Path of the Ascendant

Bonus Chapter: A Woman’s Touch [R-18]

This is an optional, bonus chapter that isn't vital to the plot. No major revelations occur here, nor will you miss out on anything important if you choose to skip it.

There won't be many of these bonus chapters. I am also less experienced with writing explicit adult content than I am with the rest of the story, so feedback here is even more important. After all, even if you think these are terrible, I can't improve what I'm doing if I don't understand why you think that.

Thank you for reading, and please enjoy the chapter.

Much like everything in the crimson realm, the bed that awaited Wei Yi only barely fit the definition. Had she not been accustomed to staying out in the wilderness, and in a messy shack before that, she might have had a few complaints for this establishment.

Fortunately for them, she had no concern for such things right now, as her interest was simply in experiencing that which she had refused to properly consider for far too long. Her unconscious mental block on the concept of having any kind of intimate contact or relationship with another woman seemed to be present far earlier than she had actually recognised it. Otherwise, she had no clue how she could have possibly missed the meanings of the numerous things that Yi Kun had said, when the perverted girl wasn’t being subtle at all.

‘Provided I get out of here fast enough, I could try to sneak into her residence and apologise for somehow misunderstanding each and every one of her innuendos,’ a smile briefly appeared on her face.

She could have sat around like that, pondering all manners of things, but she was also acutely aware that despite the memories of the Seventh of Meng, she wasn’t familiar with the details of what she was about to get into. In what might have been a show of incredible restraint for him, the Thunder Lord had managed to only employ various finger techniques in bed, once he and his partner were already in the middle of the act. Thus, the rest of the process was far more nebulous.

Of course, she was in a brothel. It didn’t matter whether she had any experience, or skill, or even attractiveness.

It was the job of the prostitute to please her, and it was her prerogative to do whatever she wanted, provided that it didn’t break the rules. Surprisingly enough, there were some rules that appeared to be present and enforced, but none of them specified that she had to give anything back to the woman that would come to satisfy her body.

And yet, it simply didn’t sit right with her. She wanted to be proactive, perhaps thanks to her general change in worldview, and there was a certain something that didn’t let her be subpar at anything, including sex. Perhaps it was pride, or some degree of perfectionism deciding to manifest itself now of all times – she didn’t know, and she didn’t really care. It was the way it was, and there was no reason to change that part of her nature when it would only encourage her to work harder in all aspects of life.

Therefore, she didn’t waste her time and reached out with her spiritual will, easily overcoming the walls of the brothel and touching those in nearby rooms, as well as above and below.

She couldn’t hear much from any of those rooms, but they were all occupied. Most were in use by a male and female pair, going at it in various positions, and she looked at them for a few moments before confirming once more that she was not interested in the men. Perhaps they were considered attractive, well-endowed and fit, but especially in the middle of coitus, they were just unpleasant in her eyes.

‘I can just block out any details about them, and record the effects they have on the women… eh, I’ll record all of it in the Augur’s Library, since I have the space for it,’ Wei Yi decided, though she still focused exclusively on the women.

Her interest was instead grabbed by the two pairs of women she had observed.

One pair was sitting on their bed, with the customer at the edge and the prostitute behind her. While softly kissing her neck, the prostitute caressed the customer’s breast with one hand, and used the other to tease her lower lips. The moisture that had gathered there made it trivial for a finger to enter, eliciting a subdued moan from the customer.

‘Now that is better. If I include the details of the whole body, and everything sensitive and pleasurable, I should be able to figure out how to do this right,’ she felt her heart accelerate a little.

As she spread her spiritual will further, she found her chosen woman on the last step up to the second floor. Long platinum hair flowed from her head, most of it resting on her back and ending just above her ass.

On that topic, Ah Li’s ass was a very pleasant sight, as was her bountiful chest, both bouncing in the loose grey tunic that served as the only clothing on her body. Seeing as it was trivial to see beneath it, Wei Yi did so, enjoying the soft white skin, the large hard nipples that made themselves prominent even with the shirt, and the puffy lips below.

