Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 300 - The doctors’ permanent assignments

Chapter 300: The doctors’ permanent assignments

Translator: imperfectluck  Editor: Kurisu

Getting rest after work would be wise. Otherwise, the rotation doctor slaves would collapse sooner or later. Not only did the hospital generously treat all the former rotation doctors to a meal, the hospital even gave them all two days of vacation, which was really rare as this wasn’t a weekend or holiday. Neither was there some activity that the doctors would be forced to participate in. This counted as a small benefit for them before they would permanently join their departments.

Many of the former rotation doctors planned on using these two days of vacation to go shopping. They wanted to shop until they could no longer walk. That was because an endless amount of work would be waiting for them afterwards. Going out to a shopping mall then? That would be too much to even dream about. They wouldn’t even have enough time to sleep!

Zhang Fan was assigned to orthopedic department #1 in the end. The directors of orthopedic department #2, orthopedic department #3, general surgery, and neurosurgery had all personally asked Superintendent Ouyang to let Zhang Fan join their department. Superintendent Ouyang neither agreed nor rejected any of the directors at that time, because she hadn’t decided which department to assign Zhang Fan to yet.

She was having a hard time coming to a decision. As she was thinking over this matter, orthopedic department #1 Director Gao Shijun came to visit her.

From what Superintendent Ouyang knew of Zhang Fan’s current skill level, he seemed to be the best at orthopedic surgery. In fact, his orthopedic surgery skill level seemed to be even better than the orthopedic surgery directors’ skill level. Superintendent Ouyang felt that Zhang Fan was slightly weaker at neurosurgery. As for general surgery? The general surgery department was already the largest department in all of Chasu City Hospital. This department would be perfectly fine even if Zhang Fan didn’t go there. At most he would get to lead his own medical team in the general surgery department. However, the general surgeons would likely have objections to this. Superintendent Ouyang was the greatest beneficiary of the hospital’s regulations, so she wasn’t willing to just break the regulations easily!

Although office politics were much simpler in the neurosurgery department, Chasu City Hospital’s neurosurgery department was relatively weak in skill level. This wasn’t only a problem for Chasu City Hospital. Neurosurgery was quite weak in the entirety of northwestern China! Superintendent Ouyang thus felt that there would be too many unknown variables if she let Zhang Fan go to the neurosurgery department. Maybe he would be able to really establish himself in the neurosurgery department due to less office politics there, but it might also drag him down and leave him as a nobody in a few years due to the lower overall skill level of the department.

In the end, Superintendent Ouyang felt that only the orthopedic surgery department was most suitable for Zhang Fan. Of course, there were plenty of other surgical departments as well, but at any hospital, especially smaller hospitals, it would be far too difficult to become really accomplished in a smaller hospital department. Only doctors in the large hospital departments could become well known. Surgical department medical equipment usually revolved around the two main surgical departments of general surgery and orthopedic surgery. The department of otorhinolaryngology was so pitiful that it didn’t even have its own special surgeries. This department would also have to fight with the ophthalmology department over surgeries! That was why Superintendent Ouyang made up her mind to have Zhang Fan join an orthopedic department.

Chasu City Hospital had three orthopedic departments. Superintendent Ouyang really didn’t understand why surgeons fought over patients so much. If an internal medicine department such as her former cardiology department dared to fight over patients, then Director Jumabieke from the respiratory department would immediately go over to put a stop to it.

Although Superintendent Ouyang had previously drawn up different categories of orthopedic surgery for the three orthopedic surgery departments to specialize in, the three orthopedic departments still fought each other severely. There were always doctors who wouldn’t obey the rules once some time had passed. They would secretly take patients who weren’t part of the orthopedic surgery category of their department but were still orthopedic surgery patients. Almost every orthopedic surgeon who performed outpatient services would break the rules like this.

The secretive patient stealing then turned to open stealing. The three orthopedic departments’ outpatient services sections were all right next to each other. However, any patient who required orthopedic surgery services would never be sent to another orthopedic surgery department once they entered one orthopedic surgery department’s outpatient services section.

The infighting did have its benefits. Such competition served to improve the doctors’ overall attitude towards the patients and motivated the doctors. However, there were also significant downsides. Not only did the three orthopedic departments get along really poorly, all three orthopedic departments often went over the budget. They used so much medical equipment that the Health Insurance Bureau often fined the three departments.

Why bother with having three separate orthopedic surgery departments if they didn’t specialize in different categories? Although the doctors were fighting over patients all the time, none of the three orthopedic directors ever reported any of their doctors for doing so. It was as if they were all tightly wound up, waiting for their opponents to collapse first.

