People are in Marvel, and the system is working as a worker

Chapter 19 Encountered an ambush

The one for Mike was a gunship with most of its weapons systems removed.Mike was a little surprised until he saw the Stark Group logo on the fuselage, and he was relieved.

There are two reasons why the military is easy to talk to. :

First, Stark’s kidnapping is inseparable from the troops stationed in Afghanistan.

Second, Stark Group donated a lot of good stuff.

The second point is particularly important.

With money, you can really do whatever you want.

Sergeant Rainer is cheerful, talkative and curious.In other words - not like someone who can keep a secret.

He found that Mike’s only weapons were the long knife on his back, the Glock G25 on his waist, and the Kabbah 1217 saber tied to his thigh. It was like he was on an outing.

This is the graveyard of Afghans and American soldiers!

And, what can one do alone? !

Sergeant Renner even suspected that Mike was a reporter disguised as a mercenary or a second-generation man who came to experience battlefield life.

But what can be said, he is just a big shot, do his job well, and then pray for peace until the end.

Mike asked Sergeant Rayner about joining the army.

Renner said: "It's easy to say." and then said "simple" for nearly 15 minutes.

Renner was born north of Central Park in Manhattan, a black neighborhood that was as chaotic as Hell's Kitchen.His father was a street gangster who spent most of his life in jail and died in a prison gang fight.After Reina's father died, his mother supported Reina by selling drugs and selling sex.

In high school, Reina's mother disappeared. Maybe she couldn't bear the bad life and ran away, or maybe she was buried underground somewhere.The police came and took a note and left it alone.

After graduation, Reina naturally joined a gang, like many other kids on the block.

"If your family is a criminal and the people around you are criminals, you will probably become a criminal."

"A group of young kids who had just joined a gang were ambitious and clamoring to carve out their own territory... My best friend Brooke died, right next to me. A bullet hit his temple, white brains and blood. Mixed together and splashed in my face.”

"I was so scared that I peed, not to describe it, but I really peed. I realized that I was not that brave. I was thinking that as long as I was still in the gang, sooner or later I would die like Brooke."

"But gangs are like spider webs that get entangled. Once you want to leave, everyone will regard you as a traitor and there will be no place for you in the community."

"It's not easy to change your destiny. I don't have many choices, and joining the army is one of them."

Black, low education, misdemeanor history... Unless he has outstanding military exploits, a staff sergeant is the ceiling for Sergeant Renner.

The Stark Group will provide Reina with a well-paying job after he retires, on the condition that while Mike is at the base, Reina must try his best to meet Mike's requirements.

This is an enviable opportunity, the leader agrees, and Reina certainly has no problem with it.

The helicopter arrived at the scheduled search location 10 minutes later.Mike asked Reina to slow down and fly at a low altitude.

This request made Reina hesitate.

It is unsafe for armed helicopters to fly at ultra-low altitudes, especially in Afghanistan.No matter what propaganda slogans they use or how they put on a show, the US military clearly understands from top to bottom that they are invaders, so it is reasonable for the Afghan people to fire an RPG at the US military helicopters.

In response, Mike showed his cell phone and said with a faint smile: "I have Miss Potts' number. If you don't want to, I understand. I believe there are others who are willing."

Reina: (⊙︿⊙), even though we had such a pleasant conversation before, we fell out of favor faster than turning over a book.

Those colleagues whose eyes were green with envy must be very willing to replace him. Thinking of this, Reina reluctantly agreed: "Okay, I hope today is a lucky day for you and me."

"Believe me, I've always had good luck." Mike said with a smile.

"My friend Jeremy said the same thing," Reina said with a sad face, "Then he stepped on a landmine and broke three of his legs. The most pitiable thing is his wife, so young, so beautiful, with such a figure...hehehe~ "

"..." Mike didn't want to speak anymore.

Reina muttered, trying to find a chance to comfort Jeremy's wife face to face.

Therefore, you need to be kind and cautious when making friends.

Taking into account the time spent traveling back and forth and the battery life, the actual time spent searching was no more than three hours.

For three days, there was no news from Stark.

Reina was very tired, mainly because ultra-low altitude flying required more concentration.

A room in a temporary camp.

Two mercenaries were talking.

"Boss, I found out clearly that the man is a mercenary from a blond girl. He is fair and fair. He is clearly the fair face of the blond girl. Don't worry about him!"

"Don't worry about him?" The boss circled the map several times, "This is the area that man has been searching for in the past three days."

Subordinate: "???"


The boss also knew that his subordinate was not smart enough but was loyal. He was not angry, but felt that it was a good opportunity for him to show off his holiness in front of others.

"Idiot, look clearly, these places are the areas we are responsible for, and they are areas we have not searched yet, which means..."

The subordinate finally understood how to compliment him, looked at the boss with eyes full of curiosity, and asked: "What does it mean?"

"It means that the person either thought about it with us and thought that Stark's detention place was there. Or he suspected us."

"Oh!" The subordinates suddenly realized, "Then what should we do, stop him?"

The boss' eyes were cold: "Obstruction? Why go to all this trouble? This is Afghanistan. It's normal for accidents to happen. If you die, don't you find it strange that you can't find the body?"

Fourth day.

Reina: "There's no progress at all, why aren't you in a hurry?"

Mike: "There's progress."

Several areas were excluded and the scope was narrowed again.He had a hunch that he might not return empty-handed today.

"Is there any progress? Why didn't I know!"

"Because I didn't tell you."

"That's right, I'm just a 'driver', so I don't have the right to know." Reina said in a resentful tone.

Mike ignored Reiner. Reiner's ability to keep secrets was not as good as a loudspeaker, but he didn't know what to do.

After entering the search area, the helicopter flew as low as 50 meters.Mike activated the Zoro Possession Card and searched the area below with his knowledge and Haki.


"Has anyone found the hidden stronghold of the Ten Rings Gang?"


"Just two people. Judging from their posture, they seem to be ambushing. The me?"

Mike shouted: "Rena, raise the helicopter! Quick!"

At the same time, he drew his katana.

Reina was startled.

He didn't know what happened, and was stunned for more than two or three seconds before raising the helicopter.

Mike is not an army commander after all, so it’s not surprising that Reina hesitated.

Reiner saw someone below him wearing camouflage camouflage, half squatting, with a shoulder-mounted individual missile launcher on his shoulder.

Stark's product uses laser and thermal energy dual tracking locking technology.

"This distance... the ball is over."

Reina's heart skipped a beat. From the corner of his eye, he saw the door on one side of the helicopter open. Mike didn't know when he pulled out a long knife from his back. Holding the knife in his left hand, his left arm was bent and raised slightly, and he held his left forearm with the inside of his right palm.

At the same time as the individual missile came out of the chamber, Mike waved his knife.

One-sword style.36 Worrying Phoenix!

The spiral chopper collided with the missile in the air, and the explosion was only about ten meters away from the helicopter. The resulting shock wave shook the aircraft.

Reina quickly stabilized the fuselage and raised the fuselage while the explosion smoke obscured his vision.

"He jumped..."

Reina breathed a sigh of relief, but caught a glimpse of Mike's figure falling downwards.

Under Reina's incredible gaze, Mike bent his feet and rolled forward. While rolling, Mike's body gradually stretched and turned into running like a flowing cloud.

Like a swift cheetah.


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