Passive Inheritance System for All Occupations

Page 52

And at this moment—something approached.


On the large wall of Sigh, which is a perfect semicircle sunken inwards, a crack trace, like a flash of lightning, penetrated the wall on the left in an instant.

In the crack that emerged from the sighing wall, a pair of giant eyes as big as a human head instantly locked onto Chen Mo who was standing outside the wall with a defensive face.

The four eyes met, and both sides read the will to kill from the other's eyes.


The next moment, it opened its mouth wide and let out a roar that shocked the eardrums. At the same time, it began to slam into the wall that was not completely cracked from the inside to the outside.

Suddenly, dull voices like groans, gasps, and sighs shook the entire hall.

Weird and violent sound waves echoed in Chen Mo's eardrum like a tsunami.

As Goliath continued to collide, the wailing and screaming from the [Great Wall of Sighs] became more and more intense. Several wide cracks covered the left wall, and the entire [-]th-floor ground trembled. .


When the burden on the wall was close to critical, a stronger impact came from inside again.

In the next instant, amidst the loud shattering sound, the [Sighing Wall] on the left exploded into pieces of rock and dust all over the sky.

Immediately afterwards, rock fragments bounced away, collapsed and rolled to the ground, making loud noises.

But even so, Chen Mo's attention was still focused on the gap on the left [Sighing Wall].

Then, under his cautious gaze.

A [creature] that looks like a human, but is more than seven meters tall, has gray-black stiff hair, and gray-brown skin, suddenly jumped out of the sighing wall that broke a hole.

This is the floor master.

The [Lone King of the Labyrinth], Goliath, possesses absolutely overwhelming power for Lv.2 adventurers.

"Ho... ho..."

[Sighing the big wall] The dust kicked up by the fall was scattered, Goliath turned his head, and his bright red eyes were fixed on Chen Mo who was not far away, and then his lips cracked a terrifying huge smile.

While Goliath smiled, Chen Mo's face was serious, his heart was beating violently like a drum, but he still raised the sword in his hand.

The next moment, the black sword light instantly tore apart the distance between Chen Mo and Goliath...

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Chapter 22 Ah... sorry, it's actually two swords (Gageng)

The sixth floor of the dungeon, in the monster corridor.

Dozens of adventurers are constantly cleaning up the monsters scattered around. Most of them are above Lv.2, so they will soon clear up all the mobs on the upper floor.

Following behind these adventurers, Hestia looked around curiously.

"It looks so powerful...So this is where Chen Mojun has been fighting?"

"Yes, Lord High God." Holding a silver-white arm shield and a dagger in the other hand, Bell followed Hestia closely, warning her that she might come from the ground at any time. The monster that was born in the city continued to say with longing on his face: "Senior, he is doing extremely high-intensity exercises every day in such an environment... It is obviously easy for him, but he insists on making him Lily and I understand the technique of exerting force, and accompany us to fight monsters on the upper floor every day."

Hearing Bell's words, Lily, who was walking on the other side of Hestia, couldn't help but glared at him viciously.

"White-haired brat, you are not qualified to talk about Mr. Chen Mo!"

"Senior, it's okay to call me that...Lily, why do you also call me a white-haired brat?"


Turning her head away and ignoring Bell, Lily glanced at the back of the line inadvertently. The three members of Jianyulei's family, including Jianyulei, the main god, were all following Chen Mo.

Maybe because he felt that he was being watched, Jian Yulei turned his head and met Lily's eyes.

He froze for a moment, then quickly showed a gentle smile, made a cheering gesture with his fists, and continued to search.

In respect of a god, Lily forced a smile on her face, then quickly lowered her head and looked away.

She didn't feel happy because of Jian Yulei's kindness.

Because she knew very well that the god of war, Jian Yulei, was willing to come underground in person. Although part of the reason was out of guilt and apology to Mr. Chen Mo, the bigger reason was to sell Goddess Hestia's favor.

But no matter what the reason is, it is also a good thing that at least one more god joins.

Under the leadership of their own lord god, the three members of [Jianyu Lei Familiars] tried their best to search for clues that Chen Mo might have left behind, but like the previous floors, except for the bloody smell that permeated the entire cave, they couldn't even find any clues. Not a single extra hair was found.

In the search team of dozens of people, in addition to the [Hestia Family] centered on Hestia, the [Jianyulei Family] centered on Jianyulei, and the God Hermes [ Hermes Families], as well as scattered members of several other Families.

For the gods of the upper realm, rashly entering the dungeon is quite a big taboo. Even if they conceal their divine brilliance, seal their divine power, and enter purely at the level of ordinary people, it may trigger unpredictable events. However, this time for Chen Mo The search and rescue was able to attract the two gods at the same time. It has to be said that Hestia's appearance definitely played a vital role.

The adventurers searched down the floors, and after a while, they stopped before the vertical staircase leading to the No.12 floor.

"Goddess Hestia, we have reached the dividing point." A tall man at the front turned around and asked Hestia's opinion: "Should we continue down?"

"Next! We must find Chen Mojun, so that he won't die so easily."

Gritting her teeth and speaking firm words, Hestia stepped forward without hesitation and walked into the passageway of the vertical ladder.

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