
Prism Tower Aftermath

I rub my neck, digging into the tight shoulder muscles. Ugh, note to self: server room cot needs replacing. ASAP.


After yesterday’s events, it was an all-hands-on-deck situation back at the lab. I messaged my mom that I wouldn’t be able to return that night, to which she replied that it was fine since I was an adult, and we spent the night making sure everything was okay.


Pulling the extension cord, I hoist myself up with the Octillery Arms, moving debris out of the main foyer. I peer through the crack, watching Professor Sycamore give Ash his pokédex. Reminds me of my conversation with the professor not too long ago, that, since I’m an adult now, I should be able to go on my own journey.


I said I’ll think about it.


After that, I switched from part-time at the lab to full-time. It increased my pay, privileges, and progress in some of my various projects. For example, there’s a chip inside a pokéball that, when in the vicinity of five others, makes it so that you need to send the pokémon to a designated area, like the lab, for safe keeping.


So that trainers could only keep six pokémon, as per battle regulations, at one time. Of course, the money and effort required to take care of six pokémon is…great, but if one knows what they’re doing, then it’s no problem in doing so.


I created a…pen…of sort, that, if brought near a pokéball, deactivates the chip. This way, I can hold more than six pokémon on me at the same time, and I could switch them into battle if I so wished. So, a trip to the store and a paycheck and a half later, and I had a satchel filled with hacked pokéballs.


I do have ideas on a sort of portable stasis box, but that one is still in R&D.


A Frubble attacks me, but my instincts swat it away with an arm. I look down at the blue frog responsible for snapping me out of my thoughts, drinking in the conflicted expression on his face.


“What’s up, Froakie?” I lean down, slightly petting him.


“Fro. Kie-kie.” He looks over towards Ash, resolution and determination filling him, but then he turns back to me, draining away. My pokémon translator may be a pile of slag and dreams right now, but I can read social cues enough to figure out what he wants.


“Froakie, it’s okay. I’m…still undecided about going on a journey. Sure, I’ll miss you, but I know that we’ll meet again someday. Plus, if we still have a memory together, we’ll always be with each other.” Froakie’s conflicted over whether or not to join me or Ash on a journey.


From what I heard, Ash brought Froakie to the lab when he was hurt. Yet, I saved Ash in turn. So…who owes who. Not important. What is important is the cabin fever that has been steadily growing in Froakie over the last while. He’s been cooped up in the lab for too long.


I lean close, my lips near his ear. “Between you and me? I think you’ll go far with someone like Ash. Call it a gut feeling.”


Final nail in the coffin, some could call it. Froakie picks up the pokéball—his pokéball—and hops out the fragmented door outside.


I know I essentially just told Froakie that he should go with Ash and put up a strong front, but something’s gnawing at me. Whispering that I just lost an ace player. Mmm. No matter. If I need aces, I’ll make them myself.




A few days pass by, Ash left…somewhere. I guess Santalune City? It’s the closest distance-wise, and being Bug Type, is thought to be easy. However, strategy is needed there to beat the Gym Leader. Ugh. Sends shivers up my spine.


That Ash boy seems particularly hard-headed. He’ll probably be stuck there for a bit.


Right now, I am sitting on a metal fold-out chair, fingers touching tips in a pyramid-like fashion, elbows resting on my knees. Robin slithers around, and Hazel continues sitting under the heat lamp.


“I think I’ll do it,” I say, breaking the monotonous rhythm of the whirs and beeps of the nearby servers. “I think I’ll go on my own…pokémon journey.”


The two perk up; Robin somehow more than she already is, and Hazel found the energy from somewhere. They eye me with hesitant emotions plain to see.


“I’m not sure what the goal would be… The most common one is to try the League and beat the reigning champion: Diantha. What would that do for me though? Money? Fame? I could get those with less intense methods… I get to travel around and meet other…people.


People…Champions…Other Champions! I could have…well, frankly, an excuse to meet my childhood…crushes. And, if I’m to be honest, I still have a somewhat of a crush on them. Yes, them. Plural. My heart, while it seems cold and petrified, has an overabundance of love.


Hell, it’s a miracle I can tell the difference between infatuation, lust, and love at times. A perky young trainer could walk through the lab doors at I could grow a hard crush for her in a moment.


There’s even Courtney, who I met in the park, but I shoved those feelings in a jar and buried them pretty quickly. She seemed like the kind of person to be married to their work, and I didn’t want any rampant emotions to impact my exchanges with her.


I gaze at the clock, 8:30. Okay, uhh, Professor Sycamore is—let’s see, it’s Tuesday—so he’s heading to his office with the health sheets…probably.


“Oh, are you talking about Ash or Nicole?” Rounding the corner, I find the Professor talking with a cute perky girl on the stairs. Damn you, my ever-beating heart. Don’t fall for a girl that you’ve just met.


“My ears are burning~” I jovially say, moving towards the duo without touching the ground. An exercise in coordination, I call it.


“Ah, Nicole!” The Professor greets with a smile. “This young soon-to-be trainer here was asking about the both of you.” Stifling my emotions, I pick over this girl. She’s…tense. Most likely due to the arms. Elevated heartrate. Probing required…


“Oh, Ash. Yeah, if you’re looking for him, he’s already left. Santalune City, I believe. For the Gym.” She’s…conflicted. She seems to have…a hero worship, perhaps? It’s directed towards Ash, that much is obvious.


However, there’s something conflicting with that worship, and it’s unfortunately directed towards me.


I need more analysis.


Mmm...It's starting~ Slow but surely, it's starting~

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