Parker Luck

Chapter 36: Birds of a Feather

"Oh man. I can not believe I'm doing this." Said Peter to himself. "Well here goes nothing." Taking a deep breath to steel himself, he stepped forward.

"Hello and welcome to the Daily Bugle, how can I help you?"

The perky secretary greeted him with enthusiasm that was at odds with the demonised image of the company he'd built up in his head.

Peter had previously earned some money by submitting some of his photos of Spider-Man to the company but with graduation getting closer he felt it was time to try and get a job. After several failed attempts, some of which were due to Spider-Man related problems, he'd seen an advert that the Daily Bugle was looking for a photographer and, biting the bullet, he'd applied and an interview had been scheduled. "Hi. I'm here for the photographer interview."

The secretary's beaming grin seemed to widen, "Okay then you'll need to go to the top floor and there's a waiting room outside Mr. Jameson's office. He'll call you in." She told him pointing to the elevators.

Spidey fought not to get nervous as he went up, a job interview was stressful enough at the best of times but the added pressure of it being with the man who hated his alter ego with a passion did absolutely nothing to help. He tried to relax as there was no way Jameson could figure out he was Spider-Man but that didn't do much to settle his nerves. "Don't freak out." He recited to himself until the doors pinged open.

After sitting down he found he was full of nervous energy and in another attempt to stay calm he started looking through his résumé and the photos he'd brought with him. In preparation he'd set his camera up to get some photos of himself in the suit, he thought they were pretty good but now he wondered if they were too good and might look staged (which, admittedly, they were but still). The longer he waited the worse his nerves got and he suddenly wondered if trying to get a job at the Daily Bugle was such a good idea.

"Peter? Is that you?" Spidey recognised the voice and looking around revealed a familiar blonde girl had just gotten out the elevator. "Betty! What're you doing here?"

"I work here. Kinda. I'm interning for Mr. Jameson's assistant and, since she's off sick today, I'm filling in for her." Brant explained. "But what're you doing here?" She asked as she sat at a desk in the corner. "I've got an interview." Peter said "I'm applying to be a photographer."

"Well good luck." She said and decided to give him some advice, "Mr. Jameson can be a jerk but if you can get on his good side he's not all bad. Most of the time." She added. Their conversation was cut short by a blonde man walking over to Betty. "Hi, Eddie Brock. I've got an interview with Jameson." The man was told to take a seat as were the other applicants who steadily trickled into the waiting room.

A few minutes later Jameson called in the first applicant. One by one they went in and one by one they came out and soon Peter was the only one left. "Peter Parker." The teen got up when his name was called.

It was strange being face to face with the man who'd declared 'him', among other things, a menace and a murderer. "Alright Parker, what've you got?" Was the first thing JJJ said and Peter started his pitch before handing him his résumé. Jameson didn't say anything other than the occasional "Hrmm." As he read it and then set it down so quickly Peter wondered if he'd actually read it. There were a few basic questions and then Peter offered his portfolio "I have some pictures too." Jameson didn't look interested until Peter added that they were of Spider-Man at which point he promptly grabbed them. A raised eyebrow was the only emotion he showed.

"They're crap." He pronounced, "Crap, crap, mega crap." Parker's jaw dropped but Jameson spoke before he could say anything, "Tell you what though, I'll give you two hundred for 'em." He said.

"But Mr. Jameson, I was hoping I could get a job." Peter tried to protest, fighting a strange sense of de ja vu, but was brushed off, "Trust me, at your age, freelance is the way to go." The editor told him. "Sir I really think-duck!" Peter suddenly cried, his Spidey Sense alerting him to danger seconds before something big smashed through the window.

Metal wings curled as the green clad figure scanned the room and then shot out to scoop Jameson up by his shirt and brought them face to face. Vulture then spoke in a heavily synthesised voice "Who takes the pictures of Spider-Man?" The villain demanded. "What?" JJJ sputtered out and the question was repeated. "I don't know we get a whole bunch of them from different people." Vulture made a noise of annoyance and threw Jameson aside "Well you tell them all that I'm looking for Spider-Man." The wing turbines extended as the villain prepared to take off. "Toomes!" Peter cried, "What're you doing? You're supposed to be in jail! You told me you were turning over a new leaf!" Glowing green eyes fell on the young hero "Peter." The voice sounded softer but that could've just been Peter's imagination as it vanished quickly, "This doesn't concern you!"

