Parker Luck

Chapter 23: On a Wing and a Prayer

In Chinatown, New York, two masked men had just pulled off a robbery. "You all stay where you are and nobody call the cops!" One of the men demanded, pointing his weapon at the customers, his other hand occupied by a sack of jewels and money. As they burst out the bank the men looked around and, not seeing what they were looking for, one of them whipped out a phone. "Dude! Where the hell is the car?" He demanded to the third man once he'd picked up. "Hey don't blame me, there was a traffic warden and I didn't wanna get a ticket."

Once the vehicle had pulled up the robbers piled in and the car sped off. Pulling off his mask one of them men piped up "Hey aren't you guys worried about being stopped?" The passenger gave a snort "Please. The cops are pretty much useless around here, we'll be long gone before they even get off their asses." He said dismissively. The man who'd spoken first shook his head "They ain't who I'm talkin' about. I mean what if some hero decides to come along?" This earned him another helping of scorn "Pfft. Like who? The Avengers have bigger fish to fry than us and most of those street heroes don't come around here." The man had spoken too soon as Colleen Wing (A.K.A Iron Fist) was on patrol and wasn't about to let some thugs get away with their theft. On a motorcycle she began to close the distance between them. Getting closer and closer Colleen removed a hand from the handlebars and clenched it into a fist. The fist started to emit a faint light which got brighter until it glowed a brilliant white.

The first man caught a glimpse of the rapidly approaching hero in the rear view mirror "Uh guys, we've got company. It's the chick with the glowing hand." The driver just grinned "Relax bro I brought something special along just in case. Look under the backseat." The man in the back did so and pulled out a strange looking weapon with a long barrel terminating in a metal hand. "Where'd this come from?" the armed man asked. "You gotta know the right people now quit jawing and fire it." The driver told him. Colleen was about to close the gap and drew back her arm in preparation when the back window wound down and a weapon was pointed at her. The woman's eyes widened as the trigger was pulled and she managed to jump off her bike in the nick of time. A beam of energy shot from the weapon, creating an enormous explosion which crackled with electricity. Raucous laughter was heard and middle fingers were seen extended as the getaway car sped off. A battered and bruised Wing pushed herself up, angrily she banged her fist on the ground, forming a small crater where she did so. This was getting repetitive, two bit criminals, who should've been easy to stop, were somehow acquiring highly advanced weapons and now, to add further insult to injury, she'd lost her bike.

Gingerly the Asian woman got to her feet and limped her way home. It became obvious to her that she needed to find the supplier of these weapons and cut them off. She remembered a few years ago there had been news reports of a small gang building and selling weapons like that but had been stopped and the members arrested. "I'm gonna need help" Colleen concluded after soaking in the shower. The next day her knee jerk reaction was to contact Danny but he was still God knows where. He'd rang a while ago to say he and Ward, like her, had been disintegrated and later restored. Danny had also said that they wouldn't be coming back to America anytime soon, they'd got five years worth of catching up to do in their hunt for whoever was behind the transport of the Iron Fist corpse. So he was out. Colleen's next call was to Misty Knight. Although the call went straight to voicemail but Wing left a message anyway. Luke Cage was considered but these days he was too busy running his nightclub, Harlem's Paradise, as the unofficial 'king' of Harlem. Colleen didn't know what was going on with Matt Murdock, he was thought to be dead but then Daredevil had reappeared, only for him to be declared an impostor later on. There was only one person left on the list; Jessica Jones. "Alias Investigations,this is Jessica." Greeted her. "Uh hi. It's Colleen Wing, we met during the Midland Circle thing I was the girl with the sword." Colleen went on to explain her situation and tried to convince the PI to help. "Hey as much as I don't want guys out there with super weapons, I can't help you. I got a ton of cases and I need the money." Colleen sighed and prepared to hang up but Jess spoke again. "But I might know someone who can. Give me a minute." The PI hung up and there was silence for a while. A few minutes later Jones returned to the phone, "Alright he says he's in and that he'll come by later on."

One thing Peter wasn't expecting that day wasn't a call from Jessica Jones. "Hello?" "Hey Spidey it's Jess." The PI greeted. "Hey. Is something going on?" Peter asked. "Kinda, there's someone who needs your help. She's called Colleen Wing and she's trying to stop some street punks with super-weapons." Parker flashed back to his clash with Vulture's gang all those years ago and the sheer destructive capabilities of their weapons. "I'm not gonna let that happen. Where do I go?" "She's at a place called the Chikara Dojo in Chinatown." Jessica told him and then added "Be careful alright? I won't be there to save your ass if you get in trouble again." "That was one time." Spidey said, "I'll be fine." Jessica simply gave an unconvinced "Mmhmm." before hanging up.

