Parker Luck

Chapter 46: Blonde Bombshell

*Ding* The microwave door pinged open and Yelena reached in to extract a steaming bowl of mac and cheese. The blonde hummed as she applied a liberal coating of hot sauce before sitting down to dig in. Since the debacle with Hawkeye in New York she'd taken some time to herself, away from the assassination business, to try and track down any remaining Widows. Keeping busy also helped to keep her mind off of Natasha as little by little the pain was lessening.

Yelena absentmindedly stroked Fanny's head as she set up her computer to begin trawling the net for hints as to locating any of the assassins. Having access to Dreykov's database had been invaluable at first but as more names got crossed off, it's usefulness was waning so she'd resorted to using the internet. She was reluctant to reach out to any of the others or to Valentina, the former as she didn't want to disrupt the lives they'd built and the latter as she'd begun wondering how trustworthy her handler was.

She was laser focussed at first, determinedly delving into deep corners of the web in her search but, as with most who spend long periods on the internet, she got distracted and begun procrastinating. It started with checking the news after that the siren song of online videos sounded it's irresistible call and she spent the next hour or so watching dog videos. A recommended video caught her eye which showed that someone had gone up to the Avengers compound in hopes of getting footage of the heroes in a desperate attempt for views. The blonde watched disinterestedly as the camera revolved between the filmer's face and the distant building and she was about to click off when the shot panned up to show their jet landing. She recognised a few of the costumes as the heroes disembarked but any other details were too far away to be discerned.

Just before the video ended there was a brief flash of a female figure with red hair. The figure wasn't Maximoff and as far as she knew there weren't any other redheads on the team so out of curiosity she rewound. "Не может быть." She murmured, squinting at the screen. She lost count of how many times she watched those last few seconds and emotions raged inside her; frustration at the poor quality of footage, hopefulness that her sister might still be alive somehow and self admonishment for thinking that. Hopefulness won out in the end though and the Russian was a woman on a mission; she was going to break into the compound to find out her sister's fate one way or another.

Her first task was assessing the compound's security and found it surprisingly lax, although she supposed a team of superheroes wouldn't need high security. Next was figuring out how to get in and then how to find her way around. 

A few days later, in the dead of night, Yelena set her plan into motion. With outer security disabled she was able to clear the fence and make her way up the drive. She knew there was the risk of one of the big ones being there but she was willing to take her chances. Extracting a set of lockpicks from her vest, she jiggled at the lock to gain entry and soon she was in.

The assassin crept stealthily through the darkened hallways, hyperalert for any sounds. Her plan didn't involve much more then simply infiltrate the compound and search for any sign that Natasha wasn't dead but all she needed was to find the living quarters. Shuffling feet sounded further up the corridor and Belova ducked behind a wall as they approached her.

Spider-Man had just arrived at the compound for his shift over the next few days and was tiredly headed to the showers. He snapped to attention though when his Spidey Sense tingled and alerted him to the Widow's presence. Yelena saw the change in the hero's body language and reacted before he could. Yelena swung around and plunged her charged Widow's Bite into his chest. Pain and electricity coursed through Peter and he fought to remain conscious as he was dragged aside and deposited in a nearby room.

A little later the blonde encountered another figure, Bucky. Yelena did her best to carefully sneak past the super soldier and she relaxed when she thought she was in the clear. Suddenly a metal hand grasped for her. Yelena and Bucky exchanged blows but the blonde knew there was a slim chance of her winning this fight. Her batons were drawn and she managed to shock him, enabling her to escape. Barnes was dazed but gave chase as the blonde ran.

When she got to the hanger, she saw a way out but luck wasn't on her side. Captain America had just returned from a late night flight and saw the commotion. "Sam!" Bucky shouted and Wilson immediately understood. He flung his shield at the intruder but the vibranium disc missed Yelena by mere millimetres. Belova had heard enough of Alexi's stories to know about the shield and be prepared for its ricochet and dodged that as well. What she wasn't prepared for was a pair of metal wings knocking her off her feet. "Сукин сын." She groaned.

In the time it took her to get to her feet she was surrounded by several Avengers. Peter's suit had taken the brunt of the electric shock but he was still in pain and it had messed up his mask's eyes, forcing him to remove it and once he'd recovered enough he'd joined the team in surrounding the invader. Yelena noticed the brunette's face and her first thought was that he was kind of cute. Her grip on her batons tightened as she prepared to fight.

