Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 58: Steep Climbs and an Awkward Atmosphere

After examining the machine’s runes one last time, Freya put her hand against the energy input runes and let her qi flow out.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, but Freya could sense her energy running through all the runes covering the machine, like water slowly filling up a maze. Once her qi reached all the runes, the device rumbled to life.

The spinning head dug into the earth, and the dirt on the belt moved again.

The machine didn’t suck her energy, but Freya found it similar to filling a bucket with a leak. Unlike the enchanted light stones that barely took any thought to keep alight, this digging machine required a good flow of qi.

Once she removed her hand, the machine again ground to a halt. 

“It’s safe,” Freya concluded.

“Of course it is,” Mecha said, crossing her arms.

“But it requires a lot of concentration and qi to power it, so I think breaks will be needed.”

Mecha shrugged and gestured with her hand like it wasn’t her problem, “So long as the running time adds up to what we agreed.”

A heavy sigh sounded behind Freya.

“I’ll go first,” Heilong volunteered. “I might as well start on my three hours.”


Winded and exhausted, Freya looked at the text box in front of her.

[Now Entering: Mount Cloven Practice Field]

“We should have just fast-traveled,” Infamous Biscuit said, still breathing heavily.

Freya nodded, “The air is so thin up here.”

They had all decided to take turns powering the machine while everyone else leveled up using the nearby practice field. There was only one problem. Mecha said the practice field was close by, which was technically correct–if one measured the lateral distance, not the vertical slope.

After a steep climb, Freya, K13, and Infamous Biscuit needed to catch their breath. They moved outside the practice field. Luckily no demons had materialized yet.

Only a few stunted trees clung onto the cliffs around them. Freya sat on a lichen-covered rock. Soon she was shivering from the mountain air cooling her sweaty skin. Once the others recovered, K13 put on his armor, and they headed into the practice field. 

The familiar chime sounded off in her head as they passed the field’s boundary. Scanning the cliffs, Freya pumped her fists together to keep herself warm. A few patches of snow still clung to the sides of the mountain.   

“Up at three o’clock!” Infamous Biscuit warned.

High above, a demon with large curled horns looked down at them. 

[Lesser Bighorn]

[Lvl 12] [215/215]

The goat-like demon stood at what seemed a 90-degree angle. Freya worried it would fall on them. 

However, the bighorn moved as if its hooves were momentarily glued to the rocks. It approached them slowly, maintaining eye contact. Then it charged down the cliff.

“Tangling vines!”

The green vines sprung up just behind the demon. Infamous Biscuit cursed.

K13 moved to intercept it, axes at the ready. 

Not changing course at all the lesser bighorn rammed into K13’s axes. 

The berserker stumbled back from the impact. Freya wasted no time in attacking. 

Stunning it with her Shockwave, now both K13 and the demon staggered. She glanced above K13’s head.


[Lvl 16 Berserker]

[610/670 HP] [60/60 MP]

Reassured that his health was okay, Freya focused on the demon. 

Still disorientated by her Shockwave hit, the bighorn was an easy target. Hits from both Freya and Infamous Biscuit soon turned the demon into dust.

“Are you alright?” Infamous Biscuit asked K13, putting a steadying hand on his shoulder.

K13 nodded, “The hit put a ten-second debuff on me, but it’s gone now.”

Eying the next bighorn that appeared above them, the druid hefted his staff, “I won’t miss this time.”

Knowing the demon’s speed now, Infamous Biscuit aimed his tangling vines further ahead of the charging goat.

The vines sprung up in the right place. 

They latched onto the lesser bighorn’s hooves, tripping it. Snorting the bighorn tried to pull itself out of the vines. Freya had to scramble up the cliff to get closer to it, but they had a general strategy down now.

K13 still took some hits as more demons showed up, but the situation was manageable with healing. Moving around the rocky environment was tiring, but Freya pushed through it with the knowledge that it would help build her stamina.

She wished she had the foot traction of the lesser bighorns. Instead, she ended up using her hands to pull herself up steeper rocks and scrambled to right herself whenever she slipped. 

When Infamous Biscuit called an end to their session, sweat poured down Freya’s back, and her legs felt like jelly.

“My stamina better raise after all this,” she grumbled.

Besides earning attribute points through leveling up, it was also possible to raise them like a skill with enough grinding. 


[Group Chat]

[Heilong: My qi is almost all dried up. Who wants to switch out?]

“I can go next,” Infamous Biscuit said out loud. “But we probably all need a break. Should we all meet in the village?”

K13 nodded, Freya agreed as well. Eating something sounded good right now. Infamous Biscuit started typing his reply.

As they trekked down the mountain, her legs felt like they were about to give out. It almost made her forget about the upcoming awkward situation. 

Infamous Biscuit bid them goodbye and went to the mine. A few minutes later, Heilong met them at Chikelu’s town square.

“Hey,” Heilong said as she approached them.


Without Infamous Biscuit as an intermediary Freya didn’t know what to say to Heilong. 

As a resident of this world, Freya couldn’t understand how Heilong put the possible game rewards over innocent people’s safety. Half of her wanted to talk to Heilong about it and try to understand her reasoning. The other half wanted to pretend nothing was wrong.

“There-there’s an inn around the corner,” K13 said, glancing between them. “Maybe we can eat there?”

“Sure let’s go,” Freya said, trying to smile warmly.

The innkeeper cheerfully served them a hearty meal of stew and bread. Freya and K13 sat on one side of a table, while Heilong sat on the other side. They ate in silence. Freya found herself trying to avoid eye contact with Heilong most of the meal. 

After the stiff lunch, Freya was ready to head back to the practice field. Physical fighting would be much better than sitting in awkward silence. 

As they settled their tab, Heilong suddenly moved towards someone sitting at a far table.

“Dagfin? Is that you?”

A young man with short brown hair looked up from his bowl. His faded jacket and weather-worn boots gave Freya the impression he was a regular person, not a game player. The text box over his head confirmed her suspicion.

[Dagfin Bluewater]

[Lvl 8 Laborer]

“Oh, hello Heilong, how are you doing?” Dagfin said, putting down his spoon.

“I’m fine, but what are you doing here? What about your bowyer apprenticeship? Are you visiting family here or something?” 

Dagfin grimaced, “Ah, well. Have you heard the news about master Toril?”

“No…” Heilong said apprehensively.

“He- he died a few weeks ago. In the demon attack on Kiken. So, I’m looking for a new master or another field to work in.”

Heilong opened and then closed her mouth several times. 

“The master bow maker is dead?”

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