People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 524: Unexpected Blond Ron

Since he cannot use [Death Eater and Immortal Mode], he can hide in [Divine Power Space] for five minutes.

Even with intermittent use, this time is exhausted.

Can only wait for the CD.

The extraordinary insight that the kaleidoscope gave him not only captured Katie's figure, but also allowed him to see that Katie's physical strength was always at its peak, and it took a few seconds for her chakra to recover.

In this case, his hidden wood escape, gunter style ninjutsu, yin and yang escape, and sealing techniques cannot be used as a trump card.

Reality left him with only one path - to admit defeat.

He might as well be decent.

But what he didn't expect was that even when he admitted defeat, he almost failed and almost didn't raise his hand.

Because of the mask, Katie was not aware of Haven's current expression.

She just happily turned into a silver light and appeared beside the stands in an instant.

At the guest of honor table.

"Amazing." The Fourth Hokage Arthur sighed, "Whether it's Katie or Haven. Their blood inheritance limits naturally put them in a nearly invincible position."

He wasn't too afraid.

With the supply of [Fairy Energy], the sealing technique of the Weasley clan that he inherited through his wife, the time and space ninjutsu that he is good at, and the extraordinary ninja's neural reaction speed are all effectively integrated and transformed into [Invincible flashing dance style in the world].

Um. The external name is [Flying Thunder God Barrier].

Foreign ninjutsu, people or objects can be transferred, and [Flying Thunder God Mark] can be planted on them.

Even though Katie is small and fast.

But as long as she enters the barrier with the intention of attacking him and revealing herself, there is only one way to fail.

As long as he has planted a mark, his ninjutsu can touch it.

Thinking of this, he remembered that his son, even with the supply of [Fairy Qi], could only learn [Flying Thunder God], one of the prerequisites of [Flying Thunder God Barrier], [Flying Thunder God Guide], even if he died or died. .

Then he happened to open the Immortal Human Body and developed on the wrong path of flying bricks.

His brain was filled with the ninjutsu [Rasengan].

I don't understand the mechanism at all.

Now, his son will face the real mechanism.

"Ron Weasley vs Vernon Dursley!"

("Come on! Ron from another world!" After hearing the name, Harry subconsciously pumped his fist.)

"It's you." Blond Ron, "Vernon."

As a classmate, he knew how difficult the Dursley family's escape was.

Therefore, after hearing the name, he immediately started to form seals.

"Water Release: Rain Tiger's Free Technique!"

One moment it was sunny, and the next moment dark clouds began to cover the venue, and rain fell from the sky.

"Is this your son?" The Fourth Raikage couldn't help complaining, "I can feel the chakra in the rain. They may be used as eyes to enhance and expand the senses, and enhance the power of water release, but the sunlight is blocked. It also brings shadows.”

"The Shadowlands will unfold."

".Chou-Shen-Mao-Zi-Hai-You-Chou-Wu-You-Zi." Vernon just completed the last seal.

The black shadow completely enveloped his body, even his eyes.

Then, the black silhouette disappeared into the earth.

The voice of the Fourth Raikage just continued to sound, "Sneak your body into the shadows and use the maze of wisdom to control the ninjutsu of the demented undead. Dealing with a Dursley means dealing with the invention of the [Shadow Secret Technique] Later, all the deceased members of the Dursley family."

(With his extraordinary senses, Harry heard the voice of the Fourth Raikage from the screen, "Just a deceased member of the Dursley family? Do you need to know the [Shadow Secret Art] to be a puppet?")

In the duel arena.

Dense black silhouettes surfaced from the ground.

The black quagmire drove towards the blond Ron on the opposite side under their control.

"It's a big fall, friend." The blond Ron, who was stepping on the water, stretched out, "Vernon, why do you think you can compete with me, the owner of the Great Immortal Human Body, for chakra strength."

The moment he finished speaking, he appeared out of thin air on the other side of the field.

Under the water, in the shadow, Vernon's voice sounded, "Ron, I'm not just using my own chakra. I'm using the chakra of everyone in the Vernon family."

The shadow continued to attack the blond Ron.

But because of the increasingly higher water surface as a buffer, and the [Flying Thunder God Mark] that seemed to have spread throughout the entire venue through unknown means, the blond Ron easily dodged it.

"If I guess correctly, rain is the medium for you to use the [Flying Thunder God Technique]."