She had some experience with the nude bodies of other women thanks to more recent visits to the Yi District baths, so she could say with confidence that Ah Li was more beautiful than most of them.

Given the nature of the crimson land, it was actually quite impressive.

Her fingernails had been trimmed since she last saw her, and it wasn’t hard to guess why, even with her own inexperience. So, using some of her spare physique energy to do the same, though she had never let her nails grow out in the first place.

Wei Yi did not withdraw the tendrils of her mind, but she did shift her focus to the door, gazing at it patiently.

It opened half a minute later, and the platinum-haired woman stepped in with a smile on her face, quickly finding the one that hired her and locking eyes with her. She shut the door behind herself, then gave a slight bow while keeping eye contact. Perhaps anticipating that Wei Yi would want to examine her body first – which was accurate – she didn’t move for a while, restraining herself from similarly examining Wei Yi in that time.

“Hello, dear customer. It’s a pleasure to see a new face here.”

“And it’s wonderful to see your face as well.”

“How kind,” Ah Li stepped closer, “So, what should I call you? If you don’t want me to say your name, I can always use something like ‘master’ or ‘honey’… Anything, really.”

“I’m Wei Yi, though I don’t mind any creative liberties,” she shrugged.

“I’ll take note. So, Wei Yi, you’ve got me for the whole day. I have plenty of stamina, so we can keep at it for as long as you like, and we can try whatever comes to mind. What would you like to begin with?” the woman took another step and bent her knees until their eyes were just about level.

For a moment, she didn’t have an answer to give. With the wealth of knowledge she was gaining from passively observing most of the brothel with her mind, and the few sexual acts she had heard of before, she had a lot of things to consider. Whatever she did now would be the first time she had sex with another, and perhaps it would remain within her mind even if the Augur’s Library was destroyed, so it was important to get it right.

She knew that it would be best to let Ah Li showcase her skills first, given that Wei Yi had no actual experience, though that only narrowed down who the act would be done to.

In the end, as to not waste too much time, she decided to settle on Yi Kun’s apparent preference.

“How about you get down on your knees and show me what your mouth can do?” Wei Yi suggested, moving a little further back on the bed.

She had been sitting at the edge of the bed before this, and it didn’t seem like a good place.

“I knew you’d want that. Give me just one moment…”

Taking the bottom of her long grey shirt, Ah Li pulled it up and over her head, removing it with ease and managing to only slightly mess up her straight hair, fixing it with her hand. The woman threw away the shirt, letting it end up in a corner of the room, then took one final step forward and lowered herself to the ground, resting her knees on some padding that surrounded the bed.

She reached out and took hold of the crimson robes, forcing them apart to reveal Wei Yi’s own naked form.

“Wow. You look fantastic, Wei Yi,” Ah Li said softly, her gaze travelling down from her abs to the virgin lips below, “And you’re so smooth down here. You take great care of yourself, despite the circumstances…”

Her hand slid down to Wei Yi’s thighs, resting on them as she drew closer, breathing in through her nose and suddenly making Wei Yi recall that she hadn’t had the chance to clean herself since arriving at the city. Although she knew that it didn’t really matter, the sixteen years of developing manners forced her to comment.

“I haven’t had the opportunity to take a bath, or-”

She realised a moment too late that it would likely be rather difficult to find a bath in this realm, but Ah Li didn’t appear to notice, or at least didn’t make it obvious, instead shaking her head, “No, it’s no problem. I like the smell of a hard worker, of a warrior. The sweat, and your arousal… They’re wonderful, like a flower or sweet fruit. I may not have ever seen one of those myself, but I’ll just have to make do with you, won’t I?”

With a lascivious smile, she lightly pushed Wei Yi’s legs apart, then brought her lips to her inner thighs, planting a kiss on her left, then on her right.

“You don’t mind if I take it slowly, do you? I think it’s much better that way.”

Before a response could be formulated, Ah Li repeated her kisses, getting just a little closer to Wei Yi’s moist pussy. Glistening drops of arousal slowly built up in the narrow crevice, a sharp contrast to the wide-open lips of Ah Li.

