Parker Luck

Chapter 30: Nine Lives

Aboard the floating prison The Raft a full scale riot was underway. Somehow there'd been a power failure which caused the doors to unlock. The super powered prisoners wanted what all prisoners did, freedom and weren't afraid to do whatever it took to get it.

Guards had been sent to the main complex in an attempt to quell the rioters but against the powered criminals they didn't stand much of a chance and were being beaten badly. Some had been subdued and forced back into their cells but others were proving more of a challenge. One of them was Willis Stryker A.K.A Diamondback. After his brawl with Luke Cage he'd been practically comatose. In his unresponsive state he'd been perfect for an experiment to be conducted on him. The same one that gave Luke his powers was duplicated on Stryker and had the same effect, much to the guards' dismay.

"No! No! Please don't!" A guard desperately begged for his life as he crawled away from the big man. Diamondback grinned cruelly and gave a wicked chuckle. A makeshift knife was clutched in his fist, already stained with the guard's blood but hungry for more. Stryker raised his shank as he sauntered towards his terrified victim. He prepared to bring it down to end the guard's pleas but suddenly a cell door slammed into him. The impact hadn't done much more than make him mad and he looked for who'd done it. To his surprise he saw his attacker was a slim blonde woman.

Patricia "Trish" Walker had been imprisoned on The Raft for several years and had had a long time to reflect. At first she'd been furious at being treated as a villain and had flown into hellish rages but over time these had stopped. Trish didn't regret what she'd done, killing Salinger was the only way she could get justice for her mother's death. A prison sentence was too good for a monster like that. What she did regret was how she'd gone about it. Her determination to punish the man had driven a wedge between her and Jessica and she'd had to watch the woman she considered a sister turn her back on her.

Since accepting her fate the blonde had been a model prisoner, especially compared to some of the thugs locked up with her. When the power had gone out she'd chosen to remain in her cell. She knew the only way off the prison was by air or sea and the vehicles were under heavy guard. Even as the criminals rampaged she did her best to ignore them. What she couldn't ignore was the downed man's cries for mercy.

"Please! I have a family!" The guard pleaded. That did it. Her old desire to be a hero resurfaced and she acted on it. Swinging the door of her cell open, she watched in satisfaction as it smacked Stryker's face. "Leave him alone!" She said, sounding braver than she felt. Stryker swung wildly at the blonde who ducked under the blow. She tried to strike him back but it was like punching a concrete block and all she succeed in doing was hurting her hand.

Trish was quick to realise that she'd never be able to beat her much stronger opponent. Walker's enhanced reflexes saved her from punches that would've snapped her bones like twigs and it was all she could do to keep it up. As the blonde dodged ducked and dived, Willis got progressively more angry but also more tired. His punches grew sloppy but he pressed on, blinded by rage. His fury was centred on the fact that the only thing stopping him from escaping was a woman half his size but somehow able to avoid every attack.

His anger grew when Trish ruthlessly kicked him square in the crotch. Even with unbreakable skin it hurt. Doubled over in pain, Stryker glared at her with murder in his eyes. "You bitch! I'm gonna kill you!" He seethed. Trish laughed, maintaining her bravado act and taunted the man "Oh yeah? Come and get me asshole!"

Blinded by rage, Stryker charged. Trish's plan wasn't as suicidal as it seemed, she'd noticed the power had returned and the cell locks would be working again. At the very last minute she dived aside and Diamondback thundered past her and into a cell. Before he could get out Trish slammed the door shut, trapping him in the cell. A roar of fury followed by a string of expletives came from the enhanced criminal. Pounding on the glass had no effect even with his superhuman strength.

With the riot mostly under control the prisoners were being rounded up and a guard stood with his gun aimed at Walker. "Inmate 1021976 return to your cell!" He ordered. Trish was quick to comply and went back feeling good, she'd saved someone's life.

A few weeks later Trish stood in front of the parole board, even the grim faced Secretary Ross was there. The board finished skimming through her files and looked up to speak with her. "Miss Patricia Walker. In light of your good behaviour and your actions in the riots you have been granted early parole." Trish's heart felt light "I'm free?" She asked hopefully. "There are some conditions." The parole officer continued speaking, "You will be under house arrest and fitted with an ankle monitor and you will also be released into the custody of your adopted sister." The blonde was caught completely off guard, "Jess is taking me?" She didn't believe it. "That's correct, Miss Jones was informed about your release and agreed to take you in." Another officer told her.

The PI shielded her eyes to watch the helicopter come in to land. A few minutes later Trish stepped out in handcuffs and escorted by armed guards. They stopped in front of Jessica and the cuffs were removed. "Now there's some things you need to know." A guard started but Jessica interrupted in her usual blunt way, "Don't bother they told me all the rules; don't let her out the apartment, don't let her take the anklet off and don't let her talk to certain people. I got it. Now go." She brushed the guards off.

The women walked together for a while without a word, neither knowing what to say.

