Parker Luck

Chapter 8: Hall Pass

Experimentation can make for a healthy couple. At least that was the reasoning of Hope Van Dyne and Scott Lang who wanted to add a bit of spice to their relationship.

The duo cared deeply for each other, and had a healthy sexual relationship as well, but they both craved some excitement now and then. Most of the ideas they looked up were rejected; Playing games (too boring), Naked weekends (no time for that being superheroes and often needing to do civilian work), Shower sex (fun at first but got old quickly), Watching porn together (again got old quickly and they couldn't agree on what to watch) and Scott's idea; Shrunken sex (too risky, could damage something in the suits). After a while the couple settled on a Hall Pass, every so often Scott or Hope gave the other permission to sleep with someone else. The only issues with that idea were who to pick and when to use it.

Looking at the note he'd been left the other day Spidey tried to remember who Hope was (and why she would be looking for him) but came up blank. Once again the young hero decided it could wait until after school.

Greeted by Ned and MJ, (the latter somewhat more enthusiastically) Peter caught them up what'd been happening. "Damn." whistled Ned "So not only was Black Widow brought back from the dead but she banged you as well? You get all the luck." MJ was impressed too, and began questioning Peter about the experience whilst taking mental notes. "Hey I just remembered something," mentioned Ned out of the blue a few minutes later. "Apparently we're getting a visitor today for some kinda demonstration." That caught the lovers' attention. "Who?" Asked MJ. Ned could only shrug "Dunno, but it's supposed to be someone important and something really cool".

Later in the day a special assembly was called. "Good afternoon students." greeted the principal "Today we have some special guests. If you would kindly introduce yourselves?" That was directed at a grey-haired couple and the younger woman with them. The man stepped forward "Hello my name is Hank Pym, this is my wife Janet and our daughter Hope." the women waved to the students. 'Hope Pym?' Wondered Spidey, the name did sound vaguely familiar.

The old man continued "We are going to be demonstrating Pym Particles for you today." "Now some of you may be wondering what Pym Particles are, well let's show you. Janet if you please." The older woman reached into her pocket revealing a cylindrical container with a couple of vials inside, filled with a red substance. "These are Pym Particles" said Hank "Sub-Atomic particles which change the distance between atoms, making whatever they touch change in size. To demonstrate this Hope has a selection of everyday items." At her cue the brown haired woman reached into the large bag she was carrying and pulled out a random collection of items.

When Pym Particles were touched to the items they shrank down to a fraction of the size or rapidly grew. The students were very impressed by all this. "Now any questions?" said Hank. Several hands went up. "Are there any questions not about Ant-Man?" Several hands went down. "Or any about The Wasp?" Almost all the remaining hands went down. "So how do they work?" Asked a student "Well" began Pym and launched into a long scientific explanation filled with technobabble.

Hope was bored. She'd had dinner plans with Scott and had wanted to get ready but, at her parents insistence, she'd come along to the demonstration (which in her opinion was a veiled attempt to get future employees for Pym Tech). 'Still' she thought 'at least the kids're enjoying themselves'. Looking out across the crowd she did see some who looked particularly interested, one of whom, a brown haired boy, looked vaguely familiar to her.

'Maybe he's one of Cassie's friends, the girl is high school aged now.' Thought Hope vaguely. It still jarred her to think five years had passed since The Snap. A buzz from her pocket distracted the younger Van Dyne from her thoughts. Checking her phone Hope saw a text from her boyfriend. Scott: Hey Hope I know we had plans this evening but something's come up at work. Sorry. Hope: Are you sure it's urgent? Scott: Pretty sure. Luiz certainly made it sound like it was and you know what he's like. Reschedule? Hope: Fine another time then.