"You are going to play a war of attrition with me."

The Fourth Raikage at the guest seat blushed and said to the silent Fourth Hokage, "Have you seen it earlier?"

Vernon Dursley's words made him feel like a clown before.

The Fourth Hokage forced a smile, "Ah."

He never thought that [Flying Thunder God Technique] could be used in this way.

No, to be precise, even he couldn't use the [Flying Thunder God Technique] purely through his own chakra, but his son could, which was really amazing and unexpected to him.

His son is not full of Rasengan.

The blond Ron on the field didn't know that his old father had mixed feelings. He was talking to Vernon while flashing, "That's for sure. Your Dursley family's ninjutsu is so rogue, and I'm not good at it." Sealing, if you want to use sealing to seal the shadow, only a few people in the Weasley family can do it."

"You are talking about the chakra of a clan, but the strength of the undead will not increase. No matter how many undead there are in the old era, they can't compete with me who has the human body of a great immortal in the new era."

"Then we'll see." Vernon's voice followed.

("Who do you think will win?" Ginny looked at Harry.)

(Harry did not answer directly, "The undead are not Death Eaters. They have no reason and cannot directly summon the polluted natural energy outside the barrier surrounding the entire Hidden Leaf Village, restore their own chakra, and use [Sage Mode]. ")

("That means Vernon is no match for Harry within the barrier?" Ginny asked.)

(Harry said without pause, "Within the barrier, Ron's resilience is indeed better.")

("But in terms of quantity alone, these undead have more chakra in total. Ron only has the advantage in terms of quality.")

("Both of them should realize this.")

("Ron tried to use [Water Blink] when not necessary to save chakra.")

("Vernon tried to force Ron to use [Flying Thunder God Technique] as much as possible.")

("So you're not sure who's going to win yet?" Ginny continued.)

(Harry shook his head, "Forbidden words, it is an effective way to summon polluted natural energy - ghost energy.")

("The human body of Dachengxian can be immune to [ghost energy] to a certain extent and absorb it.")

("Just not as efficient as Draco Gaunt.")

("If Ron Weasley can realize this, then I don't need to say anything.")

"Sass!" The blond Ron called out Draco's name.

In the hall.

"That's a lot!" Draco turned his head, his Mangekyo Sharingan couldn't help but bloom, and looked at the door where the water was pouring out.

He always felt like Ron was calling him.

Ten minutes later.

Vernon emerged from the shadows after ten minutes of listening to 'Saasgei'.

"Referee, I surrender."

In fact, he has not reached his limit yet.

But he found that the blond Ron did not show fatigue as he had calculated.

So throwing in the towel is a better option.

Before leaving the venue, he didn't know that it was Draco who was the one to blame for Sass, and he looked at the blond Ron, "I have a question. Are you stimulating the spirit by strengthening [cognitive pollution]? Stimulate more. Check The synthesis of carats?”

After winning, he came back to his senses. Why didn't he call out his own name? He insisted on calling out Draco's. The blond Ron, who looked embarrassed, coughed and said, "Well, that's it."

"What he shouted was the forbidden name of Draco Gaunt." As Draco's teacher and relative, Voldemort, who was sitting in the guest seat in the form of the Fourth Kazekage, had no intention of covering up for Ron.

This is in Konoha.

This is a symbol of bonding.

The first Hokage Godric Gryffindor and the Ninja Master Mavolo Gaunt, the second Hokage Herbo Gryffindor and the flawless ninja Morfin Gaunt, the Ninja Doctor Albus... Dumbledore had this kind of relationship with Gettler Fudge in The Dark Ninja World, as well as between him and Snape.

"My son is shouting Draco's name!" Arthur, the fourth generation Hokage who has inherited the will of fire, stood up excitedly. "As long as there are leaves flying, fire will burn. The shadow of the fire will shine on the village, and , let new leaves sprout, and the true power of the ninja will be revealed when you want to protect the people you cherish most! "

"This is youth!" Kai in the stands had already begun to shed tears and looked directly at Lupine.

(Sirius, who had always only had eyes for James, suddenly felt a sense of crisis.)

(At the same time, I am glad that there is no Kai in my world.)

"That's it." Vernon suddenly felt convinced that he had lost.

He didn't lose to the blond Ron, but to the Will of Fire.

The ninjas on the field also started to applaud.

