Pirates: Become invincible from capturing the Navy Goddess.

Chapter 069

Zombie and Little Girl

Lieutenant General He was extremely shocked.

As the marshal of the navy, Warring States was the man who stood at the top. If you couldn’t even see through him, then what a terrifying level Lynch’s strength had reached!

“Look, what is that!”

“Oh my God! Sea kings can fly into the sky.”

There was an exclamation from outside the naval base.

In order to save time, Lin Qi directly transformed into a candlelight beast dozens of meters high and soared into the sky.

“Idiot, that’s Lieutenant General Lynch.”

A veteran Youtiao recognized this scene and spread knowledge with the navy around him.

“Lieutenant General Lynch? I seem to have heard of it somewhere.”

“Idiot, you don’t even know Lieutenant General Lynch. Don’t mess with me anymore.” The officer said with an admiring look: “That’s just five years. He was promoted to the legendary figure of Lieutenant General.”

“Not only does he have the look of a king, but he also ate the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit. He is the hope of the future of the navy!” ”

It turns out that the Shichibukai system was established at this time.” In mid-air Lynch mused.

Doesn’t it mean that Hawkeye, Lao Sha, Ming Ge, Empress, Tyrant Bear, these famous characters in the original work will also officially appear on the stage of history.

The intricate relationship behind them cannot be underestimated.

Behind Brother Ming stands Kaido, Hawkeye and Red Hair are good friends, Tyrant Bear is a spy of the Revolutionary Army, behind the Empress is Rayleigh, Laosha and Whitebeard have an unpredictable relationship, behind Jinbe are Princess Otohime and the ancient weapon Neptune… …

Thinking about it this way, it seems that all the members of the Shichibukai Organization are young people.

Unfortunately, only Moriah is an honest person.

When I think about it, Moria first became a fat man, was beaten by the new pirate Luffy, and was stabbed in the back by the World Government.

After finally surviving to save his teammates, he was stabbed in the waist by Xiao Hei’s men again.

What a miserable life this is.

Lynch felt pitiful.

Honest people will not end well.

If Moria had some background behind her, it wouldn’t be so miserable.

A few days later, Lynch appeared in the dense fog.

As the name suggests, this sea area is filled with thick fog, with visibility no more than 10 meters.

Every year, a large number of ships accidentally break into this place and never get out. They are lost here forever.

The horror can be seen in the fact that Brooke has been wandering here for fifty years without finding a way out.

But none of this is a problem for Lynch.

With the special pointer, he successfully landed on Moria’s terrifying three-handed sailboat.

The terrifying three-handed sailboat is so large that it can be compared to a small country.

He landed on it, and where to find Moria was a question.

The three-terrible sailboat is filled with an aura of terror, even the trees grow in strange shapes, and there are many tombs.


Horrible moans came from the ground.

A skinny and dry palm slowly pierced the ground.


countless arms pierced the soft soil, and terrifying stitched zombies crawled out of the underground tombs.

“So ugly.”

Lin Qi frowned. This was even uglier than he imagined.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, humans are fresh humans!”

“I want his arms.”

“I want his bones! My bones have been around for too long.”

A large group of zombies, like something from a horror movie Same, slowly approaching Lynch.

Of course.

When they were about to come into contact with Lynch, they stopped again.

“You guys, aren’t you scared when you see us?”

Whoever had accidentally stumbled into the Three Terror sailboats in the past would not be scared to death when they saw them.

This man was good. Not only did he not run away, he didn’t look afraid at all.

This is simply an insult to their zombies!

“You are the ones who should be afraid.”

Lynch randomly swung a punch and created a sonic boom.

The grave where the zombies crawled out just now seemed to have been plowed by ancient bulls.

The tombstones were broken, no coffins were left, only a deep ditch remained.

In his memory, these zombies were notoriously cowardly.

Seeing the power of this punch, the zombies collectively turned to stone.

This is going to hit them, and they must not be killed collectively? !

They looked at each other and chose to follow their inner choices. With a plop, they knelt on the ground and raised their hands high.

“Brother, we surrender!”

“Haha, take me to find Moria.”

“Yes, yes, please come with us.”

The zombies led the way and took Lynch to a castle.

“Help, boss, there are intruders!”

As soon as they entered the castle, the zombies screamed and fled in all directions.

Lynch ignored the escaping zombies, and his goal was achieved.

Moria should be on the top floor of the castle.

When he reached the second floor, Lin Qi suddenly stretched out his palm, grabbed something in the transparent air, and threw it to the ground.


Absalom spurted blood and retreated from the transparent state.

“No, it’s impossible. I’m a transparent person who ate a transparent fruit. How could you see me?” He looked horrified.

“I can’t see you, but I can smell your stink from a long way away.”

Lynch added another kick and knocked the ugly monster unconscious.

If he hadn’t invited Moria to join the Shichibukai, he might have taken this person back to boost his performance.

“The smell of caramel cake.”

On the third floor of the castle, Lynch moved his nose and walked in one direction.

“No, no, don’t see me.”

A little girl with pink ponytails and legs hanging down looked horrified, hugging a freshly baked cake, huddled under the bed, shivering.

She had heard the zombies shouting.

Perona sent out Negative Ghost to attack in a sneak attack, but saw Absalom being killed instantly.

She was so frightened that she simply gave up the idea of a sneak attack and hid in her room.

Of course, even so, she couldn’t bear to leave her beloved dessert behind.


Perona trembled when she heard the sound of the door being pushed open.

“It can’t be that man who came in, right?”

“No, no, it must be the zombie maid.”

Perona held a small cake and huddled under the bed, not caring about the dirty clothes and not daring to breathe.

However, the next moment, a big hand suddenly grabbed her arm, followed by a long voice.

“I caught you.”


Perona was so frightened that she screamed and kicked the foot of the bed hard with her two little feet to resist the man’s strength.

Unfortunately, compared to a man, she was as strong as a kitten and was easily pulled out by Lynch.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, please don’t kill me.”

Perona was hung up in the air by one of Lynch’s arms. Her face was so frightened that she rolled her eyes and almost cried out.

“Cake, here’s the cake, don’t kill me.”

In desperation, Perona dedicated her beloved cake.

Compared to the cake, she still thinks her life is more important.

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