Playing the Game (Game of Thrones)

Chapter 17: Happy News

Despite what was happening on Westeros, there was no doubt in Jon’s mind that he’d made his bed here in Essos and he needed to lie in it. The Dothraki may not have started out his problem, but through his actions and repeated choices that had taken him East, he’d effectively made them his responsibility. His uncle’s death hurt, and he worried for the rest of the Starks, but he couldn’t allow that to distract him from the real good that he was doing in Essos right now.
Likewise, he could not just turn his eyes towards Slaver’s Bay and immediately begin his plan to remake the Dothraki into liberators rather than slavers by going after even bigger slavers. As tantalizing as the prospect of doing so was, he needed to get his own house in order first. That was something the late Lord Stark had drilled into his brain. And the Dothraki were unequivocally his house now.
So, while it wasn’t the easiest or most rewarding path in front of him, Jon nevertheless set himself to the task of hunting down the remaining Dothraki Khalasars, both those that had fled Vaes Dothrak during his week of victories, and those who’d never shown up in the first place. They were effectively rebels now, insurgents in his lands, so to speak, even though the Horse Lords had never really been a true nation or held actual territory before.
With the Dosh Khaleen behind him and his skill and strength of arm leaving the vast majority of the Dothraki Hordes at his back, Jon got to work changing that fact. The Dothraki may not have been a unified people before, but they were now. He was supposed to be the Stallion Who Mounts the World, after all, and the very first bit of that prophecy involved him uniting all of the Dothraki under his banner, into a single khalasar.
Of course, when a prophecy made such grandiose claims, it left out the nitty gritty details of such an undertaking. The week of challenges, of dueling other Khals one and one and then dealing with their Bloodriders… truth be told, it was the easiest part of Jon’s work. Running down the cowards who wouldn’t stick around to actually face facts and fight him was much more irritating and took longer… months longer.
But it had to be done. Luckily, Jon did not have to be at every battle, or part of every hunt. With the amount of Dothraki at his command, he was able to split his forces up and spread out across the Dothraki sea in all directions. Rather than acting like a bunch of sharks each fighting for their own spot in the great sea however like the Dothraki had before, this was more akin to a kraken slowly unfurling its tentacles.
News of the change quickly reaches the Free Cities of Essos as Vaes Dothrak went through many, many changes. Traders had taken the risk of traversing across the Dothraki Sea to trade with the Horse Lords in Vaes Dothrak before Jon’s arrival and ascension of course, but now that the risk was lessening, the number of traders and caravans willing to make the journey was growing.
One might worry that the Dothraki would balk under Jon’s new edicts and the decisions he was making that were changing the very fabric of their society, the very makeup of their culture. Jon did worry, he worried every night and every day. But… he wasn’t entirely sure he was human anymore. It was the proximity to his and Dany’s new dragons that did it, that made him feel it, but there was something in him, something he simply couldn’t escape from.
It wasn’t so much a whisper, as it was a warm sensation in his chest. He had these feelings now that he couldn’t always quantify or explain. However, they could definitely be relied upon to help him get his house in order, he quickly discovered. When it came to assigning Dothraki warriors to lead groups of Horse Lords out into the Dothraki Sea to hunt down their wayward, cowardly brethren, Jon found that he could pick out the most loyal among the Dothraki for such undertakings.
Likewise, when he himself went on a hunt with his original khalasar at his back to deal with some of the larger rogue khalasars, it was like he could tell what they were going to do before they did it, which moves they were going to make. And once they were laid low before him and his army, he could always tell which of them were actually willing to submit, and which ones were trying their hand at subtle insurrection, with bad intentions in their blackened hearts.
It was the dragon within him, both Bellegere and Daenerys assured him. Though even they both seemed absolutely amazed by what he was describing, in awe of him in a way that made him feel like they viewed him as something more than human. So too did the Dosh Khaleen, venerating him as the Stallion Who Mounts the World in all of their prayers and sermons, declaring him akin to a God.
Which, to be fair, for a society that worshipped a horse, being above the horse would make him a God, he supposed. Even though he knew he wasn’t truly a God. He was less sure about whether or not he was a dragon though. Fire did not burn him, though of course it did not burn Daenerys either. But also, where the infant dragons they’d hatched together sometimes acted up and would nip at Dany’s fingertips when she would bug them, they were always completely subservient to him. Like scaly, winged cats who recognized him as the bigger cat, or something.
