Pirates: The First Family

Chapter 95

The blue giant caught all the arrows.

Margaret quickly pulled out the arrows from the quiver on her thigh, and then quickly drew the bow.

She shot arrows one after another with the sound of breaking through the air.

The speed was so fast that only afterimages could be seen in the air, and it was in front of the blue giant in a flash.

But it was only a moment, and the blue giant did not change his face, and caught all the arrows at a speed that was difficult to observe with the naked eye.

Then he threw them to the ground.

There was a banging sound.

Dio smiled when he saw this scene. His brother's stand, Star Platinum, was really good.

The speed was fast enough and the accuracy was high enough.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to take these arrows.

It was not brought in vain.

He is not as unambitious as his father. At least he wants to make a name for himself in this world.

What famous names are there on the sea?

Such as the navy hero Garp, the three admirals of the navy, and the navy Marshal Sengoku.

These names belong to the navy. Of course, he is not willing to join the navy?

He even has to protect the Celestial Dragons. This is really speechless.

He thinks he is greater than the Celestial Dragons.

Of course, the title of the Seven Warlords of the Sea feels a bit weak and is not what he wants.

But he thinks the Four Pirate Emperors are pretty good. They are all kings who rule one side of the world.

They are not subordinates of anyone, but people who fight only for themselves.

So he plans to become the fifth emperor in this world first, and when he is strong enough, he will become the Pirate King.

Even become the king of the world and play the world in his hands.

To achieve the goal in her heart, she certainly needs helpers, and her brother is the best helper, who has the same type of stand as her and also has the ability to stop time.

If she becomes the fifth emperor, then it would be nice for her brother to be the vice-emperor.

Or it would be nice for her brother to become the sixth emperor.

Margaret was shocked when she saw this scene. No one had ever been able to catch her arrows like this.

She still looked so relaxed.

It's not like she hasn't encountered strong enemies before. Those powerful enemies do have ways to deal with her arrows, but they just dodge or shoot them down with weapons.

It's absolutely impossible to catch her arrows with their hands. There is a huge difference between the two.

This person is much stronger than her, and she shouted hurriedly.

"Come together and catch these people."

The other female warriors also understood, and their faces were very solemn.

Picking up the weapons in their hands, they surrounded Jotaro, and each of them launched a terrifying attack, such as spearing and slashing.

Surrounded from all sides, no matter how powerful this man is, it must be difficult to deal with him.

But Jotaro was not afraid of these people, but became excited.

He shouted loudly.

"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora."

The fist of Star Platinum launched a series of violent attacks.

Countless fist afterimages could be seen, and in an instant, these powerful female warriors were blown away, and even the weapons in their hands were broken into several pieces.

After being blown away, those female warriors fell heavily to the ground dozens of meters later.

They couldn't get up again. It was obvious that they were hit hard and were beaten directly.

Margaret was horrified when she saw this scene. This man was as strong as a god of war.

At the same time, she was angry that he dared to hurt her companions.

She wanted to pull out the arrow from the quiver on her thigh angrily, but when she touched it, she found that it was empty and the arrow was gone.

She could only pull out the knife tied to her leg and look at the black-clothed man with a determined look. Run.

Even though she was strong, she had no reason to retreat.

There was no chance of winning against the terrifying blue giant, as long as she could hurt his body.

Since the giant was responsible for such a strong attack, the body should be very weak.

And Jotaro also noticed her intention, and the blue giant disappeared directly.

Facing Margaret's dagger attack.

He directly grabbed her right arm with his left hand.

At the same time, his right fist hit her stomach heavily, causing Margaret to feel severe pain and spit out a large mouthful of liquid.

She couldn't believe it in her heart, how could even the body be so strong?

This man is so scary.

Then his eyes rolled up and he immediately lost consciousness.

At this time, Dio came up to him.

He said with a smile.

"Jotaro, you did a good job, carrying her on your shoulders, and then

Let me do it. "

Jotaro nodded in agreement.

It is indeed not easy to do it while carrying a woman.

Then the two of them moved forward, and everyone they met was knocked down by Dio.

Basically, no one could fight, but he did not kill them.

After all, the person he wanted to rob was the Empress, and his father would basically take her in. She was also his mother. Although she was not his biological daughter, it was best not to offend her too much.

It was a pity that he did not meet any suitable beauties along the way.

The father would definitely not like an ugly one, and of course he would not like her either. Will collect.

He was speechless in his heart. His father was so incompetent. He could have conquered the world and taken all the beauties in the world into his hands.

He was obviously capable of doing such a thing, but he chose to live on an island. He really had no ambition.

If he was a lustful man, he would definitely do this.

The two of them made such a big fuss on the island, so naturally someone went to Jiushe City to report everything here to the empress.

A powerful enemy invaded, and it was the damn human traffickers.

After the empress heard the news , her face was as cold as ice, and a raging anger was burning in her heart.

Human traffickers.

It was those damned human traffickers who sold the three sisters to the Celestial Dragons, and they suffered all kinds of torture.

They were whipped at every turn, and were covered with bruises. Fortunately, they escaped in the end, escaped from such a terrible hell.

This completely aroused her anger, and she immediately took her second and third sisters to find the two.

She was determined to turn the two into stone and then crush them hard.

The previous king, Guroliosa, a short white-haired woman known as Zha Po Po People were also shocked and angry.

Which group of people dared to come to Nine Snake Island to rob people so recklessly.

These people will not end well.

She also hurriedly followed.

Soon they arrived at the city gate and saw a strange man with golden hair, and a man wearing a black hat and black clothes, carrying a female warrior on his back.

Of course, the mother-in-law recognized her. Isn't this the female warrior Margaret on the island?

She was even tied up.

She shouted angrily.

"Damn human traffickers, why don't you let Margaret go?"

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