People In Another World: Reincarnated Dragon, Call Me Godzilla

Chapter 12 Evil And Cruelty Coexist! Tyrant Of The Dragon Goreth!

"Is it possible that it wants to hit the ground!"

The elf commander seemed horrified to know what was about to happen.

The silent but shining light filled the entire sky for an instant.

The sun disappeared, and everything in the sky disappeared.

From it comes only infinite light, infinite heat, and infinite blazing.

On the surface of the entire dense forest and stars, immeasurable light occupied everything. At this moment, the "Shenmu Destroyer", which continuously released magic cannon attacks, also immediately increased the distance, and hurriedly moved towards the high place as if avoiding.

At this moment, viewed from the ground, the sky is invisible and colorless, only red light falling.

Almost instantly, silently.

The sea-like dense forest is evaporated, and the ground is scorched. In this world, it seems that millions of suns are crowded into the sky!

Carrying a flame of billions of degrees, it exploded with light enough to evaporate everything below. The giant fell from the ninth heaven to the mortal world, and no one and nothing could look directly at it in the light.

At this moment, everything in the world is silent, and the pure white sky is so full that the boundary between it and the sky is blurred.

After the red lotus dragon fell into the earth.

Only the brilliance of the nuclear explosion spread and expanded outward from the point of impact.

Immediately afterwards, the world ushered in a "bell ringing".

Like the death knell, this shock wave transmits the death of the stars to every corner of the planet, even the other side of the planet that cannot be touched by the light of the explosion, this bell will also bring them the announcement of the coming of death.

Listen! The bell of death has sounded on the earth! All living things on this planet will perish!

Next, there is the huge shock wave wall, more than 400 kilometers high16, from the surface of the earth to the outer layer of the atmosphere, and the shock wave giant wall that touches the cloud canopy. It is heated by the earth's crust to an incredible temperature and rises upward at a speed exceeding sound.

After the collapse, the wall formed by the downward collapse.

Cover the sky, sweep the earth, disconnect the world.

And this high wall of the earth's crust is not only rising, but also expanding outward, like a tsunami engulfing all the mantle in the world.

The majestic wall that has never been described in any myths and legends appears at this moment in the eyes of the surviving elves in the Shenmu destroyer.

How magnificent and beautiful, even the battle of the gods 6,500 years ago did not leave such a magnificent torrent on the earth.

Soon, behind this rapidly collapsing star, an even bigger existence appeared.

That is a sun!

The diameter of a round exceeds hundreds of kilometers, and it is made of matter composed of billions of tons of quarks, and its core temperature exceeds that of the real sun.

Erupting outward at supersonic speed, the extremely heated plasma giant wings occupied the sky, violently squeezed out the tsunami in the crust, and began to wantonly spread their own heat in every direction.

Plasma jets over 150 billion degrees Celsius are like neutron stars colliding and spreading light wings, sublimating all the matter it encounters, making the sun formed by this mass of collision bigger and stronger!

Even though they are nearly 10,000 kilometers apart, in the "Shenmu Destroyer" of the elves that escaped into the ether ocean, a group of frightened elves and commanders can still see the "planet Ikel" in their mouths turn into a bright The flames illuminated the entire dark void, emitting a light even brighter than the sun.

However, the flame storm devoured everything, but what expanded faster than this flame was the impact of the bell! That bell rang the entire "Planet Ikel"!

That rascal!

It was the giant dragon that turned into a red lotus star just now, and he was the chief culprit who destroyed this star!

At this time, it has turned into the "sun" of a majestic mountain with a wingspan of more than a thousand kilometers and a mass of more than billions of tons! It is constantly greedily absorbing the energy after the destruction of the planet, and the macroscopic plasma dragon wings are constantly It spews out a supernova-like burst of destructive radiation.

The shocking light waves easily tore large cracks hundreds of light-years long in the universe and swallowed them outward.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every time the powerful space shock wave reaches a place, a space instantly ignites a raging flame.

Soon the light waves swept over the "Shenmu Destroyer". Even after deploying the shield composed of all magic power, all the elves still evaporated under the sudden death bell, and the magic ship itself also carried hundreds of billions of tons. The level of destruction evaporated in the void, turning into countless flames and spraying on the minister of darkness.

Thus, the third garrison army of the Elf Empire encountered the "Final Yan Dragon Emperor", and the entire army was wiped out!

However, for Goreth, the Dragon Emperor, the battle has just begun.

In the Dragon Dimension, he will suppress his own power emperor.

But in the world of other races, especially during the war, after Goreth fully demonstrated his strength, even the vast stars are nothing but weak things that are easily crushed.

“Extremely delicious!!”

In the wreckage of the planet Ikel, Dragon Digoreth, transformed into the final singularity, was bathed in sparks, and he greedily devoured everything on this planet.

The huge star fragments were swallowed whole by him.

It was refined into pure energy in the huge stomach furnace, and his body was strengthened, making the already huge 600,000-meter-long body even more several kilometers long.

Ordinary stars simply cannot provide so much energy.

But Planet Aikel is the place where war dryads were bred, and almost none of the dryads survived the first wave of planet-scale nuclear explosions. Even if there were, most of them were swallowed by Goreth along with the explosion.

