People in Douluo: Play As Aizen and Summon Ten Blades

Page 180

Behind the gate, there are excited Quincy masters, especially those remaining Star Cross Knights who have not been brought up by Youha Baha, all of them are full of energy.

And then, Yuhabach swung his knife again and slashed towards the gate behind him. The original two-meter gate stretched to ten meters. Afterwards, all the Quincies rushed up, crossed the gate, and came to the God Realm Continent.

Aizen looked at Yuhabach and the army of Quinciants behind him with cold eyes, and there were thousands of them as far as the eye could see.

But their levels are uneven, except for the members of the Star Cross Knights, there are very few Contras in the rest.

"What's the use of bringing them up?" Aizen looked contemptuously at those Quincy masters who couldn't enter behind Yuhabach.

"What's the use?" Juhabach smiled slightly and said, "Of course they are used to defeat you."

As he said that, Yuhabach raised his cloak and released endless darkness to envelop all the Quincy masters, and the faces of the Quincy masters covered by darkness were full of fanaticism and excitement.

As the darkness devoured them, they disappeared one by one, but they were not afraid of the disappearance of their companions at all. Instead, they felt very honored. The darkness that swallowed the Quincy gradually formed a huge black ball, filled with chaotic chaos. The voice, that is the fusion of the voices of thousands of Quincies.

Even Aizen could see countless faces floating above the black ball, they roared, they laughed, they were proud.

Suddenly, the black ball pulsed suddenly, and then hundreds of faces disappeared, and the power released by the black ball became stronger.

Then I heard Juhabach calling loudly: "Gerald, it's time to integrate into your new body!"

Gerald, who fought with Kurosaki Ichigo and others under the call of Yuhabach, responded to Yuhabach with a glorious expression, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Then it turned into a cluster of rays of light and came before the black ball, turning into a beating heart, which jumped in sync with the black ball and blended into it.

At this time, Hitsugaya Toshiro's swastika had just been completely liberated, and he would be able to kill Gerald immediately, but it seemed that Yuhabach had predicted it in advance, interrupting Hitsugaya Toshiro's plan.

"It's nasty!"

Toshirō Hitsugaya, who looked like an adult, looked at the haughty expression of Yu Habach in the sky with displeasure.

On the other side, Hasward, who was in a bitter battle with Kisuke Urahara and the two supreme gods, also stopped attacking, and said to Kisuke Urahara, "It seems that it's time to say goodbye to you."

Kisuke Urahara asked worriedly, "What are you going to do?"

Hasward smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty needs my strength to complete that thing."

Kisuke Urahara asked, "Does that mean you will die? What's the difference between this and holy life?"

Hasward did not directly answer Kisuke Urahara's question, but said: "Holy? It is no longer necessary. When His Majesty obtains divine power, all he needs to do is to create gods. God Shura is the supreme god born from the world. One, it is in charge of judgment, and in this big world, one will definitely be affected by the judgment of Shura God, even if it is a spirit king."

At this time, the God of Destruction roared angrily: "Don't look at the joke, if the judgment of God Shura is useful, how could it be taken away by you!"

Witnessing the death of his former best friend, the God of Destruction was extremely angry. If the trial of God Shura is useful, then it is impossible to escape the usurpation of Yuhabach.

"It's all because of your lack of strength. Your power is very strong, but in front of a powerful power, your power is very humble. Only when you combine strength and power can you use the strongest power. You can't even defeat me. Not to mention His Majesty who is countless times stronger than me."

After being disdainfully glanced at by Hasward, the God of Destruction was so angry that the veins on his forehead twitched violently, but there was nothing he could do. Hasward gave him all the misfortunes in a targeted manner, and did not care about Urahara Kisuke and let him suffer. All the torture.

However, Kisuke Urahara, who was able to injure Hasward, had little effect because of the inability to injure him. If the Goddess of Life hadn't been healing the God of Destruction, he would have been unbearable in shame and pain, and was killed by Hasward.

Ignoring the wrath of the God of Destruction, Hasward turned and flew towards the sky, and after a while, he came to Juhabach's side.

"Come here?" Juhabach glanced at Harsward lightly and greeted.

"Here we come." Hasward bowed slightly to Yuhabach, then glanced at the Spirit King and said, "After observing the Spirit King so closely, I really realized that the Spirit King's terrifying, bottomless spiritual pressure, The indescribable power, unfortunately, will be sanctioned soon."

After finishing speaking, Hasward threw himself into the huge black ball.

The black ball, which was about to collapse due to the extreme expansion of its power, calmed down instantly.