Peter and Jameson watched as their attacker flew off until they were just a dot in the distance. Neither spoke for a while but Jameson eventually broke the silence, "I think it's best we reschedule."

When he was done giving his report to the police Parker was told he could go home but he only did so to get his costume to hunt for Vulture. Deploying his drone to help him search, he swung off. After hours of looking with nothing he was about to give up when he got a ping from the drone, it'd located the energy signature of Vulture's wings.

"Where are you?" He muttered as he scanned the skies for his foe from his perch on a water tower. The sound of turbines reached his ears and soon the flying villain was in sight. Webbing shot out and snagged the villain. "Shit!" Spidey realised his mistake a split second too late as he was yanked off his feet and taken for a ride. He was dragged along for several minutes before he was able to fire another line of webbing onto the edge of a close enough building. That had the desired effect but the sudden strain made it feel like his arms were being ripped out their sockets. The hero was seriously regretting his decision and was about to let go when the pull on Vulture's end increased as the flyer reached the end of the line.

Vulture suddenly jerked to a halt and looking back revealed the attached webbing, "Spider-Man." The synthesised voice growled. Looping around, the villain went on the attack, lunging talons first at the webslinger who managed to backflip to the safety of a nearby rooftop. Blade-like wings slashed at Spidey, several of which were too close for comfort but he was still able to avoid them. "Hold still!" Vulture demanded. Peter narrowly dodged another swipe, "Why're you doing this?" He asked. A bitter laugh answered him, "Why am I doing this? You ruined my life!"

"I'm sorry about what happened to you but you were hurting people and besides I saved your life remember?" Spider-Man retorted which seemed to give his enemy pause for a moment and that was long enough for him to land a powerful punch which cracked the helmet. Vulture cried out in pain and staggered back before turning to glare at the hero. A brown eye and a flash of dark skin could be seen through a gash in the helmet and Spidey froze. "Liz?"

When the helmet was removed it left no doubt, it really was Liz, a few years older but her nonetheless. "How do you know my name?" She asked suspiciously. Peter decided the best option was honesty, he owed her that much, and pulled his mask off.

"Peter!?" She was stunned by the revelation "You're Spider-Man?" Liz's mind was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions as whilst she hated Spider-Man for ruining her family, she still cared about Peter. At least now his sudden disappearances made sense but otherwise she didn't know what to think.

Allan was about to fly away again but Peter called out to her "Wait, don't go!" Reluctantly, she faced the teen. "Liz, I'm sorry about what happened, really I am, but why did you become Vulture?" The young woman gave a sigh, "You Blipped didn't you?" She didn't wait for an answer before continuing, "After people turned to dust it was chaos, people went crazy and with my mom and dad gone I was all alone. I found some Dad's old stuff and I became Vulture to take care of myself." She explained. "Then why did you stay when everyone came back?" The brunette asked, the two had transitioned to the edge of the roof and were sat side by side. Liz looked a little sheepish "I guess I liked it, it made me feel powerful and I was mad at you, well Spider-Man, for getting Dad arrested and thought I could get revenge like this."

"I'm sorry about that but I couldn't let any more superweapons get out on the streets.", Peter apologised again, "And I'm sorry for ditching you at Homecoming too." Liz gave another sigh "Look that's in the past, I'm over it." She said. "What did you mean when you said you saved Dad's life?" She then asked and Peter told her about what happened. As she listened, the young woman placed her hand atop his. "Thank you." She said sincerely, "I guess I can forgive you now." She then gave a small smile "I missed you." She confessed. "I missed you too." Peter said. The two drifted closer until before they knew it, hero and villain's lips met in a tender kiss.