Trish eventually spoke "Jess, I'm sorry for what I did. I really appreciate you giving me another chance, it means a lot." Jones was silent at first other than an "Mm-hmm." But then she sighed and looked at her sister. "Listen Trish, I'm only doing this because you're the closest thing to family I've got but this is your last chance got it? You screw up at all and you're going straight back to The Raft. For good." Walker knew she'd hurt Jessica a lot and this was more than she'd ever expected but her words still stung. "I get it. I won't screw things up I swear." The blonde promised.

Jessica stared at Trish for a beat and, trusting she was sincere, nodded. "Okay." She then gave a piercing whistle, "Taxi!"

At the apartment Jessica told the blond that she'd be sleeping on the couch as well as other arrangements she'd made. "I gotta go out for work." She then said. "I thought you were supposed to stay with me." Trish pointed out. "Technically as long as you're not left unattended I can." The dark haired woman said. "Someone's coming by to keep an eye on you." She then told Trish. Walker pursed her lips, somewhat insulted that she wasn't trusted enough to be left alone, "So you've got me a babysitter?" Her sister just shrugged, "You can look at it that way if you want." She wasn't giving Trish her full attention, being preoccupied with gathering her things. The blonde sighed "Malcolm?" She asked. "Nope." Replied Jessica, "He's one of the people you can't see." Trish wasn't able to ask who was coming before Jones walked out the door.

**A few days ago**

Peter had received a call from Jessica. "Hey Jessica." He'd greeted simply, he hoped it wasn't another situation like with A.I.M a while back. He was about to say more but the PI cut him off. "I need a favour." She stated flatly. Again she spoke before Peter could, "I need you to come to mine and watch my sister." That was not what the webslinger was expecting, "You have a sister?" He asked and he heard Jessica sigh. "Trish Walker. Adopted sister." She told him. "From Trish Talk and It's Patsy?" Spidey briefly wondered if the PI was joking but remembered she wasn't the type.

Jessica wondered how he knew what 'It's Patsy' was but chose not to ask. "Yes her. So can you do it or not?" She asked. "Why me?" Peter asked in response. "Because you're responsible and can handle it if things go bad." She told him and then added "Plus you owe me a favour from when I saved your ass." Spidey found he couldn't argue with that.


Bored of waiting, Trish had fallen aslep. The sound of the window being opened jolted her awake and she rushed to try and fight the intruder. The blonde grabbed the first thing that came to hand, in this case an empty bottle. Trish was about to swing it down but stopped when she saw who it was. To her utter astonishment, Spider-Man was climbing the wall. "Whoa! Hey!" Peter saw the bottle hovering over his head. "Jessica sent me!" He quickly explained. A dumbfounded Trish just stared, at a loss for words but stepped back from the window. Taking that as an invitation, Peter crawled in.

"Um, hi I'm Spider-Man." He introduced himself. Trish still didn't say anything so the teen carried on, explaining why he was there. Peter found himself getting starstruck in the presence of a celebrity. May had listened to Trish Talk and one day, out of curiosity, Peter had looked up Trish. In his search he'd discovered her old TV show and understood why it was so popular. He'd also learned about her vigilante actions and subsequent imprisonment.

"How do you know Jess?" Walker had to ask once she'd gotten over her surprise. When the hero answered she got the distinct impression he was blushing under his mask. "It's a long story but I owe her a favour." He answered. Some part of Trish wondered if he'd slept with Jessica. The thought strangely excited her. She'd always had something of a hero fetish and a poster of Captain America had fuelled many of her teen fantasies.

Currently she liked the way the webslinger's costume accentuated his figure. Since gaining her powers her sexual appetite had grown immensely and having been locked up for a long time had left her sex starved. Of course she hadn't enjoyed the male inmates leering at her but it had made her aware of how much she missed it.

As the day went on Walker made sure to bend over in front of the hero and deliberately brush against him whenever she got the chance. Later on the blonde put on the TV and placed herself right next to him, steadily inching closer. Soon their bodies were pressed together. She was positive he was blushing now and noticed he'd crossed his legs. "I love this show don't you?" Trish said, leaning towards the teen and accidentally on purpose placed a hand on his inner thigh. Trish walked her fingers along Spidey's thigh towards the bulge. "Is this for me?" She purred as a finger gently stroked his length.

"You want this?" She asked a dry mouthed Spider-Man who swallowed before nodding. The blonde swung her legs over Peter's, straddling him whilst peeling up his mask. Peter reached to take it off but was stopped, "Leave it on." She whispered to him.

Eager for action and not caring for tenderness, Walker roughly smashed her lips to Peter's. She kissed with a fiery passion and firmly gripped his hardness. "Enough of that." She said, pulling away. Like an animal Trish literally ripped her clothes off and attempted to do the same to Peter. As she couldn't tear the material she settled for letting the hero take it off.

Once Peter was undressed (save for the mask), Trish grabbed his head to pull him towards her. The blonde buried her fingers in the brunette's hair and shoved his face into her slit. Realising that Trish wasn't in the mood for him to take it slow he thrust his tongue as far in as it could go and was soon slurping away. The teen licked the moistening walls, his tongue slathering over every inch and scooping up any precum. "Yesss!" Growled the blonde and pressed his face closer to her pussy. Walker was voracious and wild, throwing her head back and crying out. Peter worked his tongue hard, flicking it from side to side, twirling it in circles and driving it back and forth.

