People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 218

Page 218

Now Eizan Zhijin can also defeat Isshiki, which means that Eizan Zhijin’s current strength is also at the level of the top five seats!

Like the Dark Cuisine Research Association, it is full of predatory, predatory beings.

Who can guarantee that Eizan Eejin will be unwilling to challenge the other ten heroes out of his current position!

Seeing Ji Zhiguo Ningning’s worried Yi Shihui, she comforted her.

“Although I don’t know how Kobayashi-senpai got on with them.”

“However, judging from their attitude, the Dark Cuisine Research Association and Kobayashi-senpai are not very familiar with each other.”

“It may just be for some reason that they are connected.”

After listening to Yi Sehui’s words, Ji Zhiguo Ningning was silent for a while.

“But judging from what you just said, the other ten heroes that the Dark Cuisine Research Association looked for for Eizan to vouch for him should be Kobayashi-senpai.”

“Although Kobayashi-senpai seems to have a peaceful personality, she never gets involved in these troublesome things in the academy.”

“Even Senior Si who has a good relationship with her may not be able to invite Sister Xiaolin to participate in these disputes in the academy.”

“If that’s the case, how did the Dark Cuisine Research Association manage to invite Kobayashi-senpai?”

After listening to Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning’s question, Ise Hui fell into a brief silence.

“This…I don’t know either.”

“Are you still staying at the Dark Cuisine Research Society?”

Of course, Ji Zhiguo Ningning didn’t have any hope that she would be able to figure out the situation by going to the Dark Cooking Research Association.

“No, everyone in Jixingliao and I are ready to go back.”

Hearing that Isishihui planned to return to Jixingliao, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning snorted and did not ask any more questions.

“Thank you for your hard work, then you can go back and have a good rest.”

Knowing Isehui’s intrepid personality, Ji Zhiguo Ningning wouldn’t have wanted to ask Isehui if it wasn’t a last resort.


Yi Shihui smiled indifferently.

“Actually, although I lost in today’s halberd meal, I still gained something.”


“Nothing, what are you going to do next?”

Issei Hui changed the subject lightly.

“Well… Let’s discuss it with that guy Jiujiu first.”

Ji Zhiguo’s Ningning was obviously undecided for a while.

“That’s right, last time I told you about that man—”

“Ningning, you don’t need to tell me about this.”

Knowing what Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was talking about, Yi Shihui gently interrupted her.

“My decision on this matter will not be changed.”

Isshiki’s tone was as soft as ever, but inside it seemed to contain an irreversible determination.


Ji Zhiguo Ningning was not at all surprised by Yi Sehui’s answer, she shrugged and stopped demanding.

“In that case, I’ll hang up first.”


After hanging up the phone, Ji Zhiguo’s Ningning’s eyes fell into a state similar to absent-mindedness because of thinking.

“According to that man, Senior Si should have already agreed to that plan.”

“In this way, Xiao Lin-senpai should also have to agree.”

“It’s just that Eizan’s side…it has become a variable.”

[200] The righteous Kobayashi gentian!A guest of the dark cooking club! (Please subscribe!)

“Senpai Kobayashi, are you going to wait here forever?”

After everyone in the Jixing Liao had dispersed, Miyoko Hojo and the others, who were about to clean up the venue, saw Kobayashi Rentan still sitting on the judgment seat.

He had no intention of leaving at all, so he asked Kobayashi Rentan.

“Of course, the academy is so big, I can’t be bothered to go back and forth~ I’ll go back and forth again.”

Kobayashi Rentan took out a packet of snacks out of nowhere, and said it as a matter of course while eating.

“…Then how do you plan to solve the problem of lunch at noon, Miss Kobayashi?”

Miyoko Hojo couldn’t help but ask.

Although the halberd has just ended, there is still a long way to go before the lunch time.

However, the cooking time Mo Yu had agreed with Xiaolin Rentan before was the afternoon.

“Why, don’t you plan to entertain the seniors well?”

Kobayashi Rentan deliberately looked at them with a puzzled expression.


Faced with such a righteous Kobayashi Rentan, Hojo Miyoko didn’t know what to say.

“I have worked tirelessly to be the judge of this informal halberd meal for you. With the help of Mr. Ruishan afterwards, it shouldn’t be a big problem for you to entertain me for lunch, right?”

