Playing the Game (Game of Thrones)

Chapter 21: Missandei of Naath

Gracing the nubile dark-skinned former slave with a tender smile, Jon nods his head. He can see just how important this is to her, and truth be told, he’s not sure he could possibly resist at this point. He’s allowed the Dragon within his heart to make itself heard far too many times by this point. He IS the Dragon, and he can never escape that fact. In the end, all he can try to do is temper his conqueror’s instincts.
“Of course, Missandei. Please, approach. And Dany… you stay as well.”
His pregnant khaleesi blinks at this, as if surprised. Did she truly think that he wanted her to bring him other women to pleasure him on their lonesome while she was pregnant? Jon knew she had insecurities about her looks and worries that her current state would turn him off, but honestly…
After a moment, Daenerys smiles and bows her head, slipping her own dress off and moving over to him as well. The bath Jon is sat in is a large one. Perhaps even the largest in all of Astapor, in fact. Jon had simply asked to be directed to a good solid bath, and yet, he’d been brought here, to what might as well be an entire bath-room.
It had been comfortable, to be fair. The water felt incredibly good on his skin. As Daenerys and this new woman, Missandei, step down, he watches as both of them go a little wide-eyed at the feel of the water on THEIR skin as well. Their beautiful bodies are soon glistening as they step deeper and deeper into the temperate bathwater, until they’re up to their waists in it.
Jon beckons Dany to his side and his pregnant wife comes to him, allowing him to pull her into the crook of his arm. He leans in to her and nuzzles her hair, breathing in her scent for a moment before murmuring into her ear.
“Will you help me with her, Dany? Help prepare her for me, won’t you?”
It’s a mark of how good a woman his beautiful khaleesi is that she doesn’t get offended or anything like that. After all, asking a khaleesi to help prepare a servant girl for sex? Shouldn’t it be the other way around, really? Hell, shouldn’t Missandei be preparing HIM in some way? But no, Jon can tell that this new woman, this dark-skinned beauty… she is unsure of herself.
She knows she wants him, he can tell that much, and she knows she owes him everything. It’s made her arousal and her desire to be of use to him and his incredibly obvious. But at the same time… has she ever even had sex before?
Nodding her head in agreement with his words, Daenerys pulls away from his side and wades through the bath, back to where Missandei is standing still, clearly uncertain what to do next without any orders. As his pregnant Queen slips into place behind Missandei, their skin colors in stark contrast, Jon pulls himself up a bit further out of the water, seating himself on the top step just before the rim of the bath itself.
This in fact brings his cock into focus, as the upper half of his erection tips up out of the water as a result, standing up straight and bouncing a little in the buoyancy provided by the liquid he’s partially submerged in. Jon doesn’t fail to notice how Missandei’s eyes focus on it, even as Daenerys’ hands dance over her newest handmaiden’s body expertly, playing her like a fiddle.
“Do you like what you see, Missandei? Your Khal’s big… fat… cock?”
He really had turned his darling khaleesi into quite the minx, hadn’t he? Though in all fairness, it was Bellegere who had turned him into the insatiable man-slut HE was. Still, Missandei jerkily nods in response to Dany’s query, her dark smoky eyes never leaving his bobbing cock. Reaching up, Jon takes hold of his member and begins to stroke it pointedly, even as he gives her a soft smile.
Slavery was never okay. And Jon had seen a lot of it since arriving on Essos. It didn’t make him happy any time he saw it, but from the skittish way Missandei was wiggling in Daenerys’ hands, it was so very obvious that this young woman had been treated rather poorly. Oh sure, her body was blemish free from what he could see, meaning that whatever they’d done to her had done no permanent damage… but Jon knew, as much as it pained him to admit it, just how many ways there were to hurt someone without leaving a scar.