“I did tell you to show me your skills, so do as you think is best,” Wei Yi replied, restraining the urge to bite her lip, “If I get bored, I can just trap you with my legs, then force your lips exactly where I want them.”

“Now I don’t know whether I should. I love to be pushed down and fucked…”

Although she said that, Ah Li continued on slowly and patiently. Every few seconds, she would plant another series of kisses, and each one would leave behind a faint crimson mark from whatever the crimson realm used as lipstick. The touch would be brief, not even involving the tongue, and yet it sent a faint spark of lust and pleasure through Wei Yi’s body, slowly forcing her to employ more and more of her self-control as to not harm the woman between her legs.

It was challenging, but the urge to shut her legs was tempered by the knowledge that this was just the start. Her lower lips hadn’t even been touched yet, and she knew that there was a bundle of nerves there that would be far more overwhelming.

‘I hadn’t realised that not masturbating would prove to be a problem now… Never really had the chance to touch myself, though. Too young to think of that at first, and then I got involved in the expedition… On the other hand, it makes this so much better for me,’ Wei Yi noted, feeling her cheeks heat up and her breath quicken with every touch.

Clearly, Ah Li knew, as she slowed down, making the delay between each kiss absolutely agonising.

Perhaps she was hoping for Wei Yi to take control, whether that was a genuine desire or just a play to excite her more, but no such thing happened. Even if she moved as slowly as she possibly could, she would still get to the spot between her legs in just a few minutes. Out of the twenty-four hours that they had, it was practically nothing, and although it was hard to endure, the slow build-up of arousal was extremely pleasant.


“You actually held out. I don’t know whether to be impressed, or disappointed…” Ah Li said, after her last two kisses came so close that her breath tickled the pink flesh buried by Wei Yi’s tight lips, “Grip the sheets tightly. I can tell you’re going to struggle otherwise.”

Faced with the expert’s opinion, Wei Yi wouldn’t do otherwise. Just as most of the realm’s fabrics and furniture, the bedsheets were rough and unpleasant, especially with her current sensitive and aroused state, but it was easy to forget about that when Ah Li neared her pussy lips and softly breathed upon them.

Then, she got even nearer, and her lips touched Wei Yi’s. Slowly, she pushed her tongue out and forced it in, licking up the dew that had built up. It slid into the virgin tunnel, managing only a single inch before it had to withdraw.

“F-Fuck…” Wei Yi exhaled, her breath akin to steam, pouring out into the room.

A layer of sweat was beginning to appear upon her skin, larger droplets slowly sliding down her tanned form, but her focus was on the green eyes of the woman kneeled down before her as she withdrew.

“That was just the start. I haven’t even touched this part yet,” Ah Li briefly showed a mischievous grin as she removed her right hand from Wei Yi’s thigh and touched the small nub at the top of her lower lips.

Another spark shook her body, making it even more difficult to restrain herself.

“If you don’t mind me asking, is this your first time?” with nothing more than Wei Yi’s focused gaze as an answer, Ah Li continued, “It’s not an issue. You’re young, after all. However, I want to introduce you to something. That spot right there is the clit, or clitoris. All women have one, and it is just delightful to play with. You can touch it, lick it…”

She moved her head in and placed her lips over the clit, placing her tongue upon it a moment later. With slow and deliberate movements, she caressed it and covered it in her saliva, drawing back a hood that covered much of it while she was at it.

Obviously, her ministrations produced gaps and moans from Wei Yi. Although she still gripped the sheets, she was sure that she would tear them apart if this went on long enough, and then she would no longer be able to restrain herself. In a moment of respite granted when Ah Li moved her focus back to the entrance between her parted labia, she released the sheets and moved to grip another spot, and she wasn’t going to let her lust and ever-growing desire take over just yet.


Ah Li’s tongue licked up slowly, starting from the bottom of her lower lips, then pressed against the vaginal entrance and forced the tense muscles to part just a little more each time. After a moment, she returned to her licking upwards, touching the clit before returning to the bottom and repeating.