"I've wanted to do that for years." Admitted Liz with a blush and Peter echoed the sentiment. The two kissed again with more passion, lips smacking and tongues slowly slithering out. "Is there more you wanted to do?" Said Peter once they'd parted and Liz's blush deepened, "Kinda." She said, "If you want to." Peter answered her with another kiss and ran a hand along her thigh. The young woman took that as a yes.

Liz's wings and jacket were removed, showing Peter how her body had developed over the years. Allan liked what she saw when the hero undressed as well. Soon the pair were down to just their underwear. Despite his previous experience, Spidey still felt bashful around his former crush and was hesitant to start. Another kiss and this time they pressed their bodies together, creating a heat between them. When they broke apart Liz was the first to remove the remaining clothing, displaying her chocolate breasts and slit. Parker followed suit, his hardening length springing out. Their first few touches were gentle, almost chaste, but soon got heavier and more wanton.

Hands groped each other's bodies, Liz's running over Peter's chest whilst his stroked her breasts but slid downwards. Liz gave a small cry when his fingers brushed her pussy. Her hand then guided them back and they slid inside. Her free hand had journeyed down and was now stroking Spidey to full hardness. Fingers worked at each other's sensitive areas, probing and rubbing, curling and caressing. Soon though that wasn't enough and their bodies crushed together again.

Their hands roamed over bodies with an intensity and tongues wrestled. Liz sank to her knees, fingers still curled around the webslinger's length. Strands of drool fell onto the member and was rubbed in until it was wet with it. Allan cupped her tits and wrapped them around the hard member. Her dusky breasts felt deliciously soft around the teen's cock and he moaned loudly. Liz squeezed them tighter and started to rub them up and down. Peter tried to buck his hips but was stopped "Let me do everything." Liz instructed and sped up, increasing the friction. Not one to do nothing, Peter's hands joined Liz's on her boobs and started to caress them. The pert mounds engulfing Spidey's hardness got faster again before slowing down and being squeezed tighter. Peter squeezed tighter as well and twiddled the dark nipples between fingers that weren't wrapped around the breasts.

Liz's head lowered and her tongue brushed over the boner between her breasts, gently licking the pink head. The wet muscle slathered over Peter's cockhead and quickly got it dripping with spit. Her tongue dragged along the hardness, twisting and curling. Precum started to leak from his shaft which Allan quickly and eagerly lapped up, letting the saltiness play across her tongue. Deciding she liked it and, wanting more, she opened wide and slid her mouth over the cock. Soft lips began to suck on Peter's dripping head and her tongue continued to lap at it. "Oh yess!" Peter moaned at his former crush's combo tit and blowjob. He moaned more when her head went further, taking as much of his rod as she could whilst still wrapping her boobs around it. Her head slid back and forth, spit and precum intermingled over the brunette's shaft and soon it was soaked in the mixture, making her movements smoother and easier. All the while Liz was sucking him off Parker hadn't stopped massaging her boobs, squeezing the soft skin and rubbing the pert nipples.

"That's so good!" Peter moaned as Liz's mouth slid along his member. Her head was bobbing quickly now and her tongue thrashed over what was between her pursed lips. The dark skinned woman was giving it all she had and it was paying off. Breasts and mouth worked in tandem over the throbbing cock and adding to Spidey's pleasure was Allan moaning onto it, sending vibrations from crown to balls. The hero's grip tightened as he fought a loosing battle not to cum just then as he wanted to prolong the experience.

He was able to hold out despite the ecstasy consuming him but soon it became clear he wasn't going to last. "Ah, Liz, I'm gonna cum." He grunted as his cock tensed. Liz gave another hum before pulling her mouth off with a pop "Let it out over me." She said and a few moments later he did. Hot white spunk decorated Allan's face as it spurted out from Peter's twitching cock and a second blast splattered onto her pert breasts.

