Pocket Monster University

Checking in On Faye

“Thanks for doing this for me,” Yuna said as we followed the nurse to the Taming Rooms.

“Don’t mention it. What are friends for?” I replied.

<We’re not friends,> Yuna silently thought, the sentiment laced with anxiety and regret.

“Just a reminder, kids, this is going to be the first time she’s been out of the ball since she was sealed. From what you told me, she wasn’t in the best headspace at that moment. Being sealed doesn’t exactly put you into a stasis, but it’s not uncommon for things to fester either. So be ready.” Our escort, Marnie Rosemary, warned. She was another professor, specializing in Dark-types like Faye. She looked too young to be a professor, though part of that was probably how short and petite she was compared to most every other girl on campus. Maybe that was why she seemed to be overcompensating with the black leather jacket over her pink dress.

“We’re just going in to talk, Miss Rosemary.” I assured her.

“Well…” Yuna on the other hand had sex on the brain. Hot flashes of the two of us having sex while Faye watched. Or me having sex with Faye while Yuna watched. It kept switching.

“Just telling you to be careful.” said before shutting the door behind us, another heavy ka-thunk to make sure it was tightly locked.

In spite of that reinforced entrance, the room looked rather cozy. Large bed, a big wall-mounted television. Three bookshelves loaded up with dildos, vibrators, ropes, gags, and every other sex toy I could think of, plenty I had no clue how they worked. Taming Rooms were designed as a safe place for trainers like me to safely tame dangerous, wild pokegirls, and all of those were the tools of the trade.

Even then, with Faye’s situation being what it was, we’d had to wait until Rosemary could accompany us to finally speak to Faye again.

“Right. No point in waiting.” I took out Faye’s pokeball. Red and white like the others, but this one had been Sealed with two overlapping ofuda forming an X-shape.

I scratched at it with my fingernail, but it wasn’t peeling off. “How do I…?”

“In your case, you can try burning it off. The seals are applied with holy magic, but the abjuration is focused inward.” Rosemary explained. “All it takes is a little energy on the outside to break it.”

“Got it.” Holy magic, the mysterious power that lets humans tame and seal pokegirls.. Right. I really ought to sit in on a few of those classes.

For now, I lit my hand up like a torch, and just like she’d said, the paper seals caught fire and started curling and turning to ash. I tossed the pokeball up. “Come on out, Faye.”

In Yang’s case, she’d gotten furry ears and a tail. Yuna… I’d not even noticed a physical change in her yet, since she’d had those horns from the day I’d met her. Faye’s transformation wasn’t so subtle.

Her pale, peachy skin had become a light blue. Her ears were poking out of her hair with pointed tips, and the blunt horns she’d had before looked sharp and deadly. But I couldn’t help but notice that it’d done wonders for her chest.

“You!” Her eyes locked with mine, her fist clenched, and I took a step back, bringing up my hands.

“Hey, we’re not here to—”

Faye charged towards me, hands raised to show off her razor sharp claws, ready to rake them across my face, before she was abruptly stopped by a firm hand around her wrist. I hadn’t even seen Professor Rosemary move before she had twisted Faye’s arm behind her back and put her facedown on the floor with the kind of hyper efficiency I’d expect from an MMA fighter.

Still keeping her pinned, Rosemary warned, “I understand you’re confused and emotional right now. If need be, you can be left alone in here. These two wanted to be here for when you were released though, and I’d suggest you listen.” Rosemary spoke with the same cool, detached tone she’d been using since I was introduced to her. “So three choices. I can send them out and leave you alone. You can talk it out with them. Or you can keep struggling and I’ll seal you back in your ball, and there’s no telling when you’ll be released next.”

“Let me kill him!” Faye shrieked, her legs uselessly kicking. Even though Faye was at least eight inches taller than her, Rosemary wasn’t even budging as she kept her knee on Faye’s back, one hand on the back of her head, the other pinning Faye’s wrists together.

“That’s just your Nature. The voice of the monster inside of you. Find your own voice. Listen for it. You have until the ten count. Ten. Nine…”

I felt a squeeze on my hand, turned to see a watery-eyed Yuna doing her best to keep it together. I squeezed back. We watched as Rosemary counted down, Faye’s struggling gradually dwindling with it.

“...two. And one… can you hear me?”

“I’m not deaf.”

“Do you want to talk to your friends?”

“They aren’t my friends,” Faye snarled, making Yuna whimper. “But yes.”

“Good. Most pokegirls can’t suppress their monster that fast.” Rosemary stood back up to her feet and stepped back, allowing Faye to do the same. “Just try and be civil. Next time, I won’t be so gentle.”

Faye had done her best to break out of Rosemary’s grip before giving up, and it showed. Her hair was a mess, there was a sheen of sweat sticking to her skin, and her lips were parted as her chest rose and fell, “Finally swinging around to add me to your collection, Krimson?”

“Yuna wanted to see you. Talk with you.”

“And she brought you in? You’ve only known each other a week, and you were asleep most of that time.” Faye didn’t break eye contact with me. I still couldn’t read her mind—something unique to those with the Dark elemental affinity—but I could tell she was purposefully ignoring Yuna.

