Pocket Monster University

The Spoils

I closed my eyes, then went down to one knee. I caught myself on my hands, then fell onto my side before rolling onto my back.

“Not… gonna pass out…” I muttered as I laid there and tried to catch my breath. I’d never felt so tired. Every part of my body was aching either from exhaustion or all the damage I’d taken in the three fights, but as I laid down, the pain was quickly fading into a stifling numbness.

“You saved me, Ben. Thank you, thank you!” When I opened my eyes, I saw Yang looking down at me as she straddled my waist. “I’m so sorry I hurt you. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn’t. But it was so hot the way you beat me. And then you put that evil bastard in his place!”


The pain was gone, but my brain was so fried that I was feeling numb. Not even having Yang on top of me was really registering.

“You deserve a reward. You deserve me. I want to be yours. Please, Master? Won’t you claim me? I don’t want it to be anyone else. I need it to be you!” Yang said as she lowered herself down, resting her head on my chest, her dark hair tickling my chin.


“Really? Yay! Thank you, thank you! I’ll be your best fucktoy ever, Ben!” As she said that, I felt her reach down and grab my cock. With the rest of my body feeling numb, it was impossible not to focus on that sensation, and it only intensified as she rubbed it up against her slit. Yang was wet. “I’ll worship you. Worship this cock. Let you breed me all day long!”


Yang squealed with delight, totally understanding that I wasn’t much for conversation yet. “So nice! And you deserve it, Ben! Just like Lina and Helen. Wicke too.”

My cock slipped inside of Yang and she started bouncing, flexing the walls of her pussy as she gripped me tightly. Dimly, I wondered about doing this in front of the crowd. But no, after everything I’d seen at this crazy school, this was probably how all these duels ended, wasn’t it?

“This whole university is going to be your harem. There’s no one that can deny you. You’re going to own us all, Master. Isn’t that right, Sabrina?”

“Yes. Master cannot be denied.” I looked to my side and saw a kneeling Sabrina, stripped naked save for a red leather collar around her throat. Her face was impassive and her eyes were empty. Her voice came out in an emotionless monotone. “Master is supreme. Master is absolute. My feeble feminine mind cannot resist Master’s power.”

“God, she’s so hot. Mindless and obedient. Her personality completely erased. Will you do that to me too, Master?” Yang asked, sitting up straight as she continued to rock her hips. She pulled up her sports bra and played with her pert breasts, tweaking her nipples. “You should do it. Make me into a mindless drone. Or your love slave. I don’t want to ever think of anything but making you happy, Master! I never want to hurt you again!”


“Shhh… just relax, Master. You’ve done enough. Sabrina is powerful. I’m sure she can wipe my mind for you. After all, it’s so easy. You can twist it up. Terry did too, and he’s not even psychic. But once there’s nothing left but YOU inside of my head, Master, I’ll always be yours.”


“Yes, Master. I will delete your pokegirl’s mind.” Sabrina’s voice was still cold, but I could feel a hint of malice under the surface. “Erasing memories in three… two…”

“Yang!” I tried to scream it, but it only came out as a murmur before the world went black.

I had to open my eyes. Had to wake up. Had to stop Sabrina before she…

“Finally. Was thinking you might never wake up.” I heard a voice over me, but it wasn’t Yang or Sabrina this time. Lina? “Take it slow. I’m not done yet.”

Lina lifted and dropped her hips, and with a deep breath, I realized what she meant. She was on top of me. Riding my cock just like Yang had. Her movements were slow and deliberate, but I could hear her heavy breathing.

I opened my eyes and saw that the arena was gone. The lights were off, the room lit by the sunlight coming in from the windows. The bed I was lying on was big. Big enough for four people at least, I thought. To the side of the bed, there's a nightstand with a small lamp and a clock, both of which are currently turned off. Across the room, a window allows a stream of sunlight to filter in, casting a warm glow across the space.

“Lina, how…” I coughed. My mouth felt like it was full of sawdust, completely dry.

“It’s Sunday. You just had yourself a little bit of a coma. Here.” My sister leaned forward, wrapped her hands around my head, then went in for a deep kiss, her tongue pushing inside and reminding me just how good it felt to have my cock buried deep inside of her. She tasted sweet with a hint of cinnamon, and when she broke the kiss, she left plenty of moisture behind in my mouth. “You can talk, but don’t try and move.”

