Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 43: Gaya i.

In the first half of the great route, after a zero hour rest, the Roger Pirates marched towards the target Gaya Island.

After a long voyage, the Roger Pirates finally reached their destination, Gaya Island.

When the Oro Jackson, the flagship of the Roger Pirates, approached the port of Gaya Island, it caused a huge commotion.

After all, as the three most famous big pirates in the entire sea, Golden Roger’s name is very loud.

And besides Captain Roger, there are Pluto Raleigh and Red bronze Jabba on board.

As the three major forces of the Roger Pirates, it is still very famous in the sea.

“Hey, hello, isn’t that boat from the Roger Pirates group! How could it appear in the paradise!”

A fat man with a beard and a shabby coat looked at the flag of the Roger Pirates and said with a trembling tone.

“That fellow Roger, didn’t he just clashed with the Golden Lion in the New World some time ago! How could he suddenly appear in the paradise!”

The port was surrounded by a large number of people dressed as pirates pointing at the Oro Jackson.

“Oh, do we seem to be quite popular! Hip-hop haha!”

Roger walked to the bow, noticed the crowd in the harbor, and said with a smile.

“Well, let’s not make too much noise. After all, the guy Karp is behind us.”

Raleigh said with a chuckle.

“Hey, Raleigh, what are you afraid of? It’s hard to get an island with people. Of course you have to have a good time!”

Jabba walked to Rayleigh’s side with a black toad mirror and said with a smile.

“Yes, I haven’t indulged myself for a long time! Good wine, woman, I’m here!”

Galan roared, jumped directly from the boat and rushed towards Gaya Island.

Seeing such excited Galan, Silka glanced at him contemptuously.

“Hmph, as a man, you must endure loneliness and control your desires!”

“Hey, Silka, what you said is not convincing at all!”

Seeing Silka who had climbed the railing and was about to jump off, Dorringer vomited.

In the center of the splint, Lockes and Barrett Shanks Bucky stayed together.

“Really a bunch of noisy guys.”

Lockes looked at the noisy Roger Pirates and said silently.

“Hahaha, just get used to it.”

Shanks touched the back of his head and responded with a grin.

“Hey, Lockes, I heard that Gaya Island is an island for pirates. Are there many pirates on this island?”

Bucky didn’t know what he thought of, and suddenly asked Locks with his eyes shining brightly.

“Well, there are indeed many pirates, what’s the matter?”

Hearing Bucky’s question, Locks responded flatly.

“Then what are you waiting for, Lockes, let’s go! Take all their treasures!”

Bucky exclaimed in excitement.


Everyone was speechless for Bucky’s words.

Although the Roger Pirates are very strong, they can’t directly rob those pirates’ treasures like this.

That will arouse public anger.

“Hahaha, Bucky, you are such a money fan!”

Shanks responded with a grin, and then walked directly to the side of the boat.

While they were chatting, the Oro Jackson had pulled over and stopped.

Roger Reilly and Jabba have already disembarked and walked towards the bar in the port.

When Locks saw this, he also walked to the side of the boat. He was also going to see what happened to Pirate Island in the first half of this great route.

Barrett looked at Locks who was leaving, and also raised his heel.

“Hey, bastard, that’s countless treasures! The big deal is that I divide you half!”

When Bucky saw this, he called out anxiously, and then quickly followed.

In the town center of Gaya Island, Lockes and Barrett were sitting bored on a huge rock watching the two gangs of pirates fight.

Lockes was sitting on the rock, his right hand propped on his chin.

“Their strength is really weak, and their playing is so boring.”

Lockes muttered boredly.

“Indeed, the strength is too weak! I want to sleep after seeing it.”

Barrett agreed.

More than an hour has passed since leaving the Oro Jackson.

Lockes and Barrett separated from Shanks Bucky and wandered around the island.

When they came to the center of the town, two groups of pirates suddenly shot out from the tavern next to them.

Lockes and Barrett, who were bored, just passed by and watched.

Of course, in addition to Lockes and Barrett, there were many pirates who were not afraid of big things and gathered around and made a noise.

However, the strength of the other party is too weak, Lockes and Barrett have watched for a while, and they have no interest in them.

“Oh, two little ghosts, your tone is really big!”

Just when Locks and Barrett were about to leave, a tall, majestic man blocked their way, laughing wildly and lowered his head to Locks taunting.

“Huh? Uncle, stop us, what’s the matter?”

Locks raised his head slightly and looked at the man.

“Heh, kid, listening to your arrogance, then your strength must be pretty good.”

The man looked at Locks and Barrett.

I have to say that Lockes’ temperament and appearance surprised him a bit.

This makes the greed in his eyes even more obvious.

Although Lockes stood behind a tall and burly guy like Barrett who seemed uncomfortable at first, the man was still very confident of his own strength.

“Hey, kid, Lao Tzu is the captain of the Brown Bear Pirates, and Claude, who is offering a reward of 13.2 million Baileys, do you want to come to Lao Tzu’s boat?”

Claude squinted his eyes and stared at Locks with a dangerous aura all over his body.

Although he said so, Claude was already considering how much he should sell Lockes for.

After all, such a temperamental and handsome kid is still very popular.

Especially for some nobles with special habit.

Lockes looked at Claude and looked at his unabashed greed, Locks’s heart did not fluctuate.

“Hahaha! Locks, is that guy an idiot!”

Barrett couldn’t help laughing suddenly, and said mockingly.

Hearing Barrett’s mocking words, Claude suddenly squinted to look at Barrett.

“Hey, kid, do you want to die!”

Crow spoke to Barrett with a dangerous odor in German.


Barrett ignored Claude’s dangerous words and twisted his fists a few times, ready to teach the idiot.


“The ignorant weak can never see reality. Moreover, I hate that people outside of my approval look down on me.”


As Locke’s voice fell, an extremely violent momentum broke out in an instant, sweeping Cloud’s entire body.

Claude, who was swept by Locks’ incomparably violent aura, instantly covered his whole body with cold sweat, his legs trembled, and his legs fell directly to the ground, his eyes looked at Locks, who was looking up in front of him with horror.

I have to say that Claude’s figure is indeed too tall, even if he is kneeling on the ground, he is taller than Lockes, who is only 1.7 meters tall.


A sword light flashed, and Claude’s staring eyes, wide-open mouth, frightened-faced Claude’s head flew high, and bright red blood spurted out.

“Come on, Barrett.”

Taking the long sword back into the scabbard, Lockes greeted Barrett and left first.

“Hey, it’s really a ruin.”

Barrett spit out a mouthful of water at Claude, who was already lying on the ground and headless, and mocked him with disdain, and Locks left strongly.

When Lockes and Barrett disappeared completely, the pirates who had been frightened by Lockes’ violent aura suddenly came back to life.

“Then, those two little ghosts, who are they!”

“It’s really two monsters! They killed Cloud so easily.”

“Hahaha, that idiot Crowder actually provoked that monster, now he will be killed!”

A thin and small man with a sharp-mouthed monkey-gills mentioned Claude’s **** head mockingly, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd with his head before others could react.

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