"Yelena?" The blonde froze at the familiar voice and her hands went slack, "Natasha?" Her voice choked with emotion and her eyes welled with tears as the redhead pushed her way through her teammates. The Widows immediately wrapped the other in a tight embrace, determined not to let the other go. "It's okay everyone." Nat reassured, "This is my sister Yelena." Belova broke the hug to look at the redhead. "How?" She wondered, "They said you were dead."

Romanoff sighed, "I was. It's a long story." She wrapped her arm around Yelena to guide her to her room to explain.

Yelena's mind reeled at Nat's revelation. "I just got you back but now you tell me you'll have to go back and die again?" Black Widow sighed again, "I don't know apparently me being here will affect the timeline but nothing seems to be happening so I guess it's okay me staying." She said. "Then I'm staying too, I'm not losing my cестра again." The younger Widow announced determinedly. "By the way I saw you when you were on the run, you totally copied my look with the vest and the hair." Yelena joked. "Oh, you're one to talk about hair." Natasha laughed and gestured to Yelena's braid. "We should go out sometime I've only been out for missions." She mused.

"Why are you staying here all the time?" Yelena wondered. The redhead gave her a look, "Well it is kinda hard to go out when you've been declared dead." She pointed out the obvious. Having known Natasha for so long, Belova could tell there was something she wasn't saying. "There's a guy isn't there?" The redhead didn't answer straight away which was all Yelena needed, "Hah knew it!" She crowed triumphantly, "Who is it? The green guy?" That was met with a dismissive snort. "Barton?" Was her next guess, "Clint's married..." "So?" She kept on trying to pry the info from her early into the morning.

Tiredness was catching up with the blonde and, hazily she threw out names. "Spider guy?" Was jokingly suggested as she started to drift off. "What? No!" Nat said a little too quickly, causing Yelena to snap awake. "No way. I mean he's cute and all but still." She chuckled and began pressing Nat for details but the heroine refused to say anything.

In the morning Yelena woke with a start, not recognising where she was but the sleeping form of Natasha next to her calmed her down.

Her first thought was to get some exercise and once she found the training room got to work. Not long after she noticed she had company, Spider-Man was in the doorway and appeared to be watching her. She smirked as she decided to tease the young hero. Her white jumpsuit hugged her figure as she went through a series of stretches, all of which emphasised her flexibility. She watched the webslinger from the corner of her eye as she stretched and was pleased to see he was staring.

After a few more minutes she pretended to notice him, "Spider Boy." She greeted him, deliberately getting it wrong. "It's Spider-Man." Peter corrected and Yelena smirked and cast an apprising glance over his form fitting costume and lingered for a moment on his crotch "I can see that." She said flirtatiously and the brunette reddened. "And you're Natasha's sister?" He said to deflect the awkwardness. "Not by blood but yes we grew up together." The blonde told him.

The conversation ended there and they both went back to training but over the next few days Yelena got settled in and made sure to go to the gym each morning to perform her stretches, still keeping up the charade of not knowing Spidey was watching her. All the while she amped up her flirting which was getting a response from the young hero, especially when she accidentally walked in on him in the shower.

That night for the first time in a very long time she felt her body tingling, triggered by the memory of Peter's nakedness. She hadn't intended to do anything more than just tease him but now she wanted more. She was sure Natasha wouldn't mind, sisters did share after all. The memory played over and over in her head and her pussy throbbed with need. The sisters had insisted on Yelena being allowed to stay at the compound (Nat was trying to convince her to join the Avengers) and she'd been given her own room which was fortunate for tonight. "О Боже!" She whimpered as her fingers slipped into her wetness. Her lip was clamped between her teeth to try suppress moans as the fingers began to flex. She couldn't remember the last time she'd played with herself and she was very sensitive. Middle and ring fingers rubbed against her walls and with each touch a rush of pleasure went through the Widow. The intensity increased as she pictured Parker's muscular body and sizeable member.

Not long after she felt a rush and then warm juices coating her fingers. "Боже." She said again, having forgotten how good it felt whilst wondering how masturbation compared to the real deal.

The blonde amped up her teasing over the next few days and spied on Peter whenever she could. Peter had obviously noticed this and found himself thinking about her a lot, including her featuring in some of his more exciting dreams. Teenage hormones won out once again and one night he went to find Black Widow's little sister. He found her in her room. She'd been preparing for a shower and was in nothing but her underwear which would make undressing easier. "I was wondering when you'd show up." She purred, before pulling the hero into a tonguing kiss. What little clothing they had on were swiftly removed and naked bodies pressed together.

