Passive Inheritance System for All Occupations

Page 22

In the third floor of the dungeon, Chen Mo held the black long sword tightly in his right hand, and a string of dark red blood beads dripped down the blade to the ground. On the way of falling, the cruel hell-like scene around him was clearly reflected.

In the cave passage, every inch of the soil was soaked in the blood of monsters. Countless chopped corpses were piled up on the ground to form a mountain. twice as much as yesterday.

Flicking the long sword lightly, shaking off all the blood stains on the sword, Chen Mo looked at the corpses of these monsters with distress, his eyes full of regret.

If all the magic stones in these monsters were dug out, how much mana would they be able to exchange for... Among other things, it must be no problem to change Hestia's residence to a slightly larger one, right?

Maybe it's time to find a supporter?

While thinking about whether to find a supporter to help him collect magic stones, Chen Mo left the third floor quickly, otherwise he would not be able to leave even if he wanted to when a new round of monsters appeared later.

Coming out of the stairwell leading to the second floor, Chen Mo happened to see Bell holding a dagger, spinning and jumping, steadily resisting the figures of two goblins at the same time.

"White-haired brat, if you continue to dawdle, I won't wait for you!"

Not daring to stay in the same dungeon for a long time, Chen Mo stood at the stairs leading to the upper floor. Although he said that he would leave the opponent alone, his right hand was already pressed on the hilt of the sword, ready to Take a shot to kill these two goblins.

"Wait, wait...Senior, please wait for me a little longer!"

Bell let out a miserable cry. In order not to be left behind by Chen Mo, his originally stable play style became chaotic. Fortunately, goblins are not high-level monsters, even if Bell has some Self-disordered, but still able to cope with it.

After a while, Bell pulled the dagger from the second goblin's vest, raised his head and waved excitedly at Chen Mo, then trotted all the way to his side.

"Senior, I succeeded!"

Early this morning, Chen Mo took Bell into the dungeon. Just like yesterday, he didn't encounter any monsters on the first floor, but he ran into old friends as soon as he reached the second floor.

Goblins, and two goblins!

Seeing the two goblins standing in the middle of the road, Chen Modang waved his hand without restraint, letting the fledgling Bell find a way to deal with it, and he returned to the hunting ground yesterday, in the third floor...

"Hmph, you're still a long way off, white-haired brat."

Selectively forgetting the glorious record of being beaten by a goblin just after entering the dungeon yesterday, Chen Mo released the handle of the knife with his right hand, inserted it into the pocket of the black coat, turned and walked up the stairs.

Standing behind Chen Mo, staring at the black-clothed back that was fading away in front of him, Bell slowly clenched the dagger stained with goblin blood, something seemed to be burning in his eyes, shining brightly .

Sooner or later... sooner or later, you will be able to call me by my name properly, instead of the white-haired brat, senior!


After fighting in the dungeon for nearly a whole morning, both Bell and Chen Mo felt a little tired, so after coming out of the dungeon, the two of them did not return to the dungeon immediately after lunch. On the square outside the Tower of Babel, people were chatting while observing the passing pedestrians.

"...So what? White-haired brat, you actually prefer that older type of big sister?"

"This...isn't this a matter of course?" Although his face was a little red, Bell still argued: "If you say that the most attractive part of a woman's body, of course...the breasts!"

Bell, who seems to be innocent, actually has more mature views on men and women than his age, but his views are not mixed with evil thoughts, but his personal views are upright, so not only will people not find them annoying, but I also feel that he is quite candid.

And this kind of Bell, when facing women, is unexpectedly tight-lipped. Not only will he never say anything that should not be said, but he will blush at every turn. Coupled with his green and immature facial features, he can be called a female killer.

Up to 99, down to just can walk, kill the kind.

"Hmph, is it chest control? Sure enough, he's just a brat who doesn't even appreciate women so superficially!"

"Hi, like... Is it wrong to like breasts?"

It seemed that it was impolite to discuss such a topic in a large public square. Even though there were no women around at this time, Bell still blushed to the ears when he mentioned a word like breasts.

But then he quickly started to fight back, with red cheeks, staring at Chen Mo dissatisfiedly: "Since senior thinks my appreciation level is superficial, what about you, senior? In your eyes, what kind of woman is the most perfect ?”

"Hmph, that's why I said you're just a brat, you can ask such naive questions."


"That's right, it's childish."

He glanced at Bell lightly, seeing that he was listening very seriously, Chen Mo suddenly felt a sense of guilt for being a bad boy, but he continued: "Listen up, white-haired brat... Only people like you A childish and innocent idiot will only struggle with which one to choose, while a truly mature man, such as me, will only choose to have all of them!"

"All...all of them?!"

Suddenly, a light of enlightenment burst into his eyes, and Bell felt that the senior's words simply made him see the light of day. A difficult problem that had plagued him countless times in his life in the past ten years, finally had the most perfect answer at this moment!

"Whether it's a slow-growing junior adventurer, or a cute waiter who is familiar with you in a tavern, or an ignorant elf princess, or even a girl warrior who stands alone at the peak and no one can understand... I want to talk to the cute It is not wrong for girls to increase their relationship, associate with beautiful women of different races, and pursue a relationship with multiple women. Facing the wishes of different women, as a man, how can we only focus on one of them? , and abandon the others?" In a heartbroken tone, he taught the true meaning of life to the student Bell, and the indefatigable Teacher Chen Mo finally asked with an inscrutable look: "How, now that I know my superficiality and childishness right?"

"Indeed, compared to you, senior, I... am really naive!"

"People are not sages and sages without faults, white-haired brat, you still have a lot of things to want...huh?"

While chatting casually with Bell, Chen Mo suddenly saw a familiar figure among the crowd in the square, and was roughly dragged and dragged away by several people.

Speaking of which, the white-haired kid has now officially joined Hestia's family, so judging from the original book, the plot in the anime should start soon, right?

After pondering for a while, Chen Mo put away the laughing expression on his face, and said to Bell seriously: "Hey, white-haired brat, I suddenly remembered that there is something urgent to do, you wait here for a while, don't wander around, I'll be back soon."

Having said this hastily, Chen Mo didn't say what he was in a hurry for, and ran straight away. His agility at ten o'clock was maximized, and he disappeared after a few dodges.


In the dark alleyway outside the Sumo family, several men surrounded a small human tribe covered in milky white robes, with ferocious and disdainful expressions on their faces.

"Lily, I won't tell you so much nonsense, do you hand over the things yourself, or do you want us to do it?"

Among the several men, the leader with a big beard stood in front of Lily, looked down at her and said, "However, if we do it, you may not be able to go to the dungeon in the next few days, so I think You should know what to do now, right?"

Hearing the threatening words of the bearded man, Lily trembled all over, and at the same time, the hand holding the money bag in her arms also began to tremble, and her knuckles were slightly white due to excessive force.

But she still had a little luck.

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