People Are in Naruto, Start Dancing by Grabbing Madara's Neck

Page 21

"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

A small white translucent cube was born in Onogi's hand, then broke through the air, and quickly launched towards Madara Xusa.

Madara noticed the flying cube. Having fought Nidaime Tsuchikage, he naturally knew the power of Dust Dun, but he is now in the stage of Susano, and it is too late to absorb Dust Dun.

As a last resort, he chose to get away from Susan quickly, and quickly backed up.

boom! ! ! !

The white cube suddenly became larger, emitting a dazzling white light, grinding away the things it touched like a high-speed rotating sharpener, and Madara's entire Susan was swallowed in an instant.

The huge white light blocked the gap between Lu Chuan and Madara, and also blocked their sight, but Lu Chuan could still sense where Madara's chakra was.

However, this is just a feint.

Roar! !

Onoki floated in place, and with a wave of his hands, the huge white cube split into two halves, revealing the real attack wrapped in the dust tunnel: a water dragon wrapped in lightning.

Lu Chuan looked over subconsciously. It turned out that the moment Onomu rushed forward, the other four shadows followed behind him, and they had already made a battle plan.

Bang! !

The water dragon wrapped in thunder and lightning bit Madara who was retreating backwards.

But it was useless, just a few breaths and the water dragon began to collapse in Madara's direction, and the ninjutsu attack had no effect on Samsarayan.

Chapter 12 - Full Susa vs Full Susa

The battle made time pass quickly, and the sky was completely dark, with only scattered stars hanging on the edge of the azure sky.

"A pointless struggle."

Madara looked indifferently at the five people who used ninjutsu to attack together, he was already a little impatient with the five shadows at the moment.

Obviously, they knew that ninjutsu was useless to them in various previous battles, but they still used useless ninjutsu to try to hurt themselves.

Suddenly, Madara's figure soaked in thunder and absorbing ninjutsu stopped, and strands of yellow sand wrapped around his body, gradually enveloping him.

Madara looked down in surprise, it turned out that Gaara had quietly used sand to infiltrate the area behind Madara from the very beginning, and when the lightning coiled waterspout hit Madara, the sand was also mixed into it.

Gaara holds his hand up high, and he's more than just soaking up the sand there!

Madara was gradually wrapped into a ball by the sand, and a few light red seal symbols squirmed out from the surface of the sand ball, trying to seal Madara here directly.

Madara can no longer absorb ninjutsu, and going any further will only accumulate more sand and trap him.

But if he doesn't continue to absorb this lightning dragon bullet, he will be paralyzed again and cannot move.

"A ninja bearing the name of Kage...and a bastard!"

Madara was heavily wrapped in the sand, and the last eye that was exposed was fixed on Lu Chuan's direction.

The latter was dissipating, Susan slowly fell towards the ground, and finally covered with sand, Madara's eye was also buried.

Then, Onoki instantly released the dust escape, preventing Zhuo Madan from trying to break the seal, and at the same time giving the remaining four people enough time to seal.

And at the last moment when Madara's vision disappeared, he clearly saw Lu Chuan's figure turning into a phantom and disappearing in place, and Madara felt bad in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment Lu Chuan appeared above Madara's thunder water sand ball, and burst out his pupil power and chakra with all his strength, and the huge chakra mixed with pupil power formed a huge shock wave.

boom! ! ! !

One was wearing a white tengu mask, and a pair of thick white armored wings spread out fiercely, making a huge roar.

The Sengoku costumed Susan holding a huge samurai sword suddenly appeared above Madara's head.

Lu Chuan maintained the same movement as Susan, staring at the water mine sand ball below him that was about to burst, the chakra in his body mixed with pupil power was already boiling.

After thinking about it, it really wasn't enough to just disgust him.

Damn, fuck him! !

Lu Chuan's expression gradually became excited. Taking advantage of watching Wuying and Madara to take a break just now, he is now full of energy.

Following Lu Chuan's idea, Susan's two arms were placed on the side of the body, holding a samurai sword and aiming at the sand ball underneath in a baseball posture.

Madara sensed Lu Chuan's chakra and pupil power, and also exploded his pupil power and chakra in the sand ball to counteract it.

Under the collision of two huge forces, the seals of the five shadows appeared so fragile.


Just one breathing maraca was broken, and another dark blue full body Susanoo burst out of its shell instantly.

Crushed sand flowed from the blue pupil armor, and Madara Susano stood almost on the ground, raised his head and drew his sword.

The dark blue flames kept bursting out, and the two Susans who could cover the sky and the earth were about to collide.

The rising moon hangs above the devastated land. Although it is as pale as a cloud, it is getting brighter every moment, and Lu Chuan's knife tip seems to be so high that it will touch the moon.

Lu Chuan turned his head to look at the samurai sword in Susan's hand, frowned, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Then, the appearance of the samurai sword held by Lu Chuan's Xu Zuo in both hands changed, and the huge flames of pupil power swept across the blade, instantly turning the weapon that was originally a samurai sword into a long-shafted Crescent Sword.

The white Susanoo came down sideways with the moonlight in the dark night, holding a long-pole knife high and sideways towards the sky in his hand.

Underneath him, ready to fight, was the dark blue Susan with his feet on the ground.

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