Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 113: The Demoniclast Trials Part 13

“The slime proves too much once again!”

Two demoniclasts held off the slime as another pulled the competitor from the ring. He hobbled to the iron fence, his right leg covered in green mucus. Once he was helped over the barrier, a shaman rushed to his side. 

Freya watched the slime reform, rolling over the smaller slimes that had been split from its body.

[Greater Slime]

[Lvl 10] [186/186]

She noted its decrease in total health. It had started at 200/200 HP but now had lost 14 points. After the fight with Kaeso, it had 189/189 HP. The decrease had confused her at first, but after watching this fight, she understood why. 

The second competitor was pulled from the ring after only two sword strikes, but this third participant had lasted much longer. Like Kaeso, he was able to split the slime down to 1HP size slimes. At this tiny size, the demons flocked back to the bigger slimes. However, if hit, they disappeared–they didn’t split. 

The slime demon wasn’t able to reabsorb them but technically didn’t take any damage; hence it reformed with full health but lower total health. 

That’s a lot of work just to take off 1 point of health, Freya thought. Tapping her fingers on her seat, she stared intently at the slime. That seemed to be the only way to defeat the slime. The last competitor had tried kicking it in desperation but got acidic mucus in return. 

Her eyes flickered to the injured contestant. Just as she would have done, the shaman had poured a solution over his leg to neutralize the acid. They pulled off his shoe and sock to get a better look at the injury. His foot was relatively unburned, but his exposed shin was raw red.

“Shell number two-hundred and forty-five. Number two-hundred and forty-five Frey Evenkey!”

Freya sprung out of her seat. Glancing around, she realized she was the second to last participant still in the stands. She rushed down to the demoniclast with the clipboard. The crowd noise seemed to amplify as she got to the bottom of the arena. After confirming her identity, she entered the ring.

She stood at the edge of the ring, waiting for directions. There were two rings open. One held the slime while the other was empty.  

A hand clamped down on her shoulder and shouted in her ear, “Which ring do you want?”

The roar of the crowd almost drowned out the voice. Freya turned to the speaker, unsure if she heard right.

She met the stare of Daveth Cest, the demoniclast with a Player Card. 

“Do you want to try the slime or see if you’ll draw an easier demon?” Daveth asked again.

I have a choice?

All the other competitors didn’t seem to get to choose. Was this an unfair perk of finishing high in the endurance race? The slime was definitely the worst demon seen so far. The likelihood of facing a weaker demon if she stepped into the empty ring was high. 

The choice was obvious. Yet Freya’s eyes were drawn to the slime.

I don’t want to draw attention but didn’t I come here to improve myself? I think I can do it. It should be okay. They wouldn’t have chosen a demon they didn’t think a participant could defeat. 

“I’ll take the slime.”

Daveth’s hand froze on her shoulder. His eyebrows scrunched in concern, “The slime? Are you sure?”

Freya nodded. The demoniclast pursed his lips but led her over to the ring with the slime. She silently huffed at his disappointed expression. You can see my level. Don’t you think I can face that slime? Did you bet money that I wouldn’t choose the slime?

Before entering the ring, Daveth motioned for her to choose a sword off the rack. They ranged in length and width. Some had a curved single-edge, while others were straight with a double-edge. 

Dozens of text box descriptions popped up. Most of the swords had good dexterity and strength bonuses. The demoniclasts hadn’t skimped on the weapons they provided. But none of it mattered to Freya. 

She picked one of the larger swords and its scabbard. Daveth raised an eyebrow at her choice to take the sword’s sheath. Most of the competitors hadn’t even noticed the scabbards laying below each sword on the rack. A glimmer of amusement passed over his face. 

Freya glowered at him. Did he guess my plan?

As she climbed over the iron fence, she faintly heard her name announced. The clamor of the crowd and the announcer’s bothersome monologue faded into the back of her mind.

The slime rolled towards her. It was much bigger than she thought. She could swim circles inside it.

Freya slid her sword out of its sheath. 

It’s going to take forever if I have to cut this thing into 186 bits. I hope this works.

Dropping the sword, she held the scabbard with both hands. Its wooden and metal exterior felt solid in her grip. She hefted it over her right shoulder then slung it forward.


The slime’s body reverberated from the hit. Green mucus covered the scabbard, but as she hoped, it didn’t splash. 

She hesitated before looking over the slime’s body.

[Greater Slime]

[Lvl 10] [176/186]


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