Colleen didn't know what kind of help was coming but had to hope for the best. A knock came at her door. Opening the door, Wing was in for a shock as standing there, clad in red and black and displaying his arachnid symbol, was none other than Spider-Man. "Wow Jess wasn't kidding when she said she'd get help." Unsure what else to do she extended a hand and introduced herself and the webslinger did so as well. "I can't believe I've got an Avenger in my house." Colleen said after they'd gone in "I wish Danny was here to see this." Peter was embarrassed by the praise, especially coming from a pretty woman. "Okay you've told me your name and if we're gonna be working together I suppose you should know mine." Before he could change his mind he pulled off his mask. "You can call me Peter Parker." 'This day is just full of surprises' Thought Colleen 'What's next? My doctor is actually Thor in disguise?' The teen's voice brought her back "So what's going on?" He asked. "Well somehow street criminals have gotten their hands on these crazy weapons. I've been doing what I can but all I've done so far is stop a few guys." Peter nodded it was clear Colleen was passionate about defending the streets and knew what she was doing. "Any clue where they might be getting them from?" He asked. "I don't know anything about a supplier but I spoke with the head of the Yangsi Gonshi, they're a local Triad gang, and she gave me a potential storage location." She told him. The pair formulated a plan to put into action that night.

Night fell and Spidey and Wing prepared themselves for a raid. "We'll take my... Oh yeah my bike got blown up." Colleen deflated as she remembered. "I'll get us there hang tight." Parker pulled Wing close and fired off a strand of webbing, latching onto a wall and sending them swinging. A frazzled Colleen doubled over for breath once they'd arrived "God how do you do that all the time?" She panted to Spidey who just shrugged. The webslinger turned his attention to the warehouse and noticed the thick steel door. "This has gotta be the place but how're we gonna get in?" He mused. Colleen grinned "Leave that to me." She said, Cracking her knuckles, one of her hands turning a bright white. "Whoa! You didn't say you had powers. Who are you?" Peter questioned. "I am the immortal Iron Fist, protector of K'un L'un and sworn enemy of The Hand." Spidey just stared blankly "What does that even mean?" "I'm not really sure." Wing replied "It's what Danny used to say when he had this power. Now stand back." She then struck, smashing the door off it's hinges with a single blow.

Before the men had a chance to act several were pinned to walls by Peter's webs. Wing quickly dispatched some who were still standing with a series of martial arts moves, impressing Parker with her skill. A goon was able to grab a gun and pointed it at the heroine. Before he could fire it Colleen drew her katana from it's sheath in a smooth movement and the blade lit up with chi energy. A single stroke from the glowing sword sliced through the gun like a hot knife through butter. The swing was closely followed by a sharp punch which knocked the man down and out.

Peter meanwhile was holding his own and had webbed up several more crooks and knocked out others. Suddenly he saw a weapon pointed at Colleen who was engrossed in fighting. She turned in time to see the weapon aiming at her but not in enough time to do anything. *Bang!* Wing opened her eyes to see the shot had gone wide, pulled aside by a strand of webbing. The shooter quickly joined the rest, unconscious on the floor. "You saved me." Colleen said. Peter blushed and tried to change the subject, "We should destroy these and leave these guys for the cops." He opened up a weapons crate and started to smash the contents. As she joined him in doing so Wing couldn't help but notice Peter's body as he did and found herself getting turned on. With the guns destroyed the heroes left at the sound of approaching sirens.

Back at the dojo the two were in a good mood. "That should stop them for a while. I think we did good work tonight." Said the webslinger, removing his mask and putting his feet up. "Course there's still the guys providing the weapons." Wing smiled and gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder "Hey don't be so down, take the win." She said and slid closer to him. "You saved my life tonight Peter. Let me thank you." With that she draped her arm around the teen and pressed her lips to his. The liplock quickly turned sloppy and tongues intertwined.

