Path to Transcendence

Chapter 4: The Chamber

In the months coming up to his baptism, Julius started to make some progress. He couldn’t quite manipulate ambient mana but he could sometimes push it around like one would try to move air by waving their arms really fast.

Edwin also became more involved than before. In the past Edwin and Julius’s relationship was at most considered, professional. However, since that day Edwin started to take interest in Julius’s life. In contrast to previous years, Edwin would take the time to answer some of Julius’s questions. He wouldn’t answer everything, but compared to how it used to be, it was huge progress. As such, Edwin helped explain what a baptism entailed. He didn’t go into too many details but Julius was able to get a general understanding.

A baptism was a ritual everyone, from nobles to commoners went through. It was a process that infused mana into a child at the age of twelve. The infusion of mana would start the process of developing one’s Core, allowing mana to be stored internally. This enabled children to start absorbing mana and try to consolidate it into a Core. Once they concentrated all of their mana into a Core, they would officially be considered a Tier 1.

However, it was during the process of trying to develop a core that one would finally be able to have their own mana to practice with. That is the reason Julius had not been able to manipulate mana. Learning how to use your own mana can already be difficult, but trying to manipulate ambient mana as an untiered was on another level of difficulty. However, mana manipulation will be much easier to learn once he awakens and can use his own internal mana.

A baptism was also used to determine someone’s innate talent. Those with higher talents could be infused with more mana and develop their core much sooner than others. This was a good indication of how much mana you could handle at once.

Soon, the days leading up to his baptism closed in. He noticed that everyone other than Edwin started to act differently around him. Wondering why, he asked Edwin the next time he saw him.

“I am not supposed to tell you this, but I feel like not telling you would just do more harm than good at this point”, Edwin said in resignation. “I need you to promise that nothing I say leaves this room, this is just between you and me okay?” Julius promised.


Edwin hesitated for a moment before continuing. “I bet you realized it already, but everyone has always stayed their distance from you correct?” Julius nodded in agreement. Seeing his response Edwin went on. “There is a reason for that. Your father does not have a good standing with the house. Although he is the patriarch’s younger brother, many of the elders do not hold favorable opinions of him. He has always been rash, arrogant, and quite careless, causing many issues over the years.”

“This caused many to talk about disowning him from the family. But one day he showed up with you. He said you were some child between him and some commoner. Unsurprisingly, the elders were not happy to hear that and some wanted to throw both of you out of the house. Despite that, thanks to the Patriarch's intervention they allowed you and your father to remain, on the condition that it would be reevaluated after your baptism.”

That was a lot to take in. As Julius processed what he had just heard he started to connect the dots. He was always curious why some servants of a noble house felt so comfortable acting casually around a young scion like himself, even going as far as to insult him. It also made sense why people like Gwen and some of the others he knew had been growing more and more distant over the years.

“So the reason why people were isolating themselves from me, was because they thought I would fail?” Julius wanted to confirm.

“Yes, considering the circumstances of your birth as well as your peculiar behavior, many do not have high hopes,” Edwin confirmed.

Did they think that his abnormality was an indicator that he was going to do poorly at his baptism? He thought many of the strange looks he had gotten over the years were because they thought of him as an odd duckling. However, looking back, he understood those looks were more pity than anything else. That was also probably why his family never interacted with him. If they thought there was a high chance of losing him anyway, why take the risk of getting close?

So all those times when Gwen, Edwin, or someone else was dismissive or distant, they were probably just emotionally distancing themselves away just in case something happened to him.

It all started to make more sense. He was far too absorbed in his own training to notice these clues until it was almost too late. However, Julius still had a question for Edwin.

“What changed your mind?”

“You did.” Edwin simply said.

“How?” He pressed.

“I had always thought you were an intelligent child, quick to pick up lessons but you had very odd habits that were similar to what I have seen in other children who were… mentally challenged. But seeing your skill completely changed my opinion. You don’t get a skill like that unless you are extremely talented or hard-working.” Edwin explained further.

