Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 103: Farewell

This is Gu Wu Di's unique trial, irreversible and unchangeable. No one else, nor any external force, can intervene, for it would trigger unforeseeable consequences.

Thus, the Celestial King Altar remained silent throughout, like a dead object, unaffected and undamaged by the calamity.

It witnessed Gu Wu Di succeed in embodying the seed and also watched him be annihilated amidst the endless punishment.

Having navigated the deadly trials, defying fate, he walked the supreme path of embodying the seed, cultivating the primordial qi that signifies "The Dao births the One"...

Such an achievement is enough to shake the heavens and astonish this epoch. Yet, in the end, he could not escape the punishment of the universe, snuffed out before he could bloom, leaving only ashes scattered by the wind, whispering the boundless sorrow of a peerless genius.


The altar glowed, emitting a mournful sound, revealing a majestic phantom.

He was a man with a heroic face and deep eyes, exuding an unparalleled aura with each gesture. With his hands behind his back, he carried a mighty presence, collapsing layers of time and space at just a glance.

He appeared as if standing in ancient times, overlooking the ages.

There was no doubt; this was an immensely powerful Immortal King, once resplendent and brilliant, ultimately perishing in his quest to forge a new path.

He was the renowned King of Ten Thousand Tribulations, the master of these ruins, and the founder of this altar.

It was he who proposed the idea of embodying the seed several eons ago and put it into practice, serving as an enlightener for Gu Wu Di.

Now, the indomitable will left behind by the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations condensed into a ghostly figure, returning to the world after seven epochs. He did not mourn for the past or lament times gone by, but stood silently on the altar, gazing at the human-shaped ashes on the ground, heaving a deep sigh.

The young successor, a juvenile who had completed the supreme path he envisioned, had, unfortunately, fallen in the end.

To resist the catastrophic trial from a complete great universe with a nascent path was as futile as an ant trying to fell a tree or a mantis stopping a chariot. Who could survive such a calamity?

The King of Ten Thousand Tribulations shook his head with a sigh, deeply regretting.

Seven epochs had passed, and finally, a young man had braved the trials, yet he perished in his prime. Who will be the next prodigy to come here? What era will it be? He did not know, only that it seemed endlessly distant.

Just as the King's will thought Gu Wu Di had thus fallen, perishing completely, he suddenly let out a soft "huh" and turned his gaze toward the silent ashes, as if discovering something incredible.

“Embodying the seed, defying the heavens!”

His expression was one of shock, his heart unable to calm. A being doomed to die had somehow survived by defying the heavens with the act of embodying the seed.

From the ashes, one tiny seed after another leapt out, diffusing a misty clear light, and began to reassemble in the void.

Quickly, white bones regenerated, flesh grew anew, filling the skeleton. The silhouette of a young man slowly emerged.

Before long, Gu Wu Di emerged once more into the world, his entire being exuding the aura of new beginnings.

Having overcome a cataclysmic trial far surpassing his realm, it was nothing short of a miracle. Such events are rare, occurring once every several cosmic epochs.

Revealing the prowess of cultivating oneself as a seed, this idea began to show its potential.

Gu Wu Di looked at his own body in disbelief, murmuring to himself, "I did it. I survived by becoming a seed."

“You really managed to traverse a path that existed only in theory. Truly awe-inspiring.”

A voice weathered by time echoed, startling Gu Wu Di.

Were there other beings around this Immortal King Altar?

He glanced at the illusory form of the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations and recognized him at once. This was his guide, the one who led him to tread the path of becoming a seed.

“Gu Wu Di is grateful to Senior King of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Without your guidance, today’s success would have been impossible.”

Gu Wu Di immediately performed the grand rite of acknowledgment and gratitude towards the apparition.

In his heart, he had long regarded the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations as his mentor. It is well understood that a path beyond the ordinary can determine the upper limits of a cultivator. Now, with the successful cultivation of himself as a seed, he had the potential to transcend; and all of this was thanks to the King’s preparation.

“It’s not that simple. When I embarked on this path, I couldn’t even overcome the first obstacle and perished as a result. Even if one is lucky enough to pass the first gate, the following challenges are insurmountable.