(The misunderstood Dumbledore couldn't help but yearn for this world. If he were in this world, his relationship with Getler would be blessed by everyone. How enviable!)

(Grindelwald’s eyes were also in a daze for a moment.)

If the name of the next contestant hadn't appeared on the electronic card, this farce might have continued.

The referee came to his senses: "Neville Longbottom vs Eric Lensherr!"

(Hannah pushed Neville, extremely excited, as if she was on the stage.)

("You and the warrior! Neville~")

After the water is drained, the ground is baked dry and the wall is repaired and smoothed.

Two people enter.

"What a vibrant magnetic field." Magneto observed the other party with his abilities and senses, "He is indeed a Longbottom, a clan that masters the changes in the properties of Yang Escape."

"Yang Escape: Meat Bullet Needle Chariot!" Perhaps because he wanted to win the barbecue, Neville used his ultimate move as soon as he came.

The hair grew rapidly, stretching out from the gap in the underwear-like hood, and the limbs and head shrank inward, rolling into a meat ball.


On the way forward, the meat ball gets bigger and bigger.

It was wrapped in hardened hair, like a big hedgehog rolled into a ball.

When he finally arrived in front of Magneto, he was already so big that it could cover the sky, with arm-thick spikes rolling around and emitting a cold light.

Carrying a half-human-sized gourd on his back, Magneto, who was relatively smaller than Neville's hair now, stood still in place.

It's just that the plug made of iron sand has fallen to the ground at an unknown time, weathered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and dissipated in the air.

"Where did the stone come from!" Ron, who was always busy in class, used his [Spider Sense] to catch it one step ahead of his own force field.

Only then did he realize that this was not an isolated case.

This comes from flying rocks sputtering across the field.

The ground began to shake, billowing smoke and dust enveloped the venue, and a huge hedgehog ball was embedded in the wall.

The smoke cleared.

Magneto's hands were still in his pockets, with a thin shield of iron sand in front of him. The floor behind him was intact, without even a scratch.

The ground began to shake again.

Unlike Ron holding on to the railing.

The ninjas present all gathered chakra in their soles and stuck to the ground tightly.

"[Yang Escape·Super Doubling Technique]!"

Ron noticed that the sound was coming from Hedgehog Ball.

It's Neville.

He struggled away from the wall.

His figure continued to grow, even blocking the sunlight in the stands.

Then, the giant Neville suddenly jumped high into the sky.

Ron didn't dare to think about what would happen if a thirty-meter-tall giant fell.

But from the hands of the referee and the surrounding ninjas who turned into phantoms due to the crazy seals, it can be seen that this is probably like a meteorite falling.

Then they slapped their palms to the ground and shouted in unison, "[Earth Release·Rock Reinforcement Technique]!"

The Fourth Raikage couldn't help but complain, "This brat from the Longbottom family is crazy. Fortunately, everyone present is a jounin. In order to accept the mission, they all cultivated the unearthed attribute, otherwise-"

The fourth Raikage's voice was covered up by the roar.

But Magneto in the field just raised his head.


The gourd behind him was lightened, black waves surged out, and the shield in front of him opened against the wind.


Perhaps because the body has grown larger, the sound of the giant's leg bones breaking is also particularly obvious, and even makes people hear a buzzing sound because the sound is too loud.

The giant was unable to stand firmly on one foot and sat down towards the stands.

Looking at that big butt that covers the sky.

"[Earth Release·Earth Flow Wall]!"

"[Tudun·Tulu Return]!"

"[Earth Escape·Promising Transformation]!"

The ninjas in the stands moved very quickly, and soon the open-air stands were enveloped by the rising stone wall.

Ron's body had been wrapped in a green force field. He retreated to the limit, looking at the butt-shaped depression, and for a moment he did not dare to breathe.

Who knows if Neville can hold it.


Vernon, whose body had fallen into shadow and only his head was exposed, took a deep breath and shouted, "Neville, it's time to emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly!"

Covering his feet, a trace of determination flashed on the pale giant's face.

"[Yang Escape·Butterfly Bullet Explosion]!"

"Shrunk!" Although Ron didn't know what ninjutsu the roar represented, as the giant shrank, from the gap in the collapsed stone wall that had just been blocked by the giant's butt, it could be seen that the giant had now shrunk to less than to ten meters.

At the same time, gorgeous butterfly wings appeared behind the giant Neville.

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