People are in Marvel, and the system is working as a worker

Chapter 3 The tail end of the crazy Daredevil

Originally, Mike just wanted to rescue Chloe, and then take some ill-gotten gains from the Bigfoot Gang to compensate for the loss of commissions. This was the reason why he chose to be good at Hidden Taoji Zabuza - he was good at sneaking.

but now……

Don't forget, Zabuza is also a master of assassination who is proficient in the silent killing technique, which comes in handy.

Crimson chakra overflowed from the angry Mike.

A large amount of thick white mist appeared out of thin air in the air, quickly spreading and filling the entire warehouse.

Ninja Technique. Kirigakure no Jutsu.

Sean Sack, nicknamed "Stinky Foot", is the leader of the Bigfoot Gang and is of Irish descent.Most recently, he hooked up with Magenta, a member of the Irish crime syndicate.In Hell's Kitchen, Magenta Group can even be compared with New York's famous Gucci family.

Nowadays, the Bigfoot Gang wants money, money, people, and guns.Sean, who is on the rise in his career, is ambitious.

At this time, he hugged the black girl with strong breasts and kneaded her wildly until a strange white mist filled his eyes.

"Damn, what's going on? Smoke bomb? Copy!" Sean pushed the girl away, took out the famous AK47 from under the sofa, and yelled, "Brothers, copy the guy!"

The fog was so thick that it could not be dispersed, and the visibility was less than one meter.Sean remembered a rumor: when the fog is thick, the God of Death silently harvests lives.

In the past, Sean had scoffed at the rumors, believing them to be rumors spread by other gangs to intimidate others.

"Not really, not really..."

Sean kept repeating one sentence, trying to hypnotize himself.He was holding a gun and was highly nervous.


Sean shouted the name of one of his men.

"I'm here!"



Sean responded with short screams.

Finally, someone couldn't stand it anymore, pulled the trigger, and shot randomly.It was like pressing a switch, and suddenly gunshots rang out and bullets flew everywhere.Screams and screams were everywhere.


Sean, who was still rational, reacted quickly, threw himself behind the sofa, lay on the ground, and curled up as much as possible.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a long time, maybe a short time, as if I had lost my sense of time, Sean heard the gunshots gradually stop, the warehouse became eerily quiet, and he could vaguely hear suppressed sobs.

Sean carefully poked half of his head out from behind the sofa. The thick fog did not dissipate. Black Pearl was lying on the ground with a large amount of blood underneath him.

Sean suddenly stiffened.

He could feel someone standing behind him.

"I am from Magenta. Kill me and he will not let you go."

"I have cash, at least one hundred thousand dollars, in a safe that only I can open."

Sean's brain was racing, and in two sentences, he succinctly explained the pros and cons, and his mouth was as sharp as ever.



A bright knife tip stabbed out from the upper right abdomen.

Mike's cold voice sounded: "I punctured your liver and cut off the veins, so the blood flowing out is red and darker. If you get effective treatment within 15 minutes, you can survive, otherwise you will be in extreme despair and pain. He died of excessive blood loss. Considering that Hell’s Kitchen has been made such a mess by you scum, can the ambulance arrive within 15 minutes? Haha..."


The knife was pulled away from Sean's body.

Severe pain hit his brain, and Sean fell to his knees.He turned around with difficulty, only to find that there was nothing behind him.

The white fog gradually dissipated.

When leaving the warehouse, Mike held a little girl in his arms.The little girl's eyes were panicked and she pursed her lips tightly.

She was the Chloe that Old Earl mentioned. She was about five or six years old, skinny, and light and airy in her arms, which made people feel distressed.

Suddenly, Mike stopped and looked up at a rooftop a few hundred meters away.

There was a guy there with a modified Barrett M82 equipped with a military night vision scope.

Seeing Mike looking over, Frank Custer was stunned for a moment behind the scope.

Found out?

So sharp!

