Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 286 - Handsomest guy

Chapter 286: Handsomest guy

Translator: imperfectluck  Editor: Kurisu

The ice and snow were melting, so the valley at the foot the Tianshan Mountains was beginning to turn green again with its vegetation. Birds were flying freely in the sky, while the nomads were becoming active again in the plains. Children were also leaving their warm homes and happily playing outside in the streets again.

A young man was hurriedly walking towards a small town because only there would he be able to find a car that could take him to a bigger city.

“Hey, Teacher Li! Where are you going?” A middle-aged nomad saw this young teacher, who had been sent here by the government to help teach the nomads, from a distance and greeted him loudly. The middle-aged nomad then rode his horse and passionately hurried over.

“Mr. Batar, I need to go into town,” the young teacher answered loudly. This young teacher had a scraggly beard, oily hair, village clothes which had been washed so often that they were turning yellow, and winter shoes even though it was still spring.

“Come, up here, I’ll bring you into town! The bazaar will be finished by the time that you can walk there!”

“Alright, thank you.” The young teacher immediately agreed and reached out his hand. The middle-aged nomad pulled the young teacher up onto the muscular horse in one go.

Luckily, the horses in this area were quite strong. Otherwise, two adult men would definitely crush a horse under their weight!

“Hold on tight! Go! Go!” The horse began to gallop.

Meanwhile, back at Chasu City Hospital, Wang Yan’s husband finally arrived. He was really skinny. He wore a flowery shirt and had a gold chain around his neck. Although he didn’t have a vicious expression like a gang member would, there was still an undeniable unpleasant aura about him that made others uncomfortable.

He walked into the rheumatology department with a casual swagger. “Could you be any more annoying? Calling me constantly, over and over again.” This thing known as Wang Yan’s husband then went over to go flirt with a young nurse at the nurse station when he saw her.

“You’re Wang Yan’s husband?” Zhang Fan frowned as he went over to greet him. The doctors were all waiting for the husband’s signature so that they could begin medical treatment on Wang Yan, yet this thing was still casually trying to flirt with a nurse.

“Yes, but also no!” Wang Yan’s husband squinted at Zhang Fan and answered rather flippantly.

“Are you her husband or not? Stop wasting my time.” Zhang Fan was in a bad mood to begin with. His dark expression darkened even further. Zhang Fan had a strong body, severe expression, and severe tone. It seemed as if Zhang Fan was about to start a fight at any moment.

Wang Yan’s husband was scared by this. “Yes, but I only came here to have Wang Yan sign the divorce agreement. Let me tell you, don’t you dare act tough with me. What’s with your attitude? I’m thinking about suing you!”

Zhang Fan was infuriated even further when he heard this thing’s words. Zhang Fan was unable to suppress his anger anymore, and was about to punch Wang Yan’s husband in the face, but he managed to stop because Director Wu suddenly called out to him. “Doctor Zhang! You should go prepare!”

Zhang Fan viciously glared at Wang Yan’s husband while leaving unwillingly. Before Zhang Fan left, he remarked to the other man, “Are you really a man!?”

Zhang Fan’s aura was far too vicious. Wang Yan’s husband was truly frightened. He was unable to even counter Zhang Fan’s words.

Director Wu frowned while saying, “Come here and sign the consent form. No matter if you’re getting divorced with her or not, right now, you’re still her husband. The heavens are watching your actions. Don’t go too overboard,” he told Wang Yan’s husband while bringing him to Wang Yan’s patient room.

“F*ck! How did she become a demon like this? Is she still human!?” Wang Yan’s husband began to spout rubbish when he saw her current appearance.

“If you keep acting like this, I’m going to call the police!” Director Wu was no longer able to tolerate Wang Yan’s husband’s behavior. Even if the patient here had been a complete stranger, there was no reason at all to talk like that.

“Fine, fine, fine! You guys are amazing, there’s too many of you all, okay? Just give me the paperwork and I’ll sign it. Let me tell you directly that I won’t be paying any medical fees at all! I’m getting a divorce from her!”

“Sign this!” Director Wu didn’t want to speak even one unnecessary word to the patient’s husband. This man was a true scumbag! Director Wu felt like he had gained a new understanding of the definition of scumbag.

