Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 558 - Standby

After that, things were very simple. With this councilor’s fate ahead, the other councilors immediately understood that Yun Ning was not a white lotus, but a hungry wolf that was more vicious than the aristocratic family. Therefore, they all obediently obeyed the words of Zhou Liancheng and others, and cooperated with their performances.

There was no turbulence in the entire Qianjiang Provincial Council. At the meeting, the members counted the crimes committed by the family over the years, and then praised the army of Yunning. The whole meeting ended in a sound of flattery.

Originally this week, Liancheng wanted to continue killing these councilors after the incident, but was stopped by Chen Hao. Now is the time of turmoil. Killing these members is easy to cause other people to worry, for fear that he will be the next person to be killed, which is not conducive to the stability of Qianjiang Province.

After Zhou Liancheng pondered for a while, he agreed with Chen Hao’s opinion, and then put all these members back.

When the councilors walked out of the parliament alive, countless people in Yuhang City breathed a sigh of relief.


The army corrected for a whole week in Yuhang City, and then continued to move north.

Although the two cities of Jia and Hu have a good background, even Yuhang and Kuaiji, the two largest and second largest in Qianjiang Province, were occupied by the army of Yunning, and they were naturally unable to resist the army of Yunning. Therefore, after a few small-scale battles, Yunning successfully occupied the Jia and Hu areas.

And several mountainous cities in the southern part of Qianjiang Province had already been announced as early as when the Yunning army rectified Yuhang City, so the entire Qianjiang Province had completely fallen into the hands of Yunning at this time.

The next step is to go north.

Whether it is to occupy the economic center of the Celestial Dynasty, or occupy the political center of Jinling, the southern part, it will greatly enhance the reputation of the Yunning family.

And just as the Yunning army was about to set off, he received an order from Ma Mingda.

The content of the command is very simple, with only eight characters:

Stand by in place and rectify Qianjiang.


“What does Maminda mean!?”

Zhou Liancheng roared with the order:

“The situation of our army is very good now. As long as we send troops to the northern expedition, we will soon be able to sweep the family into the garbage heap of history. But at this time, Ma Mingda actually put us on standby? This is because we are afraid that we will steal his limelight. !?”

“You really guessed it right. Ma Mingda was just afraid that we would steal his limelight.”

Chen Hao said:

“I guess, even Ma Mingda didn’t expect us to move so fast, right? When we entered Yuhang City, Ma Mingda hadn’t even settled the imperial capital. In other words, the four great families of the Celestial Dynasty, we are ahead of him. Solve one step by step. How can he accept this? Even if he speeds up the progress and eliminates the Zhu family in the imperial capital, he is already one step behind us. If we continue to go north to grab credit at this time, I am afraid this People in the world will think that Ma Mingda’s world is ours to help him fight!”

“Is there any problem with this?”

Zhou Liancheng said with a puzzled look:

“Anyway, all he wants is to be an emperor. Does it matter who helps him conquer the world?”

“Of course it’s important.”

At this time, Yun Ning interjected:

“If I guess correctly, after this war is over, Maminda may officially start against us. If our ‘credit’ in this war is too great, Maminda will most likely bear the burden in the future. The infamy of killing a hero. No emperor will tolerate this infamy, so restricting our actions at this time and preventing us from continuing to make meritorious deeds has become his best choice.”

“It turned out to be so.”

Zhou Liancheng nodded thoughtfully:

“Then what should we do next? Are we really on standby?”

“Why not?”

Yun Ning shrugged and said:

“You must know that our main force is actually the graduates of the Ounan Military Academy. In other words, our direct lineage is limited. If we can keep it as much as possible, we can keep it as much as possible, otherwise we will even be able to trust the subordinates after taking charge of the Celestial Dynasty in the future. Not at all. It just so happens that we can also take this opportunity to infiltrate the forces. Although Ma Mingda does not allow our army to dispatch, he has no control over our development. It is still a bit difficult for us to take over the Celestial Dynasty by relying on our current direct descendants, after all. They are limited in number and can only occupy key sectors.”

“This… ok.”

Although a little unwilling, Zhou Liancheng still nodded, turned and walked out, and began to give orders.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

After Yunning occupied Yuhang City, Ma Mingda simply stopped pretending, and directly showed his true strength and wiped out the Zhu family.

You must know that Ma Mingda has always been covering up, refusing to show his true strength. But Yun Ning’s actions obviously stimulated him. He realized that Yun Ning was very likely to have been promoted to the level of the sect master. All strenuous.

This made Ma Mingda extremely vigilant. Now he only has two demigod-level elves in his hands, and the rest are all master-level elves. In other words, the strength gap between him and Yun Ning is actually very small. Considering Yun Ning’s current age, Ma Mingda was really afraid that if he slowed down a step, he would be overtaken by Yun Ning~www.mtlnovel.com~ So he could only speed up his pace in order to reach the demigod level in Yunning. Before successfully unifying the Celestial Dynasty, then turned around and concentrated on destroying Yun Ning.

Therefore, Ma Mingda’s actions after that became extremely fast. After defeating the Zhu family and taking complete control of the imperial capital, he sent a large army to march west all the way. After preparing to cross the Taihang Mountains, he directly crossed the river to destroy the Li family, occupying Guanzhong, and then marched south, over the Qinling Mountains, and destroyed the Liu family.

At that time, all the four great families of the Celestial Dynasty perished. Although there are relatively powerful existences such as the Sun family and Yuan family in the remaining aristocratic families, they can no longer threaten themselves. Even if you don’t do it yourself, the army under your command is enough to flatten them all.


Oucheng City, Yandang Mountain.

While Ma Mingda was scrambling around non-stop, Yun Ning was not idle either.

Today’s fire-breathing dragons and dumb hippos have all stepped into the god-level realm with one foot. As long as they go further, there will be two more true gods in this world.

Not only that, Yun Ning’s other elves have all been promoted to the peak of the sect master level, and they are only a little bit closer to becoming demigods.

Therefore, Yun Ning chose to leave his army at this critical time, and brought the elves to Yandang Mountain to retreat and practice. After all, as long as any one of them takes that crucial step, the next war with Maminda will no longer be suspenseful.

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