Mike's eyes did not stay on Frank, but continued to turn to the building next to him.There was a figure wearing dark red tights hidden deeper.

"The Punisher is targeting the Bigfoot Gang, and Daredevil is trying to stop the Punisher. An anti-killing superhero, an anti-hero who uses violence to counter violence, interesting..."

Mike smiled and carried Chloe back to the supermarket.


Hearing the noise from the second floor, Old Earl raised the muzzle of his Remington gun and stared at the stairs nervously.

"it's me."

Mike spoke up to prevent Old Earl from getting too nervous and causing a misfire.

Old Earl was visibly relieved, lowered his gun, and watched excitedly as Mike led Chloe downstairs.

"Chloe, poor little Chloe."

Old Earl put down the shotgun, squatted forward, and gently hugged the little girl, tears streaming down his face.

"Grandpa Earl."

The little girl who had always been so well-behaved lay on Old Earl's chest and burst into tears.

System prompt: [Commission completed, soul energy +1].

Old Earl's soul energy floated out of him again, sinking into Mike's heart.


Together with the previous reserves, the soul energy accumulated to ten times and turned into a gray soul fruit with mysterious patterns.

"I wonder what will be fired? The decapitating sword will be fine. It can be combined with Momochi Zabuza." Mike prayed in his heart.

Unfortunately, although what comes out of the fruit is based on his memory and cognition, it is random.


Come to a natural type. Frozen fruit, wouldn’t it be delicious to skate on the Pacific Ocean in advance?

Or if you have nothing to do, just use the Earth Explosion Star to decompress and ask Nick Fury if he is panicking!

The picture is so beautiful, I dare not think too much about it.

"There are milk and sandwiches in the refrigerator. Chloe has been hungry all day. Eat something and don't eat too much at once. I'll go out for a while..."

After coming back to his senses, Mike suddenly felt something in his heart.

Corner near supermarket.

Daredevil, Matthew Murdock, looked at the supermarket sign with a complicated expression.

Originally, he was staring at the Punisher, trying to stop the Punisher from going on a killing spree.Unexpectedly, someone attacked Bigfoot before Frank, and the killing was so efficient that the battle was over before he could react.

"You actually followed me here, which makes me unhappy."

Mike's voice rang in Matthew's ear, and the latter was startled.

Matthew was infected with radioactive materials when he was a child, which caused him to go blind, but his other four senses were greatly enhanced.

Especially super touch and super hearing.

The super sense of touch makes his sense of balance, strength, and neurological reactions far beyond those of ordinary people.He can even sense if someone is approaching through changes in temperature and air pressure around him.

Super hearing can feed back surrounding sound waves to the brain to form a special all-round "vision", just like the ultrasonic positioning of bats.

Therefore, this was the first time that someone was so close and he didn't notice it.

From a perceptual perspective, the Silent Killing Technique is a perfect match for Matthew.If Mike wanted to kill Matthew, he would already be a dead man.

Matthew "saw" Mike was less than two meters away from him, leaning against the street lamp with his arms folded, exuding an evil aura.



Matthew apologized frankly, and then said in a deep voice: "Your purpose is to save people, you shouldn't go on a killing spree."

"You mean, the people from the Bigfoot Gang shouldn't die?"

"No, everyone in the Bigfoot Gang deserves to die, but it's just not up to you to judge."

"Who comes? The law or God?"

Mike smiled and said, "I'm surprised. The Bigfoot Gang doesn't do evil every day or two. There are so many victims and no one cares about them. As soon as the Bigfoot Gang dies, you immediately come over to question my actions. What do you mean?"

"Forget it, ideas are something that cannot be persuaded by just a few words. It's useless to talk more. I respect your principle of 'no killing', and I hope you won't interfere with me."

"Otherwise, either call the police and let the iron fist of the law punish me, or we all have a fight and talk with strong fists."

"What do you think, Matthew Murdoch?"

Finally, Mike reveals Daredevil's true identity.

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