All of it was rather strange… but it was also undeniably beneficial, so Jon didn’t spend too much time fighting it. He spent plenty of time questioning it, as he tried to question a lot of things, but at the end of the day, he was not exactly in a position to deny help, regardless of what strange corners it came from in the end.
Ultimately, as the next couple months went by, Jon relied on his instincts and on the strange feelings in order to right the Dothraki Ship and consolidate the Horse Lords under his banner… and his alone. He fought not just for the freedom of the people the Dothraki had long driven under the hooves of their horses and enslaved, but also for the freedom of the Dothraki themselves. Freedom from the backwards, savage, and altogether vile society that they’d been born into and lived with for so many generations.
It’s on a return trip from dealing with one of the last large rebel khalasars however, that Jon finds himself blindsided by something that he didn’t see coming whatsoever. Normally, whenever he would return from a hunt, he would be greeted by his khaleesi and by Bellegere. However, this time around, as he enters Vaes Dothrak… it’s just the Black Pearl waiting for him with a fixed smile on her face and her hands clasped in front of her.
“Bellegere… where’s Dany?”
The courtesan bites her lower lip at that, and then a sunny, surprisingly bright smile spreads across her faces as she suddenly reaches out and grabs Jon by the hands.
“It’s good news, Jon… your khaleesi is with child.”
Jon blinks, and then actually processes Bellegere’s words, and a bright smile spreads across his face to match her own.
“That IS good news… but then, where is she? She can’t be that far along yet…”
Here, Bellegere lets out a soft sigh, glancing back over her shoulder.
“She’s far enough along to have developed a bump… and she’s decided that she’s bloated and ugly and undesirable now, and that I am better off seeing to your needs alone, or with your handmaidens, until she’s given birth.”
… Honestly, that did sound like something Daenerys would do. The young woman, the last Targaryen… she could be rather soft and quiet and shy, and while Jon had done his best to undo the damage growing up with her brother had left her with, it was obvious that the physical effects of becoming pregnant were throwing her off something fierce. All the same…
“Take me to her, Bellegere. I want to see my Queen.”
The smile that the Black Pearl gives him makes it clear that’s exactly what she wanted to hear, and together they make their way through Vaes Dothrak, to where Daenerys has sequestered herself away.
Bellegere opts to wait outside, so it’s just Jon that enters the room where Daenerys is hiding from him. Looking up at the sound of his feet against the floor, the beautiful, pregnant Targaryen woman’s beautiful violet eyes go wide, and she immediately gets to her feet. She really isn’t that far along just yet. In fact, if he didn’t know better, the dress she’s wearing would hide the baby bump that Bellegere had assured him existed quite well.
“J-Jon. I… I would have thought Bellegere would have told you what state I’m in, I’m not-mmph!”
It takes him that many words to cross the distance between them and gather Dany up into a kiss, cutting off her rambling before it can properly get started, even as he hugs her close. She stiffens and then squirms for a second, before ultimately relaxing and melting into his grasp, kissing him back with her soft lips and submitting to his tongue pushing into her mouth and intertwining with her tongue, as she always did.
When they pull apart a few moments later, Jon looks directly into Daenerys’ eyes and speaks from the heart.
“I know you’re pregnant. I need you to know that I care not what you look like… I love you for who you are, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. I will always love you, my khaleesi… my Queen.”

Daenerys’ breath hitches at his declaration, and she ducks her head in embarrassment.
“You are as radiant and beautiful as the day we met, Dany. This pregnancy has not and will not diminish a single ounce of your great beauty. Do you understand me?”
“… Y-Yes, my Khal.”
He can tell that that’s not enough… so he slowly removes Daenerys’ dress, exposing her beautiful young, and yes, pregnant body underneath. Then, he leads her to the bed and has her lay down, before moving atop her. He’s careful and gentle and altogether cautious. He may have a dragon’s appetite when it comes to sex, but he was raised to treat women with respect and kindness and a gentle hand by the man who’d turned out to be his uncle. He knows how to control himself.
