Parker Luck

Chapter 6: General Maintenance

Since the events of The Blip, General Okoye had taken to personally patrolling the halls of the Royal Citadel to ensure nothing happened to the royals. As she marched along Okoye was ready to call it a night and get some sleep the general stopped when her ears caught a faint sound. Pausing, the bald woman stopped and cocked her head to see if it came again. A few seconds later it did. When the general heard the sound again she decided to go and investigate.

Okoye suddenly realised that the noises were coming from Princess Shuri's room! Hurriedly the woman headed to the girl's room, mentally preparing herself for any situation. Tightening her grip on her spear the woman gradually pushed the door open.

What the general hadn't prepared for was seeing the princess on all fours, being screwed by a white boy. With the door open the bald woman could clearly hear, "Uh, Peter! Yes!" and "Shuri!" Transfixed and unable to look away, Okoye saw that whoever this 'Peter' was he certainly seemed to be satisfying the princess.

With a slight tingle in her loins, it occurred to Okoye that she hadn't had sex like that since her wedding night. Coming to her senses, and deciding that the princess wasn't in any danger, the general resolved to deal with it in the morning.

Before she left the mahogany skinned woman's Kimoyo Beads alerted her that she had an incoming call. Touching the flashing bead conjured the image of the sovereign of Wakanda. "My king." said Okoye respectfully. "General Okoye." greeted T'Challa "Mother and I will be home in a few days and I would appreciate it if you would let Shuri know." The woman nodded "Of course my king. I'll tell her in the morning," she assured, "Thank you General." Said the Black Panther, who then ended the communication.

In her chambers Okoye tossed and turned but, try as she might, she couldn't get the image of the princess and the boy out of her mind. "Demethi!" cursed the woman. Okoye reached under her bed for something she'd acquired following W'Kabi's arrest, and their subsequent divorce, after the events of Killmonger's brief rule. The Vibranium dildo was warm in the bald woman's hand. The metal rod slid smoothly into Okoye's pussy, shaking slightly as it did so. As she pleasured herself the general was still unable to shake the image of the Shuri and her lover. What was it that had impressed her so much? It was fairly common knowledge in Wakanda that the princess had high standards for most things. So why was this boy different? With a grunt Okoye squirted onto the fake cock. Before falling asleep an idea started to form.

Early the next morning Okoye went back into the citadel with the intention of talking to the princess. As the mahogany skinned woman was about to open the door the knob started to turn. Okoye ducked out of view. A white teenager with short brown hair walked out the door, closely followed by a naked Shuri. Okoye watched as the two shared a passionate kiss and the young royal slipped something into the boy's hand. With a jolt the general realised that they were a pair of panties that appeared to be wet. He must've been good thought Okoye, and in the back of her mind she wondered how good.

As she watched the boy leave Okoye thought he looked vaguely familiar but decided not to worry about it. Knocking Shuri's door resulted in the sound of frantic rustling of clothes from inside. "Come in." The princess' voice called. The bald woman had to stop herself from grinning at the girl's dishevelled appearance, including lop-sided ox buns and a back to front shirt.

"Is there a problem General?" Said Shuri in, what she thought was, a controlled voice. "No Princess." replied the red and gold armoured woman "I received a communication from the king and your mother to say that they would be back soon." The heir to the throne visibly relaxed "Oh. Okay, thank you General." she replied. "Princess..." said Okoye, "Yes, General?", "Who was the boy earlier?" Shuri looked like an antelope in the headlights "What boy?" she tried. Okoye raised an eyebrow at the young royal "Princess, I have known you since you were a baby. I know when you're lying."

Shuri's shoulders slumped "Are you going to tell T'Challa and Mother?" Okoye considered this "Maybe. Who was he?" asked the bald woman. The princess sighed, "His name is Peter Parker, Spider-Man, he's here for the foreign exchange." she explained. Okoye thought for a moment and then remembered "Spider-Man. The one who does this yes?" she asked, folding her middle and ring fingers in. Shuri nodded 'Well', thought Okoye to herself 'At least he's not just some completely random outsider'.

With a completely straight face the general asked "How was he?". The girl looked dumbfounded "What?". "Last night." Elaborated the bald woman "How was he?". Shuri stared at the older woman for a beat before brightening up with the realisation that the general wasn't going to tell anyone. "Sensational" she breathed dreamily. 'I'll be the judge of that' thought Okoye but simply nodded to the girl and started out the door "By the way Princess, your shirt is on backwards".

