Pirate Vice-Captain Heart

Chapter 28 THE25, Entering the Great Route

Chapter 28 THE25, Entering the Great Route

"Why are you in such a panic? This is a sailboat? Why do you want us to paddle?" Luffy said with a pouted mouth.

"Why go back to the storm?" Usopp was puzzled.

"Don't ask! Always do what I tell you!" Nami's voice rose again.

"It's such a rare weather..." Sauron moved his body facing the deep blue sea.

"Fine! I'll explain it to you then! As you say, our ship is heading south."

"Oh, so we have already entered the great route?" Sauron said lightly, looking around at the scenery.

"If it could be so simple! Anyone would do it!" Nami felt physically and mentally exhausted, "The great route is sandwiched between two long and narrow sea areas, that is, this windless sea area, the windless belt!"

While Nami was explaining, Lin Xi had found a long piece of rope on the other side and asked Usopp to help him tie himself to the boat pole.

"Okay, that's no problem." Usopp said, "Sister Lin Xi, why did you do this?"

Lin Xi found two ropes, one rope was used to tie the magic spell to herself, and the other rope was used to tie herself to the boat pole.

"Of course it's used to protect my own life... Well, it's tied pretty strong, so it's no problem now. Oh, by the way, Usopp still has a rope, do you want one?" Lin Xi asked. road.

"No, there's no need." Usopp waved his hand and said to himself, is Miss Lin Xi foolish by the storm?

"Listen to me, you idiots!" Nami yelled.

"Oh, by the way, Nami, come here, come here, I also have a seat for you!" Lin Xi waved.

"Who needs that kind of thing! Do you know the seriousness of the matter! This is a dead zone! Do you know how terrible this is for ships powered by wind? Most importantly, this area Sea area..."

However, before Nami finished speaking, the hull began to vibrate violently.

"Wow, what's wrong! Is it an earthquake?" Luffy was so stupid and cute.

"Idiot! How could there be an earthquake at sea!" Sanji scolded, and then suddenly caught a glimpse of Lin Xi who was tied to the pole of the boat, "Ah~Miss Lin Xi who is bound is so elegant and beautiful~"

Lin Xi pursed her lips slightly, you will soon know that I am the most elegant one here.

When the boat stabilized, Nami was holding Lin Xi with tears in her eyes.

"This is the lair of Neptunes, but the giant...Lin Xi, lend me a rope, and I will share with you here."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Lin Xi rubbed slightly to the side, "Come in directly, so that the two of us are equivalent to being fixed on the pole of the boat."

"Well, okay..." Nami obediently got in.

"Oh ~ Miss Nami who is tied up is so cute and beautiful~" Sanji's eyes were full of love, and then saw another person slipped in, "Oh~ Usopp who is bound... is also so stinky and shameless .Hey, get out of the rope you bastard! Don't touch Miss Lin Xi!"

At this time, the sea king finally noticed the small thing staying on its nose.

"Luffy! Zoro! Sanji! I leave it to you!" Nami waved and shouted.

"Come on! Come on!" Lin Xi cheered.

"It's all up to you! It's your fault if you die!" Usopp also shouted.

"You guys, don't make sarcastic remarks over there!" Sauron said, "Listen...Listen up, we will paddle like crazy as soon as this monster sinks into the sea!"

At this time, the three of them were already holding the poles in their hands, ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the sea king sneezed because the ship happened to rest on its nose.


The whole ship almost flipped and flew out.

Pasha -
The Merry was back in the storm again, adrift like a flat boat at sea.

"Great, great... Finally back in the storm..." Luffy lay across the board with large characters.

"I feel at ease in the storm, this is the first time for me..." Sanji was lying not far from Luffy.

"Now I don't need to explain why I have to enter through the entrance." Nami also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh, I see..." Sauron's voice was weak.

"It was a great help, Miss Lin Xi..." Usopp was unharmed because the rope was fixed.

"Right, I still have the foresight..." Lin Xi raised her head and felt the rain hitting her face.

"But let me say it first, because Levi's Mountain is a winter island, so apart from the canal, other currents will directly hit Levi's Mountain and form a back-type current. That is to say, if we can't accurately canal, the ship will be seriously injured, Even...the ship crashed and people died." Nami said the seriousness of the matter.

But obviously Luffy didn't understand, "Haha, after all, it's an incredible mountain!"

"Forget it, it seems you won't understand..." Nami gave up completely.

"I saw it! The incredible mountain!" Luffy shouted.

Everyone looked at that majestic scenery, and Lin Xi's heart and soul were also shaken.

In front of everyone is the legendary Red Earth Continent, which looks like a red wall from a distance, and this wall goes straight into the sky, with no end in sight.

The so-called insignificance is the most real feeling at a moment.

When they got closer, everyone saw the inverted canal, which had layers of arches, all of which were carved with dragon-shaped reliefs.This reminded Lin Xi of the legend of the carp leaping over the dragon's gate.

As long as you pass here, you will become a dragon!
"It's going to be sucked in! Steer well!" Luffy shouted.

"Leave it to us!" Sanji and Usopp steered the helm.

At this time, Nami and Lin Xi also got out of the rope, ready to help at any time.

However, because the current was too strong, the current could not be resisted at all, and the rudder broke directly.Afterwards, they watched the Mei Li crash into the dragon-shaped arch.

"Damn it... let me do it! GONMUGONMUNO, balloon!" Luffy took the risk and bounced back to the hull, bringing the ship back to the correct track.

"Luffy! Catch me!" Zoro stretched out his hand and shouted.

"Oh!" Luffy stretched out his arms, grabbed Zoro, and returned to the ship.

"Saved!" Nami was happy for the rest of her life after the catastrophe.

"Haha! The so-called Jackie Chan went to the sea and ascended to heaven!" Lin Xi didn't know how to think of this sentence.

"Go in!" Luffy cheered.

"Then wait and rush down!" Nami said.

When the boat was at the top of Levi's Mountain, everyone looked at the scene in the distance and their hearts were surging.

"Oh! I saw the great route! This is..." Luffy sat on the bow of the Meili, excited, "The greatest ocean in the world! Here we come! Go!"

 All the judges throw their votes at me crazily~~
  Also, those who have not collected it, please remember to collect it~
  There are two updates today.There is one more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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