You are unique, exceptional, with limitless future achievements. Perhaps there’s a chance you might touch upon the highest taboo domains.”

The King of Ten Thousand Tribulations praised, openly admiring Gu Wu Di as if he were looking at his own descendant or disciple.


Flames blazed, silent and mysterious, as two distinct fireballs slowly rose on either side of the altar, halting as they met Gu Wu Di at eye level.

One was gray, filled with grand symbols, feeding on the world’s malevolence, burning strong and unquenchable until all evils were charred to dust.

The other was white, radiating purity with a hint of enchantment. This was the well-known Heavenly Flame, famed alongside the Demonic Fire, both being perfect flames from which extraordinary hosts have emerged.

Now, these two perfect flames floated quietly before Gu Wu Di. It was clear the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations intended for Gu Wu Di to attempt the taming of these ancient fires.


Gu Wu Di softly exclaimed.

“Take them. They are prepared for those who cultivate themselves as seeds, and you can integrate all renowned perfect ancient seeds into your being.

Now, by successfully cultivating yourself as a seed, your body’s particles have gained potential; but to truly unlock them and let them fully manifest, arduous practice is required.

Perfect ancient seeds that harmonize with the grand cosmos will greatly aid you.”

The King of Ten Thousand Tribulations advised earnestly.

Gu Wu Di nodded solemnly, understanding that planting himself as a seed was merely the beginning, not a guarantee of success.

Currently, Gu Wu Di still needed to follow the path of the Tao Seed cultivation system, continuing his practices until he could ultimately create his own system and achieve greatness. Only then could he truly break free from his reliance on the larger cosmos. Until that moment arrived, the support from the vast universe remained indispensable.

“Thank you, senior.”

“There's nothing to thank me for. You have fulfilled my longstanding wish. Every action is predestined.”

With a calm demeanor, the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations addressed him.

“Now, try to tame these two ancient fires.”

Gu Wu Di agreed with a nod, immediately sitting in meditation and summoning the gray Demonic Fire.

The mysterious Demonic Fire floated silently before his chest, devoid of any fluctuation.

“I am going to unseal it now,” the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations reminded him.

Gu Wu Di slightly nodded, indicating his understanding.

In the next instant, the calm Demonic Fire began to tremble, reacting to the intense seed aura exuding from Gu Wu Di. It erupted, transforming into a raging blaze in a flash.


The void itself seemed to combust and collapse, the flame sealed away for countless ages unleashed its ferocity, more sensitive than ever.


The ancient fire exploded, thoroughly enraged, and in a mere moment, fierce flames surged around Gu Wu Di. From the outside, he appeared as a man made of fire.

However, this state lasted only for a few breaths before radically changing.

Gu Wu Di harnessed the seed particles throughout his body, emanating a dim, pure light which unified into a field, as if establishing an eternal ancient realm to stabilize everything.

The Demonic Fire was unsurprisingly subdued, letting out a mournful wail. It felt surrounded by countless perfect seeds, overwhelming the skies, yet these seeds were even deeper and more mysterious than the perfect ancient seeds.

After being sealed away for seven epochs, the first sight upon awakening was this terrifying scene, leaving the young Demonic Fire momentarily bewildered and at a loss.

At this moment, Gu Wu Di exerted his strength, maximizing the potential of his body as a seed. Every seed particle within him glowed, vibrating at a strange rhythm.

Within a brief few breaths, the Demonic Fire was compacted back to its original form, but it did not stop there; it continued to shrink until reaching its smallest possible size.

Thereafter, countless seed particles descended upon it with immense force, akin to stars falling from the heavens.




With relentless impacts and overwhelming pressure, the Demonic Fire finally succumbed, choosing submission and expressing its intent to Gu Wu Di.

Moments later, a gray flame quietly floated atop Gu Wu Di's right palm. It was calm, with no sign of its former fury, having been completely tamed by Gu Wu Di.

“I have witnessed a miracle,” the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations sighed.

Then, a white flame erupted as the Heavenly Flame's seal was broken.