Despite his best efforts Peter Parker couldn't concentrate on his lessons. Although the lesson on the various usages of Vibranium was fascinating, Peter's kept thinking about his past few weeks. First Pepper, then Michelle, Wanda, Carol and now Princess Shuri, the teen couldn't help but wonder if anyone else would try jump his bones (not that that would be such a bad thing he thought).

Peter was jarred back to reality by a sharp elbow in his side by the girl sitting next to him. "Focus Parker" snapped Ava Ayala "She's gonna tell us about the Black Panther suit" she eagerly went on.

"- And whilst we can't tell you everything." said the teacher, clicking a button and causing a hologram to appear "We can show some of the features of our king's Panther Habit. For example it is completely bulletproof". The hologram showed a robotic arm unloading a gun onto the suit without even ripping the fabric and causing a purple glow to appear. "The suit can store kinetic energy to be released at will" went on the teacher. The wearer of the suit then slammed his hand into the ground, sending out a purple shock wave which sent surrounding objects flying. That impressed many of the students. "And of course," continued the lecturer "the Vibranium claws". The image showed a close up of the suit's hands as they slashed into a thick sheet of metal like a hot knife through butter. The final display seemed to especially fascinate the Hispanic girl beside Parker.

When Peter and the others arrived back at the dorms they saw Mr. Harrington (who'd come along as their chaperone) talking to the most intimidating woman the webslinger had ever seen. Wearing red with golden armour on the neck and shoulders, the woman had an intricately tattooed shaven head and in her hand she held a wicked looking spear which she obviously knew how to use.

"Uh, Peter could you come here please?" called out Mr. Harrington. 'Crap they know about me and Shuri' thought Peter as he approached. Suddenly the young hero recognised the woman from the final battle against Thanos and relaxed a tiny bit, maybe it was Avengers related.

The mahogany skinned woman looked at Peter somewhat disapprovingly "You are Peter Parker?" she asked. "Uh. Yes Ma'am" said the hero. "Hmm." said the woman "I am General Okoye. Please come with me."

The stoic woman took Spidey into a hover car where she remained quiet for the duration of the journey. As the two arrived at a large building the teen decided to speak up "Um General?", Okoye turned to face Peter "Is this y'know an Avengers thing?" he asked hopefully. "No." replied the bald woman "This is personal". 'Shit' thought Peter.

Entering the building, Okoye gestured with her head to the young hero "Follow" was all she said. Peter gulped and silently prayed that sleeping with the princess wasn't punishable by death in Wakanda. When the mahogany woman stopped at a door Peter's nerves increased.

To the webslinger's immense relief the door didn't lead to a torture or execution chamber, but instead a spartan bedroom. "Sit down Parker" instructed the general, gesturing to a chair. "Yes Ma'am." replied the teen, swiftly doing so. Okoye rested her spear on hooks on her wall before sitting opposite the teen.

Before speaking Okoye made prolonged eye contact with Peter "Now then nkwnekwe let's talk". "Okaaayy..." said Peter hesitantly "About what?". "About you and Princess Shuri" replied the armoured woman calmly. Despite his previous track record Spider-Man tried to lie "Princess who?" The look on the bald woman's face told Peter that it wasn't worth trying anymore. "What about Shuri?" sighed Spidey, "Is she just a ngokukhawuleza to you?" Inquired the general. Not understanding the word Peter couldn't respond. The bald woman asked again "Are you just using her for sex?" "What? No" said Spidey indignantly "That's just a... bonus. I mean I'm pretty sure a relationship wouldn't work but she's smart and funny and she cares about the people, and I want to at least be friends" went on the teen hero "With benefits" he added.

General Okoye stood up and once again stared Parker in the eye. Suddenly her posture relaxed and she smiled "I believe you" said the dark skinned woman. "Oh, thank God" exhaled Peter "So does that mean I can go?" The general smiled again "Not yet, first you must show me what impressed her so much."

His previous experiences clued Spider-Man into what was going to happen next, 'these pheromones are gonna be the death of me' he thought. Okoye started peeling off her armour and soon she was showing off her body, honed by years of training "Like what you see?" she asked. "Totally" said Peter. "Good" replied the general "Now it's your turn." As Peter stripped the bald woman couldn't help but notice his athletic physique.

"Hmm, not bad" commented the older woman "You can satisfy girls, but let's see how well you do with a warrior". "You can start by giving this some attention" Said Okoye spreading her pussy lips. Kneeling on the floor Peter obediently started tracing the general's lower lips with his tongue, and gently fondled her clitoris at the same time. "Hrrn, keep going" grunted Okoye trying not to show the waves of pleasure that were travelling up her. In reply Parker doubled his efforts and pressed his tongue as far as it could reach into the mahogany skinned woman's pussy. Okoye was starting to gain an understanding of Shuri's choice, she couldn't deny the boy knew how to use his tongue.

