Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 77: The Port of Ghosts and Demons Part 8

“So, the demoniclasts know about the game, and they’re hunting players for their Player Cards,” Infamous Biscuit concluded after hearing their story.

All of them, minus Sangen, gathered outside a nondescript storefront in the middle of town. Heilong had just finished explaining what had happened. While Freya had been fighting Sangen, the necromancer Hamra and Infamous Biscuit had found the plexplex. Before dealing with the creature, they discussed the more pressing issue.

“How did you meet him?” Infamous Biscuit asked, looking to Scrimmancer. “Why didn’t he suspect you’re a game player?”

Scrimmancer shrugged, “We met in Sybil and crossed over the border into Suen together. It’s difficult to travel between the two countries on foot since they’ve put up a lot of beacon traps that alert the surrounding armies that someone’s crossing the border.”

For a moment, Freya wondered why they didn’t fast-travel but remembered Hamra couldn’t. Only game players had that ability. Freya wasn’t too familiar with Sybil and Suen, but she had heard they had a bitter war over Lake Kel, the largest lake in the region. Both countries wanted the fish and rare shellfish that grew in the lake. The twenty-year war ended in a stalemate, and they split Lake Kel in half. Given Scrimmancer’s explanation, it sounded like the two countries had put a magical boundary at the divide. 

“Hamra’s squirrel ghost can disable the beacon traps, so she’s crossed the border many times. Sangen wanted to travel with us because he heard that she could get across easily,” Scrimmancer explained. “As for why he didn’t suspect I’m a game player, I think my class confused him. The game necromancer class is very similar to real necromancers here.”

“There are real ‘necromancers’?” Freya asked, glancing towards Hamra. The woman had a grey, non-player text box, but her class was listed as [Necromancer]. 

“It’s an ancient art that’s been passed down for generations,” Hamra said, her piercing hazel eyes watched Freya from under her hood. 

The woman’s gaze made the back of Freya’s neck twitch. Still, her explanation was not ringing any bells. There had been some powerful shaman throughout history that could summon spirits long enough to help them, like Houkyu from Kai Nai. Freya had been surprised how long he could summon his spirit bird Pekkae. However, she had never heard of a family known for summoning spirits.

“Really!?” Nightscythe said, getting closer to Hamra. “Is it like a family secret that’s been passed down? Are there a lot of necromancers, or are you like, the last of your kind?”

His enthusiasm made Hamra stop staring at Freya. For once, Freya was glad for Nightscythe’s annoying ardor. 

“We keep to ourselves because people are often suspicious of us. I don’t know how many other necromancers there are. I left my family a long time ago because I didn’t want to live in the tundra anymore.”

“Tundra?” Freya repeated. “Does your family live in northern Suen or Cikris?”

Hamra nodded, “We moved around the tundra and mountains around there, trying to avoid people.”

“Ah, I see,” Freya said and thought to herself, that explains it. I’m not too familiar with either country. Prior to this trip, I never spoke to anyone from there before. Maybe only local people know about necromancers.

Feeling a bit more satisfied, she turned her attention to the storefront. “We should get back to the task at hand. Let’s get rid of the plexplex, so we’re not trapped here anymore.”

“Agreed,” Scrimmancer said, “I’d rather not be trapped in a small area with a murderer.”

“He’s going to try to come after us either way,” Heilong said. 

Freya thought the same. Sangen was intent on killing them. He wouldn’t try a head-on attack when it was one versus seven, but the moment they separated, he would strike.

“You guys should travel with us,” Infamous Biscuit said, looking at Scrimmancer and Hamra. “Sangen likely thinks you’re both game players. It will be safer if we all travel together.”

The tall necromancer looked to Hamra. After a short pause, the woman nodded.

“We’ll join you for a little longer then,” Scrimmancer replied for the two of them.

“Good,” Freya said, “Then let’s deal with this plexplex.”


