Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 78: Upcoming College Scholastic Ability Test

“Guys, there are only 90 days left until the CSAT. Everyone knows, right? Let’s hang in there a little longer. Let’s give it our all.”

Summer break had ended, and the September mock exams were just around the corner.

Despite the teacher’s encouragement, there was no significant change in the students’ expressions.

It’s September, so some kids are bound to be exhausted, and the worries about what lies ahead are far from trivial.

After the September mock exams, it’ll be time to apply for early admission...

Having been a student preparing for exams myself, I was quite nervous.

It won’t be long before I have to submit my real college applications.

Still, I’ve worked hard, so I believe there will be good results.

“Ah, the CSAT is really coming up soon, isn’t it?”

“Won’t it feel somewhat relieving when it’s all over?”

“It might feel that way. But I don’t know why I keep doubting myself. I feel like I’ve worked hard...”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself. Worrying too much doesn’t help anything. Does that sound too preachy?”

“That’s part of your charm. Hey, Han-gyeol. What are you going to do when you turn twenty?”

“Go on a date with Eun-ha.”

“Predictable answer.”

Yujin chuckled as he spoke.

But it seemed he had been quite troubled lately.

Yujin sighed deeply and opened up about his worries.

“To be honest, I don’t really have anything I want to do? I’m also clueless about how to make a living.”

“That’s understandable. But somehow, life goes on. Even in the worst conditions, life goes on.”

Yujin stared at me intently after my comment.

“What, are you on your second life or something?”

“Ah, just trying to sound a bit wise.”

I accidentally let slip without realizing.

“What did you decide on for your major? Don’t tell me you’re going for the same major as Eun-ha?”

“I mean, even I wouldn’t go that far. We might end up at the same university, but having the same major is a bit much.”

“That’s surprising. I thought you’d follow her no matter what.”

“Eun-ha wants to create beautiful films. But I don’t have that kind of talent. I just want to make a lot of money.”

“Pretty ordinary.”

“Exactly. But living an ordinary life can be so difficult...”

There’s only one thing I want.

A house to live in with my family, and a car to drive them around.

A life where I come home from work to be greeted by my wife and kids.

Eun-ha said two kids wouldn’t be enough, so our house is going to be quite lively.

Nothing’s set in stone yet, but that’s how I want to live.

I longed for a life with just a bit of peace of mind and tranquility.

Since my past life wasn’t filled with fond memories.

“If ordinary is hard, then maybe it’s not so ordinary?”

“Right? Maybe I’m just being greedy.”

“Shin Eun-ha is studying even during breaks.”

“Eun-ha has always been diligent. But with 100 days left, she’s pushing herself even harder. I’m worried she might overdo it.”

“Funny, you seem to care more about her than yourself.”

“She’s more important to me.”

“What a charmer.”

I couldn’t quite catch what Yujin said.

It sounded like he called me a hunter.

“A hunter? Eun-ha is definitely a fierce one, but it’s not like I’m going to shoot her with a gun-”

“Idiot, I said charmer. A charmer. Where did Hunter come from?”

“I must have heard wrong, man.”

Just a few more months and I’ll officially be an adult.

I’ll be able to drive and stay out all night.

I wonder if Eun-ha is good at drinking. I hope she can hold her liquor well.

“Aren’t you studying?”

“I was planning to, after watching Eun-ha concentrate for a bit.”

“Man, that’s seriously an obsession at this point.”

“Ah, why is she so adorable? Just looking at her is healing.”

“Ha- Scratch what I said before. You’re incurably lovesick. No one can help you now.”

Yujin’s reaction was so amusing that I decided to tease him further.

“Should I go to the nurse’s office? Wonder what medicine she’d give me?”

“Be careful. She might just give you poison.”

He actually played along.

What a good kid.

“I should go talk to Eun-ha.”

“Yeah. Hurry up and leave. And don’t come back.”

“I’ll come back to tell you all about it.”

“Are you insane?”

I went straight to Eun-ha and placed an orange-flavored candy on her desk.

“Eat this while you study.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

“You’ve been studying too much lately. You should take a break during breaks.”

“I want to go to the same university as Han-gyeol.”

“But you’re not planning on being in the same department, right?”

“Right. But I still want to go to the same university.”

“Why? Even if we go to different universities, I’d visit Eun-ha every day.”

“But if we’re at the same university, we could attend some classes together, even if they’re not for our majors.”

“You’ve thought that far ahead? What else have you thought about?”

“What if there are girls who try to hit on Han-gyeol?”

Eun-ha said something so adorable again.

“I only have eyes for Eun-ha.”

“What if a girl is carrying something heavy and needs help? What would you do?”

“I’d just quietly pass by while looking at my phone.”

“But what if she asks Han-gyeol for help?”