Kobayashi Rentan said to Hojo Miyoko and the others while chewing the snacks in his mouth.

Although he was a little speechless, Kobayashi Rentan’s familiar tone indeed made Mito Yuzu charm their hearts to a large extent.

Before I knew it, I felt a little less distance from Kobayashi Gentian.

Moreover, Xiaolin Rentian’s blatant behavior of eating rice is also because of her straightforward appearance.

It didn’t make people feel disgusted, but felt that this senior was inexplicably cute.

“Yes, yes, of course.”

Mito Yumei saw that Miyoko Hojo opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say, and hurriedly spoke on her behalf.

“Sister Kobayashi, let’s stay at the Dark Cuisine Research Club for dinner today, just in time, you can let senpai try our newly developed new dishes.”

It happened that there was no class for everyone in the morning, so we could have a meal together.


As soon as he heard that he could taste the new dishes of the Dark Cuisine Research Association, Kobayashi Rentan’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Hojo Miyoko looked at Mito Yumei, and when she saw the latter shaking her head at her, she had to swallow those words back.

“Mito, Hojo, I have something to do at noon today, so I won’t stay in the club. I will trouble you about entertaining Kobayashi-senpai.”

Eizan Editsu also took off the apron around his waist and said to Mito Ikumei and the others.

“What, you guy, are you trying to…”

Miyoko Hojo was about to speak in dissatisfaction when she heard that Eizan Edzu also left the troublesome task of entertaining the second seat of the ten heroes to them.

Mito Yumei quickly interrupted her.

“Okay, okay, I get it, Eizan-senpai, you can go with confidence.”

After meeting Eizan Eizinya’s eyes, Mito Yumei knew that Eizan Eizin also suddenly left, mostly for some reason.

So he also nodded to Eizan Eden, indicating that he can leave with confidence.

Mito Yumei, as Mo Yu’s most capable subordinate in the Dark Cuisine Research Society, her status in the Dark Cuisine Research Society is already slightly higher than that of Hojo Miyoko.

Therefore, when Mito Ikumei opened her mouth, even Hojo Miyoko couldn’t say anything more.

Eizan Eejin also nodded at Mito Yumei, then said hello to Kobayashi Rentan, and then he quickly left the venue.

“I don’t know when Xiaohui and the others will come back…”

Watching Eizan Edejin also leave, without anyone to complain, Hojo Miyoko was a little unhappy, but it quickly dissipated.

In my heart, I was thinking about the fact that Mo Yu was going to cook by himself tonight, making dishes for Xiaolin Gentian.

Miyoko Hojo couldn’t help but start thinking about Megumi Tiansuo and Nao Sadazuka who were doing the food purchases and preparations.

Although Kobayashi Rentan was unofficially eating halberds this time, he was moved by Eizan Eijin’s attitude towards cooking.

He promised in advance to help Eizan Zhijin, as his guarantor for the evaluation and assessment of the top ten, to get through this difficult time.

However, Kobayashi Rentou also made it clear afterwards that the agreement she made with Hojo Miyoko before will still be fulfilled.

What’s more, Mo Yu had already agreed to Kobayashi Rentan’s conditions, and asked Tiansuohui and Nao Sadazuka to prepare it early in the morning.

If you give up at this time, it will be too sorry for the efforts of the three of them.

Therefore, in the face of Kobayashi Rentan, he took advantage of the situation and asked to stay for lunch at noon.

Mito Ikumei and the others were a little speechless for a while even though they would do such a thing to a senior who was a third-year student in the higher education department.

··0 Flowers

But he didn’t really want to say no.

At noon, Kobayashi Rentan stayed for dinner at the Dark Cuisine Research Club.

“Wow, during this time, you really have developed a lot of delicious new dishes.”

“This steak is soft and crispy, as if it melts in the mouth. With the specially prepared sauce, the mouth is full of rich meaty aroma!”

“There is also this stew, the color of the soup is as clear as water, but after taking a sip, the fragrance will directly penetrate the spleen and lungs, and it will be unforgettable for three days and three nights!”

“And this fried rice, taste it, it’s full of fat and meaty aroma, and vegetables play a refreshing and greasy effect.”

With all kinds of dishes in front of him, even Kobayashi gentian felt a little dazzling for a while.

……… 0

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