Superintendent Ouyang didn’t understand why this was the case. Actually, this was due to a difference in gender. Surgery was dominated by men. These men were willing to be defeated, but they would never be willing to admit defeat. Whoever reported things to the superintendent first would be the first to admit defeat. The three orthopedic directors were all fellow disciples under the same previous orthopedic director who had been their teacher. These former classmates were now having severe infighting!

After Superintendent Ouyang had made up her mind to have Zhang Fan join the orthopedic surgery department, she had a headache about which of the three orthopedic surgery departments to assign him to. Orthopedic departments #1 and #2 were relatively well-established already, and had the most official positions. Orthopedic department #3 had just been established recently, and still lacked personnel. Additionally, orthopedic department #3’s Director Chen Qi was the most obedient of the three orthopedic directors. Thus, Superintendent Ouyang had wanted to assign Zhang Fan to orthopedic department #3, but Director Gao of orthopedic department #1 also knew that the rotation doctors were being permanently assigned soon, so he came over to her office and wouldn’t leave.

Director Gao kept saying only one thing. He insisted that Zhang Fan go to orthopedic department #1.

“So, what you mean is that Zhang Fan’s talent will be wasted in any other orthopedic department?” Superintendent Ouyang became slightly angry.

“Superintendent, I was the one who taught Zhang Fan. I understand him the best. Just look at me, I’m not that young anymore. It’s not very likely that my skill level will rise any further. However, Zhang Fan still has development potential. He’s the extension of my own career. I’ll definitely polish him excellently,” Director Gao exclaimed emotionally.

“Can’t orthopedic department #2 or #3 polish him?” Superintendent Ouyang’s tone was no longer that angry. She could understand Director Gao’s feelings as they were both doctors.

“Superintendent, please, the other two departments definitely won’t be as good for him as orthopedic department #1. You should understand better than anyone.” Director Gao even began to use Chinese honorifics.

Superintendent Ouyang raised her head to look at Director Gao. This was his way of lowering his head to her. Only the surgical directors dared to go against Superintendent Ouyang’s words in the hospital. Director Gao was among the disobedient directors, yet he actually lowered his head to her today. Superintendent Ouyang mulled things over while continuously popping her pen cap off and on, making a clicking sound.

Finally, Superintendent Ouyang made up her mind. She put down her pen, and told Director Gao, “Zhang Fan can go to orthopedic department #1, but I reserve the right to reassign him at any time. He’s not an ordinary resident doctor, after all. Just look at the surgeries he’s accomplished in the past year. I don’t need to mention his orthopedic surgeries. He’s also shown significant skill for urology, proctology, general surgery, and cardiothoracic surgery. That’s why I also want to see just how far he can go. If he doesn’t improve much in orthopedic department #1, I will definitely reassign him. You also understand that talented individuals are really rare!”

“Alright, it will be as you say!” Director Gao stood up.

Even if Zhang Fan became an academician in the future, would that benefit Director Gao and Superintendent Ouyang? They wouldn’t benefit much at all. They were simply trying to give him the best development possible for the sake of the profession or perhaps their inheritance. A good teacher might not always meet a good disciple. An old doctor like Gao Shijun who really liked to research medicine had now met a talented disciple like Zhang Fan. It would be impossible for Gao Shijun to want to let go of Zhang Fan!

And so, it was decided. Zhang Fan was permanently assigned to orthopedic department #1!

Zhang Fan had two days of vacation. Since it wasn’t a weekend, and the weekend was coming up soon, this counted as Zhang Fan’s longest ever vacation which he hadn’t requested. Shao Hua still needed to go to work at her bank, so she was unable to accompany Zhang Fan during this time.

Zhang Fan could only go out by himself. He was really unused to suddenly having several days off when it wasn’t a holiday. Where should he even go? Zhang Fan didn’t know. He really didn’t have anywhere else to go apart from the hospital. Shao Hua had always prepared clothes and everything else for him, so Zhang Fan never had to worry about a thing.

Zhang Fan’s hand and foot surgery hospital wasn’t very busy right now, since it was the off-season for such injuries. Batu was more skilled than he was at management anyways, so Zhang Fan didn’t want to go there only to make things harder. As for watching things to make sure nothing improper was going on? Zhang Fan didn’t need to do that, either, because Chen Qifa was just like a loyal butler who would investigate even an extra piece of paper at Zhang Fan’s hospital. Besides, several of the doctors were shareholders, so there wasn’t much to worry about.