Her deeds were simultaneously remembered with perfect clarity within Wei Yi’s mind, and also mixed into a blur as she was overwhelmed with lust. A pink fog occupied her vision, to the point that she couldn’t even see the bed or the floor on which Ah Li kneeled. Only the woman herself was left, the green eyes alternating between Wei Yi’s own gaze and her pussy, while her lips and tongue did their work with practised ease.

Every now and then, when the prostitute glanced up, her eyes seemed to contain that challenge once again, inviting Wei Yi to simply take her and use her however she willed.

The temptation rose each time.

Another delicate lick, gathering up even more liquid arousal from her lower lips, and another inviting glance up. In that moment, it was like she was presented with all her heart’s desire, with no reason to refuse, and even though she knew that she was just overwhelmed by the situation, that final glance caused her to lose control.

Perhaps she tore the bedsheets, or maybe she released them. Even if she checked the Augur’s Library, she probably wouldn’t know. What was certain was that her hands were suddenly free, her legs wrapped around Ah Li’s body, preventing her escape, and her left hand found itself on a head of platinum hair, forcing it against her lower lips. It particular, she wished to ensure that the divine tongue would enter her once again and stay there, for as long as it took, though by that rising tide within her body, she knew it wouldn’t be long.

To her credit, Ah Li appeared unphased. Her tongue went right in, stimulating her inner tunnel, while her eyes locked with Wei Yi’s own, not moving away for a moment.

Even though her nose was similarly forced against Wei YI’s pussy, she didn’t show a hint of restrain or hesitation, even inhaling her scent while her tongue stimulated her pussy in a simply indescribable, yet glorious manner.

‘I… I’m-’

Wei Yi’s barely understood what was happening when that tide finally struck her. She seemed to lose all control over her body as it washed over, an impossible pleasure frying every nerve within her body as she threw her head back, unable to maintain their eye contact. Just barely, she could feel something burst out of her, going right into the eager, ready mouth at her lower lips.


By the time the wave dried up and the fog faded from her eyes, she knew that some time must have passed, and yet she found Ah Li still pinned between her legs, her eyes still looking back at her and her face red.

As soon as Wei Yi was able to move her legs, she released the prostitute, allowing her to draw back and take a couple much-needed breaths. However, even when the signs of oxygen deprivation faded, her cheeks were still flushed in a manner to match Wei Yi, and her expression seemed to contain nothing much joy.

“You… you finally did it… and you came so much… luckily for you… I’m into it… phew…” she muttered, a big smile seemingly glued to her face, “I know the answer, but… did you like it?”

Wei Yi opened her mouth to speak, only to find her mouth dry and hot. Another cloud of steam escaped through her parted lips before she shut them and forced some saliva to moisten her mouth. It took only a moment, even if her mind seemed to have ground to a halt a moment ago.

“Yeah. I want to try more.”

“I knew you would.”

The prostitute began to rise, but before she could get far she was grabbed and pulled in closer, finding herself right in front of Wei Yi’s face. Her silver eyes were still filled with an obvious desire, almost unchanged from before, though she could see something else within their depths. It was strangely authoritative, commanding – and she loved it.

Wei Yi moved her head forward just a little, and their lips met, parting quickly only to touch again. Although she had just as little practise at kissing as anything else, her spiritual will had clearly not remained idle while her conscious mind was at the peak of orgasm. She had the acts of numerous customers and prostitutes to draw upon for guidance, and the memories of the Thunder Lord if she got really desperate.

Hence, she dove right in, beginning with simpler kisses before both of them parted their lips and let their tongues meet and entwine.


At first, anyone could have guessed that she had never kissed someone, and Ah Li guessed as much, but that changed with incredible speed. It took only a little while for their kisses to become passionate and genuine, without Ah Li needed to play up her own enjoyment in the slightest.

If she was asked how often she needed to lie about her own enjoyment, even a diplomatic answer would be that it was more often than she would have liked.