“Fine, I’ll sign it! Besides, I have something for her to sign as well,” Wang Yan’s husband complained as he signed the consent form for her treatment. He then brought out a piece of paper. “Wang Yan, this is the divorce agreement, so sign it! Well, I also brought your seal, so here! All you need to do is press your fingerprint here!” He then grabbed Wang Yan’s finger and pressed it on the fingerprint ink.

“You’re such a beast, you’re nothing more than a beast! I must have been blind! You brought so much harm to my daughter Yan! You’re such a beast! I’m not going to let you go!” Wang Yan’s mother’s face was covered in tears. She began to loudly curse Wang Yan’s husband as tears of regret poured into her mouth. Her tears were bitter, truly bitter.

“F*ck off! I still haven’t finished with you yet! What are you going to do about the money that your son owes me? How shameless can you be? I’m going to hit you if you keep this up! You’d better tell your son to bring me the money he owes me as fast as possible. Otherwise, I’m going to find someone to kill him!” Wang Yan’s husband cursed back as he finished pressing Wang Yan’s finger onto the divorce agreement document.

Wang Yan was just like a block of wood. She didn’t react whatsoever to the heated argument or what her husband was doing with her finger. She was just like an easily controlled puppet, a zombie who was only temporarily living.

“Alright, I’ve done what I should for you as we were previously husband and wife. I’ve already burned all your clothes! That way you’ll have something to wear when you die, haha!” Wang Yan’s husband exclaimed.

Zhang Fan was no longer able to take it anymore as he watched all of this from the entrance of the patient room. He went forward to go and beat up the patient’s husband.

The rheumatology department head nurse forcibly used her body to block Zhang Fan. “Doctor Zhang, this is someone else’s family affairs. Please don’t bring trouble upon yourself. I’m begging you, please endure this.”

Zhang Fan was worried that he would accidentally injure the head nurse with his strength, so he could only allow the head nurse to push him up against the wall. However, his eyes were still filled with anger as he glared at the patient’s husband!

At this moment, a man with a scraggly beard, haggard expression, and terrible stench of sweat suddenly made his way through the nurses and viciously punched Wang Yan’s husband on the left side of the face! This punch had been quite powerful. Zhang Fan felt immense satisfaction from watching the punch as he felt like Wang Yan’s husband was inhuman!

This man was Teacher Li Xiaoyu, who had rushed over from the plains where he worked!

“Get the hell out! If you say even one more word, I’m going to kill you! You can die together with my Yan!” Teacher Li then brought out a sharp butcher knife which was used on the plains to cut meat as he made his threat.

Wang Yan’s husband looked at Teacher Li’s knife and the latter’s incredibly vicious and distorted expression. He then swallowed down the dirty words he had been about to cuss with, not daring to say anything.

Wang Yan’s husband held the left side of his head and swiftly crawled up from the floor. He then hurried over to the patient room’s entrance before he loudly started cursing, “You two are a mother****** and a slut! You dare to cheat and have an affair on me? Just you wait! Don’t you leave!” However, Wang Yan’s husband hurriedly ran off when he saw that Teacher Li was about to chase after him!

Teacher Li then slowly walked over to Wang Yan’s side as he dropped his knife with a loud clang. This young man with a scraggly beard and stench of sweat then kneeled by her side as tears poured down his face.

He held onto Wang Yan’s withered hand and gently caressed her pale white demon-like face while crying to the extent where snot was running down his face!

“Yan, I’m here, I’m here now. Look at me, look at me! I’m no longer weak! I no longer care about my pride! Yan, look at me, I’m begging you, look at me! Look, I’m here, I’m here now!” Teacher Li cried like a young child would, bawling at the top of his lungs while kneeling by Wang Yan’s bed.

Zhang Fan was about to go up and stop him. He felt that Wang Yan’s condition was far too dangerous, so he didn’t dare to let her become emotional. However, Zhang Fan had only taken two steps when Director Wu grabbed him by his doctor’s coat.

Director Wu then waved his hand and had everyone slowly exit the patient’s room.

“Director, she can’t handle any emotional turmoil!” Zhang Fan anxiously said to Director Wu right outside the patient room.

“You’re so coarse! Just wait! Pay close attention to the patient’s expression. You’re a born surgeon. But, only doctors of internal medicine are true doctors. You surgeons can only be called handymen who fix things!” Director Wu of rheumatology couldn’t resist insulting Zhang Fan with some sarcasm!