I looked over at Yuna, gave her time to answer, but the poor girl had frozen up. I said, “That was two weeks ago. Miss Rosemary was off campus until yesterday, and we weren’t allowed to see you until now.”

That gave Faye a pause, biting down on her lower lip as she crossed her arms. “Guess the two of you got real close in the meantime, huh?”

Did this woman even want our help? “Not like you’re implying.”

“So those are just daydreams, huh?” It took me a second to realize she’d been reading Yuna’s mind.

Yuna blushed, hugged herself. “I wouldn’t… do that. We’re still…”

Faye’s lips curled, she lifted her arm, and then, faster than I could track, Rosemary’s hand was on her shoulder, the professor standing right behind her. “Calm down. Find your voice. If she was lying, you’d know it.”

“Right. Right…” The tension drained out of Faye. “Fuck, I’m a mess. Can’t stop thinking about pulling his head off, spine still attached, blood everywhere. And how amazing it’d feel, hot and wet on my skin.”

“That’s natural for a demonic pokegirl. But you are not your Nature,” Rosemary consoled.

“Right. It’s… having you close is helping.”

“Intimidation. Making the monster inside of you recognize my strength. Put some fear into it. One of the basics of taming.”

“Hah! I need to be tamed then, don’t I?” Faye gave a crooked smile, shook her head. For the first time, she looked right at Yuna. “And you think he’d want me?”

“I don’t know. But you need someone,” Yuna finally spoke up. “And…”

“Right. Better the devil you know and all that?” An image flashed through Yuna’s head of her father. Old, fat, terrifying, and with two fat bull horns sticking out of his head. I didn’t know if the horns were her imagination or real. Faye must have seen the same thing, because she sneered. “Yeah. Not all devils.”

“Bleh!” Faye let out a long, loud sigh, then stumbled towards the bed and dropped into her back, limbs spread out and staring at the ceiling. “Fine. Whatever. Fuck me. Tame me.”


“Wow.” Rosemary covered her mouth, but couldn’t stop a titter from coming out. “That sucked.”

“Ugh. Fine, whatever—”

“You just said that.” Rosemary cut in.

Faye rolled over onto her stomach, lifted her hips up. Definitely thicker down there too than before. No tail though, unlike Lina. “Do it up my ass. Guys love that, right?”

I ran my fingers through my hair. Rather than being turned on, I was just feeling… awkward. “I didn’t exactly agree to this, you know?”

“Hah?” Faye sat back up to look at me, confused.

“Ben…?” Yuna was too.

“I mean… I’ve already got Yang, Lina, Helen, Mochi, and Terri. You brainwashed Yang. You tried to kill me. The only reason you’re not trying to—what was it?--rip off my head and bathe in my blood, is that Professor Rosemary is watching us. I’m only here because Yuna asked me to. For moral support, I thought.”

“Ahh…” Yuna was at a loss for words.

“Hmm… well, I’m fucked then, huh?” Faye let out a familiar giggle, then laid back on the bed. “Serves me right, I guess.”

No one knew what to say next, until Faye broke the silence again. “Yuna, c’mere.”

Her half-sister did, joining her on the bed, lying side by side, holding hands as Faye shifted onto her side so she could whisper into Yuna’s ear, reading her mind for the replies.

While they were talking, Rosemary approached me.

“I don’t blame you. Demons might not be the most dangerous of Natures, but that’s because their biggest weakness is they hate humanity so much it makes them predictable.”

“Huh. Uh… my sister is a demon too, though, but I’ve never really seen her get angry.”

“Lina?” Rosemary asked.

My head snapped backwards, pain flaring on my forehead. She’d given me a flick with her fingertip and I’d not even had time to react.

“She is NOT a demon. Devil. Big difference.”

I rubbed the red spot on my forehead. “Ah. Gotcha.”

It was still throbbing as Yuna and Faye walked towards us, still holding hands.

“Give us a week,” Faye demanded, her lips curled into a smile. For the first time, she was reminding me of that mischievous spirit I’d met on my first day on campus.

“...a week for what?”

“To seduce you. The mood right now is fucked. You’re still angry about our…” She gestured vigorously and vaguely. “...various misunderstandings. I’ve never had a guy’s dick up my butt. So give us some time. Come back here in a week, and then let me convince you that you need me in your harem.”

“It’s really not about seduction. I just—”

“Bup bup bup!” Faye held two fingers to my mouth. “Look, Benny, buddy, pal. Worst case scenario, you’re going to have a pair of super hot lesbians spending an entire week plotting and scheming on how to make you nut harder than you’ve ever nut before, and after that? You can ball me up and toss me in the trash, never see me again. You really gonna pass up on a deal like that?”

I batted her arm away. “I…”

“Ben, please…” Yuna had deployed the puppy dog eyes, and a quick read of her surface thoughts told me those tears were completely genuine.

“...one week. Fine.”

In the meantime…

Thanks for reading! You can find all my other stories at the link over here: https://linktr.ee/griztorc

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