“How heavy are we talking?”

“Come here right now. Since when does the weight matter?”

Eun-ha looked at me with a sharp gleam in her eyes.

I was quite amused, as this was the reaction I had anticipated.

“Ah, I’m just kidding, just kidding. Of course, I’d never just walk past.”

“I guess I really do have to go to the same university as Han-gyeol.”

“Yeah, let’s definitely go to the same one.”

“Let’s drink alcohol there. I want to try drinking.”

“Learn from your parents first, got it?”

“Yep, yep. I want to drink beer with Han-gyeol at the lakeside park.”

Our twenties hadn’t even started yet, but just talking about it made me happy.


“Have you decided which department you’re going to, Han-gyeol?”

“I’m thinking of going into business, tax, or accounting. That seems to suit me.”

I was involved in that field in my past life too.

But accounting was a bit tough, so I was considering going into tax.

“It sounds intellectual. It would suit you well, Han-gyeol. It’ll be cool.”

“Really? If Eun-ha thinks it’s cool, maybe I should just go for it~”

“I think Han-gyeol would be cool no matter what he does.”

“And I find Eun-ha beautiful no matter what she does. How can you be so beautiful?”

I pulled Eun-ha’s cheeks towards me.

“Then adore me even more. Adore me without holding back.”

“I’m already doing that~ Do you need more?”

“No-! I’m satisfied! But give me more.”

“Your words are contradictory?”

“Give me more-!”

“What are you, a robber? Here, take this.”

I attempted to plant a brief kiss on Eun-ha’s cheek, expressing my wish to receive more of her love.

But the quick-witted Eun-ha turned her head, resulting in our lips meeting instead.

“You’re incredibly fast?”

“It’s nicer to do it on the lips.”

Holding my hand, Eun-ha spoke.

“Ah, why do I like Han-gyeol so much?”

“Really? But you weren’t this cheerful in the beginning.”

“That’s because I didn’t know what kind of person Han-gyeol was back then~ The more I got to know you, the more I liked you.”

“When did you start feeling like you liked me?”

“Hmm, when could it be? I can’t pinpoint the exact moment.”

“Think about it. Was it when I was taking care of you?”

“No. I liked Han-gyeol even before that.”

Eun-ha stated firmly.

“Then, was it when we shared an umbrella on the way home?”

“Ah! Actually, I lied to Han-gyeol back then.”

“What-? What kind of lie?”

I stopped walking and looked at Eun-ha.

“I said I didn’t have an umbrella because I wanted to share one with Han-gyeol, even though I had one.”

“What-?! I thought so! You answered too quickly when I asked if you had one!”

“Sorry...! I just wanted to share it with Han-gyeol.”

“Eun-ha, you’re quite cunning~? You wanted to go together that much?”

“Yes. I really wanted to go together. Sorry for lying~”

“No, I might have done the same thing. So, you started liking me from that moment?”

“No, I liked Han-gyeol even before that.”

“Then when exactly did you start liking me?”

Pondering my question for a moment, Eun-ha continued.

“Now that you mention it... Remember when you comforted me during the March mock exam? I definitely felt sure about my feelings for you then. But I think I had feelings for you even before that. Was it when we went to see a movie? No, that’s not it... When Han-gyeol gave me chocolate? No, it’s not that either. I had been hoping Han-gyeol would give me chocolate even before that happened. So, it seems I’ve liked you even before all those times...”

Eun-ha clearly remembered the times even before we started dating.

“Since when...?”

“You don’t have to say it. It’s good that it happened naturally.”

Although I said it was okay, Eun-ha continued to ponder.

Then, with a bright smile, she shyly said in front of me.

“I really can’t figure out when I started liking you. Should we just say it was love at first sight?”

“Would that be okay?”

“But no matter how much I think about it, I can’t pinpoint a moment. So, it must have been love at first sight~”

With those words, Eun-ha moved closer to me.

“I really wish we had met sooner. We met too late, Han-gyeol. Where have you been all this time?”

“I was in a faraway place.”

“From now on, if you stay very close to me, I’ll forgive you.”

“Alright. I’ll stick right by your side, so please forgive me.”

“I’ll forgive you, just this once!”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

There were so many things I wanted to say to Eun-ha.

But I couldn’t bring them all up.

“Thank you for dating me.”

“Thankful? If anything, I’m the one who’s more grateful~ I’ve been truly happy since meeting Han-gyeol.”

“I wish I could make you even happier. Is there a way?”

“Just keep doing what you’re doing. Got it?”

“I’m confident in that.”

“Then that’s settled~! Look, we’ve already arrived. Let’s go inside quickly.”

Eun-ha and I took the elevator up to our apartment.


“Yeah, what is it?”

“Can I kiss you when we get off the elevator?”

“Feel free to.”

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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