Okoye was close to cumming but she was adamant to draw out their session as long as she could and told Peter to stop. "Now let's test your stamina" said the general, sitting Peter on the bed. Okoye wasted no time engulfing Peter's meat in her warm mouth and sucking on it like a lollipop. It took Spidey a considerable amount of self control not to burst there and then, the Wakandan was an expert cocksucker. To show he could give as well as receive Peter bucked his hips as the woman blew him. Despite his efforts Peter couldn't stop from shooting his load into the bald woman's mouth.

Okoye then slowly dragged her lips off Peter's pole, as if determined not to spill a single drop of cum, and, looking Peter in the eye, gradually swallowed the load. The erotic sight quickly got Spidey hard again. "Lie down" said Okoye. After the teen did so Okoye crawled forward until her torso was level with Peter's crotch. Lifting her mahogany melons the general sandwiched the sausage between them. The soft breasts were dragged up and down, accompanied by quick licks at, the teen's lower head.

Peter was quickly brought back to his peak and with a cry shot his juices across Okoye's face and tits. "You lasted longer than I thought" commented the bald woman "I trust Shuri gave you an implant?" she then asked. Peter answered affirmatively. The general gave Peter's cock another slurp before lowering her toned form onto the young hero's waiting hardness.

Okoye was looser than Shuri but just as warm and even wetter. Lifting herself off Peter the mahogany woman then pushed herself back down. Soon the general was jackhammering up and down on Peter's cock. Leaning forward again Okoye breathed into the brunette's ear, "Play with my breasts, be rough". "Yes Ma'am" said Parker before taking a dusky nipple into his eager mouth. Biting down on the cushy tits Spidey alternated between squeezing and sucking each boob. As she bounced the dark skinned woman kept calling out "Hamba, hamba, hamba!". For the third time that day Peter felt close to cumming and mentally thanked his enhanced recovery time. "General I'm about to blow" said Peter. The only indication that the bald woman had heard him was her riding him even harder.

Once more Spidey shot, his 'webs' gushing out of the dark cunt. Peter's seed was joined by Okoye's shortly afterwards, screaming out "Ewe!" a flood of ejaculate rushed out of the general's well fucked hole. The Dora Milaje then scooped up the combined spunk and began sucking it up before offering her fingers to Peter.

When he had recovered Peter said "So how'd I do?". A tongue down his throat was the Wakandan woman's initial answer "Passed with, as you say, flying colours", "Now I certainly understand why the princess kept letting you sleep with her". "Thanks, I promised to see her again tonight" admitted the webslinger. The general smiled "Well you'd best practice some more" she said, a hand drifting to his member.

After a few more rounds Okoye could take no more and told Parker to return. When asked about where he'd been the teen manged to come up with a convincing enough excuse (too bad I can't).

Before too long it was time for the students to go back home and for a final treat they were told that they would be receiving a royal farewell. As Peter packed his things (Harry had already done his) there was a knock on his door. Opening it revealed a grinning Shuri "Hello Peter" she said "So you and General Okoye hmm?". The princess laughed at the hero's panicked face "Relax, she told me all about you two knocking boots." "So what're you doing here?" asked Parker. "Duh!" scoffed the Wakandan, "I came to give you a special goodbye". Peter's eyes lit up at the prospect "Sorry mhle not that kind, as much as I'd like to" said Shuri, reading the brunette's expression. "Oh" said a somewhat dejected hero. "I didn't say I don't have something for you" the royal then said. "Here" she handed a string of Kimoyo Beads to the boy. "Call me" said the princess, before giving Peter a smacking kiss on the lips.

As the teens clambered back onto the coach they saw a tall man dressed in a black robe (and escorted by several armoured and shaven headed women) waving to them. At the king's sides stood two people. An older woman, also dressed in black, with a large hat and a serene expression stood to one side and on the other was a teenage girl her with an impish grin and her hair in a large bun.

Osborn could've sworn he'd seen the girl before and, frowning, he turned to the boy next to him saying; "Hey Pete, isn't that your friend from the other night?" Peter simply shrugged and joined the other students in waving.

On the plane Peter knew he'd never forget his time in Wakanda and resolved to return there one day. Tired, Spider-Man lent back and closed his eyes, his last thought before falling asleep was 'I wonder how MJ and the others are doing'.


End of Chapter 6.

Next Chapter: Come Into my Parlour.

Translations: Demethi: Damn it, nkwnekwe: boy, ngokukhawuleza: quick sex girl (I'm surprised there's a word for that), hamba: go, ewe: yes, mhle: handsome

Double upload today, get in.

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