Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 148: A Bold Plunge

"Benefactor Gu, we have arrived. This is the ancestral land of our Ancient Monk lineage.

Our teachings have many branches scattered across the Thirty-Three Heavens of the Ancient World, and numerous virtuous monks wander the world or live in seclusion, detached from worldly affairs. However, all Buddhist teachings originate here, including Mount Sumeru." Kongjue softly introduced.

"I see," Gu Wudi nodded in understanding.

"Generally, our ancestral land does not permit outsiders to approach. But, Benefactor Gu, you are blessed with the flower of Buddhist virtue, which connects you to our lineage. As the saying goes, flowers bloom and bear fruit; where there is cause, there is naturally effect. Our chance encounter on the Lost Sea is indeed an act of karma. Your visit here was destined." Kongjue mentioned karma, his words filled with an ethereal tone.

However, Gu Wudi was mentally prepared for the mysterious spins and turns typical when dealing with the Ancient Monks.

"Earlier, I heard you mention your Order's Sutra of Deliverance. If I remember correctly, your sect's guardian beasts were once notorious fiends, eventually enlightened and converted. After entering, will I also be converted into a member of the Ancient Monk lineage?" Gu Wudi asked tentatively.

"Heh heh, Benefactor Gu, you worry too much. You are an esteemed guest. Those guardian beasts were once trapped in the sea of suffering, unable to extricate themselves. Only then did the immortal monk intercede to help them reach the other shore. The situations are entirely different.

As for whether Benefactor Gu will join our sect and embrace Buddhism, let it all depend on fate. Perhaps after visiting our ancestral land, you might have a sudden awakening and willingly shave your head, embarking on the path to save the world." Kongjue replied with a smile.

After listening to the novice monk's words, Gu Wudi chuckled dryly, thinking that since he had declared his ties to the Yin-Yang Forbidden Zone, as the disciple of its master, these monks would unlikely do anything against him.

Though he was confident he wouldn't be ensnared by the Sutra of Deliverance, it depended on who recited it. Against opponents of his level or slightly stronger, he had no fear.

But if it were masters like Supremes or Immortal Monks chanting it, he knew he couldn't withstand it.

As he pondered, they entered the vast forest, following a winding path forward.

Wooden railings bordered the path, the forest serene and teeming with life, occasionally revealing inhabitants.

The verdant grasslands, babbling brooks, towering ancient trees—all life forms merged into a realm beyond the mundane, untouched by external disturbances.


The gentle toll of Buddhist bells purged the soul, each ring feeling like it swept away another layer of inner dust. One couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility, with all murderous intent softly dissipating.

They walked for an indeterminable time until Gu Wudi finally encountered something different.

An array of ancient temples stood among the towering trees, their architecture aged and profound, exuding a solemn and dignified atmosphere. The resonant rings of the Buddhist bells emanated from within these temples.

Simultaneously, there was also the sound of monks chanting sutras and the rhythmic "da-da" of wooden fish percussion.

According to Kongjue, this is just the outskirts of the ancestral grounds; the true core lies further in.

Passing through quiet ancient Buddhist temples and vast forests, they eventually approached the core area of the Ancient Monk lineage's ancestral land.

Suddenly, a majestic white mountain appeared before them, casting an overwhelming pressure that made Gu Wudi's chest tighten.

Upon closer inspection, it was not a white mountain at all, but a massive giant elephant, its entire body as white and pristine as jade, covered in dragon scales, exuding an awe-inspiring aura entwined with celestial energy.

Evidently, this white jade dragon elephant was a being of the celestial path, incredibly powerful.

“Greetings, Sacred Beast of the Order.”

Even Xianzhen, the Immortal Monk, bowed in respect, revealing the eminent status of this guardian sacred beast within the Ancient Monk lineage.

Comparable in strength and status to the Fearless Lion, the Blue-Gold Sable, and other such creatures, only the Immortal Monk King could command them within the Ancient Monk lineage.

Gu Wudi dared not show any disrespect and followed the monks in paying his respects.

“In the Yin-Yang Forbidden Zone, Gu Wudi pays respects to the esteemed White Jade Dragon Elephant.”

He could sense that this renowned guardian sacred beast was there specifically for him.

The White Jade Dragon Elephant nodded slowly, its gaze piercingly cold as it fixed on Gu Wudi, and then it spoke.

“This is sacred ground, no outsiders are allowed. Xianzhen, you should be aware of this.”

Upon hearing this, the Immortal Monk Xianzhen immediately transmitted his explanation. The expression of the White Jade Dragon Elephant changed repeatedly, and eventually, its gaze towards Gu Wudi softened.