When their lips separated again, with both needing some time to breathe, Ah Li even began to miss the feeling of her partner’s lips. She wanted to speak, to say how much she loved the kiss, as she normally would, but it suddenly felt wrong to simply repeat the same words. Even if it was just a small difference, simply considering her usual white lies suddenly produced a feeling of guilt.

‘This is bad. She is cute, but if I had fallen for every cute woman that passes by, I’d have dozens of girlfriends by now…’ Ah Li forced her eyes to shut for a moment, to block out the strangely enchanting visage, though she could do nothing about the pleasant smell of the woman before her.

“Come here,” Wei Yi said, forcing her eyes open as she felt herself being lifted up and brought onto the silver-eyed woman’s lap, “I want to touch you as well.”

With a simple movement of her arms, the crimson robes were cast off fully, leaving Wei Yi entirely in the nude. As soon as her hands were free, she embraced Ah Li, bringing her closer so that they may resume their kiss. She needed only one arm for that, so her spare hand moved down to insofar untouched pussy, caressing it gently.


“You’re so wet for me,” Wei Yi cut her off with the sounds of her own wet vagina, “I’m glad you do enjoy being dominated. I was concerned.”

“No need for that, I… I’m here because I want to be, after all,” Ah Li muttered, her voice so quiet that only Wei Yi’s powerful hearing permitted her to grasp some of it, “I do like it when others take control, so…”

“Say no more and place your fingers right here,” briefly removing her left hand from Ah Li’s lower lips, Wei Yi took hold of the prostitute’s hand and brought it to her own pussy, “We’ll pleasure one another.”

Ah Li saw no reason to argue, and so she got to work, inserting her fingers into the slick tunnel and slowly beginning to feel out her partner, using what little she had gathered with her tongue to ensure the best experience. The moment that her finger penetrated Wei Yi, the silver-eyed woman trembled, a faint gasp forcing its way past their joined lips, though that only delayed her for a moment before she did the same.

Again, she could feel the seeming growth of her ability in mere seconds, for the first touch was clumsy, yet within a minute she was bringing her more pleasure than Ah Li had ever managed to bring to herself.


“W-Wei Yi, I’m… about to-”

“Me too. Let me just try…”

No explanation followed, but Wei Yi knew that she had understood when the woman’s empty hand clenched and her pussy tightened around her two fingers. It was only a simple pulse of energy, carefully controlled and manipulated to emerge at the tips of her fingers, but it sent a shockwave throughout Ah Li’s body that left her speechless and breathless.

Somehow, the prostitute managed to keep moving her own fingers as well, and soon she brought Wei Yi to her second orgasm, which seemed stronger than the last. Thanks to her experience, she wasn’t left without control over herself this time, but she couldn’t continue to finger her partner, so she removed her fingers and instead brought them to the platinum-haired beauty’s mouth. They were slick with her arousal, but Ah Li happily took them into her mouth and licked them clean.

It was more difficult to keep her fingers outside, as she insisted on giving them one final kiss once they left her warm mouth.

“How do you…” Ah Li paused, clearly finding her mouth to be dry as well, though her solution was to dive in for another kiss, almost gathering Wei Yi’s saliva before withdrawing, a glistening strand keeping them joined for a moment.

“You were saying?”

“How do you learn so quickly? You’re going to put me to shame if this keeps going…” Ah Li asked, beginning to lick her own fingers clean as soon as she finished.

“Is that a problem?”

“Well… let’s not think about things like that. Do you want to keep going, or switch to something else?”

“I’ve not gotten to use my mouth yet, so…”

Just like before, Wei Yi easily lifted her up, laying her on the bed as if she weighed nothing. She stood up, glancing for a moment at the wet stains on her robes that were slowly fading from the crimson fabric, and got onto the bed as well, putting her legs around Ah Li’s head and bringing herself close to her gushing lower lips.

“Are you sure? You don’t have to-”

“I want to taste you, so I’m going to. Besides, we have plenty of time, so I’ll be sure to experience every part of your body,” Wei Yi smiled, then dove in.

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