Peerless Emperor System

Vol 3 Chapter 241: The beginning!

At this time, there was another wave of volatility in the sky, and then a rain was once again spilled on the earth!

Looking at these rains, countless monks stretched out their hands and wanted to catch them, but the accident was that these rains directly penetrated the hands of the monks. Look. Wool, Chinese net

Subsequently, these Ganlins, like the inspiration, have sprinkled some places between the heavens and the earth. Without exception, these places are gathered with the demon power.

Huaguoshan, countless Ganlin scattered densely.

In this big opportunity, many Yaozu directly broke through!

And even those who have not made a breakthrough have received great benefits!

One person got the way, the chicken dog went up!

Nowadays, the demon family has a saint, and the demon family has naturally gained unimaginable benefits.


Looking at the lingering rain, many immortals understand that, next, the Yaozu may not be able to bully any more.


With the rate of the palace, the Jinling boy has an envious look at the scene in the sky, and subconsciously opens: "Grandfather grandfather, this monkey... Qitian saint is really... really..."

Suddenly, Jin Ling’s boy stopped the sound in his mouth.

At this point, Jin Ling’s boy suddenly found that the face of his “grandfather grandfather” was so ugly!

"Is there something wrong?"




"Look, what is that?"


At the same time, as the picture in the sky gradually became clear, many people who were watching the picture changed their faces.

"That... is that Buddha?"

In the heavenly court, Tota King Li Jing has an opening that he is not sure.

According to common sense, Li Jing will naturally not recognize the Buddha.

At this time, the reason why Li Jing’s words are doubtful is simply because there is strangeness at this time, or it is strange!


In the space where Wukong was located, a sneer suddenly rang. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

"You are the new saint in this world?"


Looking at the black and smoky smog at this time, Wukong frowned.

"Who are you?"

"Hey! It’s not a new saint, the eyes are not bad! As for who I am, the name is not important, you can call me three kings!"


At this time, the outside world.

Looking at the picture in the sky, many people's faces have become dignified.

For the monks, when there is something big happening on the road to monasticism, the monks will feel in the midst of it.

At this time, all who are monks have felt some wrong things, as for some high-powered ones, even more so!


"Master! What happened to you?"

In a fairyland, the boy looked at the master who was lying on the ground with horror. His eyes were full of worry.

Suddenly, the old man kneeling on the ground burst into tears.

"Apprentice, it’s over!"


"This day has changed, it has changed! The sky is going to fall down!"


Such scenes are constantly being staged everywhere.


Pass the palace.

The Jinling boy swallowed a slobber and his face turned white and whispered: "Grandfather grandfather, the three kings... Is it... Is it the son-in-law..."

The old man is silent, his face is extremely ugly!

At this time, the scene in the sky has changed again!


A golden light flashed, and suddenly there was a monk in front of Wukong!


Seeing the first sight of the monk, Wukong has already understood that this person is the Amitabha in the saint.

But Wukong did not shoot the monk, Wukong could feel that Amitabha and himself were all the way.


Seeing the appearance of Amitabha, "Lake" sneered.

"Hey, the old monk, you broke the seal? Hey... good ability, but... it’s already late!"

Said, "If you come" cold smile, turned to look at Wukong.

"Little monkey, I have to thank you for saying it... I originally paid a lot of money when I sealed this old monk, so that even such a small monk can’t control it..."

"But it's okay, just sanctified, completely broke the little monk's thoughts... You know, no, this little monk would rather give everything and kill me!"

Wukong snorted and the hand holding the gold hoop was tight.

"Kid, just because you don't know where to run out, you want to kill your grandfather?"

The voice of Wukong has just fallen, and the surrounding air has dropped by a few dozen degrees!

"If you come," looked at Wukong in a disgusting manner.

"Kid, if there is still something to do in this seat, it is enough for you to use this sentence to make you so powerful!"

"Hey! Wait, if you have a chance to live next, this seat will personally smash you up!"


Suddenly, Wukong’s figure disappeared in place and was in front of the “Russ” who was about to leave.

"Want to go? Have you asked Grandpa Sun?"

"If you come," sneered, and said: ".. Just rely on you a new saint and a seriously injured monk? You are too good to see you!"

Said, "If" suddenly disappeared in place!


The next moment, Wukong suddenly spit out a blood in his mouth, and the body flew backwards uncontrollably!

Looking at Wukong in the air, "Lake" showed a sneer on his face and was preparing to shoot.

However, at this time, "If" stopped the action.

At the same time, in the sky, Amitabha caught Wukong.


Looking at the eyes of Goku and Amitabha, "Looking" smiled disdainfully.

"Fortunately, kid, that is, I have to keep my strength to do other things, or tomorrow is your jealous day!"

After that, the "Russian" figure turned into a black smoke and disappeared into this space.

"Hahaha! You, enjoy this last rare calm time.........hahahaha..."


Lingshan, Wukong masters and four white dragon horses were arranged for accommodation.

Nowadays, the sudden betrayal of “Rulai” and the chaos of Lingshan are good for Amitabha Buddha (Good Zhao’s) to get out of trouble today and temporarily control the situation of Lingshan.

Half a day later, a tired Amitabha found Wukong and others, and together with Wukong’s understanding of Taijun Laojun and several other people he had never seen before.

Although these people have not seen Wukong, but feel the fluctuations in these people, Wukong understands that these people are the realm of saints!


"Amitabha, what the **** is going on?"

In the hall, with the opening of Laoshangjun, everyone looked at Amitabha.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Amitabha showed a smile on his face.

"Sorry, this thing..."

After that, Amitabha probably said what he knew.

According to Amitabha, things began when the son-in-law made up the sky.

At that time, because of the collapse of Zhoushan, the sky broke a big hole.

Although the son-in-law made up the sky, at that time, the son-in-law did not realize that a person named "Three Kings" quietly came to this world. .

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