Subsequently, with a flicker in its eyes, a luminous and holy flower of the Buddhist path appeared behind Gu Wudi's head, shining brightly with Buddhist light, faintly revealing a figure sitting atop the radiance, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

“It truly is the Flower of the Buddhist Path; it seems this young one is indeed fated with our order.” The White Jade Dragon Elephant nodded and straightforwardly cleared the way, indicating that they could proceed.

Such a change in attitude left Gu Wudi feeling slightly uneasy. Would a mere Flower of the Buddhist Path truly grant him access to these sacred grounds of the Ancient Monks? What exactly was the nature of his connection to the Ancient Monk lineage? Could it be that he might suddenly "enlighten" and take monastic vows?

Before he could ponder further, he followed the monks into the ancestral grounds of the Ancient Monk lineage.

In this section of the ancient forest, the tall trees grew sparse, making way for a dense concentration of Buddhist monasteries. Along the path, many ancient monks engaged in their practices, either meditating or chanting scriptures.

As they noticed Gu Wudi, an outsider and an "anomaly," they all displayed expressions of surprise.

It's important to note that the ancient monk lineage had grand designs here, constructing the six paths of reincarnation. Countless creatures were merely their experiments, and such matters were not meant for outsiders to know. Thus, generally, others were not allowed near or inside.

Gu Wudi’s arrival was undeniably an exception, leaving these ancient monks quite astonished.

The group arrived at an old black temple and paused. Wuzhen and the higher-ranking monks accompanying him needed to report back, detailing their encounters and findings from the Lost Seas.

Before departing, they temporarily settled Gu Wudi here, instructing Kongjue and a few novice monks to tend to him. They were told they could escort Gu Wudi around nearby areas but should avoid forbidden places.

Kongjue and the novice monks readily agreed.

Once the senior monks were out of sight, Gu Wudi quickly bonded with the young monks. With his broad knowledge, he easily captivated these novices who were secluded and devoted their days to vegetarian diets and scripture recitations.

Once they became well-acquainted, Gu Wudi began subtly inquiring about the Reincarnation Pool.

Currently, having just cultivated his second strand of immortal aura, if he could temper his body in the Reincarnation Pool and gain its essence, his cultivation would surely advance significantly.

However, the novice monks remained tight-lipped, unwilling to divulge a word about the Reincarnation Pool.

Gu Wudi understood—after all, the Reincarnation Pool was the central hub of the six paths established by the ancient monk lineage and a crucial place. Although the practitioners of this lineage frequently trained there to achieve a golden body, for outsiders, it was seen as a forbidden zone.

“I have heard rumors of the immense risks involved with the Reincarnation Pool. Those entering to temper their bodies must possess a Buddhist sutra for protection and the physique of an ancient monk, or else it’s a death wish.

A great virtuous immortal monk once said that if someone could shed their Buddhist nature, refuse the protection of Buddhist scriptures, and endure the trials of the Reincarnation Pool without dying, that being would surely become a King of Immortals in the future. But who knows if that’s really true?” he mused aloud, feigning doubt.

Kongjue remained silent, but the other novice monks couldn’t hold back and responded, “Of course, it’s true. Historically, only one person succeeded. That was the Supreme Immortal Monk King. He shed his Buddhist nature, withstood the trials of the Reincarnation Pool, and eventually emerged unscathed.

Later on, the words of the great virtuous immortal monk were proven true. The Immortal Monk King did indeed attain the path and became a King of Immortals.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“Certainly, the dangers of the Reincarnation Pool are beyond the understanding of those outside the ancient monk lineage.”

Upon hearing this, Gu Wudi chuckled, seemingly with a hint of disdain.

Seeing this, the young novice monks immediately took the bait and asked Gu Wudi why he was laughing.

"Haha, I'm laughing because hearing is believing, but seeing is the truth. What you say doesn't really convince me. After all, it's just a small pool. Without a Buddhist nature, entering it brings disaster? Ending in a place where even a burial is not possible? I hardly think so.

More likely, your Ancient Monk Lineage has kept a tight lid on this pool, not allowing outsiders to try it. That's why throughout the long ages, only the Supreme Immortal Monk King has succeeded. Otherwise, there would be countless successes, like myself—entering the Reincarnation Pool would be no different from taking a bath; it wouldn’t harm me in the slightest."

After hearing Gu Wudi's words, the novice monks, apart from Kongjue, were visibly upset, their faces showing indignation.

"Although you, Gu donor, are a guest of our Ancient Monk Lineage, you shouldn’t speak falsehoods. I dare say, if you were to enter the Reincarnation Pool, you'd dissolve in an instant, your life impossible to save."

"Indeed, Gu donor lacks the Ancient Monk physique and the Buddha scriptures to protect you. Entering the Reincarnation Pool is like seeking death."