Zhang Fan kept driving in the streets. Without his even realizing it, he kept driving around Chasu City Hospital as if he was an abandoned puppy who could only circle around a familiar territory. This was the plight of rotation doctor slaves and resident doctor slaves. They would really become detached from society unless they often interacted with their own families!

“Brother Zhang, where are you right now? Are you busy at the moment? Several of us happened to coincidentally meet with each other at W Mall. We figured that we might as well all eat lunch together, so I called to ask if you were busy for lunch today or not. If you’re not busy, how about eating lunch together with us? All of us are former rotation doctors out on these few days of vacation.” Wang Zipeng suddenly called Zhang Fan right when the latter was feeling so bored that he was about to go home and study medical textbooks.

Wang Zipeng had been permanently assigned to the proctology department. Although this wasn’t a large surgical department, this really was much better than he had expected. He had already been mentally preparing himself for one of the two worst departments, the infectious diseases department or the emergency department. Yet, he unexpectedly received such astonishingly wonderful news. Wang Zipeng was so happy that he intended to go spend some money on himself at W Mall, the biggest luxury mall in Chasu City.

However, Wang Zipeng only had a bit more than 3,000 yuan in savings. He went around one time through W Mall, and instantly no longer wanted to spend money here. Things at W Mall were far too expensive. Wang Zipeng had originally wanted to buy a backpack, some clothes, and some shoes, but he found himself unwilling to pay the prices at W Mall.

Since it was a weekday, and also the middle of the day, there were few people shopping at W Mall. Several rotation doctors all had had the same idea to come here, and met each other coincidentally. These doctors included the female doctors Wang Hong and Tong Lili, as well as three male former rotation doctors. Wang Hong had been permanently assigned to the gastroenterology department. She was really active in the hospital. She was already the leader Chasu City Hospital’s Communist Youth League. She was also getting married soon to her government employee boyfriend. Wang Hong now seemed like a mature young woman. She was also wearing clothes in a mature style.

Tong Lili had managed to use some connections, after all, as she hadn’t been permanently assigned to the infectious diseases department as she had been told. Instead, she had been permanently assigned to the nephrology department. Tong Lili had done everything she possibly could in order to avoid the infectious diseases department.

That was just how pragmatic Chinese society was. If one’s skills weren’t good enough, then they would have to work hard enough. If they didn’t work hard enough, then they would need to have connections. No matter what, you would need to have something. Otherwise, you would only receive the worst of what was left over!

As for the three male former rotation doctors, only one of them was assigned to a surgery department, the neurosurgery department. The other two were assigned to pediatrics and gynecology, respectively. All three of these young men were romantically interested in Tong Lili. They wouldn’t dare to try romancing Wang Hong, especially since she already had a boyfriend.

Right now, Tong Lili felt quite conflicted about the three male doctors pursuing her. One was handsome, but he was in a bad department. One was in a good department, but he was rather poor. One was in a good department and also well-to-do, but he was rather ugly. Tong Lili really didn’t know who to choose among the three. She was really indecisive. Finally, the doctors all had a little vacation, so all three young men tried pursuing her simultaneously during this vacation. Tong Lili decided she might as well call Wang Hong to go to the mall together with her.

“Hey! Wang Zipeng, how come you’re by yourself? Where’s your childhood friend girlfriend?” Wang Hong saw Wang Zipeng from far away and greeted him. Wang Zipeng’s childhood friend girlfriend often came to the hospital to see him. All the young doctors knew about this, which was why Wang Hong teased him with a small joke.

“Hello, Leader! My girlfriend is at work! How come your leader isn’t accompanying you? Hello, beautiful Miss Tong! Hey! The three bros are racing each other again!” Wang Zipeng no longer felt any pressure now that he had been permanently assigned to the proctology department. He was really lively now. The young doctors were all really used to joking around with each other.

“Beat this brat up, his mouth is so wicked!” Wang Hong joked with the other three male doctors before Tong Lili could respond.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! I’m wrong, I’m wrong!” Wang Zipeng joked about not wanting to get beaten up by the others!

“You’re in the wrong! You won’t be let off so easily! You still don’t understand what it means to be wrong! No matter what, you have to treat us to a meal in order to be forgiven!” Wang Hong immediately dominated the conversation. She was quite forceful, and spoke like she was a politician!

“Sigh! I’m quite poor. It’s not like you don’t know. Just look, I went all around W Mall, but didn’t buy even a single thing.” Wang Zipeng began to complain. He didn’t want to have to treat others to a meal for no reason! It wasn’t like his money had grown on trees. He had properly worked quite hard for it!

