Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 106: The Demoniclast Trials Part 6

Freya’s legs itched to sprint ahead. Her whole body jittered with anxious energy. After the demoniclasts checked her shell and wrote down the number on it, she began the trek back to Corrin. As Freya had seen from the top of Mt. Lowena, there was a relatively easy way to get back to the city using a worn road. Only a small section of cross-country hiking was needed to meet the road. Whoever reached the flag first reached the same conclusion, as a set of footprints led the way. 

I wonder who passed me? Did they not sleep at all?

She ran through the possible participants in her head. Kartish was the last person I passed, but it looked like he was struggling. Maybe going through that thick forest was actually a shortcut. That kid, what was his name? Botan? He went that way, and he looked strong. Maybe he’s the one ahead of me.

Thinking of whoever was ahead of her was better than worrying about Hamra. The NPC turned player necromancer still hadn’t seen her group chat message. Unlike the other players, she couldn’t not receive it. Like Freya, Hamra was always technically ‘in-game.’ Had she forgotten how to open messages? Or maybe she was ignoring it? After all, Freya didn’t expect Hamra to know Red Star Lightning. But in order to ignore the message she had to read it first, and according to the game system she hadn’t done that.

I hope Hamra didn’t run into any trouble because of the game. What if some demoniclasts found her? Freya dug her nails into her palm. She was the one who encouraged Hamra to pick up the Player Card. If something happened…


[Infamous Biscuit: Let’s meet outside Corrin once your done with the first trial]

A new icy chill went through Freya. It intensified as Infamous Biscuit said nothing else. With a heavy heart, she covertly responded back.

[Freya Evenkey: Okay.]

She wasn’t sure if she was ready to face him in person. Freya knew she’d made a dangerous, potentially stupid choice. And she hadn’t even consulted him.

The crunch of dirt under her boots echoed in her ears. Pushing through bushes and trees, she finally reached the dirt road. It was still early in the morning; she had plenty of time to reach Corrin before sundown. She slowed her pace.


[Nightscythe: Red Star Lightning made a post on the forums yesterday]

[Nightscythe: We can try to get in contact with him that way]

Freya’s heart rose. She was, for once, grateful for Nightscythe. She wanted to ask him what time the post was made. If it was made late in the day, that meant he heeded her words and survived the demoniclast encounter. 

[Nightscythe: The post warned people not to enter the demoniclast trials]

[Nightscythe: Also to be careful around the city of Corrin]

[Nightscythe: Apparently a lot of players have been attacked by demoniclasts]

[Nightscythe: We should be careful about meeting]

Chewing her lip, Freya wondered if she could use this as an excuse not to meet up in person. However, Nightscythe’s barrage of messages reminded her how nice it would be to speak in person instead of slowly typing responses. 


[Heilong: Wow the group chat is popping!]

[Heilong: Are you serious?]

[Heilong: You’re going to be a demoniclast apprentice?!?]

[Nightscythe: I know right!]

[Nightscythe: Should be fun]

The flood of messages between Nightscythe and Heilong flashed before Freya’s eyes. She almost couldn’t read them fast enough. Nightscythe bragged a bit about helping Freya learn Misidentify. Heilong asked a bunch of questions about the demoniclast trials, none of which Freya could answer at the moment. 

[Heilong: Let us know when you’re done with the first trial! I have to go see Mecha]

The marksman put a frowny face emoji. Nightscythe responded with laughing faces. This form of communication was still odd to Freya, but she couldn’t help but smile at their antagonism. She could almost picture them teasing each other in person.

Now that the flood of notifications died down, she noticed a figure in the distance. As she topped a small rise in the road, she got a clear view of the person ahead. At first, they appeared as a top-heavy giant. But then Freya recognized their large backpack.

Kartish! I didn’t think he’d be the one.

She remembered he was at level thirteen–which was high for an NPC. But with such a large, heavy-looking backpack, she didn’t expect him to pass her during the night. His current pace was rather slow. Freya would have to slow down a lot not to pass him. 

How did he pass me? Did he take a shortcut somehow? But nothing would cut that much time, unless…  

Freya squinted at his oversized backpack. She had thought at the top of Mt. Lowena that the fastest way would be down the southern cliffside. Is all that climbing equipment? Yikes, even with rope, I’d be scared to go down that cliff. 

Feigning tiredness, Freya dragged her feet along the road to keep behind Kartish. By midday, they reached the outskirts of Corrin. Behind them, Freya saw a couple of other participants catching up. 

Unlike their exit from the city that had no clear path, the way was unmistakable this time. Thousands of people lined the streets, pointing the way to the beach. Demoniclasts held back crowds at some of the more popular intersections. The noise was deafening after a quiet day out in the wilderness. 

“Go Go Go! You’re almost there!”

“Don’t fall down yet!”

“Wow, what’s his shell number? I need to bet on him!”

“Stupid, you’re not going to win much by betting on someone finishing second place!”

“Better than winning nothing!”

It was all downhill to the finish line. Despite her endurance, Freya had to grip the handrail of the stairs as she descended the steps to the beach. Her legs wobbled. She also suspected she had a blister on her left toe. 

Finally, the flags came into view.

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