“...So you thought I was retarded. Hold up, does everyone think that?” Julius asked, afraid to hear the answer.

Edwin didn’t say anything for a few moments.

“Yes,” he finally answered.

“Does this mean you now think I will do well enough during my baptism?.” Julius asked.

“You have nothing to worry about. Of that, I am absolutely certain.”

“How do you know?”Julius asked worryingly.

“Once you get to my age and tier, you just know things. Trust me you are going to be fine.” Edwin added confidently.

Julius decided to trust him. It wouldn’t matter if he worried about it anyway. With only a couple of days until he turned twelve, there wasn’t anything he could do. Once he realized that, a lot of his worries and stress went away. Julius took a deep breath, steadying himself. He had learned that sometimes, knowing something was out of your hands made stress less of a factor.



And so the day of Julius’s baptism arrived. Deviating from his typical routine, Gwen made sure he wore his best set of clothes and told him to follow her. She didn’t mention where they were going or explain what was happening.

After hearing what Edwin had to say to him, he could see that she had completely distanced herself away from him. He wasn’t going to lie; that kind of hurt his feelings. While they weren’t close, she had been the person he had seen almost every day for most of his life.

Gwen led him to a part of the mansion he was unfamiliar with, then opened a door that led further downwards.

“Of course, there is a creepy ritual chamber in the basement,” Julius muttered under his breath.

He didn’t know if she heard him but she continued on anyway. Once they started to reach the bottom, the entire floor opened up. It was the farthest thing away from a creepy chamber. Lamps with floating orbs of soft yellow light illuminated the chamber. There were intricate carvings embossed with gold on every wall and pillar. In the center of the ceiling, there was a beautiful mural of the sky. Right in the middle of it was the depiction of a glowing sun, shedding light across the entire mural and chamber. It felt oddly divine. Like heavenly light flooding down on the mortal realm.

It was gorgeous. It was completely unnecessary and probably cost way too much. But it was glorious.

He was so distracted by the beauty that he completely missed the crowd surrounding a pedestal in the middle of the room. There was a surprising amount of spectators, which made Julius slightly anxious. He only recognized a few faces. One was the Patriarch, Lukas Von Hyperius, who stood apart from the others and was closest to the pedestal. The Patriarch was a very handsome man with wide shoulders, long blonde hair, and immaculate clothes; he was the quintessential image of a lord. However, it was the eyes that got Julius’s attention. Golden yellow, glowing with an oppressive presence emanating from them, like he was looking down on everyone and everything. It reminded him of the sun depicted on the mural.

It seemed like his father was forced to come as well because he was there too. However, his father didn’t even bother looking up at him as he approached. But with a quick glance, Julius could tell he got his mother’s looks. His father, just like his older brother, had long blonde hair tied in a bun but a much sharper face and brown eyes. Julius on the other hand had soft black hair, a heart-shaped face, and dark brown eyes.

He also spotted Edwin in the back who gave him an encouraging nod.

The Patriarch, who was technically his uncle, suddenly spoke.

“Come here young Julius,” Lukas commanded.

Those eyes looked down on his much smaller frame with such intensity. There was nothing he could do but obey. His legs started to move on their own before he even knew it.

Once he was close to the pedestal, he could see a round device implanted directly on top of it. It shone with a brilliant white light, sparkling with energy.

“Are you aware of what a baptism is?” Lukas asked.

Julius didn’t trust himself to speak, so he just nodded his head.

“Yes or no?” Lukas demanded.

“Yes,” Julius managed to squeeze out.

“Okay, I want you to put your hands onto the awakening orb. Once I say begin, I want you to pull as much mana into yourself as possible. Don’t stop until you can no longer take in any more. Clear?”

“Crystal,” he responded.

“Excuse me?” Lukas asked, narrowing his eyes.

“I meant yes, yes I understand.” Julius quickly amended.

Giving Julius one last long look, he placed Julius’s hands onto the orb.


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