But up to now, Aizan didn't dare to move at all, not to mention whether he could destroy the black ball under Yuhabach's obstruction, the consequences of destroying the black ball alone were extremely terrible.

It was a terrifying force, which gathered the power of more than half of the soul masters of the Douluo Continent. It can be said that half of the world is contained in the black ball. If this kind of energy explodes due to out of control, the entire God Realm Continent will be blown apart. .

The fact that Yuhabach dared to merge in public meant that he was not afraid of Aizen's destruction. Even if he was destroyed, he still had a way to survive the explosion.

But Aizen couldn't do this, even if he survived, what about his subordinates?

Sacrifice all?

What about yourself?

With such a huge blow, can he still defeat Yuhabach?

Seemingly seeing Aizen's struggle, Yuhabach grinned and said, "It's very wise that you didn't make a move. This is not a simple trial of Quincy, it's equivalent to creating another me, but it's not A, omniscient and omnipotent. It's the complete opposite Z, zero, return to zero!"

"If you kill him now, he will take away your abilities, knowledge, and existence when he dies. Unlike destruction, he can eliminate everything, including matter, spirit, you...and me!"

"Its horror even scares me, and only such an existence may be able to destroy you, new spirit king!"

Under Juhabach's explanation, the huge black ball is like a number zero, empty and empty, but the beating heart in it shows that he is a living existence, not a dead object of nothingness.

When Heiqiu's heart stopped beating, Aizen's mind also fell silent, her mouth was a little thirsty, she couldn't help swallowing, waiting for the new life that was about to appear.

The black ball shrunk rapidly, becoming the same height as Yuhabach, and then quickly changed into a human shape, with the same body shape as Yuhabach, but his face was pitch black, and his facial features did not exist, and Aizen could not feel his exist.

This guy called Z is like a black hole, the surrounding light is twisted into a ring, and there is no way to escape around him.

When he was formed, the God of Destruction, the Goddess of Life, and Kisuke Urahara also came to Aizen, looking at the black humanoid monster with curiosity.

Kisuke Urahara asked, "Is that Yuhabach's trump card?"

Aizen nodded and replied: "It should be."

The God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life are looking at Aizen. This is their close observation of the Spirit King. From the Spirit King, they feel the deep and unknown fear, which is no worse than Yuhabach.

And below, Nie Yuli looked at Tang San who was lying on the ground like a dead dog in front of him, and sneered: "It's really useless waste, it took so much time to inject power."

As he spoke, he took the cube filled by Tang San in his hand, and admired it for a moment, "Oh, interesting material has increased again, I really want to study it quickly."

However, the current situation does not allow Nirvana Yuri to do this at all. If Yuhabach is not dead, everything is out of the question.

Suddenly, two beams of light, one black and one white, flew from the sky, and they landed directly beside the God of Destruction and Goddess of Life.

The one who came was the God of Good and the God of Evil.

The Goddess of Life squeezed out a smile when she saw them coming back, and said, "You guys are back."

The God of Kindness said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but we just found out that the God Realm has become like this. We want to return to the God Realm, but we can't do it anyway. If it weren't for the fusion of worlds, we are still in the Five Elements Continent."

The God of Evil frowned and asked, "Who is the enemy?"

Because in front of his eyes, there were three strange beings, one was Kisuke Urahara, very powerful, but not so scary.

One is blue dye, which is extremely dangerous and very scary.

One is Yuhabakh, extremely dangerous, very scary, and in Yuhabach, he also sensed the breath of Shura God.

Answering that the God of Evil was the God of Destruction, he took a deep look at Lan Ran and said, "Leave this person alone, the point is that person."

Pointing to Youhabaha's forehead, the God of Destruction said very carefully, the current Youhabaha is beyond his ability to deal with, even if the God Realm Continent is destroyed, he may not necessarily die.

If we gather the power of the four supreme gods and add the power of the so-called spirit king, I don't know if they can kill each other.

At this time, Yuhabach had completed the interaction with Zero, looked at Aizen and behind him, and said, "Oh? You seem to have more helpers, but it doesn't matter, whether it is one or two, I It doesn't matter, everything will go to zero anyway."

That's what he said, but Yuhabach still made small movements secretly, looking down with one eye, his gaze penetrated the God Realm Continent, directly to the original Douluo Continent, and his gaze was locked on Jinglingting.

The next moment, an eye emerged from the ground of Jinglingting, changed into the appearance of Yuhabach, and in an instant came to the underground of the first team's team building, in front of the Great Prison.

