and me will clear a wedge and draw their fire, Ant-Man and Wasp you two shrink and attack the sides and the rest of you cover us until I signal." Bringing his shield up and unfurling his wings Sam gave a shout and took off, followed by the team's heavy hitters. At first the plan was working until M.O.D.O.K got involved. "Morons! Can't you do anything right?!" with this the cyborg's harness opened up exposing lasers. The beams spread out in all directions, blowing Hope and Scott away and shearing off one of Sam's wings. Luckily he didn't have far to fall and was able to land safely "Okay guys, now!"

The remaining heroes sprung into action, working as an efficient team and managing to push the goons back. Sam had engaged the cyborg in single combat and seemed to be winning. Getting punched in his oversized head pissed M.O.D.O.K off and he concentrated all his firepower on the hero, leaving him unable to do anything but hope his shield could protect him. However a plan formed, remembering a trick Steve and Tony had pulled he began to angle the disc, intending to turn the mental organism's weapons against him. Spider-Man saw Sam in trouble and swung over to help "Hang on Sam I'm coming!" Disaster struck. As he turned to warn Spidey, Cap's shield tilted and the lasers stuck the webslinger full in the chest.

"Kid!" yelled Sam as Spidey crashed to the floor he tried to run to check on him but was cut off by laser fire. "Someone get to him." he ordered. Nat and Wanda responded quickly and managed to clear a ring around Peter's prone form. "Rhodey call Claire and get him out of here." Nat called out. War Machine's armoured figure burst forward, scooping Spider-Man up and rocketing off with him.

Groaning Peter gradually came to. With a jolt he got to his feet and winced at the pain in his leg. looking around he saw that he was in the Avenger's infirmary and that he was in a hospital gown. The door opened and Claire entered "You need to stay off your leg it was badly sprained when you landed on it so you need to keep off it." she instructed. "But I need to help the others." Parker protested. "No." said Temple "You need to rest and besides the fight was three days ago." Peter was alarmed at this and tried to stand up again but was pushed back to the bed by the nurse who insisted on him resting. "You're lucky you were wearing armour otherwise that beam would've gone straight through you." Peter asked about his armour and was told that, after managing to get it off him, she'd put it away. Claire then told him he had a visitor, and let Captain America in. "Sam what happened ? Did we win?" Sam looked uneasy "We thought we had but A.I.M had the place rigged to blow and they got away." After Sam the rest of the Avengers, and even Aunt May, came to see him. "Alright that's enough." Said Claire ushering the visitors out "He needs to rest."

"Alright Peter it's time for your bath." Claire announced when everyone had gone. Peter blushed "You're gonna wash me?" he asked "I did it when you were unconscious and you shouldn't move about too much." The teen fought not to get erect during the bath, and Claire didn't seem to notice his semi.

The next few days passed slowly and routinely; He would get visitors (Usually May or one of the heroines), he'd spend the day doing homework or watching TV, Claire would check on him and change the dressing on his chest burn and then later she'd wash him. Claire meanwhile was wrestling with a dilemma, she felt a strong sexual attraction to Peter and, judging by how he reacted during his baths, the feeling was mutual but she wondered if acting on them would violate her duty of care. After mulling it over she came to the following conclusion; 'Florence Nightingale effect be damned, I'm doing it.' and ordered a special something to be delivered.

Peter had almost made a full recovery, the burn was mostly gone and he could use both legs fully (albeit with a limp) and was waiting for the all clear so he could go. Sitting in bed he saw the door open and through it emerged a heeled boot followed by a stocking clad leg. As Claire stepped into view Peter drank in the sight of her; the stockings were attached to a garter belt and a short skirt which barely covered skimpy panties, above that was a low cut crop top and a small cap perched atop her head. The sexy nurse outfit got Spidey hard almost instantly. Claire wore a sultry grin as she sauntered to the bed. Leaning over Spidey she pretended to take his temperature whilst pressing her boobs to his face "You're all hot and bothered Mr. Parker." her eyes trailed down and saw the tent in the hospital gown "My my, this looks like a painful swelling that needs examining." With that she pulled the gown aside and his underwear down. Claire gave his shaft a couple of slow but sensual strokes. "Yes this needs immediate attention, an oral treatment should help."

