Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 187 Saitama Is Going To Succeed Admiral? (The First Update Asks For Automatic)

Chapter 187: Is Saitama Going to Succeed Admiral? (First Update Requested)

Naval Headquarters.

"Akainu, are you sure about this?" Sengoku's voice was deep and solemn.

"Yes, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, I have been thinking about it for a long time," Akainu's voice was equally low and solemn. "As the strongest combat force in the Marines, there cannot be any stains."

"I didn't bring up this request before because I saw the unstable situation on the sea surface," Akainu continued. "But now, I can say this."

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I hope to resign from the position of Marine Admiral and start over as a recruit."

In fact, Akainu had thought about this more than once.

Akainu was a proud person with an absolute sense of justice.

Justice cannot be tainted!

He was definitely not the kind of man who would continue to hold the position of Admiral even after multiple defeats.

"We have all lost, why do you have to do this?" Kizaru behind him shook his head. "That man is not someone who can be easily defeated."

"You all just lost, but I was defeated and captured, and then redeemed by the World Government," Akainu clenched his fist and took a deep breath. "We are different!"

In the last great war, the other high-ranking officials were able to withdraw, but only Akainu was captured!

This was absolutely unacceptable to him!

Sengoku sighed, realizing that this was also a knot in Akainu's heart.

As Akainu said, if he hadn't returned from Uchiha Madara and spent some time recovering from his injuries and taking care of his body, and if there hadn't been continuous disturbances on the sea surface, he probably would have resigned long ago.

"I am willing to start as a recruit and become a soldier in the New World," Akainu spoke again. "Of course, I hope to participate in the next battle against Uchiha Madara."

As a Marine Admiral, he knew about Marine and the World Government's plans against Uchiha Madara.

Naturally, he didn't want to miss such a major event!

"After I kill Uchiha Madara, I will slowly accumulate merits and become an Admiral again!" Akainu's eyes were burning, his voice low but as steady as Mount Tai.

Sengoku remained silent for a moment and sighed, "Are you really not considering it anymore?"

"No, I have already considered it for a long time," Akainu said firmly. "I have made my decision."

His resolute words made everyone understand Akainu's determination.

"Well, I respect your choice," Sengoku finally sighed and said.

After all, Akainu had not left the Marines; he was still serving Marine.

So... let's respect his choice.

"Thank you, Fleet Admiral," Akainu nodded slightly.

There was a hint of unfamiliarity in his words.

Sengoku sighed again, not asking him to change—since he wanted to be a recruit, he shouldn't always rely on his previous position and achievements.

This was a good thing for Akainu.

Of course, Sengoku also knew that although Akainu said he wanted to be a recruit, with his position and achievements, no one would make him suffer, and even his superiors might treat him as their superior.

Considering his strength, even if he started as an ordinary marine, he could quickly rise again.

After a long silence, Sengoku spoke again, "Sakazuki, since you are resigning as Admiral, then..."

"Have you considered who will succeed you?"

Although the appointment of Admiral is made by the World Government and the Fleet Admiral, as the former Admiral, Akainu also had the qualifications to nominate someone.

But Akainu looked at Sengoku and said, "Are you suggesting that I nominate Saitama?"

Saitama, the rising star of the Marines!

He was powerful, righteous, and even the older generation like Garp and Zephyr praised him.

功勳也足夠,參加了不止一次的戰鬥, World Destroyer瓦爾多就是他一拳打死的。


“我不喜歡他那種性子!” Akainu毫不客氣的指出:“不管什麼原因,命令就是命令。



“是嗎....……” Sengoku嘆了一口氣:“不過你辭職之後,還有誰能接替你呢?”


Akainu沉默片刻, Marine的後起之秀中, Momousagi和茶豚已經算是最強的了。















“恭喜你了, Saitama Vice Admiral!” Tashigi一臉的興奮:“聽說您就要晉升了?"


“哼,還沒徹底決定下來呢。” Hina輕哼一聲,眼中卻沒有了往日的不服。

這段時間, Saitama看似沒有參加什麼重大行動,但是卻一直在不停的清掃海賊。



賞金數十億的Four Emperors—————嗯,這個還沒碰到過。




為此, Sengoku甚至好幾次處理他帶來的一些麻煩,比如World government的高官的舉報.....


” Admiral啊......其實升不升職都無所謂的。” Saitama滿不在意的隨口道:“反正都是抓海賊嘛,英雄有上下級區別就不太$73......"


“怎麼會,一定是Saitama Vice Admiral您的!” Tashigi甜甜的笑著。




World government,提出了另外的人選


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