"Wow." Was the first thing Peter said once he'd stopped cumming. "Let me return the favor." The two switched positions, Peter on his knees and Liz standing and the brunette pressed his face to the young woman's wet hole. His tongue wasted no time licking over the sensitive folds and teasing the inner walls. He lapped at her lower lips alternating between slow and fast and started to dip his tongue into her pussy more and more. Soon he'd gone in, roughly slurping at Liz's slit and tasting her as he went deeper. He knew exactly what to do to make her feel good, the wet muscle slithering around inside her. Before long he'd thrust his tongue as far as it could go and was rapidly wriggling it from side to side, making Allan moan. "Mm don't stop." She whimpered as he slurped at her sensitive areas.

Spidey pulled his tongue out before thrusting it back in, holding it stiffly. His head rocked back and forth, driving his tongue deep into the dark skinned woman's wetness. Pussy juices dripped onto his tongue as he went in and out and the taste of precum filled his mouth. After another thrust he stopped and the wet muscle buried inside Liz started to wriggle and writhe again. The flow of juices increased as Liz's climax neared. "Peter!" She moaned his name as she got closer and he responded by redoubling his licking. Already turned on, the extra stimulation overcame Liz and she came. The sensation of pussy juice on his face was becoming familiar to Parker but he still enjoyed it.

"So what do you want to do now?" He asked when he'd cleaned his face off. "Well." Said Liz, "There's something I want to try." She'd sat down after cumming but now got on all fours. Spidey's cock hardened at the enticing sight and he rubbed it against the presented opening. His member was soon ready after grinding against Liz, "Here we go." He told her as he brought the tip to her entrance. Even with just the tip at her pussy he could feel her tightness. To make it easier on Liz, Peter sucked on a couple of fingers and eased them into the wetness. The wet digits stretched her walls, helped by liberal application of spit and prodding from his cockhead. As he fingered and teased the opening he gradually eased more and more of his length in.

Liz moaned as inches of Parker's member entered her but told him to keep going. Steadily, more of the shaft was sheathed inside her and then, after a few gentle pushes, the whole thing. Once he'd gotten assurances that she was okay, Peter pulled a little out and then pushed forward. Liz grunted at the feeling and pushed her hips back to meet him. Slowly but surely Liz loosened up and the movements got faster and smoother. The thrusts sped up and Spider-Man's cock was entirely sheathed in Vulture's pussy each time. Hips smacked against hips, skin against skin as Peter ploughed Liz and she clenched around his member.

There was risk in fucking on the rooftop like this but there was also a certain thrill to it which got the pair excited. Peter's hands firmly gripped Liz's waist and he plunged his pale cock into her dark pussy hard and fast. Liz's body shuddered every time the length entered her and moans came from her mouth. She drove herself backwards to ensure full penetration each time and she realised Spider-Man had changed places on her Fuck, Marry, Kill list. Peter eagerly pounded his former crush, bucking his hips with power. Combined precum made the member slippery which allowed it to go in and out with no resistance. "Oh yes! Harder, Peter!" Moaned Allan, she wanted it all and Spider-Man complied, putting as much force as he dared into his thrusts. Cum filled balls smacked against Liz each time his cock went in. The way her walls squeezed his member was incredible and the precum began to drip from the well fucked hole. Pleasure was all they could think about and the only thing the two wanted in the world right then was more.

The euphoric sensation of flesh on flesh filled the lovers and consumed their minds and bodies. Spidey's cock slammed and Liz's pussy clenched and the pleasure grew. Soon it grew too much and overwhelmed them. Remarkably, despite cumming just a few minutes ago, Liz came first, crying Peter's name as her release burst out over his member. After a few more wild thrusts with the last of his strength Peter came too. He was tempted to do it inside Liz but pulled out and watched his pearlescent load shower her.

Stark naked, the pair lay out on the rooftop, exhausted but satisfied.

"That was amazing." Said Liz and Peter had to agree. Hero and villain pulled on their respective costumes and went their separate ways with a promise of a repeat session. Their reconnection was unexpected but had turned out better than either could've expected.


End of Chapter 36

Next Chapter: To Thrill a Mockingbird.

That was a twist huh? Well done those who figured out it was Liz.

Big thanks to everyone who's gotten this to over 200 bookmarks.

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