Gu Wudi shook his head with a smile, "It’s not that I look down on the Ancient Monk Lineage, but that pool truly is nothing, at most it's a bath for me."

Seeing his stubbornness, the novice monks were anxious and angry, and in their haste, someone blurted out, "Then go try it."

Gu Wudi snickered inwardly; indeed, the young monks were too inexperienced and couldn't resist the goading.

At this moment, Kongjue sighed softly and said, "Gu donor, it's not that we are unwilling to take you to the Reincarnation Pool, but we are concerned for your safety.

To the Ancient Monk Lineage, the Reincarnation Pool is a pool of opportunities, holding great fortune and the potential to forge a peerless golden body. However, to outsiders, it becomes a pool of doom. In the past, it's not that no esteemed guests have tried, but they lost their lives, which was truly heartbreaking.

Hence, since then, our higher monks forbade outsiders from approaching the Reincarnation Pool, so please, Gu donor, do not put us in a difficult position."

Kongjue, justifiably the leader of the younger generation of the Ancient Monk Lineage, was much more mature than these novice monks. He had long sensed Gu Wudi’s tactic but had remained silent.

"Kongjue dao friend, your words are not quite right. I am a disciple of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, pioneering a new path, destined to become an invincible Immortal King. Could those who died in the Reincarnation Pool compare?

My previous words were not sincere, and I apologize for any offense. Please forgive me.

As the saying goes, 'seeing is believing.' Without visiting your Reincarnation Pool, my thoughts can’t be at ease. Please, Kongjue dao friend, grant this wish." Gu Wudi hurriedly apologized and then earnestly made his request.

With the conversation at this point, Kongjue could no longer refuse, and with some reluctance, he nodded slightly.

“You may take Mr. Gu there, but Mr. Gu must promise Kongjue not to act recklessly.

If anything happens to him, if he loses his life in the Reincarnation Pool, I cannot account for it to my sect, much less to the elders of the forbidden zone.”

“Rest assured, Friend Kongjue, I have my limits.” Gu Wudi nodded.

Then, Kongjue and a few young monks led Gu Wudi towards the Reincarnation Pool.

Along the way, ancient monks would occasionally approach to inquire about Gu Wudi’s origins. Upon learning the backstory, they would extend goodwill towards him.

Before long, they arrived at a majestic stone mountain, emanating an aura of peace and sanctity. From the foot of the mountain could be seen several ancient monks ascending the stone steps.

“These elder uncles are already surrounded by intense golden light. With the Reincarnation Pool present, they’ll likely soon begin forming a golden body.

However, forming a full-length golden body is unrealistic for most; it’s a challenging attainment achieved only by monks of great virtue,” remarked Kongjue.

The group followed the ancient monks up the imposing and towering stone mountain, reaching the top without much delay.

There, a mysterious lake came into view. On its shore stood a towering stone stele bearing the inscription ‘Reincarnation Pool.’

At this moment, the lake was deserted, but by the shore several monks sat cross-legged, both young and middle-aged, with eyes slightly closed as if in meditation. Each one was surrounded by varying degrees of golden radiance.

This was a sign of the golden body’s inception—the denser the golden light, the closer to achieving the golden body.

The ancient monks in front also sat down by the shore of the Reincarnation Pool, silently reciting Buddhist scriptures.

This was a necessary preparatory step before entering the Reincarnation Pool, aimed at awakening the Buddhist nature in the monks’ bodies to protect them from harm in the pool. This process usually took a significant amount of time.

In other words, no one would be entering the Reincarnation Pool any time soon.

While listening to Kongjue’s explanation, Gu Wudi’s gaze wandered to another place—to the summit of the stone mountain, one inconspicuous corner by the Reincarnation Pool, where a ‘statue’ was situated.

To be precise, it was an ancient monk, aged and seemingly oblivious to the world, with dust settled over his stationary form, as though he had entered a final meditative rest.

After inquiries, Gu Wudi learned that this was an enlightened monk responsible for the safety of those entering the Reincarnation Pool. Should anyone encounter danger, only then would he spring into action; otherwise, he would remain utterly motionless.

Gu Wudi nodded as he gazed at the mysterious Reincarnation Pool. After a brief moment of contemplation, he made a decision; he was going to take a bold plunge into the pool.

"I've come all this way; how could I leave without trying?" he thought. If he announced his intention to test the waters, Kongjue and the others would surely disapprove. It was better to dive in boldly and see what happens.

There were precedents of outsiders attempting this, which indicated that the Ancient Monk Lineage didn't outright forbid entry. They were merely concerned about potential deaths causing unnecessary troubles.

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