Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 26: A Dressmaker’s Passion

“Yina, I’d like you to meet Heilong and Infamous Biscuit, or Bis for short.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Yina said, smiling. “I’ve heard a lot about you both.”

After exchanging greetings, Heilong complimented Yina on her dress. 

Today the dressmaker wore a light purple gown that showed off her collar bone and flared at the waist. Her hair was held back by a white headband tied into a bow. Of course, she also wore her standard measuring tape over her shoulders and a pincushion on one hand.

“Thank you, I designed it myself,” Yina said, smoothing her dress. “Oh, Freya, your outfit is in the back. I dyed the fabric yesterday and sewed it this morning. Why don’t you try it on?”

Freya hesitated, but Yina shooed her away, “I’ll keep your friends company, go on and try it.”

Going to the back, Freya found her outfit hanging up. She couldn’t see it entirely in the dim lighting in the storage room, but the fabric molded to her body as she remembered. 

When she came out, she heard Heilong talking about the fireproof outfit she wanted.

“Making something fireproof is more down to the fabric itself,” Yina told her. “But if you’re worried about getting burnt, I can design something with fireproof fabric to protect you.”

“So, there is fireproof fabric?”

“It’s hard to make, but yes, it does exist. In fact, Freya could help you get some.”

“I could?” Freya said, surprised.

They all turned to look at her.

Yina came closer to pull at different parts of the outfit, “Yes, I think this fits good. What do you think?”

Now in the bright light of the main studio, Freya looked at herself in the mirror. A smile grew on her face.

“It’s great! I like the color. It’s not too flashy.”

The majority of her outfit was still the fabric’s original grey color. Only the shirt’s centerfold and the connecting fabric around her neck were dyed a light green color. Her thick fabric belt was also the same green shade. 

“You guys almost match,” Heilong said, smirking at Infamous Biscuit.

“I wear green and brown, not green and grey.”

“Whatever-,” Heilong suddenly lurched out of her seat, “The stats on your outfit are really good!”

“What?” Freya said, she looked down at herself.

[Tailored Sleeveless Shirt]

[Item Class: Unique]

[Designed to provide flexible movement]

[+1 Dex, +0.5 Vitality]


[Tailored Shorts]

[Item Class: Uncommon]

[Designed to provide flexible movement]

[+0.5 Dex]

“Stats?” Yina asked curiously, adjusting Freya’s belt.

“It’s apart of the game system. The game shows your strengths as points or ‘stats.’ Some clothing items have points that can add to your stats,” Freya tried to explain.

“Oh, really? So this outfit adds strength onto you?”

“Yes, it seems so,” Freya told her the stats that were associated with each item of clothing.

“Hm, stats,” Yina said. “I feel like I’ve heard that word before. I don’t know where…”

She pulled on the ends of the measuring tape laying across her shoulders. Then shook her head, “Anyway, I’m glad it can be useful to you. It was fun to design.”

Yina turned back to Heilong and Infamous Biscuit. Her sharp gaze darted over their clothes.

“You two also seem to have particular clothing needs.”

Turning to Heilong, she said, “To continue our conversation about fire-proof clothes, Freya can help you get the fabric. After that, I can design something according to your needs.”

“How can I help with that?” Freya asked, unsure what she was talking about.

“You often capture lyfants don’t you?”

She nodded, “I sell them to builders so they can make fireproof wood. Can lyfants also make fireproof fabric?”

“I’ve heard of the technique before,” Yina said. “I don’t know the details. I’m sure you can figure it out.”

Freya considered it. Lyfants liked to live in woodpiles and put fireproof enchantments over their home. Perhaps if she put fabric alongside the wood, the lyfant might enchant it too.

“I see how it might be possible.”

“Really!” Heilong said, “I’ll pay anything. Name your price.”

Freya held up her hands, “Let’s see if it works first. It may take a while.”

Heilong beamed, “Still, thank you. You’ve done so much for me. If you ever need a favor, let me know.”

Freya blushed, “I don’t need anything. If anything, we need a tank for our party, but that’s a different problem.”

“Hm, a tank. That’s right, you’re more DPS, and Biscuit’s a healer. You guys will need a tank if you want to do any high-level dungeons.”

“I thought we decided on Bis,” Infamous Biscuit broke in grumpily. “Anyway, have you thought about joining us more permanently? Freya’s going to be teaching us for the foreseeable future. We may as well adventure together.”

Heilong touched the collar of her shirt, “I suppose it would be convenient.”

“We’d be happy to have you,” Freya added.

Heilong pursed her lips, “Alright. I’ll join you guys for now. We haven’t been in a real fight yet, but I think we could work well together.”

“Then welcome to the team,” Infamous Biscuit said, extending a hand.

Heilong shook it.

“Actually, I know someone who could play as our tank. It wouldn’t be permanent, but we could tackle some dungeons while we recruit someone else.”

“Who?” Freya asked.

“My older brother.”

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