Although Yelena was still a virgin she wasn't about to let that stop her so firmly grasped the teen's length. Her hand trailed over the hardness and grunted when Peter touched her slit. Determined not to let her inexperience show, Yelena dragged Peter to the bed and let her spit drip onto his cock, quickly slicking it up. Shortly after she wrapped her mouth around the cock and lowered her head whilst simultaneously slurping at it with her tongue for extra lube. Years of Widow training had eliminated her gag reflex and Peter was very impressed with how easily she took him to the base. Belova immediately liked the taste of dick and was hungry for more. Although she lacked experience she still did her best to please the webslinger, angling and bobbing her head. Her tongue swirled up and down the length and swirled it around the girth. The bobbing got faster the longer the blonde went on and Belova was getting the hang of sucking cock, much to their mutual pleasure.

Peter grunted as the Russian worshipped his member, sucking and licking like there was no tomorrow and bucked his hips in pleasure. It wasn't needed as Yelena was taking every inch already and was doing so with pleasure. The way her warm soft mouth repeatedly enveloped the member you could never tell it was Belova's first blowjob and she was giving it all she'd got, adamant to outdo Natasha. Precum leaked from the pink head but wasn't there for long as Yelena wormed her tongue over it to let the saltiness cover her tongue. Peter shuddered when a finger stroked his balls and the underside of his shaft whenever it was exposed and even the light touch made him moan. Pressure was building inside Peter the longer his member was worked at, every suck and lick making the sensation increase. Yelena seemed to sense Parker was close and her movements sped up and her lips closed tighter over him.

With her mouth and throat filled with cock, Yelena savoured the muskiness of it and was surprised at how much she was enjoying it. Not as much as Peter was though and he was getting very vocal as his climax grew closer with every bob. His member dripped with pre and spit which trickled down the Widow's chin. The whole time she sucked him off Yelena never broke eye contact and stared intently at his face to see how it contorted with pleasure and used it to judge how close he was. As it turned out, very close. "Yelena!" He grunted throatily when he couldn't last any longer. Hot seed flooded the blonde's mouth as it erupted from his length.

Instantly hooked on the taste of Spidey's cum, Yelena formed her lips into a seal around the spunking cock to gather up the load and greedily swallow it all down. There was a pop when she took her mouth off but Peter's cock wasn't left unattended as her tongue slapped against it, running up and down to ensure she got every single drop of cum. Once she was satisfied she'd gotten all of it, Belova wordlessly got to her feet and placed her hands on Spidey's pecs. She let them rest for a moment to enjoy the feel of his muscles but then pushed him onto his back.

The familiar but always welcome sight of a pussy descended on Spidey's face and he raised his head to meet it. He planted gentle kisses on the slit with the occasional poke from the tip of his tongue which made the Russian shudder. "Более." She grunted which turned into a low drawn out groan when the brunette's tongue slithered into her opening. With practiced skill he flickered his tongue just past her sensitive lips, toying with her entrance and her walls. A series of quick flicks and darts of the wet muscle drew more groans and Yelena knew that fingers could never compare to this. Juices flowed over Peter's tongue and the taste of the blonde filled his mouth as his tongue went in deeper, skilfully swirling around her inner walls and turning her grunts into drawn out moans.

Peter drove his tongue in and out, curling it back before flicking it forward. Alternating between styles; quick flicks, sharp japs, slow drags and everything in between was having a profound effect on the blonde who expressed her pleasure through throaty moans and grunts. With his tongue buried deep, Peter turned things up writhing and twisting it all around to hit every inch of Yelena's inner walls, much to her delight.

Already close from the intense stimulation Belova felt the ecstasy grow whenever Peter's tongue rubbed against her walls and even more so whenever he hit her core. To increase the feeling she ground her hips against the young hero's face attempting to get even more of his tongue inside her warmth. Understanding this, Peter thrust against her deepest and most sensitive parts which served to turn the master assassin into a moaning mess. The tongue worked expertly at Belova's opening and she mewled in delight whenever he licked her just right. Her first time being eaten out was incredible but as much as she wanted to she couldn't make it last as the pleasure became too much. Yet another cry came from her and her wetness pressed even harder against the teen's face as she climaxed.

To Peter's surprise, the blonde recovered quickly and before he had chance to clean her cum off his face she'd leant down and begun heatedly making out with him, sharing the stickiness between them. As their tongues danced, Yelena reached behind her to grope for Peter's member and, upon finding it fully hard, began stroking it. "I'm gonna do everything Natasha did with you but better." She boasted as her fingers trailed over the hardness.

