
A Gut-Wrenching Issue

With the capacitance proven by my calculations of a fuck-ton of energy. I had a new concern. Particularly, when there’s this many electrons in one spot, they have the tendency to repel each other. Whether it’s magnetic or something far more sinister than that, I don’t know.


Testing for any magnetism proves, well, it doesn't have much of a field when electrons aren’t flowing, but it doesn’t have one when they are either. It’s a small field, but it’s not like I can simply wrap this crystal around an iron core.


I’ve already noted that it gets incredibly hot, but that appears to be a heat capacity issue. It does make me wonder how hot it can get before it inevitably explodes.


Just in case this crystal had certain impurities, or the composition was of a dangerous molecule, I tested for any abnormal amounts of radiation. Yes, I did have to build a Geiger counter into the Octillery Arms, but I found it to be a worthwhile exploration in nuclear mechanics. Also, the crystals were not radioactive.


Not a dangerous amount, anyway.


Just as I was getting ready for the next experiment, my phone rang. My hands stop, my pokémon look up from their naps, and we all just stare at the phone ringing on the table.


I gingerly pick up the phone, expecting Professor Sycamore or one of the lab assistants. Maybe even Courtney? Hmm, I should call her someday. Expand my relationship with her. But no, I find that it’s Serena calling me.


With a small smile, I clear my throat and answer the call, “Hello? This is Nicole.” Smooth, like butter.


“Um, hello? Nicole, it’s me, Serena. I have a problem, and I need your help.”


“Really?!” My Octillery Arms go flailing behind me as they pack all of my stuff back into my bag. Knowing Serena, and who she’s travelling with, it could be a problem ranging from Clemont to Team Rocket.


“Y-yeah. We were at the Pokémon Center today when Officer Jenny and some restaurant owners accused us of eating without paying.”


“Ah, the ol’ dine and dash.”


“The what?”


“Never mind. Continue,” I say, feeling my cheeks warming slightly.


“Well, I was wondering if you could come by and help us. I really want to know who would impersonate Bonnie, Ash, and me. Clemont seems really busy lately, and Ash is…not the best detective.”


I nod, brimming with internal joy. She believes in me! Not Ash! Hahaha! “I’m in Shalour City right now, but if you can send me your location, I can be there in 20 minutes.”


“But you don’t know where I am?” She sounds genuinely perplexed.


I eye the charged crystal still sitting on the table. “I’ll find a way.”


“Okay… If you say so.” The line goes dead, and I receive the ding of her location a second later.


Ok, now that I can think a little more rationally, let’s go through the facts. One, Clemont is busy as of late, and the others most likely don’t know what’s going on. Two, someone is specifically impersonating Ash, Bonnie, and Serena, but they’re ignoring Clemont. Could it have to do with what he’s working on? Probably.


Three, there’s a group of four that constantly harasses them despite my attempts to rip them in half—Team Rocket.


Thus, it is likely that Team Rocket is impersonating them. Clemont was probably tricked into making some kind of invention that would inevitably explode, and the situation would easily resolve itself.


It appears that I’m not needed for this; however, Serena asked for my help. If I can play my cards right, then I may be able to cement myself as a trusted, and hopefully, loving person in her heart.


I pick up the crystal and unequip my Octillery Arms. “Alright guys, well, gals. We’re going to backtrack a little because Serena is having a problem with Team Rocket, and she asked for my help. Now, if you want to stay here, that’s fine.”


Each of them share a few glances before moving up to my in a straight line, resolution clear on their faces. Even Misdreavus and Taillow are here, carrying the egg. Yes, it appears my habit of catching only females continues, so I’ll have to name them accordingly…still.


“Alright. Let’s go.” I clench the rock. Time to stress-test the arms when power isn’t a limit anymore.




“HAHAHAHAHA!!! SUCK IT, CLEMONT!!!” I race through the air, flying at speeds that make my eyes water. Even the cameras in my arms can barely keep up with what I’m doing.


But no movement is wasted. Every time an arm clamps down on a rock, branch, or bush, it works to propel me even faster towards my destination.


I might make it in less than 20 minutes. Though, I think that’s asking a little too much.


The arms are holding well under the immense stress. I expected something to buckle or snap or explode, but no. My handiwork is durable under all of this stress, so far.


I’ve even had time to think about the names I would give Taillow and Misdreavus. Penelope and Elaina. I think they’re good. I’ll have to get their opinions, though.


Misdreavus is…strange. I thought she was attacking me in the cave, and she was, but she acts incredibly…motherly to both me and the other pokémon. When I was working on the crystals, I would catch her putting blankets and pillows on the other, asleep pokémon.


I don’t know what to think of it.


If I wasn’t carrying a fairly large egg, I would bet that I could go even faster. But, you know, I have to be the responsible trainer that I am, making sure the egg is safe and sound.




I rub my forehead in preparation for the incoming migraine.