Inside the small shop, hidden under a rotting floorboard, sat a pudgy-looking frog. No more than the size of a child’s palm, it sat unmoving, trying to blend into the decaying wood. Its unblinking eyes stared up at them.

“That’s it?” Nightscythe said. He crouched down to see it closer. “This tiny chubby thing can fold space and trap people? I thought it would look scarier, or at least bigger.”

He looked back to Freya, “Can I touch it?”

Freya shrugged, “Sure, it’s pretty harmless now that we’ve found it.”

Nightscythe lightly poked the plexplex in the cheek. The frog-like demon weakly flinched away from the contact.

“It’s chubby cheeks are really soft!”

Freya laughed.

“Don’t antagonize it,” Infamous Biscuit said, scooping up the plexplex. “It is cuter than I expected. Do we really have to kill it?”

His pleading eyes bore into the shaman. 

“It would be best to kill it,” Freya said but relented, “I’ve heard some magicians have tried to tame them. Theoretically, they would be good for home security, as long as you can get out of your own property. I’m not sure if that idea has ever been successful.”

“So we might be able to find a wizard to take it in?”

“I guess,” Freya said, looking at the plexplex in Infamous Biscuit’s hands. Personally, she wasn’t swayed by its cute exterior. She would have no problem silencing it with one blow, but she respected Infamous Biscuit’s pity.

“It should be able to survive in your inventory,” Heilong said. “Our inventories seem to freeze time, so it should be okay.”

The marksman wore a similar expression to Freya: slightly exasperated understanding. 

K13, Nightscythe, and Infamous Biscuit crowded around the plexplex to pet it before putting it into Infamous Biscuit’s inventory.

Scrimmancer and Hamra stood off to the side. The former had no interest in the cute demon, while the latter looked disgusted by the actions to save it. 

Freya hid her laughter and walked out of the store. She shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight. 

“Wow,” Heilong said behind her, “You can actually see the entire town.”

With the magic from the plexplex gone, the foggy town transformed. The graveyard-feeling was gone. The mold and run-down buildings remained, but being able to see more than a few yards away made everything less scary.

Seeing the bright sunlight made Freya yawn. They had finally gotten rid of the plexplex, but it had taken them all night and into the next morning. A wave of dull sleepiness washed over her mind. 

“You’re making me yawn,” Nightscythe complained.

Heilong laughed at them, “We have been logged in a long time.”

“We should all take a break,” Infamous Biscuit suggested. Then he cocked his head to the side, “Scrimmancer, how did you get away with logging out of the game?”

The player shrugged, “I just laid down like I was going to sleep and then logged out. I told Hamra before about it, but I never bothered to tell Sangen.”

“We all need sleep,” Heilong said. “But isn’t it risky to leave Freya and Hamra here with that guy still on the loose?”

It was unlikely Sangen would attack when all seven of them were together, but he might try his luck with just two opponents. Freya thought she could fast-travel back home, but then that would leave Hamra completely alone. 

“My ghosts can watch over us,” Hamra said. “If we have enough of a warning, I think we will be alright.”

“I can stay too,” K13’s quiet voice broke in. “I can sleep fine here.”

After a bit more discussion, they decided to camp out inside one of the nicer abandoned houses. Hamra set her fox spirit to watch over them. With the morning sunlight streaming in the windows, Freya was afraid she wouldn’t be able to sleep. Plus, she had the lurking worry that Sangen would attack again. But after drawing the dusty curtains to block the sunlight, she fell fast asleep.

~Info Corner~

Character Card:


Class: Necromancer

Age: 25

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Lives In: Fort Worth, Texas

In-Game Skills: Necrosummoning (Innate), Life Drain (Innate), Dark Shroud (Innate), Potion Brewing, Woodworking

Likes: Jasmine tea, Snow, BBQ

Dislikes: Running, store brand iced tea


Class: Necromancer

Age: 23

Nationality: Suen

Ethnicity: Bolsu

Lives In: Currently wandering

Likes: Small animals, fire

Dislikes: Snow, salted meat

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