The fact of the matter was, skin as dark as Missandei’s was not common in even Essos, from what Jon knew. It certainly wasn’t common in Westeros. Which meant that Dany’s new handmaiden had likely been taken from far away, perhaps even oceans away. She’d been stolen from her home and made into a slave, more than likely. And that was wrong. It was more than wrong, it was horrible.
Which was why Jon would do his best to be as gentle with her as possible. It was no less than the young woman deserved after all she’d been through. By offering herself to him as she did, she’d ultimately sealed her fate. His was the blood of Valyria, and apparently that damnable blood was insatiably tied to conquest, both personal and general in nature.
But he could at the very least introduce her to the concept of being his woman… carefully. Which was why Daenerys was currently the one playing with Missandei, touching her gorgeous dark breasts, running hands across her glistening dark stomach, dipping her fingers beneath the surface of the bath in order to play betwixt Missandei’s thighs.
“Do you want to get a closer look, Missandei? Do you want to see your Khal closer?”
“Y-Yes, Khaleesi…”
Slowly, the two gorgeous, starkly contrasted women come closer and closer, wading through the bath to get to him. Jon watches them come; his own grey eyes dark with lust as Missandei slowly kneels on the step just below the one he’s sat on. This leaves her not quite eye level with his cock, but instead closer to chest-level, her beautiful supple breasts each capped with a rock hard black nipple at this point.
Daenerys stands behind her, running her hands through Missandei’s gorgeous exotic hair.
“Go on then. Show your Khal your appreciation.”
Blushing, but nevertheless eager for all that she’s also nervous, Missandei reaches out and takes hold of his cock with both hands. After a moment of stroking, she decides to wrap her breasts around his member instead. Doing so causes Jon to groan as her dark-skinned chest rubs oh so softly at his pale white cock.
“D-Do you like that, Khal of Khals? Do you like my breasts, w-wrapped around your member? Please… allow this lowly slave to please you.”
Daenerys is quick to step in there, not quite tugging on Missandei’s hair, but certainly drawing her attention as she leaned down.
“Not a slave, Missandei. Not anymore. You’re my handmaiden now. Though if you ever want to be anything else, you need only tell us, and we will make the proper arrangements.”
Missandei’s eyes flick up to meet his finally at hearing that, and Jon makes sure to give her his most encouraging smile and nod to make it abundantly clear that he agrees with Daenerys, one hundred percent. Seeing this, the former slave flushes, the faintest of smiles dancing across her lips and enhancing her exotic beauty even further as she hesitates for a moment before speaking up.
“I… I can speak nineteen languages, khaleesi, Khal of Khals. My previous Master, Kraznys mo Nakloz, used me as an interpreter more often than not.”
That gets some raised eyebrows from both Jon and Daenerys as they share a look over the gorgeous dark-skinned young woman’s head. Missandei, not daring to look up after speaking so brazenly, spends the ensuing moments of silence continuing to slide her slippery, soft breasts up and down his cock. Eventually, Jon gets past his surprise and speaks up, though his voice is quite husky and deep with arousal at this point.
“If it is your wish, Missandei, I would be glad to have you at my side in such a role. Eventually, Dany and I will return to Westeros, our homeland… but I honestly have no idea when that will be, or what sort of path we’ll take to get there. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.”
The hesitant but dazzling smile that Missandei gives him in response to that positive affirmation near-breaks his heart.
“I would like that very much, Khal of Khals.”
If he could have his way, he would just have her call him Jon. But at the end of the day, standards had to be met. She was not his wife, Daenerys was. As Dany’s handmaiden and his potential interpreter, it was appropriate that Missandei remain at least somewhat subservient to both of them. Even if they were all three getting quite… intimate at this point.
Seemingly unable to take it any longer, Daenerys abruptly tugs on Missandei’s hair, causing the dark-skinned former slave to yelp as she’s brought back to her feet, off of her knees. Spinning her around, his pregnant khaleesi proceeds to give Missandei a deep, thoroughly nonplatonic kiss on the lips. Though he can’t see it, he can certainly hear the way his pregnant queen all but sticks her tongue down her newest handmaidens’ throat.
