Planting Violets

10. Sharing Secrets

"That's the last of it," Mr. Weber said as he set another big box down on the pile in the corner.

Then Mrs. Weber asked, "Are you sure you don't want any help unpacking?"

"It's ok mom," Jade replied. "Me and Vi will handle it. Thanks for all the help though! You too dad, thank you!"

Her parents just smiled as Mr. Weber replied, "Of course hon! Anything else we can do to help? Or are you hoping your mom and I will get out of your hair so you girls can relax and enjoy the rest of your day in peace?"

"Jade still has to unpack and put everything away," Mrs. Weber pointed out, "So I hardly think they're going to be relaxing just yet."

My friend rolled her eyes, "Violet and I can handle it mom, we'll be fine. And I'm not trying to rush you two out the door, but I don't want to keep you any later than necessary. Anyways Seth borrowed his mom's car, he's going to drop in later for a visit so I definitely want to get at least some of this stuff put away and tidied up."

"Ah," her mom responded with a knowing smile. "You girls want to get rid of us before you start having boys come over."

I blushed slightly while Jade made a face, "Ugh mom, I'm not into Seth like that ok? I just like him as a friend."

Mrs. Weber teased my friend a bit more, but after getting us both to blush a few more times she and Mr. Weber decided it was time to head out.

"You girls enjoy yourselves," she said as the two of them stood by the front door. "And Violet, congratulations again. This is a lovely home, and you're very generous to share it with Jade."

"You girls be good," Mr. Weber added. A moment later he grinned, "Or have fun, it's your choice!"

Jade rolled her eyes then gave both her parents a hug. Then she and I stood on the front step and waved as they got into their minivan then pulled out and headed away.

"Thank goddess that's over with," she sighed as soon as they were gone.

I smiled, "They're not so bad. They seemed ok with me, and they're ok with you moving in and everything."

As we both went back into the house she agreed, "Yeah good point. We're just lucky they never really met you before, so they didn't have a good idea what you used to look like. Otherwise I don't know how we'd explain things to them. Unless we told them about the magic."

"True," I grimaced.

She actually told them I won a lottery, since it was about the only way to explain how I could possibly have my own home and a brand new electric car and everything else. And she told her parents that I was trans, but that I'd kept it a secret until now and I'd really began my transition a year or two earlier.

With her parents gone we ended up back in Jade's room, where we started tackling all the boxes. She pointed out a few boxes of clothes for the closet, so I got to work on that while she unpacked her computer and got it all set up on her desk.

It was the last Saturday of June, high school was officially over, and everyone except me graduated. I still had to write my exams, but my mom already made the arrangements for me. I had another week and a half to study and prepare, then I'd have three days of exams in the second week of July.

That was boring stuff that I didn't have to think about till next week though. For now I was excited. After Phoebe and my mom kept making the suggestion, I finally broke down and asked if Jade wanted to live here with me. Which of course she did. Phoebe was right, neither of us were doing a good job keeping our feelings secret.

So my folks helped me move in on the nineteenth, just two days after we got the keys and Phoebe did the renovations and everything. Mom stayed and kept me company for the first three days, she also helped me a bit with getting the fridge and pantry stocked up and all that stuff.

Now it was Saturday, Jade was here and we were roommates, and everything was super exciting. And Seth was supposed to get here in another hour or so, he was going to hang out with us and help us celebrate.

I was a little anxious about that, since I hadn't actually seen him since my miracle transition. We texted and stuff, and Jade talked to him when she saw him at school. So he knew I was trans, but he didn't know about the magic transition yet. And he got the same story as Mr. and Mrs. Weber, about me buying the house with lottery winnings. So far he seemed ok with me being trans, but I was still nervous about how he'd react when he actually saw me in person and found out about the magic.

Until then I tried to focus on helping Jade unpack and everything, since it was a good distraction. It actually kept us busy for a while, after the closet and computer we got her books and plushies sorted out, then the rest of her clothes went into her dresser.

"That's just about it," she commented. "The rest of this can wait till later."

There were only a couple boxes left, one was full of make-up and toiletries and stuff like that while the other contained jewelry and keepsakes and knickknacks and stuff.

"What about the workshop?" I asked.

Jade made a face, "Ugh. Let's leave that till tomorrow. I don't want to get all dirty now, and we don't have time to get changed. Seth is going to be here any minute."

The workshop was actually the garage, except we decided to set it up with the back half as more like a storage shed, while the front half was going to be her sculpture studio and workshop. Her welding gear and all her supplies and art stuff were already in the garage, but all that was still in boxes and stuff for now.

She had a point about getting changed too. She was in a pair of loose black cargo shorts and a tight 'camo pattern' t-shirt, while I was in a short pink skirt and a white sleeveless blouse. We were both barefoot, and while the garage wasn't awful it wasn't pristine like the house. And a lot of Jade's welding and art stuff wasn't exactly spotless either, plus we'd need to put on shoes or boots or something.

The two of us grabbed cans of soda from the fridge then went into the living-room. My favourite spot was in the corner of the big sectional sofa, I liked to sit nestled right in there with cushions on both sides of me. I'd already fallen asleep like that a couple times over the past six days, it was super comfy.

Jade left her drink on the coffee table as she sat next to me. Then she let out an exaggerated sigh before shifting so she was laying stretched out across all the cushions to my left, with her head on my lap.

