Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 19: Finding Water By the Ocean Part 2

While Heilong looked around the bakery for clues, Freya waited in line to buy a pastry. 

Infamous Biscuit said an important part of a story dungeon was interacting with the people and other living things in it. So, she was going to ask the baker about the incident by buying a pastry. 

Not because of the sweet delicious smell filling the room.

“What can I get you?” the baker asked when Freya got to the front of the line. Above his black hair, he had a grey text box.

[Ragan Mohana]

[Level 5 Baker]

“What would you recommend?” 

“Date-drop cookies are our most popular item,” he pointed to some white cookies with a red center. Freya had never heard of them before, but they looked like a fruit pastry she would enjoy.

“I’ll try that then, three please.”

“That’ll be three bronze.”

As he bagged them Freya asked, “You haven’t seen a gathering mouse around, have you? A man lost one here a few days ago.”

“Ah, Mr. Anuji you mean. No, I haven’t seen it. Terrible he lost it. They are quite valuable.”

“Was the shop busy that day?”

“Hm, I think he came in the morning when we’re the busiest. It was unusual to see him in person. He usually gets deliveries to his estate.”

“Oh, I see. Do you remember anything else from that day?”

The baker looked at Freya with some suspicion, he inclined his head at Heilong and Infamous Biscuit, “Did he hire you guys to find his mouse?”

“Ah yes, we’re trying to search for any clues.”

The baker nodded, “I’m sure he’ll give you a good reward if you find it. They’re difficult creatures to come by. They’ve been in Sibra hands for generations, but well–we’re in a different time now.”

He handed her the cookies.

“Thank you,” Freya said, “Sorry, may I ask: what do you mean by Sibra? I’m not too familiar with this region.”

“I see, it’s a sad story. The Sibra used to rule over this country. They were wise and generous to us common folk, but twenty years ago the Rizak came and wiped them out. Well, almost all of them. Mr. Anuji is one of the few remaining, he was in hiding for years.”

“Oh, I didn’t know.”

“I can’t believe the sorry place this country is now,” the baker grumbled. “So much is ruined now. Up north people are talking about rebuilding the Sibra, but I don’t think it will ever be the same.”

He shook his head. Someone entered the shop and Freya moved out of the way to let them order.

Heilong and Infamous Biscuit were waiting in the corner, probably close enough to hear most of the conversation. Freya offered them date-drop cookies.

“My tracking skill picked up on something,” Heilong said, nibbling on her cookie and leading the way out of the bakery. Hunched over looking at the ground, she began walking down the road.

Freya followed behind her, also enjoying her cookie. The fruit in the middle was chewy and sweet.

Infamous Biscuit ate his cookie in two bites, “My guess is someone took him. Mice wouldn’t usually wander out in the middle of the street. They’d want to stick by the sides to avoid being stepped on.”

“I think so too,” Heilong said, “This trail seems human-like. It’s not wandering but rather straight and directed.”

“How are you following the trail?” Freya asked. Nothing seemed to indicate any particular person had walked here.

“It’s apart of my tracking skill. It highlights the trail for me. Once I identified some mouse droppings in the bakery that I think came from Squeak, I was able to get a trace on the creature. One trail leads back towards the inn, but this one is leading somewhere else.”

I forgot about all this weird game stuff, Freya thought to herself.

Soon the trail led them out of town and over a ridge. 

“Wait, before we go further we should turn back and get water,” Heilong said as she scanned the vast desert ahead of them.

“Yes, even now I could use some water,” said Infamous Biscuit. “Hopefully, we can get some from a well in town.”

They turned around and went on a new hunt. Not seeing any visible wells, they asked someone.

“Excuse me, where can we get water?” Infamous Biscuit asked a man leading a goat behind him.

“Get water? You’ll need to buy some from the inn or Risha’s at the edge of town. Otherwise, you’ll have to buy a water condensation enchantment and a mana stone.”

“I see, thank you.”

The man tutted and pulled his goat along.

“I guess I should have expected water to be hard to find in a desert,” Infamous Biscuit said.

They retraced their steps to the inn and asked for some water. 

“You’re in luck,” the innkeeper told them, “I just ran the enchantment to collect water; I should have enough to give you each a jug.”

It hurt Freya to pay 20 bronze coins for a small jug of water, but she also knew mana stones weren’t cheap. 

Finally, they were ready to leave Tharvan. Heilong picked back up on the trail and they left the town behind them. The ocean loomed on their right side as they followed the path. It’s deep blue color contrasted with the light-colored land. The trail continued on until the rocky terrain turned more sandy. In the distance, Freya saw a huge grove of odd trees.

As they approached, Freya stared at the strange plants. They had a long thin trunk with no leaves on them except at the very top of the tree. The leaves looked like giant pine needles grouped together in perfect long sheets.

She stared at them, waiting for some game information to come up.

But nothing popped up.

These are just natural? Freya thought, taken aback. Regular grass and other mundane things did not have text boxes associated with them. So, these strange trees must be a common plant here.

Heilong made a bee-line through the trees. A small house came into view. Ladders leaned against the side of the house, many taller than the house itself.

Without any discussion, Heilong marched up the steps of the house and knocked on the door.

After several seconds of silence, the door opened a crack, “Who are you?”

“My name is Heilong. Are you currently in possession of a gathering mouse?”

Freya panicked a little, hearing Heilong’s blunt question. Shouldn’t they be a bit more subtle?

“What! What-what nonsense is this. Coming out here–what evidence do you have?”

“I tracked the mouse straight to your house. I don’t think the trail leads out of it,” Heilong said, putting her hands between the door and doorframe.

“If you hand over the mouse, we won’t cause you any trouble,” Infamous Biscuit said, looming over Heilong.

“Who are you? Damn Sibra supporter spawn?” the voice at the door spat. As Heilong pried open the door, Freya saw a glimpse of the young man’s face. 

“I’m not giving any creature back to those bastards! Did he buy you off? Did he promise you some great reward for returning his slave?!”

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