Hope tired to hide her disappointment, it was the third time that week. Even knowing that X-Con security were still getting back on their feet post decimation and restoration, Hope felt that Scott may have been focusing too much on work. An idea came to Van Dyne for a way to try improve her evening. Messaging Scott again she said; Hope: Is it okay if I use my Hall Pass tonight? Scott: Sure go for it. Got someone in mind? Hope: Maybe, there is someone I've been thinking about trying with. Scott: Well whoever they are have fun Hope: Oh I intend to.

Said someone was Spider-Man. Hope had been curious about him for a while (unaware he was a teenager) and was impressed by his actions (and she liked the way his costume flattered his physique).

Driving over to Avengers HQ she was informed that the webslinger wasn't there but would likely be stopping by later. To help pass the time Hope changed into her Wasp costume for some training.

Eventually Hope's patience was rewarded and the red and blue clad hero showed up. As the heroes trained Hope couldn't help but notice Spidey's form. An idea came to her to try to get him to notice her. "Spider-Man." She called. As the hero turned to look Hope struck what she hoped was a sexy pose. "I noticed you're wasting a lot of energy when striking, let me show you how to fight more efficiently."

Spider-Man raised an eyebrow "Okay, how?" Van Dyne was hoping he'd ask and walked over to him. Taking hold of his arms, Wasp pressed herself against the hero and guided his body into a different position "Try it like that." She said. Hope saw that her hands on approach had the desired effect on the webslinger as his tight outfit did very little to hide a distinctive bulge. Hope pretended not to see it and continued re-positioning Spidey's body.

"Now I think you're ready for some sparring." Said Wasp putting up her fists. Spider-Man complied and soon the two were matching blows "Good but don't be afraid to be more aggressive. Take charge." The heroine instructed. Deliberately sticking out a foot, Hope then tripped the young hero so that he'd land on her. As he scrabbled up apologising profusely (and clearly blushing under the mask) Van Dyne just grinned.

"I'll show you something interesting, now follow me." Said Wasp as she shrunk down and flew ahead. Curious, Parker followed her into a back room. "Okay what was it you wanted to show me?" he asked. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands then open them when I say." Replied the miniature woman. After doing so Peter heard the sound of zippers and rustling then felt pressure on his wrists and wondered what the woman had in mind. "Open them." A soft voice spoke.

Wasp was pinned to the wall by a sticky web and with her helmet down and her costume unzipped "Oh no, you've trapped me Spider-Man." Said the brunette woman in fake distress "Whatever am I going to do?" Spidey was confused and asked "What're you doing?" Hope wasn't impressed "What's it look like I'm doing? It's a pretty clear invitation." "But," said the hero "Aren't you with Ant-Man?" Impatient the heroine replied "Technically yes but we have a Hall Pass thing so we get to screw around with other people occasionally. Now either take me or get me out this web."

"Well it won't go for another hour and I can't cut it so I guess we're doing this." Said Peter approaching the bound woman. "Wait" said the heroine suddenly "Before we start I want you to keep the mask on." Spidey shrugged and began to get into character "Well, what do we have here?" he asked in a deep voice.

"I'm sorry for teasing you Spider-Man. Let me make it up to you." Breathed Wasp. The young hero didn't answer straight away and instead scaled the wall in front of Hope so his crotch was level with her face. Remembering the woman's earlier advice Peter tried to take charge "Suck it" he commanded. Although Van Dyne struggled to take his deepened voice seriously she complied, pulling down his pants and lapping at his boner.

Peter grunted at the delicate licks he was receiving but quickly wanted more and pushed his hips forwards, burying his length in the heroine's mouth. Wasp was surprised by the webslinger's forcefulness but adjusted and continued giving head. Thrusting back and forth Spidey pushed his entire dick inside Hope's mouth, pulling it out and then shoving it back in. Hope wanted to make sure Spider-Man got as much pleasure as she could give and circled his length with her tongue. "I'm gonna-" started Parker before correcting himself "I mean, take all my seed woman!" At Spidey's words Hope slid her mouth along his cock so his cum would go straight down her throat.

