Pocket Monster University

Beach Date With Terri

“Are you not going to put on any sunscreen?” Terri asked as she squirted a dollop into her own palm.

“If a literal flamethrower doesn’t bother me, I don’t think a little sunlight will matter.” It was the early afternoon, the sun high overhead. Low 80s, and the sea breeze making it feel less. I was barefoot in some loose swim trunks, and Terri was in an ill-fitting blue one piece swimsuit with white highlights. Whoever had picked it out for her must not have had her try it on first, because it was at least two sizes too small, the back riding up into her ass in wedgie, the front pulling up her large breasts and letting them spill out the sides.

“Oh, right.” Terri started rubbing the white cream into her arm, and it was the fifth or sixth lull in the conversation since our ‘date’ had begun. It’d be easier if I just read her mind, but one of the conditions for this date was that I stayed out of her head, hence the macho brace I had strapped around my wrist (apparently, the collars Sabrina had demoed that first day were the older vintage models). As for why we were on a date in the first place…

Well, Terri needed a trainer. Without one, she’d go into cold storage. It wasn’t a given that would be the case, there were plenty of other trainers that might want a strong water-type like her, but I had room in my harem and a heaping helping of guilt, so I had offered her a slot on my team. To my surprise, she said she’d give it a chance.

But being in my harem meant forming a Bond together. Building trust and intimacy. The fastest way was sex, sure, but it was risky too. If we tried it and it didn’t work out, the odds of a successful Bond afterwards plummeted. So for now, we were going on a date. A trip to the nearby beach a few miles off campus. Summer was over and the leaves were just about to turn, so even if the ocean was still warm enough to swim in, the beach was mostly deserted. There was a group of four off in the distance engaged in a spirited game of beach volleyball, one lone woman was sitting in the sand, notebook in her lap, sketching the scenery. And then there was us, sitting together on a big towel under a large umbrella.

Quiet, cozy, intimate.

Awkward as hell.

“Hey. Help me put on some lotion.” Terri asked, drawing my eyes back towards her. It’d sounded bossy at first, but looking at her blush, I couldn’t help but think she was making a real effort for my sake. Or maybe she was trying to maintain a sense of control in spite of her transformation? Or maybe she just genuinely needed help getting the lotion applied? I had no idea. I was too used to being inside of people’s heads. Regardless, I had no reason to refuse.

“Sure thing. Lay down.” I slathered my hands in sunscreen, then started to rub it into the exposed skin on her back. “You sure you still burn though? I mean, you’re a pokegirl now, right?”

“An Irish pokegirl who still remembers the time I fell asleep in the sun and woke up red as a tomato. And I don’t know, but not gonna risk it on a day like this. Besides. This is… service, right? Letting you…ahh!” She let out a little squeak as my fingers pressed into the skin of her lower back. “Letting you touch me like that.”

“Yeah. It’s not often I get to play with an ass this big,” I said as I started applying the lotion to her completely bare cheeks, sliding my fingers up and letting the skin bounce and wiggle when I let go.

“It’s not that big!” Terri insisted.

“It’s huge.” I gave the slippery lotion-covered cheeks two slaps each. Even bigger than Lina, if only slightly. “Don’t worry though, I like it.”

“Mnnn…” Terri pushed her face into the beach towel she was laying on, muffling her words. “Hearing a guy say he likes my ass is…”

I squirted some more lotion into my palm, then started working my way down her thighs. “Better than if you weren’t my type, right?”

“I guess. I mean… yeah, it is. Really. I mean… rationally, I know you’re not a bad dude, and that as far as, uh… a… a Master goes… I could do a lot worse.” She squeezed her thighs together, trapping my hand. “I just never really thought this would happen to me. It doesn’t feel real.”

“Sorry. I had no idea what we were getting into with that duel nonsense. And when it came down to it, I was just worried about getting Yang back. I wasn’t planning on… y’know.”

As I finished with her legs, Terri flipped over, her breasts swinging and slapping against each other before spreading slightly apart. Even lying down, they sat heavy on her chest. “Not your fault. If all it took was losing one duel, I doubt I would have made it very far. Between the rest of the students and the hunter trials, I don’t think I was ever cut out for this.”

“C’mon, Terri…” I trailed off, trying to think of what to tell her. Lina’s words echoed in my head.

*Listen up. It’s not enough to be nice. The relationship between trainer and pokegirl is dominance and submission. You don’t need to be mean, but you do need to push. She doesn’t need someone to be her friend. She needs a Master.*

“It’s good that you can admit that you were meant to be a pokegirl,” I said as I swung my leg over her, straddling her thighs as she laid down on the beach towel.

“Oof. Thanks. That cheers me right up,” Terri replied dryly, but I noticed a slight flush on her cheeks.