He just easily ate a star containing life.

There is no doubt that this has weakened the Elf Empire by at least a few percent.

Don't underestimate the percentage, there are only a few such important military sites in an entire elf species. If ten of these planets are destroyed in a row, the elves will definitely lose their vitality.

However, the news of the destruction of the planet Ikel is estimated to reach the capital of the Elven Empire soon.

Goreth wasted no time waiting among the planetary ruins.

It wasn't that he was worried that the Elven Empire would send a large number of flagship fleets to inspect the situation, but that what Goreth was looking for was the "main battlefield", not this kind of backup place.

"'Singularity Perception'!"

Grace closed his eyes, and his dragon horns shone with golden light.

Like the star field radar, it spread to an unknown distance, covering the entire elf dimension with countless stars, large and small, and sorted out several places where the energy conflicts were the most intense.

Finally, his senses reflected the first scene of intense conflict since he came here.


The battlefield is clear at a glance.

In the sky of the distant star field, a fleet of magical ships built by Shenmu is pouring out the strong firepower of the elven civilization.

Brilliant light, with plant characteristics, floating in the air, the beautiful big ship is surrounded by a layer of translucent magic protective cover. The magic cover seems to protect the beautiful people with blond hair and long ears on the ship. The threat of the dragon's breath.

Their opponents are just the opposite.

In the dark sky, many huge terrifying dragons turned over.

Their bodies soared into the sky, and their huge wings vibrated, creating strong winds and piercing roars. Blood-red rays of light shone on the scales, exuding an aura of choosing and devouring. Those sharp eyes are like two crimson gemstones, emitting a cold and cruel light.

The fangs of those powerful pure-blooded dragons are sharp and terrifying, revealing a ferocious threat.

Although there is no way to confirm which fleet is under the command of the Dragon King, it seems that the battle with the elves is extremely fierce.

It's just that there is obviously no support for which side uses magic.

The real dragons intend to destroy everything that stands in their way, and every time they spit out a dragon's breath, they have a posture of destruction, instantly reducing everything around them to ashes.

Not only that, but in Goreth's perception, farther away, there is an existence that he can't completely ignore is drifting, approaching "as if attracted by this war.

"Divine species"......

Grace easily came to the conclusion.

This unique feeling, there is no other than the gods. From an individual point of view, the gods are almost the strongest race other than the innate gods.

The inconspicuous performance of the war stage is so chaotic, not to mention raising the perspective to the whole world.

This is a veritable racial battlefield ravaged by violence!

Magic twists the rules, and the breath burns the air.

This originally small-scale encounter has intensified, and the increase of elves and dragons is constantly being sent, and a large-scale battlefield is about to form.

The main reason for this is on the main ship of the elf-species godwood ship "Palar Orchid Dome Ship".

The Palar Orchid Dome sailed slowly in the dark etheric sea, surrounded by a group of small and flexible frigates.

When the enemy approaches, the plants on the main ship emit magical light, forming a translucent protective cover. The frigate quickly launched an attack, shooting beams of light from the branches, like blazing light arrows, hitting the enemy ship. These plants have amazing fighting power, perfectly protecting the Flower Dome and destroying all threats.

Although they are unique in shape, like the branches and leaves of huge plants, they are perfectly integrated with the flower dome.

But it is the lotus leaf-like airtight defense that makes them look like dancing vines. Their lightning-like maneuverability and near-invincible performance make people dazzled. Even facing the onslaught of dragons, they can still persist for a long time Delay until the arrival of support troops.

"His Royal Highness Alice Krummin! The left side was hit by the dragon's breath, and the spells protecting the second and third defensive magic were damaged! There are only 57 members of the multi-spells that can continue to be used on this ship! The rest of the frigates that came to support were also severely damaged and lost their combat capabilities!"

At this moment, on the main ship, a ninth-rank elf noble man with bloodshot eyes was nervously reporting to a woman who was obviously younger than him.

Her Royal Highness Alice Krummin.

She is one of the holders of the "Eternal Blood" that appeared in Goreth's prediction, a sage girl of the elf species, and now serves as the ship of one of the "Main Ships", the Palar Orchid Dome

He is also a "God's Chosen One".

"Keep on the defensive."

The beautiful woman in the exquisite cassock gave a cruel order with a serious face.

"Your Highness, my subordinates suggest, no, I request you to issue an immediate retreat order! If this continues, we will not be able to support the support of the "Royal Fleet"! Now we can still maintain a barely resisting force, but once the magicians are exhausted, we will Encountered a one-sided massacre by the dragon clan!"

The aristocratic male of the elf species widened his eyes, "roared.

"Master Sage! It's no longer the time to fight between emotions. I respect your unyielding backbone, but if you don't retreat in time, not only us, but you, the only "God's Chosen One", may fall here. No, in the worst case, you may become a "captive" of the Dragon Clan and fall into the hands of the extremely evil and brutal Black Dragon Emperor...."

"Grace Miraboresla.

A woman named Alice Krummin, her smile disappears.

It was replaced by Shura's ghostly eyes.

The strongest dragon that brought destruction and disaster, the new generation of "tyrant" of the dragon clan, finally couldn't help showing his fangs!.

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