Playing God

Six: Forest and Fur

Heading east, I walked all night, guided by the moon. Then on for the next day.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d walked so far. If ever at all.

Thank fuck for decent boots.

The forest around me stretched endlessly, a mix of towering pines and gnarled oaks, their branches twisting overhead to form a thick canopy. Beneath my boots, the ground was soft with layers of fallen needles and moss, muffling my steps. The scent of pine and leaves filled the air, along with the occasional musk of distant wildlife.

My food had long gone, and I’d drunk the last of the watered wine hours before. I was deep in the forest, most likely surrounded by berries, fungi, and animals to hunt. But without the skills and knowledge, none of it did me any good.

And I’d seen no one. No towns, no villages, not even another traveler.

Just how big was this world? How populous?

At least I hadn’t spent the day being chopped up by Drakos.

Maybe that was what the big bastard had expected – me, giving up, running off, and handing him Norathil for good. Hadn’t Lira said something to that effect? In the highly unlikely event Drakos won (her words), his claim to Norathil could no longer be contested.

Except by me. I’d be back … as soon as I was strong enough. It was a promise I’d already made, but I reinforced it now. That bastard was going down if it was the last thing I did.

Not for the first time, I wondered what Lira had thought when she found me missing. Did she assume my powers had awakened enough to get myself home? Probably.

Did she hate me now? Most definitely.

The thought of Drakos hurting her almost made me turn back. But, if I was ever going to get strong enough to kill him and save her – save Norathil, save Valora – I had to keep going.

It was the only way.

I could do without food for another day or two, but I needed water. I knew enough survival to know that much. There must be a stream somewhere in this forest, and with any luck, it would be fresh enough to drink.

At least some of my health had regenerated. I was back up to fifteen.

The sun was low, casting deep shadows through the trees, when I finally heard the tinkle of a brook. Following it, I came to a small stream, the water cool and inviting. I eyed it warily. I had nothing to boil it in, even if I managed to start a fire.

It was a tradeoff: slake my thirst and risk poisoning myself, or stay thirsty and suffer. How did they even treat infections here? Lira might be able to heal me, but she was miles away.

I crouched beside the stream and cupped the cool water in my hands, drinking deeply. What was the worst that could happen? If I died, at least I’d see her again.

When it became too dark to see, I flopped down between the roots of an enormous tree. My stomach growled, but there was no helping that. Besides, I could stand to skip a meal or two and lose a little belly. I had a warrior to fight, and I needed to become one myself.

Still, it was a long, lonely and hungry evening before at last sleep claimed me.


I awoke.

It was still dark, the moon high in the sky and casting long shadows.

A stick was poking into my side, and a stone was digging into my hip. But that wasn’t what had woken me.

Perception has gained a rank. Perception is now level 7.

Luck has gained a rank. Luck is now level 3.

Oh, cool. Also, that meant something was out there. I reached for my rapier, the handle a comfort in my hand, and quietly drew it from its scabbard.

I listened hard.

If it were a human, there’d be noises. An animal? Maybe not.

But something had woken me.

The forest was silent. Not even a breeze to stir the leaves.

Well, I wasn’t going to wait here and be attacked – or worse, eaten.

I pushed myself up, then froze in mid-motion.

A wolf stood only a few yards away, moonlight reflecting in its pale yellow eyes. It was the biggest damn wolf I had ever seen. Bigger than any dog, as big as the sofa in my apartment. Slowly, its hackles rose, its lip curled, and it snarled. The sound filled the forest, chilling my blood.

This was a primal creature, a predator of the highest order, and I was a level two classless … nothing.

What did I know about wolves? Should I run, or freeze? Could it detect me if I didn’t move? Could I scare it off?

The wolf leapt, teeth bared, paws thudding as it crossed the gap between us in a heartbeat.

I was on one knee, unable to dodge - for what good that would do. But the rapier was in my hand. I raised the blade just as the wolf lunged for my throat.

Some primal instinct kicked in, and I threw my arm up reflexively. The wolf’s jaws clamped down, biting deep, even as it yelped. The rapier was pushed back hard in my hand, and a wet, slick squelch marked a lucky hit.

Bite injury, left arm. -7 Health. Agility -1.

My arm felt like it was on fire, the wolf worrying at it and digging its teeth deeper. I shoved the rapier forward, and again the wolf yelped. This time, it released my arm … and then it slumped down to the forest floor, blood pooling around the rapier embedded in its chest. I scrambled back until I was pressed against the tree, and watched as the life slipped from the wolf’s eyes.

You have gained a new skill: Weapon (Sword). Weapon (Sword) is now level 1.

You have gained a new Secondary Attribute: Attack. Attack is now level 1.

You have gained a new Secondary Attribute: Defense. Defense is now level 1.

Luck has gained a rank. Luck is now level 4.

It was a bitter victory. The wolf was a beautiful animal, just trying to survive. Hunting deer or clearing kobolds from a dungeon was one thing, but a lone wolf? That wasn’t the stuff heroes were made of.

Funny how I’d never thought of myself as hero material before. A day with Lira had maybe changed my mind.

Congratulations! You have gained a new level. You are now level 3. You have 6 skill points to spend. You may purchase new skills.

Even that felt hollow. But survival was the name of this game, and I was out to win it. I knew what I had to do.

Buy new skill: hunting.

New skill will cost 3 skills points. Proceed? Y/N.


You have gained a new skill: Hunting. Hunting is now level 1.

That might help me find some food, but it wouldn’t be enough alone. But I still had three skills points left, which I spent to purchase Foraging.

I pulled my rapier free and wiped it on the wolf’s fur. I wondered if I could skin it. The pelt had to be worth something, but I didn’t know where to begin.

What did I know? What could I actually do? I had an apparently high intelligence of seventeen, but in that moment I’d never felt more stupid. A lifetime of skills, nearly all useless here. I didn’t know how to make gunpowder, or to invent a printing press. Hell, I’d never even rubbed two sticks together to make a fire. Fortunately, it was warm enough to not need one.

I did know untreated wounds were bad news, and my arm was throbbing like hell. Out here, an infection might lead to gangrene, even amputation. Would my arm grow back if I died and woke up again on the stone table? But then, Drakos had chopped me up enough times, I knew the answer. It was some comfort.

I eased off my leather jacket, ripped a strip from my shirt, and tied it tightly around my arm, using my teeth to pull the knot as tight as I could.

You have gained a new skill: Healing. Healing is now level 1.

Well, that was an encouraging affirmation. I’d done all I could, only time would tell if it was enough.

I glanced at the wolf again. I didn’t want to sleep next to its carcass—it might attract scavengers. Another fight wasn’t what I needed right now.

But waste not, want not. I cut off some lean meat with my dagger. I wasn’t foolish enough to eat it raw, but surely I could learn to start a fire.

Wait …  I had blades. Wasn’t a flint and steel basically any old flint, and some steel? If I could make sparks, I could light some kindling. The forest was full of dry fuel. Surely I could manage a fire.

I needed a proper place to rest, food, water, and a way to clean my wound. For that, I needed to be elsewhere.

The sky was lightening, promising sunrise in an hour or so. I skewered the wolf meat on sticks and tied it to my pack. No doubt it would taste good … when I got hungry enough.

Still heading what I hoped was east, I started whistling a little tune as I walked.

Endurance has gained a rank. Endurance is now level 5.

And that was grand too.


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