In front of the door, there were Kurosaki Isshin and Komamura Zuojin guarding the seal, and they continuously injected energy into the seal. Facing the sudden appearance of Yuhabach, they were defeated in an instant before they could react, and passed out in the corner.

During this process, the alarm was not even triggered, and Grimmjow, who was sitting in the silent courtyard, did not notice it.

The invisible force pushed the door open, Yuhabach walked in slowly, looked at Aizen Soyousuke who was tied like a rice dumpling, and smiled contemptuously.

"Aizen Soyousuke, I've come to visit you."

Then he released a holy arrow that pierced the bandage that bound Aizen Soyousuke's mouth.

Originally, I just wanted to be able to communicate with Aizen Soyousuke, but unexpectedly, this destruction seemed to have a chain reaction, and without the suppression of Kurosaki Isshin and Komamura Zuojin, all the seals were instantly broken.


The terrifying spiritual pressure soared into the sky, and the power seemed to be even more terrifying than before.

Now, Grimmjow finally understood the situation, but he didn't take any action, because Aizen Soyousuke was not something he could suppress at all, he could only resent his own powerlessness, "Damn it!"

Aizen Sousuke, who had regained his freedom, twisted his neck, flexed his wrist, and asked Yuhabach.

"Tsk, Yuhabach, you are here, do you mean that the Spirit King has lost? However, how could you defeat the Spirit King with such a weak person? Have you encountered difficulties?"

"Hahaha, as expected of Aizen Soyousuke, the power of the spirit king is beyond my expectation. Now I am confronting him. This is just my avatar. Are you interested in dealing with the spirit king with me? Isn't he Is it your sworn enemy?"

"With you?" Aizen Soyousuke sized up Yuhabach, and said disdainfully: "I have no interest. I dealt with the Spirit King not because of this, but because the Spirit King wanted to control me, and I just wanted to defeat him." Those things that try to control me, that's why I want to defeat the Spirit King. Isn't cooperating with you the same as you controlling me?"

As he said that, a Zanpakutō completely transformed from Reiatsu appeared in the hands of Aizen Soyousuke, and immediately cut it on Yuhabach's clone, and said, "Thank you for unlocking the seal for me, but, I I will not help you, but will kill you, I hate you more than the Spirit King."

After finishing speaking, Aizen Soyousuke slashed open the void, opened a crack in space, walked in, appeared directly in front of everyone, and said with a smile of Xihe: "Long time no see, King Ling."

"Aizen Sousuke!"

Aizen and Kisuke Urahara looked at Aizen Soyousuke in horror.

How did this guy come out? Isn't he being imprisoned?

The God of Destruction and other four supreme gods also looked at Aizen Soyousuke in shock, why did a guy they didn't know appear again, and this person looked so confused that he couldn't see it clearly at all.

"Hahaha, what a pleasant expression, don't worry, I didn't come out to trouble you, but to solve Yuhabach, the second guy who wanted to control me." After finishing speaking, Aizen Soyousuke was cold Smile.

"Who are you, why did I detect a disgusting evil aura on you!" the God of Evil angrily asked Aizen Soyou.

"Tsk!" Aizen Soyousuke smacked his tongue impatiently, and said, "What a rude guy, I didn't expect the Supreme God to be such a thing, like an ant, who just needs to be crushed lightly to die .”

Being ridiculed by Aizen Soyousuke, the evil god was furious, and took out the judgment scale to release divine power towards Aizen Soyousuke.

In an instant, Aizen Soyousuke was defeated, so he smiled proudly: "It's really shameless, and I still want to deal with Yuhabach, just this ability..."

Before he finished speaking, a cold knife rested on the neck of the God of Evil. The God of Destruction, the Goddess of Life, and the God of Kindness all stared at Aizen Soyousuke behind the God of Evil with wide-eyed eyes.

"Who are you talking about who only has this ability?"

[285.Chapter 280 Twelve Taiqing Tombs]

Aizen Soyousuke's behavior immediately aroused the anger of the four supreme gods in the Douluo God Realm. The three other than the evil god directly showed their super artifacts at Aizen Soyousuke. God, they will do it without hesitation.

However, Aizen and Urahara Kisuke did not dissuade them. They knew very well that Aizen Soyousuke was not the kind of person who could not understand the situation, and Yuhabach was looking forward to fighting on his side.

At that time, the new unknown destroyer named 'Z' will definitely catch them by surprise.

Winning or losing is often in an instant, and whoever first exposes fatal weaknesses and mistakes will be the loser of this war.

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