"Let's get you out that costume." Said the Asian woman after they'd moved to the bedroom. Spidey grinned and tapped the logo on his chest, causing his outfit to loosen and slide down. "That's convenient." Remarked Wing, still taking her clothes off. Parker assisted in removing her underwear. Kneeling, the hero slid down Colleen's panties and pushed her onto the bed. The teen traced his tongue around and across the opening, occasionally delving in to lap at the inner walls. Colleen moaned and shoved Peter's head in closer. Peter snaked his tongue in, licking and twirling his tongue, lubricating her pussy. Colleen's moans grew louder when Spidey thrust in, slurping at her core and sending waves of pleasure through her. "Keep going." She insisted. Spidey lapped and flicked faster, precum and saliva mixing together in his mouth. He continued to lick at the walls of her pussy. Wing moaned in pleasure at the sensation and felt her release coming closer and closer. Pushing Peter's head again, Colleen wanted to get his tongue as far in as possible. Tensing, Colleen cried out as she came, her juices flooding across Spidey's face. Energised by this Peter began to french the Asian woman, his member hard and ready. Colleen started to reach down when Parker suddenly pulled away "Hang on. You're not gonna use your glowing hand are you?" Wing gave him a look "Seeing as I don't want to accidentally rip it off, no." She reached for his member and firmly grasped it, rapidly running her hand along it's length. Peter was surprised at her roughness but quickly found it pleasurable. Her hand sped up and Peter gave a small moan.

"You like that? Then you'll love this." Wing eased her mouth down the hardness, taking it inch by inch. Pursing her lips she sucked hard, easing her way up. A pop sounded as she removed her lips but soon wrapped them back around Peter's cock. This time she went further down before pulling up. Each time Colleen took a little more of Spidey into her mouth and eventually had reached the bottom. Gagging at first she took a moment to adjust, swiping her tongue across as she did so. Again, Wing slid her mouth up and, instead of resuming her blowjob, she stuck out her tongue and let her drool drip onto the waiting shaft. Peter felt a tingle when the woman ran her tongue down his length and then twirled it around his head. Her efforts didn't take long to make his cock thoroughly lubricated and she returned her mouth to it. Her lips slid down without resistance and went up just as easily. Eager for more Spidey decided to take control and grabbed onto Colleen's pigtails and used them to pull her head forward. Wing was surprised at first but took his length to the hilt each time. Peter gave a slight buck to his hips whenever Colleen went down. Driving her head forward Colleen could feel the hard dick starting to pulse as it hit the back of her throat and his balls hit her chin. Parker continued his rough facefucking, his dick twitching in preparation to blow. As the pleasure grew Peter clenched his fists tighter and shoved his cock deep into Colleen's mouth. With a grunt Peter came, his seed splashing down Colleen's throat. To her credit Colleen managed to swallow the load but some still ran down her chin. "You okay?" He asked and got a thumbs up for an answer. After swallowing down the rest of Peter's load the Iron Fist was ready to talk again "I want more." She said and got onto her hands and knees.

Peter occupied the time it took for him to harden by putting his tongue to work lubricating the waiting hole. Long slow slurps sent shudders through Wing and she began to grow impatient. The slow licks sped up and the wet muscle flicked in and out of Wing's pussy. Soon Spidey was ready and prodded at her outer walls. Not wanting to wait any longer, Colleen thrust her hips back to force the member in. The Asian woman grunted and repeated the action. Parker was quick to reassert control and, grabbing her waist, slammed forward to drive his cock deep. A cry from Colleen encouraged him to keep going so he did it again with more force. Colleen cried out at the sensation, the fullness was euphoric. "Again." She mewled as Spidey pounded her hard and fast. To maximise her pleasure Coleen forced her hips back each time Peter's thrust forward, the shaft finding rhythm in and out her pussy. Precum dripped from their organs, staining the sheets. "More." Wing moaned. Parker withdrew from her and then sheathed his entirety within her dripping snatch. "Fuck yes!" At this Peter repeated the action. Slapping flesh was heard as he slammed into her over and over. Peter gave a grunt as Wing clenched her walls around his meat, much to their mutual pleasure.

Peter's cock filled the woman, giving her more pleasure than she'd had in a long time. Just as eager as he was Colleen continued to drive her hips onto his pole. All good things must come to an end though as both could feel an approaching climax. "Close." the teen muttered. "Keep going." Wing pleaded between gasps. Spidey held out as long as he could, pounding his partner hard, but grunting her name he burst. Colleen gave a moan as hot spunk splashed into her tunnel. This proved to be the trigger for her release as seconds later the dam burst inside her and pussy juice came rushing out.

Hot, sweaty and dishevelled Colleen wondered if Peter had done this with Jessica. The thought strangely excited her and she felt up for more. Crawling over to Peter she kissed him and palmed at his manhood.

A sudden noise caused her to freeze; Ii was the unmistakable sound of her door opening.


End of Chapter 23.

Next Chapter: A Hard Knight's Work.

Would've uploaded this sooner but I was having an MCU marathon which overran a bit.

Stay safe everyone.

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