Meanwhile, his eyes remain affixed on Missandei’s back profile. Once again, she is blemish free, not a single ounce of scarring, which fills Jon with some measure of relief. Her ass, meanwhile, is oh so very shapely, perfectly heart-shaped in fact, her hips curving out beautifully. And all of it with that dark, exotic skin.
As intently as Jon is staring at Missandei’s ass, he’s all too ready when Daenerys abruptly pushes the other woman back into his lap. His masculine hands dart out and grab hold of her securely by the sides, and he pulls her back into him, onto his lap… and specifically onto his cock as Daenerys pushes her down. Trapped between what was effectively royalty to her, Missandei just whimpers as she squirms upon Jon’s cock. His cockhead presses against her slippery folds, and slowly but surely, she sinks down onto his hard length.
Meanwhile, Daenerys is leaning forward, still kissing Missandei, her hands on the other woman’s breasts now, molding them, molesting them, kneading them to her heart’s content. Stuck between Jon and Dany, all that the dark-skinned young woman can do is take the pleasure being thrust upon her, her moans captured by Daenerys’ lips even as her pussy clenches and squeezes down energetically around his cock.
What follows is a slow-paced lovemaking, of sorts. Jon never even thrusts up with his hips. In the end, it’s a sensual undulating atop his cock as Daenerys helps Missandei ride him, gyrating her hips back and forth on his member. His hands slide up and down her sides and hips, sometimes giving her gorgeous bountiful buttocks a good squeeze before moving on.
Missandei rides him to more than one moaning orgasm as Daenerys swallows up her cries, until finally Jon simply can’t take it anymore and lets himself loose, his cock milked of his release deep within her cunt.
As he fills her with his seed, Daenerys pulls back and stares Missandei in the eye.
“Do you feel that Missandei? That’s the seed of a dragon. Of your savior. Would you bear the Khal of Khals’ child as I do, given the chance?”
Missandei doesn’t even have to think about it. She nods her head up and down rapidly, moaning all the while as she gives Daenerys her answer.
“Y-Yes, Yes, Yes! A t-thousand times yes!”
Well, that settled that, Jon supposed. When Daenerys gives him a look from around Missandei’s head, complete with a foxlike grin, Jon just chuckles softly and shakes his head back at her. Not in disapproval though, and he knows she can see that. He might be exasperated, but he’s amused more than anything. And if Dany wants him to knock up as many women as possible for whatever reason, Jon can go along with it. The dragon in him certainly like the idea, that’s for sure.
Regardless, Missandei slumps into Daenerys’ arms as they finish up. Even though it hadn’t been nearly as fast paced or rough as Jon usually went, the exotic dark-skinned young woman is completely exhausted, strangely enough. It makes it feel like he made the right decision, keeping Dany with them and engaging in a gentle three-way rather than conquering Missandei in a one on one session.
Leaning back in the bath, Jon allows Daenerys to gather her new handmaiden up, watching as the two of them leave the tub and towel off before dressing. As he watches them go however, only most of his focus is on their gorgeous bodies, now covered up once more. The rest of his focus is on the future.
Slaver’s Bay was his, though calling it Slaver’s Bay was probably an inaccuracy at this point. They would have to name it something else, now that Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai bowed to him. And yet, once again Jon found himself at a crossroads. Because… his heart told him that it was time to return to Westeros. But his soul, his dragon blood… it whispered to him that he wasn’t done in Essos quite yet.
What else was there to do, really? End slavery all across the continent? A fool’s errand for anyone else, but for the Khal of Khals, the prophesized Stallion Who Mounts the World, it was a distinct possibility. The amount of power Jon had at his back, especially after taking Slaver’s Bay… was considerable. It was just a matter of what the hell he was supposed to do with it all, really.


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