I sit at the short side of a coffee table in the lobby of the Pokémon Center. Perpendicularly to my left is Officer Jenny, and to the right is Ash, Bonnie, and, of course, Serena.


The gist of this current mess is that three people that I’m now sure are Team Rocket, essentially dine-and-dashed several restaurants all over the town. They caused mischief and mayhem over the entire commercial district, and even got on camera. Three photos sit on the table, each spaced 15 minutes apart of the trio walking into a restaurant, eating, then leaving in a hurry.


On Serena’s side, they had encountered Team Rocket the other day where Clemont had introduced a device that was capable of absorbing pokémon attacks. An idea that I will 100% steal but do in my own way.


I mean, I’m already about 70% of the way there with the Octillery Arms.


Alright, I can see the several problems here that I’ll have to resolve one by one.


“I can easily prove that the figures in those photos are not these three,” I say to Officer Jenny while gesturing to the others. “For one, if we pull up the latest pokévideos, we can see that at the exact time of these photographs, Serena did a live stream cooking video in the forest.”


Officer Jenny scratches her chin. “That does make sense. But it could have been prerecorded.”


Some skepticism is good. Too much is harmful. We’re at the point where it might be harmful for you, Officer Jenny, in a physical sense.


“Okay,” I begin. Time to go to work. I’ve always been good at math and observation. My mom says I got those from my dad, and I got my memory from her. Those three have gone up in magnitude several times over the year where I don’t even actively notice details, but my recollection is great.


“The people in the image are simply wrong, on a characteristic basis. Let’s take the fake Ash. His eyes are sharper, the wrong color, and he’s taller by at least 20cm.


The Bonnie, according to your own report, had a much gravellier voice.


The fake Pikachu could fly for some reason. I think that’s enough said.


The Serena is shorter than the real one, and her face isn’t as soft. Her clothes are made entirely of polyester instead of the 75% cotton and 25% polyester clothes she usually wears. The makeup is off by two shades, and again, eyes are the wrong color. Simply put, she’s just not as beautiful as the real one.”


…Shit. I said that last part out loud.


Silence reigns for what feels like eternity. I avoid eye contact with everyone, but I do notice Serena is…blushing…heavily, and also avoiding eye contact.


Officer Jenny coughs. “I think your point has been well made, but we still need to find the culprits.”


Seizing the opportunity, I reply, “It’s most likely Team Rocket. As with every interaction I’ve had with them thus far, they’re responsible for approximately 80% of the problems in Ash’s life. There’s a high chance I’m underestimating that.”


Turning to the gang, though still avoiding eye contact with Serena, I ask, “Where is Clemont, right now? I have the feeling he’s making an incredibly stupid decision.”


The three share looks between each other before concluding. “We don’t know,” Bonnie shrugs.


I rub my eyebrows. “Great. We’ll just grill him for details when he gets back.”


Officer Jenny bids us adieu, leaving us alone with the note that she’ll keep an eye out for Team Rocket. However, I feel like nothing will happen on that front. For Team Rocket to be this blazon for this long means that there must be heavy political backing keeping them in power.


Several hours pass. I build an alibi by chatting Nurse Joy several times or coercing the others to talk with people on the street, staying near the Pokémon Center. Serena and I spoke a few words, but she’s obviously avoiding the comment I made earlier on her beauty.


I will not deny any such claims… She just needs to ask.


I’m such a coward, aren’t I?


As the shadows grow on the streets and the sun goes down, I make a reservation at a nearby inn for the night. Luckily, there were some open rooms.


…There he is. “Clemont!” I shout, slightly letting my boiling anger that I’ve been holding in for several hours release. “You have a lot of answering to do!”


He backs up, holding his palms towards me. “Nicole?! What did I do?”


“Nicole,” Serena calmly says, putting her hand on my shoulder. Almost immediately, the tension melts out of my body. “Maybe we should explain things to him first?”


“Ffffine. Clemont, you’ve been tricked, backstabbed, and almost assuredly bamboozled. We have reason to believe that Team Rocket has been dressing up as Bonnie, Serena, and Ash, only to cause trouble around town and use the police to separate you from them. Due to your having made an anti-pokémon machine earlier in the week, have you been approached by anyone suspicious asking for your help in building something?” I look back at Ash, then back to the shell-shocked Clemont. “Something with resistance to electricity?”


Clemont has…completely frozen. His pupils are dilated, and his mouth is agape. I wave my hand in front of his face and snap my fingers, but I get no response. I turn to Bonnie. “Is this normal, or can I take this as an affirmative?”


She shakes her head. “I think my big brother has made some mistakes.”


I grimace slightly. I’m not going to be rude and call her out on it, but why does she talk about Clemont like that? Referring to him like someone that’s an only child would write sibling interaction.


I push Clemont slightly, still getting no response. I don’t think he has even blinked.


