
Interlude: Serena(1)

“Really? If you ask me, you’re just trying to trick us again.” Bonnie’s accusation really agitates Meowth. Honestly, it seems to me that he’s really freaked out by…something.


*Bzzz* *Bzzz* Huh? Is someone messaging me?


While the others listen to Meowth’s story, I quietly pull out my phone, finding five notifications from…Nicole?


Nicole: Hey Serena


Nicole: Watch out near Camphrier Town


Nicole: Weird lady with Malamar attacked me. Hypnotized me for four hours


Nicole: Just letting you know


Nicole: Hope you aren’t already hypnotized


Malamar? What’s that? I think it’s probably a Psychic-type if she said it hypnotized…her…




“Meowth!” I shout, hands gripping the phone tightly; my chest tightening with something. “Were you attacked by a woman with a Malamar?!”


“Huh?” He stares at me, stunned. “Y-Yeah… Was jus’ gonna say dat… Made Jessie and James into her own puppets. How’d you know?”


I take a deep breath. It’s fine, Serena. Just anxiety about a friend getting possibly-maybe hurt. Nothing that you need to worry about. She texted you. Just…follow Ash’s example…and be courageous!


“Nicole just messaged me about—”


“Talking about me?” We all wheel around, facing the new voice. Jessie and James flank a hooded woman and a Malamar; their eyes a blank stare and their voices are only groaning.”


“What’s that?” Ash pulls out his pokédex.


“Malamar, the Overturning pokémon and the evolved form of Inkay. Possessing the strongest hypnotic powers of any pokémon, Malamar can compel others to do anything it wants them to do.”


“Tell me, dear,” the hooded woman says with a sultry voice—that definitely isn’t making me feel anything but fear right now! “Where do you hear about me from?” My mouth gapes, trying and failing to think of an answer.


Damn it, Serena! This is why you’ll never be like Nicole or Ash…Nicole?


Pulling me from my confusion, the hooded woman lets out a hacking cough, forcing her to double over. I…I think I see some hair? Is—Is it teal?


Coughing out an unhealthy amount of blood—not that any amount is healthy—she regains composure as if nothing just happened. “Hmm? Nothing? I guess Malamar will just pull it from your head later.” She then turns to face Ash. “So that’s the famous Pikachu—a strong-looking pokémon indeed.”



“I think I’ll make you my servant right here and now!” With that, Malamar begins rising in the air.




Then there’s a rock.


“MAR!!!” Luckily, the rock misses us, and instead strikes down the Malamar.


“Aggron, Rock Slide. AGAIN!” A distinctly gruff, male voice shouts from the trees, past the bushes bordering the clearing we’re in. Another large boulder is chucked at the Malamar, right into the side of its head.


“Crobat, Air Slash!” A slice of compressed air is sent towards the Malamar from above.


Looking towards the voice, I think, I see a man with bags under his eyes, a five o’clock shadow, and a slight dead stare. Not a stare of someone hypnotized, but one of a person that is too tired to deal with things.


“Mala…” It groans, then the air around it grows a purple haze.


Then it’s gone. It teleported away.


*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*


Jessie, James, and the hooded woman all collapsed? And I think that’s Wobbafett in the back…


“Ugh, my head…” James groans, no longer in that creepy voice.


“…What…happened?” Jessie moans, face-first into the grass.


“Where am I?” The hooded woman quickly stands up, then doubles over. The movement forces her hood to fly back, revealing—


“”””Officer Jenny?!””””


The man stalks over, carefully measuring each step…for some reason. As he approaches, he notices Officer Jenny still clutching her chest. “Jenny?!” He runs now, distinctly swaying as he does so. My face involuntarily wrinkles with the smell of alcohol blowing past.


*Cough* “Pierre?” Her voice is so weak now. “What happened? Where am I? I think my ribs are broken. I—”


“Jenny. Quiet. You’re stressed right now. Understandable. You were out on investigation. I’m assuming you met a Malamar and were…hypnotized. A girl named Nicole said she was attacked by…you and the Malamar, and she defended herself.”


Nicole broke her rib? Oh, well, that makes sense. Her robotic arms look pretty strong, and they seem to be a lot more successful than Clemont’s inventions…in a case-by-case scenario.


Nicole. Just thinking about her makes my heart tighten again. I know she’s safe. For a fact now. So, why do I feel this way? I never felt this way for Ash… I felt grateful for his help…


It…I don’t know. Why did I come on this journey…? Because of Ash? Because I could? I…did it out of gratitude for Ash, didn’t I? I got completely tricked by my own heart. Or did I? Am I just justifying things that don’t need me to think about?


I don’t know…


Hmm, sleep deprived? Haven't actively worked on chapters due to school? Wrote a chapter in 30 minutes?

Yeah, probably a rough piece of work.

Probably won't have anything for the rest of December as I won't have access to my desktop, and my laptop is currently in the past tense.

Thanks for reading!

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