Gu Wu Di employed the same method, leveraging his body as a cultivation seed, overpowering the Heavenly Flame with absolute force and subduing it.

Soon after, a white flame hovered quietly over his left palm, starkly contrasting with the Demonic Fire in his right palm.

Above his head, a vast celestial sky was suspended, an anomaly created by the Perfect Celestial Seed.

At this moment, beyond his myriad particle seeds, Gu Wu Di possessed three perfect seeds: the Celestial Seed, the Demonic Fire, and the Heavenly Flame. For those practicing cultivation seed methods, it was an overwhelming advantage, as if cheating reality.

“Mastering multiple seeds... In a sense, this transcends traditional cultivation seed methods, or perhaps, it is their evolution.”

The King of Ten Thousand Tribulations appeared relieved, as if liberated.

“I have no regrets after witnessing this. This obsession holds no further purpose.”


Gu Wu Di was about to say something, but the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations shook his head.

“What happens next is your journey, your life.

My era, my years, have been buried in the river of history. There's nothing left to hold onto aside from this path as a cultivation seed, an obsession persisting through the ages. But now, seeing your success, I have no regrets.


At this moment, the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations no longer regarded Gu Wu Di as a junior or successor, but as an equal, knowing that this being's future achievements would surpass his own, witnessing glories and splendors he couldn't dream of.

Gu Wu Di felt a pang of sadness, understanding that the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations had resolved his determination and couldn't be dissuaded.

“Farewell, Senior.”

With those words, everything before him rapidly collapsed, the Immortal King's altar disintegrating into dust.

Originally existing to stand as a testament, today, with the revelation of this supreme art, its mission is fulfilled, and its existence is no longer required.

Not just the Immortal King's altar, but the oceans of endless wrath, the realms of reincarnation, the pools of colored blood, the thirty-three levels of celestial steps, all began to collapse. The Immortal King's relics, once brimming with laws and seals, in an instant turned ancient.

Outside, two massive stone statues emitted a tremendous rumble and collapsed with a thunderous roar under Qing Yue and Pang Ren's astonished gazes.

These ancient statues, having stood for seven epochs, were reduced to nothing more than a heap of rubble.

The altar between them glowed brilliantly, transforming into a radiant sun, and then, inch by inch, faded away.

In the end, the area completely crumbled, the Immortal King's relics vanished into thin air, leaving only a ground littered with rubble and debris.

Perhaps, after countless eons, when future generations come across the shards flung from the altar's collapse or the remnants of the statues' disintegration, they will merely think an ancient civilization once arose here, never imagining it to be the dojo left behind by an Immortal King.

Time is indeed ruthless, never stopping for anyone.

After a brief shock, Qing Yue and Pang Ren regained their composure, staring blankly at the ruins ahead.

The once grand and imposing Immortal King's relics had thusly fallen apart, becoming history. What about Gu Wu Di, who entered the relics? Had he also vanished along with that behemoth?

“Your Five-Turtle Oracle truly lives up to its reputation. Relics collapsing, who could survive? As expected, ten deaths without a life. This time, we've brought disaster upon our friend Gu, and I truly regret it.” Pang Ren sighed with deep remorse in his heart.

He was a supreme prodigy, capable of defeating the disciple of the Supreme Hall within the same realm, and yet, to perish like this was truly a pity.

Qing Yue remained silent, though her face had turned pale, the tightening of her interlaced fingers revealing her inner turmoil.


Five turtle shells were flung high, landing haphazardly on the ground to form an oracle.

Pang Ren and Qing Yue stared intensely at the pattern, speechless for a long time, for the pattern was unchanged—still one of ten deaths without a life. This meant that Gu Wu Di should have perished, becoming a buried sacrifice of the Immortal King's relics.

Just then, a silhouette approached the two silently.

A chilling wind swept past, causing Qing Yue and Pang Ren to shiver slightly, feeling a coldness at their cores.

“Ten deaths without a life, still?”

A familiar voice sounded in their ears. They instinctively nodded, then stiffly lifted their heads to gaze in disbelief at the figure before them.

“Gu Wu Di?”

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