"I can't believe I'm actually here," she grinned up at me. "This is amazing Vi! I'm so happy you let me move in here with you!"

"Same here," I smiled back, although I could feel my cheeks heating up again.

I definitely enjoyed the random hugs and touches, but it was going to take me a bit longer to get used to the casual physical contact. I'd always shied away from that sort of thing before, I always felt too awkward and uncomfortable in my own skin and didn't need any sort of reminders about it.

Plus me and Jade weren't exactly girlfriends, or not yet anyways. In the past week we'd definitely become best friends, and as of today we were roommates. And it felt like we were already well on the way to becoming girlfriends, all we really needed was to spend more time together. Which was kind of a given, now that we lived together.

Jade was still smiling up at me, when she suddenly giggled. "You're so cute when you blush, you know that? I'm going to have to keep finding new ways to keep you flustered, cutie."

Of course that just made me blush even brighter, which resulted in another happy giggle from the gorgeous girl resting her head on my lap. Fortunately before she could embarrass me further we were interrupted by a knock at the front door.

"That'll be Seth!" Jade exclaimed as she quickly got to her feet.

She dashed over to the door while I was still getting up, and a moment later our friend Seth was there with us. He exchanged greetings with Jade, then looked around in amazement at our new place.

Seth was dressed in his usual nondescript 'fade into the background' style, with loose dark pants, comfy old running shoes, and an oversized dark grey hoodie. His messy dark brown hair came down to his shoulders and I knew his mom had been bugging him for over a month to get it trimmed. I also knew he was probably wearing a loose black or grey t-shirt under the hoodie, since that was his typical style.

"Damn Jade," he commented. "You weren't kidding, this place is awesome! So where's uh, Violet hiding? And who's your new friend?"

I was still blushing, but I wasn't upset he didn't recognize me. I was mostly anxious about how things would play out in the next few minutes, because this was the part where me and Jade were going to tell our friend about my magic transition.

"So you might wanna sit down for this Seth?" Jade said as she dragged him over to the sofa. "Because you're not gonna believe it."

He didn't resist, and soon he was seated at one end of the L-shaped sofa. I was still standing in front of the corner part, and for now Jade perched on the coffee table facing the two of us.

She gestured at me and said, "This is Violet. Ta-dah! It's magic. Like actual real serious magic."

Several different expressions seemed to be fighting for control of his face, like there was shock, disbelief, curiosity, amazement, and a few other things that came and went too quick for me to identify.

I was still standing up and probably cringing a bit as I watched him stare at me, so he stood up again as well. He took a step closer as he asked, "Is this for real? Is it really you?"

Having him right in front of me reminded me yet again how much smaller I was. I'd got used to that with my parents, and with Jade. It seemed like I was going to go through it with everyone though, as I looked up at him and nodded slowly.

Not that he was all that tall, Seth was about average height for a guy. He was slim bordering on skinny though, which made him look taller than he was. But mostly he seemed tall because I'd got so much smaller, and he was definitely tall next to me.

"Yeah," I finally responded. "It's really me. I'm trans, my new name's Violet, and I speedran the whole transition thing about ten days ago. That 'being sick during exams' thing was a lie. I couldn't go in and write them because I looked like this and the teachers wouldn't believe I was really me."

I was still anxious about how he was going to react, but after another few seconds Seth's face broke into a smile.

"Damn girl," he said as he looked me over again. "You must be the luckiest trans girl out there? You got a magic transition and won the lottery all in the same week?"

"Yeah... Not exactly," I grimaced.

We got him a soda then the three of us sat in the living-room while I told him about Phoebe and how she helped me with everything. We kept quiet about who she really was for now, and just sort of framed it as if she was a helpful powerful wizard or something. Not that I didn't trust Seth, but I didn't want to risk getting a goddess angry with me. And Artemis had a very mixed reputation when it came to dealing with guys, so I didn't want to risk Seth getting in trouble with her either.

I also told him about being part nymph, and even gave him a demonstration. I already had a bunch of potted plants around the house, and I made a couple of them bloom so Seth could see my magic in action.

"Holy shit," he grinned as he stared at the flowers. "That's pretty wild!"

"Yeah," I smiled. "It's not exactly a high demand thing, but it's neat. And I'm going to be studying horticulture at college in September, so it'll definitely help me with that sort of work in the future."

By that point I was feeling pretty good about things. Seth didn't freak out, he actually seemed surprisingly accepting of the whole magic thing. The best part though was he seemed happy for me, and we were still friends. Except just as I was thinking that stuff his expression suddenly fell and he gave me a funny look.

"Wait a sec," he frowned at me. "Are you... Do you have another discord account, where you called yourself Violet Sonora? Only you just changed it a week or so ago to Violet the Nymph?"

My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. I stared back at him in shock as I asked, "How do you know about that?"

Those were the names I used on a couple trans servers. The original one was based on Viola sonora, the scientific name of the wood violet. Except I changed it last week after I got my miracle transition and became part nymph.

His cheeks went bright red and his eyes widened, then he let out a sigh. "Shit. I guess I just outed myself, but at least I know you're not going to freak out about this..."

After a deep breath Seth looked at me and admitted, "I'm on those same servers. You already know me on there under my chosen name. This isn't how I planned to come out to my friends but um, I'm a trans girl too. My real name is Sage."

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