I reached down and slid my hands into her cleavage, rubbing in the lotion before pulling her breasts free, glistening in the warm sunlight. “Admit it. You’re too timid and meek to be a trainer. You might have blustered when you thought you could pick on a rookie like me, but deep down, you’ve always known you didn’t have the balls to dominate.”

“Shut up. I’ve been a… I was a trainer for more than a year than you have, I knew plenty about—”

“That’s not what Mochi told me.” Though to be fair, even I was having trouble getting that fertility goddess-coded pokegirl to obey. I’d won her from the duel with Terri, but in the two weeks since then, I’d not managed to really break her in.

“Nngh…” Terri sucked in a tight breath as I squeezed my hands around her breasts. Too big to even fit in my hands, sliding around due to all that lotion. “Almond, I could dominate just fine.”

“No. You weren’t dominating her. You were dating her.” I gave her breast a loud, wet slap, and even though I was holding back, her hips bucked wildly trying to knock me off; those things must be extra sensitive. “That’s why you never could get her Corruption down. Isn’t it?”

“I didn’t want to hurt her! I was raised better than that, and… and…” Another slap on her breasts and Terri had her eyes shut, slightly watering. “I did my best, so—”

Slap. Slap. Slap.

“Your best wasn’t good enough.”

“Mmnn…” Terri whined.

Slap. “Your best wasn’t good enough. Say it.”

“Nnnn…” Slap. Slap. The pale skin was flushing a ruddy red now from the constant impacts. Slap. “M-my best wasn’t good enough, okay?!”

“You were never meant to be a trainer.”

Terri opened her eyes and looked at me. “I get it, you don’t have to be such an asshole about it th—”


“Ow! Can we just talk for one second without—”

Slap! Slap!

“I wasn’t never meant to be a trainer! I never asked for it! I never wanted to come here in the first place! I… I…”

I sucked in the air through my teeth. Maybe I’d gone a little too far. I got off of Terri, then helped her sit up. “You okay?”

She sniffled, used her forearm to wipe at her eyes. “Yeah, I’m… I uh…”

“Emasculating you like that, might have crossed a line. I know you’re having a hard time adjusting, and I don’t want to make things worse for you.”

“No, it’s not that. I just… uh…” She covered her breasts with both arms. “I want to…”

I sat beside her cross-legged, waiting for her to finish.

“I want to…” She tried again. Then sighed. Whatever she wanted to say, it was making her blush even harder. “Take off that stupid macho brace, would you?”

“Alright.” It unlatched and went on the towel, and I felt my mind relax. That constant low level pressure that’d been in the background was gone, my awareness expanding. I could hear the distant murmurs of other thoughts, but more importantly, Terri’s thoughts were coming in loud and clear.

<I want to have sex! This body is so much hornier than my old one, but it’s never been this turned on before. Ahhh! I’m so wet. That’s so embarrassing. Why do girls leak when they’re aroused? It’s not normal to leak this much, is it? Is it because I’m a water-type? Do I smell weird? Does he want to make love to me? Is that too weird? We’re both… I used to be a guy. I’m blowing this. He’s looking right at me. He can hear me, can’t he? He must think I’m the biggest dork! Loser! He’s not going to want to…>


Was all I said after a long moment of just listening to her internal monologue babble on. Beneath that, I could feel her arousal thrumming. The attraction she felt for me, the way her eyes kept lingering on my abs, arms, and face. The way she kept trying to avoid looking at my crotch. The fantasies of what my cock looked like. The fantasies of being pinned down underneath me and what it’d feel like inside.

“So the reason you wanted me to wear the macho brace was…”

“I didn’t want you to see how pathetic I was on the inside. I mean… we were rivals, right? For a little while, at least. I figured, you must have had this image of me. Super cool, scary competent, an alpha chad and a genius battler. And I thought… that’s who you want to tame and add to your team, right? Not some loser who can’t handle the slightest bit of stress… I was a useless trainer, and I’ll be a useless pokegirl.”

After that little pity party, I paused to mull things over. Terri’s own psyche was a turbulent mess of anxiety, unable to decide for herself what it was she wanted.

<Please… tell me what to do…>

Either way, I wanted to keep her. She was my responsibility, and she was cute. I saw two options ahead: I could promise Terri to build her up, give her the strength and courage to be a proud pokegirl… or I could make her double down on this. Tell her she was perfect just the way she was. That I wanted a shy, meek, cowardly, and submissive. A sex slave first, and pokegirl second.

Thanks for reading! The backlog from chyoa.com is finally gone, which means that you're not getting chapters as soon as they come out. Bad news: the pace of releases is going to slow down a lot. Good news! You can now vote on the direction the story goes. If you want to vote on what Ben does with Terri, find the survey over here.

If you want to read more of my work, all of my relevant links are right here!



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