Not long after she lifted herself up and hovered over the rod for a moment. Yelena gritted her teeth as she lost her virginity, trying to stay loose as she eased down onto the wallcrawler's cock until it was fully inside her. With Russian toughness, she pushed through the pain and rose up, although that came with a sense of emptiness even still partially sheathed. Fortunately for her it didn't last long as an upwards thrust filled her back up. With excellent muscle control, the blonde clenched around Peter, her pussy walls squeezing tightly to provide pleasurable friction. The Widow was soon riding the hero cowgirl style, any discomfort gone. Once more her lips captured his when she leant over him, still bouncing on his length as she did. Natasha was being given her a run for her money as Yelena squashed her soft tits onto his chest and gyrated on his cock. Smooth movements of the blonde's hips rapidly sheathed and unsheathed Spidey's length and she ground back and forth as well as lifting up and down.

"Сильнее!" She demanded. Peter's Russian lessons paid off and he did as he was told, thrusting more forcefully into the warm wetness and a satisfying smacking sounded as their hips met. Primal grunts came from the lovers as Yelena rode the cock that pumped into her pussy like a jackhammer. Helping them go faster was the webslinger's strong hands grasping the Widow's perfect ass to pull her down, ensuring she got every last inch of him. As it turned out, actually being fucked was far better than just fingering herself and she couldn't get enough of being thrust into and kept squeezing on the hardness to reciprocate. When she next leant over she was rewarded with the sensation of Peter's mouth latching onto a nipple and sucking on it. Teeth got involved as well, gently nibbling the pink nubs whilst lips suckled on the delicate skin surrounding them. Yelena had played with her boobs before but it couldn't hope to compare to how Peter's mouth devotedly mouthed them, switching between teeth and tongue and from left to right.

Putting a little extra force into his bucking, Peter made Belova's whole body tremble. The blonde had never felt like this, having her breasts worshipped by Spider-Man's clever mouth and her pussy filled by his hard cock was more pleasure than she'd ever experienced before and if not for her Widow discipline she'd've cum several times already. That said, she was getting closer each time the member entered and exited and euphoria surged. Her limits were really pushed when Parker manged to angle his hips in such a way that hit her pleasure button and made her see stars. She couldn't help but cry out which was all the teen needed to know and kept on hitting that spot. Her mind was a blank as she was fucked senseless, the pleasure overwhelming and all she wanted was for it not to stop.

Once again Yelena gave the cry of "Сильнее!" And once again Spidey upped his pace, driving with even more force, his cock almost a blur as he ploughed her. A familiar tensing in his shaft and balls told him that he was getting close so he rode it out, not stopping suckling on the soft mounds and thrusting into the warm pussy. The blonde was panting now as her movements grew wild and uncoordinated. Her core felt like it was going to explode as her release grew imminent, the pleasure growing and growing until it eventually became to much to resist. "Peter, cumming!" She moaned. Even as her hot juices gushed from her slit (as it turned out she was a squirter) she kept lifting and dropping her hips, wanting to keep feeling the brunette's hardness pumping away. The previous smacking sound turned into a wet slapping one as Yelena's cum soaked over Peter's cock.

With Belova's relentlessness in riding him adding to his pleasure, Parker wasn't far off his own release. "I'm gonna-" A hand over his mouth cut him off, "Not yet." He was told as Yelena dismounted. Her tits weren't as big as her sister's but they still amply covered the slick length and their softness made him moan. "Ah Yelena!" He groaned when she started licking him as well. The taste of man meat was one Yelena knew she'd grow to love and she was already fond of the saltiness of cum which gave her extra incentive to slurp at the hardness nestled between her rack. With a wet tongue slathering over his cock and a pair of soft mounds rubbing against it, Peter went back to bucking his hips which pushed his climax even closer.

"Ah! Fuck!" He burst as he burst. A few more slow thrusts painted his load over the Russian's lips and tits. His masterpiece wasn't there for long as Yelena's tongue circled her mouth before extending to the mounds brought up to it and darting over them as well. "That was fun." She said once she'd cleaned herself off, "What's next?"

"Well Nat let me do her in the ass, so if you really wanna compare to her..." Peter hinted with a big grin. The Widow gave a silent response in the form of rolling over and raising her rear.


End of chapter 46

Next Chapter: Elektra-ic Feel

This may create some slight continuity errors but eh.

I don't know how accurate these translations are but; Не может быть- It can't be, Сукин сын- Son of a bitch, сестра- sister, О Боже- Oh god, Более- More, Сильнее- Harder

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.