“I think we should pick this up in the morning. Bonnie, where’s his room?” I extend an Octillery Arm and pick the idiot up.




I’m the first one up in the morning. I was also the last one to go to sleep last night.


Gosh, I love being able to live an unhealthy lifestyle with little consequences.


It was quiet, even when Clemont came down, looking as pensive as ever. We all sat around the coffee table—Serena sat directly next to me—and waited for Clemont to stop twiddling his thumbs and explain.


“I may hav—” The door slams open, revealing a pissed-off, middle-aged man. “THERE YOU ARE!!!” Instinctively, I extend my Octillery Arms.


“Sir, if we have a problem, please be civil and use your words.” The looming threat of my giant metal claws kills whatever momentum the ensuing rant was holding.


“Sorry, it was—it, well… These guys look like the people who ate at my café this morning.” He hasn’t really looked at me, just the sharp claw near his face.


“I’m assuming they were missing the blue boy and me, and they had a floating Pikachu?”


“Y-yeah? How did you know? Wait, these guys don’t have a—”


I interrupt him, not wanting to miss this opportunity. “Sir, did you see which way they went?”


“Uh, er, that way,” he says, pointing in a direction. “It’s towards the grassy fields out of town. It’s dangerous to go there, though, cause the ground ends suddenly at a cliff.”


“Thank you,” I say, retracting my arms. I gestured to the gang. “Come on! We have no time to lose. Clemont, you can explain on the way!” I dash out the door, followed by Ash, Serena, and Bonnie pulling Clemont.




Clemont is an idiot.


Well, that’s being a little harsh. He does make things that are really good at exploding or being hacked. No, he’s a fucking moron.


He made a pokémon transport device that doesn’t use the usual methods of energy extraction, and instead made a really long pipe. Then he made a Heliolisk mecha that is resistant to electricity. Though, given the dimensions he mentioned, it does beg the question of what he’s using to power it.


I know he doesn’t have my crystals, so what…?


We arrive near the cliff edge where a lone tree sits. Underneath the branches are the familiar forms of Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet.


“Prepare for—” I immediately tune them out and begin looking for the objects at hand. I can see a bulky pipe sticking out of the ground near the tree, and I have to assume the Heliolisk is past the cliff.


Sneakily, I extend a few Arms and have them burrow into the ground. It has effectively planted me here and has made retrieval of three arms difficult, but I can live with that.




One arm makes for the pipe and slowly crunches it. I have to be slow, or they might hear it. This is just a precaution, anyway.


“Pikachu, Thunderbolt!” Ash ‘I can’t think logically’ Ketchum shouts.


“Uh, uh, uh~” James twiddles his finger as the world’s slowest Thunderbolt goes for him. The Heliolisk jumps out, protecting him. This is then followed by Jessie sending out Pumpkaboo and James sending Inkay.


However, the other two arms under the ground strike out and ground the two levitating pokémon.


Sending out Cecilia, the Combee looks ready for action. “Use Bug Bite on the immobile Inkay.”


Serena backs me up with, “Fennekin, use Ember on Pumpkaboo!” The flames and bite both successfully land as, no matter how James and Jessie shout, the two pokémon can’t move. However, they’re still kicking.


“Cecilia, again!”


“Fennekin, one more time!”


“Comb!” “Fenn!”


On the other side of the field, Meowth, Wobbuffet, and Heliolisk are against Pikachu and Clemont’s Bunnelby. They’ve found that non-electricity attacks do wonders against it.


Let’s give them a hand.


Using another two arms, I lift the Heliolisk up by the shoulders, bring it over towards me to get more height, then slam it into the ground.




And again.


And again.


At this point, the sensors in the underground arms have noticed significant rock movement, so another two arms are sent into the ground for bracing, leaving me with just one free arm.


“Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on Team Rocket!”


“Fennekin, use Ember!”


“Cecilia, use Gust from below!”


With Heliolisk out of action, and Wobbuffet…out of commission—looks like Froakie got to him—Team Rocket is sent, once again, blasting off.


I don’t even think it matters if I caught them at this point.


Ash chuckles. “Whoa, am I glad that’s over!”


The others join in his merriment as I inspect the Heliolisk. Given Clemont’s propensity for constructing explosives, I need to check if there’s anything dangerous.


Like the fact that the Geiger counter I made yesterday is going off. And sparks are flying.


So…that’s how it’s powered.


As it explodes, heat and shrapnel digging and searing my skin, I swat the others away with my only remaining Octillery Arm.


The last thing I see, or kind of see as my vision grows blurry, is a silvery rock strike me in the gut.

Haha, yes. I'm back. Still have a ton of debt I need to get cleared up, but I have time now. I also found out that my roommate canceled his application at the last minute, so I have the entire room to myself for the semester, technically.

Umm, I guess if you have any questions, just ask in the comments? I answer most of them, and I try not to spoil stuff...mostly.

Thanks for reading!

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