Wasp wasn't prepared for the amount of cum the arachnid hero produced and wasn't able to swallow it all. "Are you okay?" asked Peter in his normal voice. Hope nodded "Just need a minute."

Switching back to 'predatory' mode Peter pushed up his mask to expose his mouth and whispered in Van Dyne's ear "You didn't swallow everything, you need to be punished for that." Dropping off the wall Peter decided to tease the webbed up heroine. With the lightest touch Spider-Man ran his fingers around and along Hope's dripping snatch.

Spidey kept this up for several minutes, stopping whenever Hope seemed close to coming. "Ah stop teasing me!" groaned the heroine. With a grin Parker replied "Only if you ask very nicely." "Oh please Spider-Man please let me cum" she begged. "Alright but you have to suck me again" Said Peter as he attached himself to the ceiling and lowered himself down.

The hero hooked his fingers into Hope's pussy and at the same time slowly ran his tongue along her outer folds. Opening her mouth again Wasp realised that this would be her first ever vertical sixty-nine, a feat most women couldn't claim to have done. Peter replaced his fingers with his tongue, twisting and flicking it inside Hope's wetness.

The previous teasing and Peter's skill had Hope close to cumming shortly after Peter started. "Ah yeeesss I'm gonna..." Was all she could say. An idea came to Peter and he shared it with his partner before she could release "Tilt back and open your mouth". Peter continued his cunnilingus and when the white fluids burst out Spidey gathered it in his mouth. Climbing up his web Peter leaned over Hope's waiting mouth and slowly let her juices fall into it. "God, that was hot." Commented the older woman. "Just you wait" was all Parker had to say.

Back on the ground Peter stood a moment to enjoy the sight in front of him. Still webbed to the wall Hope's yellow and black costume now had copious dashes of white, a mixture of Peter's and her own cum was dribbling out her mouth and below her pussy a puddle of spunk was forming. "Prepare to be fucked" Peter said with an evil grin and slowly closed the distance between him and the older woman.

His rock hard erection in front of him the webslinger probed at Hope's soaked pussy, dragging out his teasing of her. "Put it in, I'm begging you!" Moaned Hope genuinely desperate for the hero's cock. In response Spider-Man edged the tip of his head into the wet hole. At Van Dyne's moans and whines Peter figured he'd tormented her enough and sheathed himself in her oozing pussy. "Oohhh God, your big!" cried out the heroine, bucking her hips to try and take more of Peter's member.

Pushing the rest of his cock into Hope, Peter thrust as fast as he could which filled the room with the sound of slapping flesh. To muffle Wasp's screams of euphoria the webslinger roughly pressed his mouth to hers. Although she was clearly no virgin Parker was impressed by Hope's tightness as well as her enthusiasm.

Between tongue wrestling Hope forced out a few utterances "Harder!", "Faster!", "Slower!" Each time Spider-Man did so sent waves of pleasure through her. Trying to keep up his dominant role, Peter resolved to make the heroine cum first. Although unable to go all out (for fear of injuring Hope) Spidey thrust harder and harder.

Hope was in ecstasy and before long was cumming again with a yell. At the feeling of Wasp's walls tensing around his dick, and a warm wetness coating it, Parker knew he'd succeeded. Soon it was his turn as Van Dyne bucked and twisted her hips to try help Peter finish. "Ahhh! Yes! I'm cumming inside you" cried the webslinger.

After his eruption Spidey reached his fingers into Hope's cum drenched hole and scooped some of his seed out. "Suck on my fingers, clean them off" he said simply and the brunette woman did so.

When she was done the heroine had a question "So what now?" In reply Spider-Man simply grinned again and said (in his deepened voice again) "My webbing still has time before it dissolves and we're going to spend that time fucking."

Hope had hoped he'd say something like that and looked forward to Scott's reaction when she told him she'd used her pass on Spider-Man.


End of Chapter 8.

Next Chapter: Asimov's Laws

AN: There might be a brief hiatus after this chapter whilst I plan out the next ones but not to fret I'll be back shortly.

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