“Where is Yang?”

Lina made a circle with her thumb and forefinger, then brought it up to my forehead slowly. Before I could ask what she was doing, she gave me a sharp flick to my forehead.


“You wake up to your loving sister sharing her life force with you, reviving you out of a coma, and the first thing you ask is where you can find some other girl?”

“Uh…” When she put it like that… none of this made sense.

“She’s still in the freshmen dorms. You can go and visit her whenever you want. Oh, and we’re in the Adept dorms.” Lina leaned back, then sped up. The sun glinted off of her skin, and I saw she was glistening with sweat, and even if she was trying to hide it, whenever she wasn’t talking she was breathing in and out fast to catch her breath.

I wanted to ask about the Adept dorms, but first. “Thanks, Lina. Not just for this, but back in the arena. You gave me time to recover, and if Terry hadn’t been as worn down, there’s no way I could have won. I want to make it up to you as soon as I can.”

“Whatever.” If her skin wasn’t already so flushed from exertion, I bet I’d have seen a hint of a blush on her cheeks.

<Damn it, how is he so cute when he’s sleepy?! I could just eat him up!>

“What’s so funny?” Lina asked, hands on my abs, hips still bouncing rhythmically.


“Hmph! You’re such a weirdo, you know? Can’t believe that we’re related, when… h-hey!”

Lina gasped as I put my hands behind her and pulled her back down. She squirmed for only a second as we kissed before melting into it, and there was no resistance at all as I rolled us over to put myself on top. I braced my forearms on either side of her and started thrusting. “Didn’t know you could life drain in reverse.”

“Mm… mhm…!” Now it was her turn to be taciturn, though keeping her mouth shut couldn’t help around me.

<Yes! Yes! Yes!>

It was less a word and more of a high-pitched roar. With that encouragement, I broke in this new mattress, the bed rocking as I thrust up into her, Lina’s massive breasts swinging in steady circles from the fast pace I set. Her pussy clenched, tightened around my cock, the noise in her mind fading away for a few seconds as a powerful orgasm blanked out all thoughts. When it came back, it was just as eager and desperate.

“Cum inside me!” she hissed out, her nails digging into my back.

“Couldn’t stop if I wanted to!” That made her tighten up again, and it was just what I needed to push me over the edge. I kept pumping into her just as fiercely even as I was cumming, but when I was finished, I rolled off of her, and we laid there, gasping for breath, for a long while.

Lina recovered first, leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek, before letting out a long yawn. “Food is in the fridge. Eat something, clean up, then talk to Helen. Poor thing has felt awful all weekend. Oh. And you’ll need to deal with the new girl too. She’s gotta… gotta…”

She let out another yawn, this one long and drawn out, then nuzzled face down into a pillow. Before I could wake her, there was the familiar red light as she sucked herself back away into her pokeball on the other side of the bed, snug in its charger. Three of the six slots were full… why was there a third one? Some kind of prize for winning?

If she really had been sharing her life force with me, Lina must be exhausted. I felt a slight twinge of guilt in my stomach and decided to let her rest for as long as she needed.

In the meantime, I got up to look around. The room was nearly twice as big as the one I’d shared with Yang, while the living room and kitchenette both looked upgraded, with a nice big oven built into the wall and a big island large enough to hold two girls lying shoulder to shoulder. Inside the fridge there was a pizza box, and inside the box was pepperoni, only missing two slices. I carried the box with me, chowing down as I continued looking around. Outside the front door there was another hallway, but there wasn’t a patio in the back, instead a narrow balcony with a simple metal chair and table.

Looking outside, I recognized the dirt sparring grounds I’d bonded with Yang at, which meant that building next to them must be the freshmen dorms. The building I was in was right next to it, and looking down, I must be on the fourth floor.

By the time I made it to the bathroom, the box was empty, and I was feeling much more like myself. It was only when I looked in the floor-to-ceiling mirror of the bathroom that I even noticed I’d been wandering around naked this whole time.

I winced at the sight of some purple bruising, and when I pressed my fingers into the skin, it stung. Especially in the ribs from where Yang had landed those sledgehammer punches. Bruised, but not broken, it seemed.

As I cleaned up the sweat and grime from my body, I thought of what I ought to do next.


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