Jon enters Daenerys carefully, penetrating her velvety folds as she gasps and pants, already wet for him. He fills her with about half of his cock, and refuses to go any further, taking her slowly and tenderly as he makes love to the beautiful young woman. Daenerys mewls and moans and whimpers as she looks up to him with adoration in her violet eyes. Her inner walls clench and cling to his cock, and ultimately she cums for him, just as she’d cum for him when he fucked her hard and fast.
He dare not hurt her though in her delicate state, so Jon never speeds up, he never goes deeper. He takes her like this, carefully and slowly, and finishes on her thighs and lower lips, not inside of her. Daenerys looks down the length of herself at his cock, still rock hard, and licks her lips as she reaches up and pulls him into a deep, tongue-filled, passionate kiss.
Jon kisses her right back, though it does nothing to help his erection. When they finally pull apart, she once again glances down at his raging hard-on, and then smiles up at him.
“Thank you, Jon. Now… I think you need to give Bellegere a visit to have her take care of you the rest of the way while I rest.”
He can tell that she’s perhaps a little jealous of Bellegere in this instance but can also tell that this interaction between the two of them has left her satiated and happy for now. Any jealousy is only temporary, for eventually she will give birth, and once she’s recovered from bringing his child into this world, they can have all the fun they want and do it all over again.
Still, there’s no denying that Dany is right. Jon… Jon isn’t remotely satisfied, but luckily he has other women to handle his urges to pin down and ravage and ravish with his cock. Luckily, he has the Black Pearl at his beck and call.
The moment he enters her tent, Bellegere seems to instinctively know what the problem is, dropping to her knees before him and taking his cock out from his hastily retied trousers. Her hands stroke up and down his length, and she smiles up at him from her place on the floor.
“I hope you and your Queen had a productive encounter, my King.”
Chuckling at all of the Westerosi-themed titles, Jon shrugs his shoulders with a smile.
“Dany is fine now… thank you for bringing her concerns to my attention.”
Nodding her head, Bellegere turns her eyes towards his cock, and a moment later is bobbing up and down on his member as only a trained courtesan such as herself can. As Jon is tossing his head back and groaning from the feel of her experienced tongue on his prick, a sudden stray thought hits him. He puts it out of his mind for a moment, but it comes back the more Bellegere pleases him with her tongue, until Jon simply can’t seem to shake it.
Taking hold of the beautiful Black Pearl by her curly locks, Jon pulls her back off of his cock, tilting her head so she’s looking up at him as he in turn looks down at her.
“There’s one thing I don’t understand… how is Dany the first woman I’ve gotten pregnant? I’ve fucked you for far longer, and I came inside you just as many times…”
Blinking, Bellegere looks surprised for a moment, before flushing a bit in embarrassment.
“A-Ah… well, I’ve taken precautions, of course. There are many herbal remedies that prevent pregnancy, Your Grace. I believe your Seven Kingdoms use Moon Tea, more often than not. Given my history, it was only natural for me to make sure that your no doubt incredibly virile seed did not take…”
Jon mulls that over in his head for a moment, considering her words and trying to decide what he felt about them. On the one hand, even if turned out that he wasn’t technically a bastard, he’d grown up as a bastard and knew what it was like. It didn’t leave him all that motivated to bring more bastards into the world, just to suffer as he had.
On the other hand, if he were to have bastards to go along with the trueborn children of his khaleesi and Queen, would they suffer as he had? This wasn’t Westeros, it wasn’t the North. It was Essos, more than that it was the Dothraki. Jon was already changing things here, why wouldn’t he be able to ensure good lives for any children he had with other women?
Something told him Dany wouldn’t mind, either way. In fact, in hindsight, something in Dany’s tone when she’d sent him to Bellegere seemed suggestive and might have even been what sparked his need to question the courtesan about their past couplings not taking root in the first place. With a strange certainty that had yet to lead him wrong, Jon knew Dany would be fine with him breeding Bellegere, or even her handmaidens for good measure.
… One way or another, he was about to fuck Bellegere silly here. She was sucking him off in preparation for him to rail her and plow her with all his might like the dragon he was, like he currently couldn’t do with Daenerys.
The only question left was, was this where he told Bellegere to stop her precautions, or should he let her continue what she was doing, to avoid bringing more bastards into the world?


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