“Stingy. Fine, I’ll treat all of you to a meal instead.” Wang Hong rolled her eyes at him, and then said, “It seems like the hospital is choosing one candidate for the excellent youths of Chasu City award again. Last year, Zhang Fan won the award from our hospital. This year, all of you need to help me!” These young doctors respected Zhang Fan’s abilities, but they definitely wouldn’t ever mention him if at all possible. It wasn’t that Zhang Fan was disliked, but rather that he was far too outstanding, reaching the point where all others his age were embarrassed to be compared to him.

“Not a problem!”

“We’d help you even without you mentioning it!” said the others.

“Sigh! Anyways, since I mentioned Zhang Fan, what department has he been permanently assigned to?” Wang Hong was really interested in moving up in the hospital. That was why she also paid a lot of attention to Zhang Fan.

“The orthopedic surgery department, although it’s unknown which of the three orthopedic departments he’ll get assigned to. All of us have already received our permanent assignation paperwork, except for him. I heard that the hospital leadership is still discussing his assignment!” Wang Zipeng told about what gossip he knew.

“Hey! He’s so amazing. The hospital leadership is even holding a conference to determine his department assignment!” the male doctor in gynecology commented in a slightly jealous tone. This was the doctor who was from a well-to-do family as well as in a good department. The gynecology department would have good income.

Tong Lili frowned slightly upon hearing this. Although she didn’t say anything out loud, she thought to herself, ‘This one is too narrow-minded! His jealousy is only going to cause him needless trouble.’ Tong Lili eliminated him from among her suitors. She was older and more mature now. She was no longer rash like when she’d been younger. Anyone would want to be cautious about something major like marriage!

“You can’t just say that. He’s got such obvious skills, after all.” Wang Zipeng felt like he was Zhang Fan’s bro, so he automatically spoke in Zhang Fan’s defense against the other male doctor.

“Alright, he probably long since knew already which department he would be assigned to. If he’s not worrying about it, why should we? Honestly. Wang Zipeng, call Zhang Fan and ask him if he’s busy or not. If he’s not busy, tell him to come eat lunch with us. I’ll treat him to a meal.” Wang Hong was really smart. She didn’t care about any conflicts between the others, but she wanted to maintain a good relationship with all of them.

Wang Hong also wanted to cultivate a good relationship with Zhang Fan—even if she did say to “tell” him to come over, which could be construed as being slightly arrogant.

She actually had Zhang Fan’s phone number as well. So, why had she asked Wang Zipeng to call Zhang Fan instead? That was because she knew that Zhang Fan definitely wouldn’t give her face and come to a meal invitation from her. She also didn’t want to let everyone else see Zhang Fan rejecting her meal invitation, which was why she asked Wang Zipeng to invite him.

She really didn’t understand Zhang Fan. He was too special among others of the same age, especially among other male doctors. Not only was Zhang Fan amazingly skilled, he was also quite good at getting others to like him. Many directors praised both Zhang Fan’s skills and character endlessly. Additionally, Zhang Fan was quite humble as well as calm. Most of all, Wang Hong didn’t understand Zhang Fan’s steadiness and reliability. He didn’t seem like a young person at all. Even Wang Hong’s boyfriend, who was several years older than her, would sometimes be a little arrogant without realizing it. However, Wang Hong saw none of that at all in Zhang Fan.

That was why she felt like she had no guarantee with him, yet she still wanted to cultivate a good relationship with him. That was just how people were. Nobody would care about you if you weren’t outstanding and well-known, but if you were even the slightest bit outstanding or well-known, there would be countless others who didn’t approve of you, insulted you, or wanted to suck up to you. As the saying went, one’s worst enemies would always be others in the same job field! Although this sounded like a funny joke, middle-aged men who had crawled through the muddy pits of work before would feel sourness in their hearts!

“Is it convenient for you guys? If not, then forget it. You guys can eat without me.” Zhang Fan didn’t really want to go. He was becoming more and more of a hermit who cared only about medical skills.

“It’s convenient, of course it’s convenient. We’ll wait for you. We’re at the top level of W Mall. Brother Zhang, you should hurry. You’re the only one we’re waiting on. We’re starving!” Wang Zipeng then hung up without waiting for Zhang Fan’s reply.

Wang Zipeng did at least understand Zhang Fan a little. If Wang Zipeng said any more, he knew that it was likely Zhang Fan would find an excuse not to come, but if Wang Zipeng instead just reported the location and then hung up, Zhang Fan would definitely come.

Zhang Fan indeed started driving in the direction towards W Mall after the phone call since he felt like it couldn’t be helped. It wasn’t that Zhang Fan had become unsocial, but rather that he simply wasn’t interested in such things anymore.

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