Trish's cries grew louder as Parker's tongue lapped at her walls. "More!" She moaned. The hero really knew how to eat pussy and the blonde's sensitive opening dripped with mixed fluids. Spidey eagerly slurped at the juices which oozed from his mouth and down his chin. The wet muscle thrashed and writhed inside the warm hole. "Oh god!" The blonde wailed when the tongue hit a sweet spot in her core. "Right there!" She told Peter who concentrated his efforts on it. "Mmmph!" Exclaimed Spidey as his face was pushed against the opening, barely giving him room to breathe.

"Don't stooop!" Trish was certainly the most vocal of Spidey's partners. The teen's tongue pressed the pleasure button inside Trish over and over and a rapidly growing ball of ecstasy formed inside her. The heat was overwhelming as Peter continued his ministrations. A few more licks and Walker reached her limit. Ahh! I'm cumming!" She mewled. True to her word, warm fluids gushed from her thoroughly licked hole.

Coughing and spluttering, Spidey pulled away with cum and spit covering his mouth. A low moan came from Walker as she soaked in the pleasure.

Peter barely had time to catch his breath before Trish pounced on him, whispering huskily into his ear. "Come on Spider-Man, give me that nice hard cock." As she spoke she sprawled out with her legs spread and her hands cupping her breasts. The cock in question practically swelled at the blonde's words and the owner positioned himself over her. Peter eased his member past the delicate lips and between the pink walls, pushing them apart. Walker clenched her jaw, it'd been a while since she'd had anything larger than her fingers inside her. It didn't take her long to adjust though. "Go." She said simply.

Peter drew his hips back and then pushed forward. His shaft slid in slowly and steadily, rubbing against the slick walls. Peter carefully pulled back again and followed through with another gentle thrust. The slick hole offered his rod no resistance and let it in without difficulty. "Enough foreplay Spider-Man, fuck me properly."

The blonde's command turned into a mewl of delight when Peter gave a rough thrust, sheathing himself inside her wet pussy. Her volume increased as he went faster. In no time he was bucking his hips like a pile driver. Peter slammed his shaft into the warm opening then ripped it out only to resheathe it a split second later. "Harder dammit!" Trish ordered. The next thing that came out her mouth was a caterwauling sound of ecstasy. Using his full strength Spidey pounded hard and fast.

With an animalistic cry, Trish hooked her legs around the teen's waist, determined to feel every inch of his cock. Upon feeling him penetrate her fully, Walker gave another moan. Spidey hissed as the blonde gripped his back, her nails leaving scratch marks. Despite this he didn't slow for a second, rutting Trish with all he'd got. The hero's hands overlapped Trish's on her pert mounds, firmly kneading them.

Peter's shaft penetrated the slit over and over, the inner surfaces squeezing it tightly. Hips connected, organs ground and fluids intermingled as the pair fucked like animals in heat, both adamant to maximize pleasure. Wild eyed, Trish threw her head back and wailed. The pleasure inside her was all consuming and her pussy was dripping wet as her release approached.

"Keep it up!" She growled. Peter was also close to cumming but didn't stop his furious ploughing for a second. As the thrusts continued the damn burst. "Ooohh yees!" Trish orgasmed with a jet of cum from her hole. "Don't stop." She managed to pant despite her world going white.

If he heard her Spidey didn't give any indication but kept driving his into her. The juices made for a smooth transition in and out. Peter's thrusts grew slower but he maintained the same power to them. Pressure that had formed in his balls and shaft increased as he prepared to blow his load. "Cumming!" He announced. "Not inside me, I want to taste it." The blonde pushed the brunette away, the hardness slipping out but standing tall.

With cat like flexibility Walker twisted into her front and turned so her head was aligned with Spidey's lower one. Trish took a second to lap the juices coating the meat and then opened wide to swallow the length, reaching the base in a single go. Walker drove her head down with a furious passion. All Peter could see was a yellow blur as she took his length. A grunt came from the blonde each time the the cock hit the back of her throat. All too soon Spidey felt the pressure return. Despite having a mouth full of dick the blonde managed to tell the webslinger to go harder. Bucking his hips shoved the whole cock down each time. "So close." He hissed. With a single forceful thrust Peter made sure the blonde had every inch of him in her wet mouth. A groan was all the warning Trish got when the hot jizz burst from the teen cock and down her throat. Not a single drop was wasted as Trish hungrily drank it down and then, taking her mouth off, licked up any remaining fluid.

"Wow." Was all Peter could say, being with Trish had been a wild experience and he was exhausted. An equally tired Trish laughed breathlessly, "Wow yourself Spider-Man. I'm glad Jess asked you to watch me." She planted another sloppy kiss on the hero.

As if summoned by the mention of her name the PI unlocked her door. Taking in the heap of clothes and the musky smell she quickly knew what had happened. "Goddammit you two! I leave you alone for a few hours and this is what you do?"


End of chapter 30

Next chapter: Stormy Weather

I feel this was a bit of a weak chapter.

Big props to you if you guess the significance of Trish's number.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.