Once she'd finished speaking Claire put her mouth to use, dragging and twirling her tongue along the hard length. Claire didn't even gag as she plunged her head down to swallow Spidey's member to the base. The nurse immediately pulled her mouth back, sucking on the head of Peter's cock. Peter moaned as her soft lips slid back down. Rotating her body, Temple positioned her head over Peter's crotch and her pussy over his mouth. Claire's head sped up and at the same time Peter's removed her panties, his tongue probing at her entrance. Claire grinned around the length and moaned, sending vibrations along it. Up and down the nurse's head went bringing Peter closer to release every time. Temple gave a grunt when the teen's tongue hit a sensitive spot in her core. As Claire continued to bob Spidey felt a pressure building in his cock and told Claire. With a soft pop she removed her lips saying; "Good cum in my mouth, fill it up." and then returned to the blowjob. Her head a blur Temple hummed to create a buzz which tingled her patient's member and caused the pressure to grow even more. Soon the pressure grew too much "I'm cumming!" Parker cried and blew his load into Claire's warm mouth. Claire was surprised at the amount of cum but didn't remove her lips for a second until he was done. The hero's tongue hadn't stopped and was thrashing around in the nurse's pussy, painting it with spit. Rapid flicks brought Claire to the edge and giving a groan her release came soon after.

Parker was still hard, which impressed the nurse. Undoing her top, she took her coffee coloured bust and engulfed the boner in them. "You like that huh? You like my tits?" she teased Spidey which he responded to by thrusting his cock up. Claire took the hint and again wrapped her lips around it. Showing impressive flexibility she took more of his length in, sucking furiously. Pleasure coursed through Parker as he thrust harder through the pillow breasts. Claire slurped and sucked at the teen cock in her mouth, loving the taste and realising how much she'd missed sex. Again pressure began to build in the hero's manhood. "Harder!" he moaned and the nurse did so, pursing her lips and taking in as much as she could. As he felt his load about to blow Peter eagerly drove his hips forward over and over. "Ah yes! Gonna cum!" he said between grunts. A series of quick thrusts and then an explosion of cum which splattered over Claire's dusky boobs.

"Wow how are you still hard?" Asked Claire staring at the cum dripping erection between her mounds. Peter gave a cocky grin "Spider stamina and teenage hormones." he said. Temple cleaned off his dick with her tongue and lay him down. "Alright Peter you gotta get me ready before we do any more." she told the hero whilst lowering her pussy onto his face. Peter's tongue instantly shot out, lapping furiously at her love tunnel and outer folds. "Ahhh!" the nurse wailed when his tongue delved deep. Greedily the tongue wormed and wriggled in the hot, wet pussy as if unable to get enough. Crying euphorically Temple pressed her hips down, allowing Peter to push in further. The brunette's furious licking did it job and, with a cry of "Peeeteer!", Claire burst her cum onto her lover's face.

Lost in the afterglow the physician didn't notice the webslinger tapping at her thighs at first. Lifting herself off Peter who was gasping for air, she drew him into a tongue wrestling passionate kiss which smeared her cum around her face.

After pulling away Claire was eager for more "You ready for this?" she purred whilst spreading her lower lips. "Yes!" Parker had been desperate to take her pussy since she'd walked in. Ever so gradually, wanting to savour the feeling, the sexy nurse lowered onto Peter's hardness. "Oh! Fuuck!" she moaned as she slid down. Her cries grew louder once she reached the base, joined by Peter's. Lifting her hips, Temple rose before swiftly plunging down on the shaft. Grasping her thighs the teen pulled Claire down, her wetness feeling incredible on him. It didn't take long for the nurse and the superhero to get into a rhythm, her riding his dick like a pro jockey whilst he thrust his hips like a piston. Cries of ecstasy filled the infirmary "Fuck me Peter!", "God Claire you're amazing!" "Keep going!"

Peter was mesmerised by the way Claire's tits bounced and jiggled whilst she rode him and reached out to grab them. Claire grunted when he began playing with her nipples which encouraged him. Claire felt a molten heat forming in her nethers and bounced even harder on the manhood. Spider-Man could also feel he was getting close so bucked his hips to thrust his cock even deeper. The sounds of sex grew louder as the two reached their climaxes. "Cuuumming! Peter!" Temple was the first to cum, her juices slicking Spidey's shaft. The webslinger manged to hold out longer, continuing to buck and thrust. Heat raced through Peter's member and with a grunt he exploded, his seed shooting up Claire's pussy and coating her walls in cum.

Once she'd got her breath back Claire planted another kiss on Peter's lips and then removed herself from his member to lie next to him. "Well Mr. Parker I'm giving you a clean bill of health. You're free to go." The teen gave a small chuckle "Thanks Nurse." he said. "You'll need to come back for another checkup soon though." Temple told him, "And for your regular physicals."

Peter was very glad the Avengers had hired a medic.


End of Chapter 21.

Next Chapter: Examining Briefs.

Chapters are now gonna be on a monthly basis give or take.

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