Why was this? It was because Director Wu was happy! He saw that the patient would have a chance at living now because of the young man kneeling at her bedside restoring her will to live on! Of course Director Wu would be happy! Doctors were also people, and they would have feelings as well. Although doctors would have to hide their own feelings most of the time, at this moment, even a veteran doctor like Director Wu couldn’t help but feel joy.

He wanted to see life, he wanted to see the patient live on!

Tears slowly started falling down from Wang Yan’s eyes. She slowly turned her head. She slowly began to smile. She slowly began to reach out towards Teacher Li with her other hand.

Zhang Fan’s mouth became wide agape in astonishment as he watched all this through the window of the patient room door. “She’s smiling, she has an expression now, she’s actually showing a reaction!”

“Hahaha, just keep watching,” Director Wu told him proudly.

“Yan, I’m here now, I really regret things so much! Over the past few years, I kept regretting so much, regretting why I cared so much about what other people said about us, regretting why I didn’t insist on being together with you back then! I’m here now, Yan, you must persist!”

Wang Yan struggled up as she wiped away the tears of the young man in front of her who now seemed older than what his age really was. After two years out in the plains, with wind and sun beating down on him every day, he now appeared more like he was in middle age rather than his actual age of being in his 20s.

Wang Yan smiled faintly as she gently told him, “So you’re here now. Don’t cry now. I can’t go on any longer! Let me be your wife in the next life. Remember to buy the reddest wedding dress for me that you can.”

Teacher Li had a breakdown as he loudly shouted, “No! Marry me and be my wife right now in this life! No! Yan, you must persist! I’ll go buy you the reddest dress I can right now, right now!”

“Go in now!” Director Wu immediately entered the patient room again. Zhang Fan paused in surprise for a moment, but then followed him in.

“There’s still saving you! Your condition is still treatable! We’re going to inject a large amount of hormones into you. Can you still persist?” Director Wu asked Wang Yan.

“It’s no use, it’s no use!” Wang Yan was smiling, but she only looked at the man with the heavy stench of sweat kneeling next to her, without turning to look at the doctors.

“It will be of use! As long as you yourself can persist, the hormones will help increase your blood platelets, and I’ll immediately perform surgery on you. You’ll definitely be able to live another several decades! The two of you can even have your own children!” Zhang Fan loudly declared.

“Yan, did you hear that? We can even have children! Yan, please persist, you must persist!” Teacher Li begged Wang Yan.

“Really?” Wang Yan finally turned to look at the doctors.

“For real! You’ll definitely be able to live, as long as you can persist,” Director Wu told her gently.

Director Wu didn’t speak very loudly, but he did speak in an adamant tone!

“Okay!” Wang Yan finally agreed.

“Doctors, I’m begging you, you must save Yan!” Teacher Li turned to beg the doctors.

The doctors didn’t have the time to focus on anything other than Wang Yan’s medical treatment now, since all proper permission had finally been obtained. Director Wu turned to speak to the other doctors and nurses waiting right outside the patient room. “It’s time to inject the medication! Open two vein channels, high dose hormones for one channel, and blood platelet transfusion for the other. Continue to observe the patient’s condition afterwards. If there’s no apparent bleeding, she will undergo splenectomy surgery to remove her swollen spleen.”

“Yes!” all of the doctors and nurses replied affirmatively.

Everyone got busy and worked with a tense atmosphere. Although the patient’s emotional state had now stabilized, her physical condition was still really severe.

Wang Yan began to receive a hormonal infusion along with blood platelet transfusion. Drip! Drip! Drip! The dripping liquid felt like a beating drum that kept striking the doctors and nurses’ hearts! Many doctors and nurses all waited for their next orders in the silent patient room.

If any internal bleeding happened at all within Wang Yan’s body, it was highly unlikely that the doctors and nurses would be able to give her emergency treatment in time.

Wang Yan had a big smile as she tightly held on to her lover’s hand. “Look at you. Just how long have you not shaved for? Once I’m well again, I’m definitely going to clean you up properly. Once my Li Xiaoyu is cleaned up nice and tidy, you’ll be the handsomest man out in the street again!” Wang Yan then slowly closed her eyes with a smile still on her face!

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